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2.1 What is a Cell?

1. ______________ are made up of cells.

2. A cell is the _________________ of living things.
3. Cells are ________________ and can only be seen under the microscope.

A plant cell

An animal cell

4. Both animal and plant cells are made up of _____________,

_______________ and _________________.

Science Form 1
The functions of cell structures

Cell structure Functions

Nucleus Controls all the cell _________________
Cytoplasm - Place where __________ processes occur
- Store _________ and waste products
Cell wall Controls the movement of the substances in and
out of the cell
Vacuoles Store ___________ and dissolved minerals
Chloroplast (contains green Chlorophyll absorbs ______________ that is
pigments called _________) used in photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is the
process by which plants make __________

The differences between animal and plant cells

Plant cell Animal cell

___________ and regular shape ______________ shape
Has a cell wall No cell wall
Usually has a ______vacuole when old With ___________ or no vacuoles
Has chloroplasts No chloroplast
_________ in size ____________ in size
Can make its own food Cannot make its own food

2.2 Unicellular and Multicellular Organisms

1. Living things are also known as _______________.

2. All living things that are very __________ and can be only being seen
under the _________________ are called ________________.
3. Organisms that are made up of one cell only are called
_________________ organisms.
4. The following are examples of unicellular organisms.

Science Form 1
5. In unicellular organism, all processes are carried out in the cell itself.
6. Most other organisms are made of many cells.
7. Organisms that are made up of more than one cell are called
_________________ organisms.
8. The following are examples of multicellular organisms.

9. Other examples of multicellular organisms are worms, birds, insects, fish

and humans.
10. In multicellular organisms, all cells perform their own
_________________ _______________.

2.3 Cell Organisation in the Human Body

1. The human body is made up of many types of cells that perform

specialised functions as shown below:

Science Form 1
Type of cell Function
Produce movement of body parts


Cover and protect the body surfaces


Protect and support the body


Carry information in our body

Fertilises an egg for reproduction


Transport oxygen around the body


Destroy bacteria that enter the body

Science Form 1
2. The organisation of cells in human body is shown below.

Organisation of human cells

Cells - The ___________ ___________ of life (e.g muscle cell)

Tissues - A ___________ of similar ___________ performing the same
function (for e.g. a group of muscle cells formed the muscular
Organ - A ___________ of different types of _____________ (e.g. the
System - A ___________ of ____________ working together to perform a
specific function (e.g. digestive system)
Organism - made up of several ____________ that works together (e.g. the
human being)

3. The table below shows the functions of the system in the human body.

Organ forming a
System Function

- Supplies oxygen
__________, to the body
Respiratory system - Removes carbon
_______________ dioxide from the

Science Form 1
- Carries oxygen
and digested food
___________, throughout the
Blood circulatory system body
_________ __________
- Removes wastes
from the cells
- Digest and absorbs
Mouth, oesophagus, food
stomach, pancreas,
system - Eliminates solid
- Supports the body
Skeletal system - Protect the internal
- Controls body
Muscular system Muscles
- Detects and sends
_______________ Brain, spinal chord,
information in the
system nerve
- Removes
Kidney, skin, urinary
Excretory system ___________
from the body
Sperm duct, testis, penis, - Produces
Reproductive system
vagina, uterus, ovary _______________
- Produces
Thyroid gland, pituitary ______________
Endocrine system gland, pancreas, adrenal to coordinates the
gland, testis, ovary activities of the
- Forms a protective
system by
_______________ Lymph nodes, lymphatic producing
system vessels lymphocyte cells
which fight

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4. Some examples of the human body systems are shown below.

_____________ _____________ _____________

_____________ _____________

_____________ _____________

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_____________ _____________ _____________

2.4 The Human Being – A Complex Organism

1. The human body is made up of ______________ of cells.

2. A human being is a _____________ organism.
3. The body has a specific cell organisation.
4. Each cell in the human body performs a ______________
5. This is known as ________________________.
6. Division of labour among cells, tissues, organs, and systems ensures the
efficient functioning of the body.
7. All the systems work together to enable the body to function efficiently.

Science Form 1

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