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Round up time!

Units 0-1-2
Pupils Book, rubber ball (optional extra).

Ask pupils how long a minute is (sixty seconds).
Ask them to sit at their desks, with their hands in front of
them. Instruct them to close their eyes and to raise their
hand when they think a minute has passed from the time
you say Go!
Tell them that they may only open their eyes when they
have raised their hands. Say: Go! and time the minute.
When the minute has passed, say: Stop, open your eyes.
Allow pupils to discuss their feelings about the minute with
their partners. Ask them: Did it go quickly or slowly? Were
your hands up or down at the end?
Draw four clock faces on the board, each one showing the
following times: 7:30, 2:15, 5:00 and 8:45. Ask pupils to
look at the clocks and write down the time shown on the
clocks in their notebooks.
Ask the pupils to listen to you and make notes about what
you do at each of these times. Say the following slowly:
I usually wake up at 7:30. I eat breakfast quickly and take
my dog for a walk before school. I sometimes have to help
my little brother to get dressed before school too.
I start school at 8:45. In the morning, we study Maths,
Science, English and History. We hardly ever do any
drawing or painting in the morning.
At lunchtime, I play in the playground with my friends.
Thats the best part of the day! At 2:15, we go back
into the classroom. Sometimes the teacher corrects our
homework with us. At 5:00, my grandmother picks me up
and we drive home.
If necessary, read the text again. Ask volunteers to read out
the notes that they made and write up the details under
each of the clocks.

A Copy and complete the sentences using the

words in the box.
Ask the pupils to open the Pupils Book at page 24 and
display the picture in the On-line Digital Book, if available.
Instruct them to look at the pictures at the top of the page
and to name the different types of clocks. Invite volunteers
to say what they remember about each type.

Read the three sentences from exercise A and instruct the

pupils to copy them into their notebooks.
Tell them to work in pairs to complete each one with a
word from the box. Check their answers in open class and
discuss any differences or questions they may have about
the clocks.
Answers: 1. sundials, 2. hourglass, minute, hour, 3. digital,
Optional extra
Ask a volunteer to come to the front of the class and sit
with his or her back to the board.
Write a time on the board and ask another pupil to show
what time it is using his or her hands as the hands of a clock.
Tell pupils to work in pairs and continue playing. One pupil
turns their back to the board and the other shows the
clock hands. Then pupils change roles and continue in the
same way.

B Write the following words in the correct place on

the line.
Draw a horizontal line on the board and ask the pupils to
copy it into their notebooks. Write never at the left-hand
end. Ask: Which word goes here? and point to the righthand end of the line to elicit always.

Roundup time Units 0-1-2


Instruct the pupils to write never and always at the two ends
of their line. Draw their attention to exercise B on page 24
and ask them to add the other four words to their line.
When they finish, ask four pupils to come to the board
to write a word each on the line. Allow the class to offer
corrections or modifications.
Answers: never - hardly ever - sometimes - often - usually always.

C Complete the following sentences about yourself,

using the words in exercise B.
Write the first sentence beginning from exercise C on the
board and complete it with information about yourself.
For example: At 7:00 am, I usually go for a run.
Ask pupils to copy the sentence beginnings into their
notebooks and to complete them with information about
When they finish, ask them to compare answers with a
partner and see what is the same and what is different
about their daily routines.
Optional extra
Write the following three sentences on the board:
I ___________ argue with my brother.
I ___________ tell my secrets to my best friend.
I ___________ visit my grandmother on Sunday.
Ask pupils to copy and complete each sentence with a
frequency adverb.
Tell them to write two more sentences with gaps which
they can then swap with a partner and complete each
others sentences.

D Copy and complete the following sentences

about yourself.
Tell pupils that they are now going to write some sentences
about themselves. Ask them to look at exercise D on page 24.
Write the first part of the first sentence on the board. Say
it aloud as you write: My favourite subject at school is
Pause, and then say: English!
Ask them to read through the sentences in exercise D in
pairs and talk about what word they will write in each
When they have done this, ask them to copy the sentences
into their notebooks and fill in the blanks to make
sentences that are true about themselves.
Invite volunteers to read out their sentences and discuss
the differences with the rest of the class.


