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Unit 1. Reinforcement 1
1. things; one; live
2. Check the Student Book.
3. Nutrition. Living things take in the nutrients they need from food and eliminate the waste substances they do not need.
Sensitivity. Living things use their senses to react to changes in the world around them.
Reproduction. Living things are born from the same species.
4. b. It belongs to the animal kingdom. Its a horse.
c. It belongs to the animal kingdom. Its a butterfly.
d. It belongs to the simplest kingdom. Its an unicellular living thing.
e. It belongs to the plant kingdom. Its a mushroom.
Unit 1. Reinforcement 2
1. All living things are made up of cells. Cells are very small and they are alive. We cannot see them with just out eyes, we need
a microscope.
They carry out three life processes, nutrition, sensitivity and reproduction.
Animal cells have a wall called membrane surrounding the entire cell, and plant cells have another outside wall called cell wall.
2. tissues. 2
organs. 1
system or organism. 3
3. The simplest living things: bacteria, amoeba, algae
Plants: pine tree
Animals: vulture
Fungi: yeast, mushroom
Unit 2. Reinforcement 1
1. b. hedgehog mammal omnivore
c. shark fish carnivore
d. crocodile reptile carnivore
2. viviparous; inside; terrestrial; aquatic; aerial
3. Tail; Down; Flight; Contour
4. tadpole; gills; egg; lungs; change
5. 1. fins, 2. bones, 3. gills, 4. swim bladder, 5. scales



Unit 2. Reinforcement 2
1. internal; spine; mammals; reptiles; birds; amphibians
2. a. outside, b. inside, c. inside, d. outside, e. inside
3. 1. Bats are mammals, 2. Fish breathe through their gills, 3. Most mammals have their bodies covered in hair or fur. 4. Reptiles
havent got a constant body temperature.
4. Check the Student Book.
Unit 3. Reinforcement 1
1. arthropods - hard skin and articulated legs - crab; molluscs - soft, muscular bodies - squid; echinoderms - hard pieces cover their
bodies - starfish; worms - long, soft bodies - worm; porifera - soft, irregular bodies with lots of pores - sponge
2. a. millipede, myriapod arthropod
b. clam, bivalve mollusc
c. sea urchin, echinoderm
d. sponge, porifera
e. snail, gastropod mollusc
3. a. Molluscs
b. Arthropods
c. arthropod
d. mollusc
e. arthropod
4. a. animals, pores, porifera
b. Jellyfish, floating, rocks
c. Echinoderms, floor, hard, radial
Unit 3. Reinforcement 2
1. arachnid arthropod - spider; insect arthropod - bee; echinoderm - sea urchin; bivalve mollusc - clam; crustacean arthropod shrimp; cephalopod mollusc - octopus; porifera - sponge; gastropod mollusc - limpet
2. a. This is a spider. It has got a cephalothorax, an abdomen and eight legs. It hasnt got antennas.
b. This is a fly. It hasnt got a cephalothorax. But it has got two antennas and wings.
c. This is a myriapod. Its body is divided into segment. It has got antennas.
3. Larvae; cocoon; Inside; adult
4. a. corals
b. snails
c. sponges
d. sea urchin



Unit 4. Reinforcement 1
1. a. false; b. true; c. false; d. true; e. true
2. a. photosynthesis; b. carbon dioxide; oxygen; c. roots; d. xylem; e. chlorophyll
3. a. During photosynthesis plants make their own food by mixing carbon dioxide and xylem sap.
b. Plants breathe during the day and carry out photosynthesis.
4. Check Student Book.
Unit 4. Reinforcement 2
1. size; stem; Trees; woody; Shrubs; trunks; Grasses; non-woody
2. 1. Photosynthesis; 2. Phloem vessels transport phloem sap; 3. Get water and mineral salts; 4. Xylem vessels transport xylem sap
to the leaves.
3. a. oxygen; b. soil; c. oxygen
4. 1. soil; 1.sunlight; 2. mineral; 3. oxygen; 4. roots
Unit 5. Reinforcement 1
1. ecosystem; community; species; habitat; forest
2. Aquatic: Water is the main element. / The waters temperature. / How much oxygen it has. / Its transparency.
Terrestrial: Land is the main element. / How much sunlight it gets. / How much precipitation it gets. / How high it is above
sea level.
3. a. Primary consumers are herbivores that eat producers.
b. Secondary consumers are carnivores and omnivores that eat primary consumers.
c. Decomposers are living things that eat the remains of other living things.
d. Producers make their own food.
4. crop field / town / pastures / park / meadow
Unit 5. Reinforcement 2
1. a. A population is a group of living things of the same species that live in an ecosystem.
b. A community is a group of living things of different species that live in an ecosystem.
c. An ecosystem can have living things from many different species.
2. a. same, b. different; c. same; d. different
3. a. draining; b. deforestation; c. starting a fire
4. a. Pastures are man-made ecosystems where livestock go to eat.
c. After many years an ecosystem reaches ecological balance, meaning it changes very little.



