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|nterrogate 5/3 ai ote 4a hee Ingredient Per RE Ahnaa: Paa Nazdur: Amunnub.Reakh.Ptah Djedi Shil Paa Hanutu known to us as: HE. Malachi Kobina York, (Bom Tuesday, June 26, 1945 A.D. in Takoradi, Ghana West Africa- Stil | iving) “The Transmitter” Paa-Safun Mehyetaat Shil PAA Nazdir: Amunnub-Reakh-Ptah, PAA Hanut: Djedi ‘The Sacred Papyrus of: Amunnub-Reakh-Ptah (Djedi) Bi Paa Ren Shil RE: Atum wa Atun wu Amun. By the name of RE: Atum and Atun and Amun aa Safur Shil Udjetu The Seroll of Eyes Meh yet Interrogate to Integrate Ingredient Ps: Nefecnul Medetat Papyrus:#15 “The Beautiful Words” 1-110 1. The win loose of gene mixing and race mixing. 2. The new race of Neutranoids, no race or choice race, caused by mixing, where a person can blend into which ever race they choose because of racial mixing. 3. Or those who fool only themselves into thinking they blend in with another race a wanna-be. 4. Or those of a race whose spirit tells them they are in fact of another race because of the mixing of family members who mixed their seed willingly or by force, during the transportation of African, Negroids to the West and Europe by Caucasoids and their Indo-Arab and Spaindyard other helpers of other races. Figure 1: Transportation of Africans, Negroids to the West and Europe by Caucasoids 1 5. Then those who look at other cultures and being ashamed to be who and what they really are, Negroids, Africans, take on role playing as a religion or culture by calling themselves Muslims, Moslems, The Arabian Arab religion founded in 610 A.D. in Arabia by an Arab named Ahmad who changed his name to Mustafa Muhammad Al Amin (570-632 A.D.) and became known as a prophet of his Arab God named Allah (iil). 6. Or other religions as Judaism, they call themselves Hebrews, Israelites, Jews, Nazdirites, Rastas, or others related to the religion founded by an unconfirmed person called Mosheh, Moses, Muwsa, who claimed to receive stones (Exedus 24:12) from a burning bush (Exodus 3:2) on a mountain from 71177” YHWH of DPN ELOHEEM, a face of fire (Deuteronomy 5:4-6; 32:17). 7. Or others’ religions, as Christians they call themselves many things and claim that their God Q60¢ Theh-os impregnated a young Jewish girl named Miriam, Mary, Maryam, and she gave birth to God in the flesh making her the Mother of God by the Holy Ghost (Matthew 1:18). He was killed by Romans on a cross (John 19:23), they claim that he came back to life (John 20:9). Then ascended up bodily into space and is to return soon (Aets 1:9). That was 2000 years ago. He has also never been confirmed to have ever existed. 8. Or others’ cultures like the Asians from China who moved Eastward from China in the 4" Century to what’s called America today, under a man called HU-SHEN of The Shang Dynasty, who were mixed in by now and became known as American Indians, divided into many sub-tribes. And many African Negroids claim they are part Indian or the Native American, or Ab- Originals. Negroids will try to be anything but what they really are, Africans Negroids. ae Figure 2: Native American People Figure 3: Chinese People (Notice the resemblance to Chinese) 2 (Notice the resemblance to Native Americans) Figure 4: Map of China 9. They will call themselves anything even insult themselves by saying I’m not Negro meaning “dark, black” according to the Merriam-Webster’s Spanish- English Dictionary; I'm Morenus “Dark” or Moor, Muur, from two African countries invaded by Latinos or Spainyards and Greek speaking people; and named them such as MOR-OCCO and MAUR-ITANIA. In both names you see the name or title MOOR. Yet if you ask a Moorish-American what language is Moor or Muur, they don’t know and it is not an Arabic word; it’s Latin word, an adjective, a colour, a word added to a noun to show quality or circumstance. It’s from “dark brown to black” Morenus as found in the Merriam-Webster’s Spanish-English Dictionary. Some claim “Moot” means “navigator”; if they look in Webster’s Dictionary under “Moor” it is a noun meaning “tract of waste land or Moor v.t. fasten (a ship) with chains, ropes or cable and anchor. Co re ie soetzen 7 eS c Figure 6: Map of Morocco 4 10. Many of these Negroids join these religions as members for more than 20 years and if you ask them can they speak fluent Hebrew, Greek or Arabic, they will say no. Why would you accept a religious book; Torah “Hebrews” Gospel “Greek/Latin” and/or Quraan “Arabic” and not take it upon yourself to leam the language of the book you call holy and claim came from your YHWH, THEOS, ALLAH, or GOD, Dios. 11, After all those years of membership they trust English translations mostly by those they claim they cant or don’t trust. Caucasians in shades and hues of colour with new names or acquired nationalities. When you look at them without the costumes on or shave the beards, remove the caps or hats or fez, you will see they are no more than Caucasoids or Panjaboids, both called ‘Aryans. 