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Muo Luni (Ben Shan Luni + Baini + cobalt oxide) - green or blue

Hei Liao (Zini + cobalt oxide + manganese oxide) kind of black

Pin Zini (Zini + manganese oxide) brown-ish

Taking about Muo Luni, because Ben Shan Luni and cobalt itself (was imported one) was a rare
stock, and it required effort and skill to make this clay, thus Muo Luni itself became sorta rarity (I'm
talking about Factory-1 Muo Luni)
Factory-1 Zini is called 'Pu ni (normal clay)', it's so-called Qing Shui ni, Zini, Di Cao Qing etc..all
mixed clay. Nowadays clays themselves are sorted out specifically, but back then was run by
goverment, factory-running, for mass production. So while good clays were in hand on goverment
authority, not every pots were made carefully at best..(tho they had group who specialized in highly
decorated pot), and that's why you can't see factory-1 Zhuni often..
Clay was the same, they didn't care sort out, instead they'd add chemical substances to differentiate
the color, to same clay. Or just spray/dipping (Nei Zi Wai Hong)
Zisha Yichang (Factory-1, 1966~1997) was goverment-owned factory, main goal my opinion, was
to provide aristocratic Yixings to standard Chinese comrades, and start operating a huge-size
Briefing his history,
*Cultural Revolution (65~75) - clay good, craft level so-so
*~82 (green egg sticker)
* ~87 (Jia Zi year (84) produced greatest Zisha, but at that time too many none-factory pots were
being produced, a messed period........end of Zao Qi Hu (early period pot) period
*~92 (diamond sticker) - a lot of pots were made for Taiwan, so craft-level high, clay also good
*97 (round, silver sticker) -craft-level good, clay so-so

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