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Function: Support, Protection,

Movement, Storage, Blood cell
production (hematopoiesis)
Bone made up of nerves and blood
Cartilage reduce friction, model for
bone formation
Tendons bone to muscle
Ligaments bone to bone
Proteoglycans - large polysaccharides
attached to proteins, part of ground
substance, store water, good shock


Bone - collagen and minerals

- flexible and able to bear weight
- Hydroxyapatite (calcium phosphate
crystal) - provides weight-bearing
Cartilage - collagen and proteoglycans
- Good shock absorber
Tendons and ligaments - collagen
- very tough
Osteoblasts - produce bone matrix and
become osteocytes
Osteocytes - located in Lacunae and
are connected to one another through
Osteoclasts - break down (resorption)
originate from stem cells in red bone
Woven bone - collagen fibers: many
different directions, remodeled to form
lamellar bone
Lamellar bone - Mature bone,
arranged in thin layers called
Lamellae, collagen fibers: parallel
Cancellous bone - many spaces,
- Lamellae combine to form
- Trabeculae - Beams of bone,
interconnect, lattice-like structure,
spaces filled with bone marrow and
blood vessels, no osteon
Compact bone - is few spaces,
external layer
- Consists of organized lamellae

Circumferential lamellae - outer

surface of compact bones
- Concentric lamellae - surround
central canals, forming osteons
- Interstitial lamellae - remnants of
lamellae left after bone remodeling
Long bones - longer than they are
wide, most bones of the upper and
lower limbs
- Femur, tibia, fibula
Short bones, about as wide as they are

bones of the wrist (carpals) and ankle


- Carpals, tarsals, phalanges

Flat bones - thin, flattened shape and
are usually curved, cancellous bone
sandwiched between two layers of
compact bone
- skull, all the ribs, the breastbone
(sternum), and the shoulder blades
Irregular bones - Do not fit into the
other three categories, vertebrae,
pelvic girdle and facial bones
Diaphysis shaft, compact bone tissue
on outside, Yellow bone marrow (fat) is
contained in the medullary cavity
Epiphysis - expanded ends, spongy
bone tissue interior, Joint surface is
covered with articular (hyaline)
Articular cartilage - covers epiphyses,
reduces friction
Epiphyseal plate - site of bone growth,
becomes the epiphyseal line when all
of its cartilage is replaced with bone
Epiphyseal line - separates the
diaphysis from the epiphyses
Periosteum - double layer of protective
membrane covering the outer surface
of bone
Endosteum - delicate membrane
covering internal surfaces of bone
Osteon - structural unit of compact
Lamellae - rings of bone matrix
Lacunae - spaces between lamella
Canaliculi - tiny canals, transport
nutrients and

remove waste
Central canal - center of osteon,
contains blood vessels
Ossification - process of bone
formation (occurs in utero)
Osteoblasts role - build bone,
becomes an osteocyte
Ossification center - where bone
formation begins, cluster of osteoblast
Primary ossification center - where
bone 1st begins to appear, forms
Secondary ossification center - forms
Intramembranous ossification - bone
develops from a fibrous membrane
Endochondral ossification - replacing
hyaline cartilage, perichondrium to
appositional growth - adding of new
bone on the surface of older bone or
- bone length increases because of
growth at the Epiphyseal plate
Bone Remodeling - removal of existing
bone by osteoclasts and deposition of
new bone by osteoblasts
Complete fracture - totally separates
Incomplete fracture - incomplete
Transverse fracture - broken piece of
bone is at a right angle to the bone's
Comminuted fracture - more than 2
Impacted fracture - one part of the
bone is driven into the spongy bone of
Oblique fracture - break is at an angle
to the bones axis
Spiral fracture - angle other than a
right angle to the axis of the bone
Clot/Hematoma formation - mass of
clotted blood (hematoma) forms at the
fracture site
Callus formation - granulation tissue
(soft callus) forms a few days after the
fracture, capillaries grow into the
tissue and cells (osteoblasts)

Callus ossification - ossified to produce

woven, cancellous bone, (4-6 weeks)
Bone remodeling - excess material
removed, Compact bone is laid down
to reconstruct shaft walls, (more than
Hematopoietic Tissue - tissue that
makes blood cells
Red marrow - location of blood forming
Yellow marrow - mostly fat
Newborns - most bones (red marrow)
Adults - red is replaced with yellow
marrow, red marrow is mainly in
epiphyses of femur and humerus
Foramen hole, foramen magnum
Fossa depression
Process projection
Condyle - smooth, rounded end
Meatus - canal-like passageway
Tubercle - lump of bone
Fissure cleft
Sinus cavity
Crest prominent ridge
Facet small, flattened
Mastoid process - attached to neck
External auditory meatus - ear canal
Nasolacrimal canal - canal between
nasal cavity and eye, conducts tears
Styloid process - attachment site for
Mandibular fossa - depression where
lower jaw and skull meet
Glenoid fossa - where humerus meets
Hard palate - roof of mouth
Foramen magnum - hole where spinal
cord joins brainstem
Zygomatic - cheek bone
Mandible - lower jaw
Maxilla - upper jaw
7 cervical vertebra
12 thoracic vertebra
5 lumbar vertebra
1 sacrum
1 coccyx
Atlas - 1st vertebra, holds head
Axis - 2nd vertebra, rotates head
12 pair of ribs

Sternum - breastbone
True ribs - attach directly to sternum
by cartilage
False ribs - attach indirectly to sternum
by cartilage
Floating ribs - not attached to sternum
Scapula - shoulder blade
Clavicle - collar bone
Humerus - upper limb
Ulna, Radius - forearm
Carpals - wrist
Metacarpals - hand
Pelvic Girdle - where lower limbs
attach to body
Pelvis - includes pelvic girdle and
Ischium - inferior and posterior region
Ilium - most superior region
Acetabulum - hip socket (joint)
Femur - thigh
Patella - knee cap
Tibia - large lower leg
Fibula small lower leg

Articulations - where 2 bones come

together (joint)
Synarthrosis - nonmovable joint, ex.
Amphiarthrosis - slightly movable
joint, ex. Between vertebrae
Diarthrosis - freely movable joint
Flexion - bending
Extension - straightening
Abduction - movement away from
Adduction - movement toward the
Pronation - rotation of the forearm with
palms down
Supination - rotation of the forearm
with palms up
Rotation - movement of a structure
about the long axis

Effects of Aging on the Skeletal System and


1. Decrease Collagen Production

2. Loss of Bone Density
3. Degenerative Changes

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