12, Remove the American dress and cut the fur and you see an Asian, or Panjabian, Orientals, or Ab-Originals, 13. This is what Negroids trade for their own original cultures in Africa as Egiptians which is proven, confirmed right there on walls and papyrus, FACTS. DNA. They were Negroids, also invaded by outsiders, yet Egiptians were originally Negroids. And it’s in Africa making them Africans. Figure 7: Egiptians on The Walls of Egipt at the Temple of Edfu 5 Figure 7: Egiptians on Papyrus 14, You Negroids are the pure and holy seed of Heaven and Ptah Nun “Planet Earth,” seas and Inner Earth. The Originators. All others come from you. The root of all races, Negroids. 15, Yet wanna-be in a form of physical and mental slavery to others. 16, Being a mental captive as well as physical captive means loss of self or being dead, or lost. That is also a form of economic captivity, cultural captivity and sexual captivity to other’s morals. That being to who is the most public, such as the Caucasoids with their cinemas, plays, novels, and religions, Their own lifestyle or culture of lust and luster, drunkenness and drugs, killings and wars, games, sport, danger, and competitions, which all breed conflicts and jealousy. 17. And worship, adoration, admiration, praise, honor of their blood-lusting God in their own image or their angels in their own image or their prophets in their own image, or their saints in their own image, or their Rabi, Popes, Shaikhs, Kohane, Pastors, Imams, or Chiefs, all in their own images. You are religiously captive to them and their image. 18. These are really miserable conditions of self and kind; hate of self image hate. If God looks like Caucasoids then Negroids images must be bad. 19, But how does and did this happen? The media of all kinds. 6 20. They have a dead God, a Ghost, unseen, spirit force (Exodus 33:20; John 5:37, 4:24; Quraan 2:3). Not living as you and I, even Jesus was killed (John 19:30) and remains dead until he comes back to the world of the living in these days. So their God is dead (John 19:33). As Caucasoids are the living dead, being they have no soul, the ever living part of you. 21. So how can their God help you or give you eternal life, and he is still dead? They pray for him to return to them from the grave. He can’t tell you how to live and he never was in human form as Jews and Muslims claim about Ha- Shem and Allah, 22, Not of the living, now or never lived in flesh itself and is not a human and that would include Jesus’ father (John 8:19). Not human, never was. Some claim that Jesus is his own father incamate, foolishness. So if their God personified PER-SON-IFIED into some person PER-SON or race of persons, again that puts God in their image. As their Bible reads for and about them Genesis 1:26: King James Version of the Bible; Genesis 1:26 “And Eloheem said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.” That is the Jewish Torah. Then the Christians Gospel, John I: 14: King James Version of the Bible; John 1:14 “And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.” And it also states in John 6:38: King James Version of the Bible; John 6:38 “For I (Jesus)came down from heaven, not to do mine own will, but the will of him that sent me.” And in the Gospel of John 5:37 and Gospel John 12:45: King James Version of the Bible; John 5:37 “And the Father himself, which hath sent me, hath borne witness of me. Ye have neither heard his voice at any time, nor seen his shape.” King James Version of the Bible; John 12:45 “And he that seth me seeth him that sent me.” So in fact Jesus is in the image of God his father who is in fact himself. This kind of teaching is what inspells the mind. By blind faith and weak unproven beliefs. Mental captive by fear to reject this man made up story. 23. If your God, Allah, is not human it can not be of your own nature and therefore can not tell you your true course by nature. God, Allah or Ha-Shem, their God is a Ghost, spirit. You just read it and the Muslim’s Quraan makes the same claim, “... The spirit of Allah.” 24. Thus, can not help you, the living in flesh. 25. With their teachings which only tries to prepare you for after life, or being dead. All their religion promises deals with; once you are dead you will get this or that. What about now while you are of the living? Alive what does their religions do for you that you can’t do on your own? 26. The Jew speaks about Abraham, Elijah, and Moses, all dead. The Christians speak about Jesus, Paul and Mary, all dead. The Muslims speak about Muhammad, Abu Bakr, and Ali, all dead and each teach from a holy ghost, Gabrial, Gabrael, Jibril, an angel or spirit being of the dead. Who was sent by Ha-Shem, Theos, Allah, all unseen spirit forces or God. 27. The Dead leading the dead to the mental and physical grave or death. This we Nuwaupians call the spell of ignorance. 