Roundup time Units 0-1-2

Optional extra
Ask pupils to work in silence and write as many verbs as
they can in their notebooks. Tell them they have a twominute time limit.
When pupils have finished, ask them to stand up. If there is
enough space they can make a circle.
Show the pupils the rubber ball (or a ball of screwed-up
paper works well). Explain that one pupil will say a verb
from their list in the present tense and throw the ball to
another pupil. The pupil who catches the ball must say the
verb in the past tense. Continue in the same way until all
the class has had a chance to say a verb or give the answer.
After each pupil says a verb in the past tense, ask the class:
Is that correct? If they say Yes, continue, if they say No, ask
who can correct it.

Write the word Schooldays on the board and tell the pupils
they are going to play a guessing game with words related
to school.
Divide the class into two teams and ask a volunteer from
each team to come to the front of the class and sit with
their backs to the board.
Write a word from the list below on the board and ask the
other pupils in each team to define the word. Suggested
words: Maths, Science, lunch, teacher, best friend, football,
English, songs, reading, History, stories, etc.
The volunteer to guess the word first wins one point for his
or her team. Change volunteers and continue playing until
all the pupils have had a turn at guessing.

E Read this summary of Lucys life at Salford

primary school.
Instruct the class to open the Pupils Books at page 25. Tell
them they are going to read a summary and ask if anyone
can explain what a summary is.
Explain that the summary is about Lucy, the girl they read
about in Unit 1 and they are now going to read about her
again. Ask them to read quickly and find the answers to
the following questions:
1. What was Lucys best friend called?
2. Which subjects did Lucy like best?
Ask for volunteers to say the answers.
Answers: 1. Molly, 2. History and Geography.
Now match the verbs in the first column with the
words in the second column.
Ask the pupils to look at the two columns of words on
page 25. Invite a volunteer to read the first verb aloud
(started) while the rest of the class scans the second
column to find the word that matches it (school).
Tell them to work individually to match the remaining verbs
with the words in the second column.
When they have finished, ask them to compare answers
with a partner and then review answers in open class.
Answers: 1. e, 2. d, 3. f, 4. b, 5. c, 6. h, 7. g, 8. a.

Optional extra
Ask pupils to write eight sentences about their time at
primary school using the verbs in the past in exercise E.
To review, ask volunteers to read out their sentences and
compare them in open class.

F Look at this kitchen. Tell your classmate five

things that you need to do to clear it up.
Ask the class to open the Pupils Book at page 25 and
display the picture in the On-line Digital Book, if available.
Instruct them to look at the picture carefully and to try to
remember as much as they can about it in one minute.
After one minute tell the class to close the Pupils Books
and write of list of all the objects in the kitchen.
Instruct the pupils to compare their lists with a partner.
Then tell them to open their books and look at the picture
a second time to find the things they forgot.
Ask the class if the kitchen is clean or dirty (dirty). Then
instruct them to work in pairs to write a list of five or more
things that they need to do to clear up the kitchen.
Check answers with the whole class.
Answers: 1. Sweep the floor, 2. Clear up the table, 3. Wash
the dishes, 4. Pick up the clothes, 5. Close the fridge door,
6. Close the cupboard door, 7. Put the milk in the fridge, etc.

Roundup time Units 0-1-2


Optional extra
Ask pupils to close their eyes and think about their
bedrooms at home and imagine them when they need to
clean and tidy them.
Tell them to draw a picture of the untidy rooms, including
three or four things that they need to do to clear them up.
If they dont have many ideas you can tell them to think
about the bed, the wardrobe, their clothes, toys, CDs,
books, cups, plates, etc.
Tell them to swap their pictures with a partner who will
make requests about what they have to do, for example:
Please can you make your bed, Put your clothes away,
please, etc.
Finally, ask pupils to look at the grammar table on page
19 of the Pupils Book and use it to help them to write
sentences about what their partner has asked them to do,
for example: He asked me to make the bed, She wants me
to put my clothes away, etc.

G Copy and write what you think the doctor says

to his patients when they tell him / her how they
Briefly discuss going to the doctor with the pupils.
Encourage them to discuss the following questions:
- How often do you go to the doctor?
- Why do you go to the doctor?
- Who likes going?
- Who doesnt like going?
Ask the class if they can remember some of the illnesses
that were described in Unit 2 and write them on the
board. Invite volunteers to say the symptoms for each one.
Tell the class to open the Pupils Book at page 25 and to
read the sentences in exercise G and decide what is wrong
with each patient.
Instruct the pupils to compare their answers with a partner
before copying the sentences into their notebooks and
completing them.
Check the answers in open class.
Answers: 1. flu, 2. Youve got chicken pox, 3. Youve got
hay fever, 4. Youve got a broken arm.


Roundup time Units 0-1-2

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