Unit 6. Reinforcement 1
1. mass; kilograms
volume; litres
2. a. filtration; b. decantation; c. evaporation
3. a. physical / irreversible
b. chemical / irreversible
4. a. transparency; b. water resistance; c. hardness; d. elasticity; e. density
Unit 6. Reinforcement 2
1. a. evaporation; b. condensation; c. fusion
2. a. filtration: when we want to clean sand from water.
b. evaporation: when we want to separate salt from sea water.
3. iron; oxide; oxygen; composition; oxidation
4. a. When there is no oxygen, certain living things help create the chemical change of fermentation.
b. Combustion is a very fast oxidation when a material mixes with oxygen and it burns.
c. Oxidation occurs when certain substances mix with oxygen.
Unit 7. Reinforcement 1
1. simple; complex; mechanical; electrical; electronics
2. The longer ramp would make it easier. Although the length is longer, the angle is less so it is easier for going up the ramp.
3. Check the answers in the Student Book. The tweezers are an example of a third class lever, and the nutcracker is an example
of a second class lever.
4. b. The three types of simple machines are levers, pulleys and inclined planes.
c. Gears are mechanical components of complex machines.



Unit 7. Reinforcement 2
1. first class lever - resistance - point of support and force
second class lever - force - resistance and point of support
third class lever - point of support - force and resistance.
2. Chloe is not right because it is a simple machine. Also it is a first class lever, not a third class lever.
3. a. simple machine; b. complex machine made only of mechanical components; c. complex machine made only of electronic
components; d. Complex machine made of electronic and mechanical components
4. a. Drill, complex; b. Nail clipper, simple; c. Flashlight, complex; d. Bottle opener, simple
Unit 8. Reinforcement 1
1. Telephone - Antonio Meucci; Steam engine - James Watt; Cinema - Lumire brothers; Lightbulb - Thomas Edison; Anaesthesia Dr. Crawford Long
2. b. The entertainment industry has changed a lot with advances in cinema.
c. New vehicles and communication systems allow people and goods to move more quickly and safely.
d. Computers have changed the way we send and receive information.
3. a. ultrasound; b. endoscope; c. x-ray
4. Letter - written; Videoconference - audiovisual; Telephone - spoken; Radio - spoken; Magazine - written; Telegram - written
Unit 8. Reinforcement 2
1. a. To get drinking water, water goes through a multi-step process called water treatment.
c. Anaesthesia has been used in medicine since the mid-1800s.
d. Computers in a classroom connected together make an intranet.
2. a. videogames, television, dvd; b. videoconferences, telephone, chat; c. safer boats, high speed trains; d. x-rays, scanner;
e. electricity, washing machine, fridge
3. Word processor - application to write texts with a computer; Internet - network that connects computers all over the world; disinfect - use chemicals to eliminate microorganisms; Engines - parts that produce power to move vehicles; Generators - large machines that produce electricity
4. networks; information
ocal; intranet



Unit 9. Reinforcement 1
1. a. The Sun is a giant mass of gases made up of mainly hydrogen.
b. Satellites havent got their own light and orbit around planets.
2. solar; spins; axis; orbits; temperature; oxygen; water; gas
3. Atmosphere - the layer of gas that surrounds the Earth
Hydrosphere - all the water on Earth
Geosphere - the solid part of the Earth
4. Check the Student Book.
5. Oviedo has latitude of 43.5 north and a longitude of 6 west.
Unit 9. Reinforcement 2
1. a. The Sun gives us energy in the form of light and heat.
b. Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars are inner planets and are closest to the sun.
c. Meteorites become shooting stars when they travel through the atmosphere.
2. a. spin; b. orbit
3. a. hydrosphere 1. ocean; 2. cloud; 3. river; 4. lake
b. geosphere 1. core; 2. crust; 3. mantle
4. Equator - Imaginary circle that goes around the Earths middle
Meridians - Vertical circles that go through the poles
Parallels - Horizontal circles that are parallel to the equator.



Unit 10. Reinforcement 1
1. a. The volcano releases lava, which is a mixture of molten rock, gases and pieces of rock.
b. The main vent is a vertical channel through which the magma rises to the surface.
c. When the lava comes out it is called an eruption.
2. Earth; earthquakes; volcano; lava; crust; hypocentre; epicentre; seismic
3. Erosion - Water or wind wear away at the rocks; Transportation - Currents of water and wind move fragments; Sedimentation Materials that are deposited or accumulated, ie. on the seafloor.
4. Check the Student Book.
Unit 10. Reinforcement 2
1. a. The hypocentre is the specific point where the earthquake starts.
b. The volcanic cone are the mountains that are made up of rocks and hardened lava near the crater.
c. Magma is a mixture of molten rock, gases and pieces of rocks.
2. a. Erosion is a slow process that wears away at the rocks.
b. During transportation, fragments of rocks are moved by water and wind.
c. Sedimentation is the accumulation of materials in the lower areas of the continents or the seafloor.
3. a - 2: A volcano expels lava. When it cools it is a pumice stone.
b - 1: The river transports sediments. Sediments convert into conglomerates.
4. a. Earthquakes are movements from inside the Earths crust.
b. Volcanoes expel lava, gases and rock fragments from the crater.