28. This deadly disease did not only happen here in the West. The Caucasoids spread their religious disease world over. Even in Africa, they invaded with Judaism (Ethiopia), Christianity (Egipt) and Islam (Sudan), and from them spread the disease Westward, North and South until many Africans died mentally; and even physically by accepting the religious disease of self- rejection, self-image, hate, and they bred hate of self and kind. You are still sick with these diseases of self-hate, distrust of kind, all done by the disease of their religions and living cultural systems. 29. This is how the religious disease works on your mind: Muhammad Islam DRESS: ANYWAY NuDITY COVER OFFERING: BLOOD WINE BLOOD FOOD: ANYTHING PORK NO PORK, SMOKE: YES YES ‘YES Music: ANYKIND CHRISTIAN _ISLAMIC. RELIGIOUS RELIGIOUS CONSENT: AFTER 13 ATANYAGE AFTER AGE It ‘TO SEX MATE: MANY ONE 1. HUSBAND (CAN CHANGE, 4 WIVES NATE) PRAYER: 3 TIMES 3 TIMES 5 TIMES PLIGRAMIGE: JERUSALEM ROME TO MECCA, Goo: YHWH ‘THEHOS ALLAH DAY HOLY: SATURDAY SUNDAY FRIDAY They each claim the same God by different names back to Adam, Noah, ‘Abraham, David, Moses, and Jesus, yet they have different laws, rules, rites, and rituals. All so confusing because it’s all just an illusion, lies, deceptions, fictions, myths, fables. It’s in fact a disease, they in-slave the body and kill the mind. 30. Of course you as Nuwaupians know that their God in Gas is Ghost, and transparent without colour or form; and this God in flesh of a person of blood is the Caucasoids. He created his God in his own image so he is a Ghost too, for Caucasoids have transparent skin. Ghost people. 31. So their God, Thehos, Ha-shem, Allah will never liberate you Negroids from these miserable conditions because how can Ghost God without colour tell people with Colour how to live? 32. They love their God image and their Ghost loves them. We Ontologists, “Nuwaupians" must raise our self and kind. Your Nazdiru love you and you love your Nazdiru and by these Mehyetaat "Papyrus" you are receiving by 9 myself, Paa Nazdir: Amunnub-Reakh-Ptah. The Living Truth, our teachings are alive, You can feel them transform you. 33. No other race can liberate you mentally or physically anyway. You and kind must do it with these teachings, but first by accepting and practicing Wu- Nuwaupu. That is Nuwaupu outformation and information which I, Paa Nazdir: Amunnub-Reakh-Ptah am presenting in the form of Wu-Nuwaupu in these his last days of 6,000 years. Now after the year 2000 A.D. you are in the Here-After, his 6000 years ended. Figure 8: Caucasoids, transparent skin 34, I, Paa Nazdir: Amunnub-Reakh-Ptah, Master Teacher, The Man of the Time, The True Ontologist, who inscribes these papyrus can only present these Actual Facts to you. I am compelled to teach, yet I can not compel you to accept and adhere to them. Your outelligence and intelligence must do that to break the spell and cure the disease; and it will if you have enough of it to survive that which is going on right NOW. 35. Interrogate them not integrate with them. 36. Integrations of races: Negroids and our Sub-races, Mongoloids and its sub races, Caucasoids and its sub-races have mixed over the years. You Negroids have been used to sustain other races. From time to time they mix their seed or integrate with Negroids or our sub-races to sustain their race and its sub-races. 10 Figure 9: Integration of Races 37. And that interrogation is an instrument of race destruction because it leads to disease and miscegenation, and according to the American Heritage Dictionary Miscegenation means, “I.The interbreeding of different races or of persons of different racial backgrounds; 2. Cohabitations, sexual relations, or marriage involving persons of different races.” Which is interracial sexual mixing. 38. Celties are the ones who planned and organized Religions from Wicca. 39. Now each group has two sides to them, one acting Religious and good, while the other does all kinds of evil. JEWS CHRISTIANS MUSLIMS 1. Religious Jews 1. Holy Rollers 1, Devoted Muslims 2. Reform Jews 2. Politicians 2. Sub-Sects 1 They also each have mystics. Jews, those of the Kabalah, Christians, those Monks, Muslims the Sufi. 40. They all condone war and killing. Taking what belongs to others in the nathe of their Religion and Ged and use others to fight and kill; steal and lie for them. 41. They each have sub groups or fanatics; zealots, you can claim to be Jewish and say well I don’t follow all the laws and this justifies all kinds of evil acts. The Christians can say well I’m not a good Christian and this justifies all kinds of evil acts. The Muslim can say well I’m not a good Muslim and that justifies all kinds of evil acts. 42. And this is what they spread world over they hold up the name of their Religion while doing all kinds of evil world over. All in the name of their own God; in their own image. 