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Exercitii -Present Simple

I)Complete the sentences as in the example. Use the long form of the
Example: Jane ___________ a book. (not/to read)
Jane does not read a book.

1) Tom . stamps. (not/to collect)

2) You .. songs in the bathroom. (not/to sing)
3) Julie .. in the garden. (not/to work)
4) I home. (not/to sit)
5) Tina and Kate the windows. (not/to open)
6) Adam French. (not/to speak)
7) His sister. lemonade. (not/to like)
8) We . to music. (not/to listen)
9) My father the car every Saturday. (not/to clean)
10) Johnny and Danny . in the lake. (not/to swim)

II)Negati propozitiile urmatoare:

1) The girls are outside. - The girls .outside.

2) She knows the answer. - She .. the answer.
3) We live in a small house. - We . in a small
4) I have coffee for breakfast. - I for
5) Water boils at 90C. Water.. at 90C.
6) My brothers work in a caf. - My brothers in a

7) Marie and Helen do judo. - Marie and Helen.

8) The dog always barks. - The dog .
9) I remember Bill quite well. - I .. Bill
quite well.
10) Kate can sing alone. - Kate alone.

III)Folositi verbele din paranteze pentru a forma , dupa caz, propozitii

affirmative, negative sau interogative:
Exemplu: ____ she ____ books? (to read)
Does she read books?

1) They.. hockey at school. (to play)

2) She e-mails. (not/to write)
3) English? (to speak)
4) My parents .. fish. (not/to like)
5) . Anne.. any hobbies? (to have)
6) Andy's brother . in an office. (to work)
7) Leo very fast. (can/not/to read)
8) Jim and Joe. the flowers every
week? (to water)
9) Yvonne's mother . a motorbike. (not/to ride)
10) . Elisabeth cola? (to drink)

IV) Change the verb into the correct form:

1. I (love) you.
2. This (weigh) 20 kilograms.
3. Radu (seem) serious.

4. We (like) tomatoes.
5. The boy (want) to play.
6. You (need) to sleep.
7. They (agree) with me.
8. She (hear) something strange.
9. The box (contain) food.
10. Emma (appear) sad.
11. David (know) how to fix a car.
12. Daniel and Liz (seem) happy.
13. This (smell) bad.
14. I (believe) you.
15. We (be) number one!

V)Change the verb into the correct form:

1. I (not ride) horses.
2. You (not sell) cars.
3. He (not bring) gifts.
4. She (not take) pictures.
5. It (not cost) so much.
6. We (not seem) so happy.
7. They (not buy) new products.
8. Michael (not dance).
9. Michel (not run) fast.
10. Tim and Kate (not work) every day.
11. Lucas and Clara (not eat) meat.
12. I (not swim) much.

13. You (not ski) at all.

14. It (not hurt).
15. We (not give up).

VI) Change the verb into the correct form:

1. (I wake up) at five in the morning?
2. (you go) to work by train?
3. (she drink) coffee every morning?
4. (he smoke)?
5. (it hurt)?
6. (we dance)?
7. (they travel)?
8. (Emma cook) well?
9. (Alexander exercise) regularly?
10. (I look) well?
11. (you rest) enough?
12. (William work) too hard?
13. (they travel) often?
14. (Anthony go) to sleep too late?
15. (you bake) cakes?

VII) Puneti verbul din paranteza la persoana potrivita:

Mary and I (work) in the same office, but we're completely
different. She (like) coffee, but I . (like) tea. She
(wash) her car every weekend, but I never
(clean) mine. She (smile) all the time at work, but I
. (feel) miserable. I .(complain) about
the boss all the time, but Mary . (think) the boss is a nice
person. When I ..(finish) work, I like to drink beer with my friends,

but Mary.. (study) at night school. The boss (think) Mary is

perfect, but she (drive) me nuts!

VIII) Folositi verbele urmatoare pentru a forma propozitii logice mai jos:
wake(s) up - open(s) - speak(s) - take(s) - do(es) - cause(s) - live(s) play(s) - close(s) - live(s)
Ann.. hand ball very well.
I never.. coffee.
The swimming pool at 7:00 in the morning.
It . at 9:00 in the evening.
Bad driving. many accidents.
My parents in a very small flat.
The Olympic Games place every four years.
They are good students. They always . their homework.
My students .. a little English.
I always early in the morning.

IX)Put the verbs between brackets in the correct form:

Jane (not/drink) tea very often.
What time (the banks/open) in Britain?
Where (John/come) from?
It (take) me an hour to get to work.

She (not/wake) up early on Sundays.


X)Choose the right verbs to complete the sentences. Sometimes you need
the negative:
write - turn - eat - tell - rise
The earth . around the sun.
The sun. in the east.
Vegetarians . meat.
A liar is someone who . the truth.
A novelist novels.

XI) Choose the correct form of the 3rd person sigular of these verbs:
to go =
to finish=
to tidy=
to try=
to carry=
to cry=
to brush=
to cross=
to fry=

to play=
to study=
to have=
to buy=
to do=

to be=
to walk=

to catch=
to fix=
to wash=
to dry=
to fly=

to miss=

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