Unit 11. Reinforcement 1
1. a. Man-made landscapes are adapted or created by humans.
b. Natural landscapes have little human intervention.
2. 1. Mountain; 2. Plains; 3. Tributary; 4. Meander
3. Climate / region / temperature / precipitation.
Refer to the student book to check which climate characterises the students Community.
4. A group of animals that live in an area - fauna
The amount of water that a river carries - water flow
Artificial lakes that store water - reservoirs
Many mountains together - mountain range
Many mountain ranges together - mountain chain
5. Fauna is the group of animals that live in an area. Refer to the Atlas to check the answer.
Unit 11. Reinforcement 2
1. a. Soil is made up of rocks, water and organic materials like fallen leaves.
b. Natural landscapes are the relief, climate, rivers, vegetation and fauna in an area.
c. A watershed is the common terrain where a river flows into the sea.
2. a. dam, 3
b. valley, 2
c. man-made landscape, 1
3. a. course; path; source; mouth
b. Rivers; valleys
c. Contour; points; height
d. layer; vegetation
e. Fauna; area
Unit 12. Reinforcement 1
1. Check answers.
2. b. If the number of births is higher than the number of deaths the population increases.
c. People arriving into an area from another area are called immigrants.
d. The Statute of Autonomy is the basic law of an autonomous community.
3. It is a rural concentrated population. Its population density is 6 inhabitants per square kilometre.
4. Check answers.



Unit 12. Reinforcement 2
1. Check answers.
2. An official report about the population - population census; A graph showing the age and sex of a population - population pyramid; The number of inhabitants per square kilometre - population density
3. a. Cuisine is the traditional foods of a place.
b. Craftwork is handmade products made by artisans.
4. Check answers.
Unit 13. Reinforcement 1
1. had agriculture; sedentary; pottery; food; monuments; Neolithic
2. a. History is divided into Ancient History, the Middle Ages, Modern Times and Contemporary Times.
b. Roman society separated free men from slaves.
c. The first settlers of the Peninsula were the Tartessians, Celts and Iberians.
d. The Roman Empire divided Hispania into territories headed by a governor.
3. Theatre - a small arena to watch public events
Public baths - areas for the inhabitants to clean themselves
Roads - connected the cities of the Roman Empire
Aqueduct - allowed water to flow into the cities
Circus - stadium for chariot races or gladiator events.
Unit 13. Reinforcement 2
1. a. A man decorating ceramic - Neolithic
b. hunter - Palaeolithic
c. farmer using a cart with wheels and a plough.
2. Check answers.
3. b. Latin was the common language throughout the Roman Empire.
d. The use of Roman currency made trade stronger.
4. a. theatre; b. aqueduct; c. road



Unit 14. Reinforcement 1
1. King: The most powerful person. He governed the people. / Castle
Nobility: Owned most of the land and helped the king. / Castle
Clergy: Belonged to the church / Cathedrals, churches and monasteries
Peasants: Worked for nobility or clergy / in the countryside
Artisans and Burgess: Worked in workshops or trades and businesses / cities
2. a. After defeating the Visigoths, Muslims conquered almost the entire peninsula and called the new kingdom al-ndalus.
b. The Christian religion was divided into Catholics who obeyed the Pope and Protestants who followed the teachings of Luther.
3. a. Modern times began in 1492 when American was discovered.
b. The invention of the printing press helped spread knowledge.
c. Artisans organized themselves into associations called guilds.
d. A citadel is a fortress.
Unit 14. Reinforcement 2
1. a. castles; b. largest; pay; c. clergy; d. fortress
2. a. discovered; reconquered; b. increased; created; conquered; c. progressed.
3. a. Nobility; b. Clergy; c. Peasant / Common People
4. The original Catholic Monarchs were Isabel I of Castilla and Fernando II of Aragn.
The most powerful monarchs of this time were Carlos I and Felipe II.
During the Golden Age there were great artists, such as Velzquez.
The time of great artistic and cultural progress is called the Golden Age.



Unit 15. Reinforcement 1
1. a. invented; produce; grew
b. experienced
c. starts
d. take; recognised, declared
2. a. In Spain at the beginning of the nineteenth century the War of Independence started between the French and the Spanish.
b. After the Spanish Civil War a democracy was established.
c. In 1975 when Franco died the Democratic Transition started which marked the beginning of democracy in Spain.
d. In 1978 the current Constitution was adopted.
3. a. There were important social and economic changes in Spain after 1875.
b. Because of the transportation revolution at the time, extensive railways and road systems helped transportation grow in the
Unit 15. Reinforcement 2
1. a. Cities, b. unstable; c. couldnt
2. Refer to the student book to check the answer.
3. a. Cities; work
b. burgess; products
c. lighting; tram
4. Monarchy - The most powerful person is the king;
Republic - the form of government where the person with the maximum authority is elected by the citizens
Dictatorship - The rights and liberties of the citizens are greatly restricted.
5. 1. Reign of Alfonso XIII; 2. Second Republic; 3. Civil War; 4. Franco dictatorship; 5. Democracy


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