43. They have no facts to confirm their religious stories and claim its all myths, fables and fictions, mixed with legends and lies to make them look great. 44, It’s all well-organized, the integration movement of Negroids is now on its way more than ever because the Caucasoids’ 6,000 years have run out; and they need to be born again. Born of your blood by mixing. 45. Soon after 2000 A.D. the Celtic Races of Caucasoids opened up their society to let Negroids in. Let them make lots of money, make them stars, top models, Fashion Designers, all kinds of ways to give them wealth so as to offer them their Caucasoid daughters to mix their seeds intake Negroid’s fluids, drink Negroid’s liquids from their bodies. To take female Negroids Mulattos make mulattos and breed with them. 46. Let them make their own cinemas, clothes, music, by this they will not have to drop down to the Negroids’ level of life, but bring them up to theirs so they can mix their disease, dying seeds with the pure Negroids. 47. And in their hearts they are the most devoted segregationists on the planet. Know the fact that the offspring of the Negroid and the Caucasoid is never Caucasoid but always Neutranoid and wish to be Caucasian; and once not accepted become the blackest of the black leaders. 48. Yet if they don’t mix, their leprosy will destroy them completely. They as a race, the last race on the evolutionary scale will fade away, this they know. 49. So they hate Negroids, yet need them to stay alive. 50. At one time a Caucasian male would get a pack of Caucasians and kill, torture, lynch a Negroid male for just looking at a Caucasoid female; for fear 2 that his race would mix out of existence. Yet now, they have no other choice for they are at the end of their genetic strain. 51. They now even segregate against their own. If the other Caucasian of sub- breeds or black and dark curly fur and skin tone and body structures; like Negroids, or they once sought only blond fur, blue eyes, or no lower, the red fur, green eyes, so they also hate the Jews and Italians and Latinos. 52. While they try to avoid Mongoloids out of culture take over, they welcome East Indians in their societies as their new mental and physical servants. No fear because genetically East Indians are also Aryans and don’t have hair, they have fur and even the same features as Caucasoids only darker skin tone. 53. So now they are forced to open their societies and to integrate with Negroids; and we say why don’t you show us how to do it by integrating with your own sub-races. Yet they can’t do that because if a Frenchmen takes a British female and had a child they don’t know what would be born. They go by what they speak. In mixed families of Europeans world over, two blond furred parents can have a red or brown furred child or one red furred parent and one blond furred can have any other. They can have all colours in one family, two blue eyed parents can birth green eyed or grey eyed, even two different coloured eyes. They should be called the “Coloured man”, not Negroids. Figure 10: Blue Eyes Figure 11: Green Eyes This is the result of the m 1g of the European Races 54. So who in fact is the coloured man, the Negroid or the Caucasian? RIGHT Caucasians come in different colours NOT Negroids. He is the coloured man on Ptah Nun, the planet Earth. 55. Who is the white man? There is no such thing as a white man. He is a Leper. He has leprosy, spots, transparent skin, freckles, raw flesh, there is no such person as a white man or a white race. Just the Leper. Read in their Bible Leviticus Chapter 13. 56. So the other Caucasians these days, they show their objection to mix among their own. Who are the supreme beings of the Caucasian races? The Pleiades Online Bible Hebrew Strong’s # 3598 Kiymah kee-maw' 112" meaning, a cluster of stars, i.e. the Pleiades:--Pleiades, seven stars. “to store away” as found in their Bible, Book of Job 9:9 38:31,32 The Pleiades eee Figure 12: The Pleiades Star Constellation King James Version of the Bible Job 9:9 “9. Which maketh Arcturus, Orion, and Pleiades, and the chambers of the south.” King James Version of the Bible; Job 38:31,32 crs “31. Canst thou bind the sweet influences of Pleiades, or loose the bands of Orion? 32. Canst thou bring forth Mazzaroth in his season? or canst thou guide Arcturus with his sons” 57. Pleiades the group of seven (7) suns, stars in the constellation of Taurus. 58. The beings that came to Ptah Nun “Planet Earth” from Pleiades were flesh and blood eaters and drinkers. They have colourless fur and colourless eyes, tall, thin, pale, and dangerous. These are the Gods of the Caucasians. 59, And Caucasians are in their image and after their likeness 60. Shezmu was the supreme being of these Pleiadians, he was called by them Ghutt, Gut, Guard, Gad, God. | msmmrscan | KS > Or GAM4 =Shezmu es 61. And in other tongues he became EL 5X of the Eloheem D°719X, Allah ail of the A’alihat, God of the Gods, Deity of the Deities, Theos of the Theoi, Lord of Lords; and many other titles in many other cultures. 62, So why did God, Ghost, Shezmu make a devil Satan? 63. He was known as the Grand Dragon, or Great Dragon, Diabolos, and made the devil and gave them the power to rule for 6,000 years to show his power over Paa Ptah Nun “The planet Earth” and them. They are to serve him, worship him, sacrifice to him, make offerings to him. He is their Ghost, in whose image they became God. Of all that serve them as a race and offer their very souls of all who worship the image of the Beast. All the missing people each day and lost children is offers to him and his for food. King James Version of the Bible; Revelation 13:14-15 “14, and deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live. 15. And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.” 15 64, So by Negroids worshiping the image of the Caucasians they are in fact worshiping the image of the beast. They worship the Great, Grand Dragon which gave power to the Human Beast Caucasians who kidnapped their sons and daughters and feeds them to these demons they worship. Flesh “Bread” Blood “Wine” offerings. Figure 1 Negroids Worshiping the image of the beast 65. Power to war, and kill, power over the media to be seen and heard world over, to speak his religious lies and deceptions. 66. Power to kill the Negroids and overpower them and other sub-races on Ptah Nun “Planet Earth” for 6,000 years so that all other races on Ptah Nun “Planet Earth” will worship the image of the beast who has no BAA “soul”. 67. Is it he that has kidnapped you from your homeland Africa, taking you into captivity or killing you, and still kills you openly for your flesh and blood. His 6,000 years ended in 2,000 A.D. It’s now the Here-After. 16 68. He has deceived Negroids world over to wish to live in the image of the beast, Caucasians’ race, and that they should remake themselves into the image of the beast, and he will give them much wealth and pleasure. Figure 14: Living in the Image of the beast. 69. Caucasians made images of himself as God, Jesus which had no real life. Then he, with the help of the souls of Negroids gave life to their image creating their God, Jesus into human form. That the world thinks that he did live, when he is only a myth. 70. By their cinemas, plays, stories, and legends, they now have the world thinking that their God, Jesus, Zeus, did really exist in their own image and this makes other races wish to live in image of the beast, both males and females. 7 Figure 15: The Caucasoid God, Jesus, Zeus 71. They remove their own culture and replace it with the life style of the Caucasian race. They replace their own morals with the low life living of the Caucasians, and in doing so give their own power over to the beast, lose their very souls. Which the 6 ether beings feed off of. 72. And once you die, you really did and have given your soul to him; who is without soul. You fade out of existence at death. 73. So the Pleideans are the Gods of the Caucasian races, and their Grand Dragon was Shezmu; the blood lust being. A being of dual personalities, the Great Pretender, also called Junus, by the Roman their God of all beginnings, God of all places of passage guardian of gates and door, comprehensions Dictionary of Gods by Anne S. Baumgartner page 95; the two faced deity. Figure 16: The Great Pretender, also called Junus, the two faced deity 18 The master deceiver, some will pretend to be good or religious or help others with their Red Cross and other organizations, while others do just the opposite. You can not trust not one of them! This is how their God has others deceived. Ina plane crash all die and all say “Oh my God why?” in another plane crash all live and say “Oh my god thank God.” In another plane crash some die and some live and you have mixed emotions some say “why my’ family God”? While others from the same plane say “Thank to God my family lived,” a God of deception. 74. Look around the world at the works of this so called God. Look at how many people he ordered or allowed to die in the Torah, Gospel and Qu’raan. Look at the unborn children by the Christian mind that say if you are under 18, you are too young to give birth, so kill the baby, abortion. Or I have a baby in me by the wrong man, kill it. That’s a person you killed. This is the same God who iaught humans how to make weapons and bombs, who taught humans how to make drugs and alcohol, who taught humans how to kill, rape and hate. All found in their own Holy Books: Torah, Gospel, and Qu’raan. Now stop and think what kind of God is this that you worship in the image of Caucasians; and now you are integrating their genes from the Pleiadeans of Pleiades of the Draco Star System too. Figure 17: Shezmu “Master Figure 18: Pleiadean of of Perfumers” Pleiades Star System 19. 75. The Master of Deception, The Master of Lies. You can not trust anything they promise you or say to you. They do lie, in all things, it’s their very nature to deceive others. Right in their own Bible their Jesus said this about them (John 8:44). 76. Lam always asked do all Caucasians know they are the offspring of the devil? By nature they do, but in everyday life most just follow along with what ever their leaders or boss says. They don’t think for themselves, they are Ghouls for Dra a Figure 19: Ghoul for Dracula Figure 20: Dracula All they do is what ever the heads of their race tell them by the media. If it’s on the news it must be true. If their court says you are guilty, you're guilty. If their leaders say hate others without personal questions, they hate. If their leaders say put on a uniform and go out and kill for what ever person, they will kill. If their media as television, cinema, create images for them as cowboys or bikers or vampires or whatever, they will try and become that. They have no use of their own minds and the few who breaks away from their system and thinks for themselves they have all kinds of names for them; from as far back as hippies, to up to date rockers, and they will in the media slander them publicly like you see on television. If they try to have a private life they will reveal it in the public because they don’t obey their Grand Dragon, Shezmu. 20 77. They use all kinds of subliminal messages to control your minds from childhood. Do blonds have more fun, or is it fun, wealth, money, for being blonde and with that comes blue eyes and pale skin. Mary had a little lamb (Jesus) whose fleece (skin) was white as snow, and so many others. Figure 21: Mind Control From Childhood 78. So to answer the question, No, most Caucasians don’t know who or what they are by nature; they just hear and obey. Blind faith in their leaders or Rabi, Priest, Imams, Judges, news caster, boss and even friends. No use of their own minds. GAD gawd “13 means “troops, clan, groups” they follow the crowd as long as the crowd is Caucasian and Negroids and Indians follow close behind. Figure 22: Mary and the Lamb depicted in their Myths/Legends and Books 2a 79. Look at other races and Negroes today doing all they can to live in the image of the Caucasoids. So what profit a Negroid to gain entrance to his world, his lifestyle, and lose their soul. 80. The Caucasian reverse integration plan in general is designed to deceive, they pretend they don’t wish to mix with Negroids while they control the media that says bigger is better and then make all kinds of statements that Negroids have bigger penises. Negroid female bigger butts, this makes his race wish to have sex with Negroids. Meanwhile they put their female all out in public as sex symbols. That is the reverse plan or trick-knowledge. 81. To mislead Negroes. That Negroes may think that one day that everyone of every race will be the same in the sense, that differences in races will be disregarded. All the same under the skin is a lie, we are not the same under the skin because what you see on the outside of a person comes from their inside, genes, genetic, DNA. 82. So of course that is nonsense and misrepresentation. Lies, more deception by their race, who has other sub-races fooled. 83. By the laws of nature this will never be. 84. And if you don’t accept them and their lies they do all they can to destroy you. Fear not, for their 6,000 year rule has ended in 2,000 A.D. You are now in the Here-After. 85. So nowadays make note and take note that there is no one other than Negros who are pressing to integrate with Caucasians or any other sub-race. Look at Negroes’ videos, always females of other races. You don’t see that on other races’ videos. Figure 23: Females of other races in Negroids Music Videos 22 86. Other sub-races know that The Venomous Serpent called integration means their own death or self destruction. 87. Caucasoids know that the strange animal known as pretended integration will help keep Negroids mentally and economically dependant on their enemies, Caucasians and truly integration would mean the death of the Caucasoid race. Yet will leave all who are born by the mixing of their fluids or seeds with the deadly disease of Leprosy, to eventually die off. His own doomsday, brought to others, kill them as he dies. 88. So integration is a farce and a cruel hoax perpetrated upon Negroid people in their ignorance. 89. Negroid people should stop and reason and ask yourselves why do Caueasoids segregate themselves from ONLY Negroids, while its ok for their children to intermix with East Indian and Asian women; because there is nothing to fear but fear itself. 90. Yet with Negroids the offspring means their death. Why Caucasians never accept a mixed child with Negroes as part of their race, no matter how light skinned and this is why most of the race’s leaders of so-called Black Revolutionary or Religious organizations are light-skinned Negroes. They hate that Caucasians do not accept them into his race, pure-blooded Africans don’t accept them into his race, so he becomes a hater of both, taking the middle road of religion. In his own form or creation or Black Nationalist Leader, calling Caucasian devils and Africans in Africa savages. Figure 24: Black but light-skinned Revolutionary or Religious Leaders 91. They in fact discriminate against others. 23 92. Why do Caucasians pretend to segregate themselves from others and discriminate against others? There are two main reasons. One to preserve their race and two to misuse and exploit others using them against each other and by that he dictates all intelligent mind control and oppression of others. 93. The Caucasian race has a greater oppressive and death dealing nature. Then all others because it is in his very nature to offer blood by killing to his Gods. Who is the personification of the imperfection of death, the last stage of evolution and evolution is the manifestation “MAN-INFEST-ATION” of the death of the universe. 94. What other way racial separation? 95. It is not natural for the races to socialize for this leads to miscegenation and miscegenation is race destruction and no intelligent race wants itself destroyed in any way. 96. We Nuwaupians should be the least desirous of miscegenation or loss of racial genetic identity because we Nuwaupians as a race are the personification of the original creative forces and the original creative forces grew this universe and the original beings thereof. 97. Therefore we Nuwaupians as a race are superior by our very nature or genes, our genetics. 98. However, like all other races our race has many members who have sold their souls. Lost their way, given over to Shezmu. They are the unintelligent, and if the unintelligent members of our race out number the intelligent you will start to fade away with this fading 6,000 year moon cycle. The worst cycle on the circle for Negroids, being sun people. 99. Nuwaupian culture is just the opposite of Caucasian culture known as civilization, or to become civil, “civil-lies” to refine, tame, change from a Barbarous state, polite, civil minded. So his new life style is called civilization, where they cover their real actions from public eyes. Yet they are still the same savage by nature. 100. Therefore the answer to our problems are found right here in these Actual Facts the restoration of our own Nuwaupian Culture WU-NUWAUPU. 101. The restoration of our own culture Wu-Nuwaupu, is the restoration of our Divine Mind. To do things our own way NOT the Caucasians’ ways. 102. Trying to look like and act like them is your death. 103. How can a people have race pride when they don’t even know their own race. 104. Living in the image of others. 105. This is a miserable mental condition and breed of Niggers. 106. Blind leading the blind, and lost people will accept anything. 107. Yet a found people know the truth. is there for a race to preserve itself unless it practices 24 108. You have been lost from who and what you really are for far too long. Give ALL others back their cultures, religions, tongues, Gods, and life style. 109. Return to your own self and kind. 110. Your own true way of life Wu-Nuwaupu. What is a Neutranoid? How did the Chinese get to America? Does the word “Morenos” mean Navigator? Explain, What does Miscegenation mean? Why did the Celtic Caucasian race open up their society to let Negroids in? Can Caucasoids integrate with their own sub-races? Why or Why not? ‘What is meant by the term sub-race? Explain Interrogate to Integrate Ingredient. Without Beginning and Without Ending 25 ese eee eas TAM A NUWAUPIAN es ee re prenga toa iat rca PACS CAT TP an ECCS Shee iecoi aia nee aoe ee aad Bree ee ae ae eaat farce sera ents deerme ine areas weet Papers eee] Fae ee re a oe ee ee CGO TSC OG cate ee eer ay we ees Bo eee or eee eg eed eee Cer ad Ce ee eS eee ve one tt etea tei a evea eta Veet Mod eee od coe Crete Cea Tn OTN OPO aE Te CaSO Pee Une ee eee ee aoe TAMA NUWAUPIAN FROM BEGINNING TO END, PO et POR EEO SOON

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