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Publication Rights Agreement (PRA)

(Modified from mSURJ

This form is sent on behalf of the editorial board of the Journal of Undergraduate Research in Alberta, hereinafter
called JURA.

An article has been submitted to JURA entitled

on behalf of

The purpose of this Publications Rights Agreement (PRA) is twofold:

1. Introduce JURA and outline the implications of publishing in this undergraduate journal, and
2. Obtain permission from all co-authors and relevant parties involved in the research (i.e., supervisors, principal
investigators, lab managers) so as to proceed with publication

JURA launched in 2010, as a student-run initiative to benefit the University of Calgary undergraduate research
community. Our mission is to encourage, publish, and promote undergraduate research. This key resource unites
student researchers, faculty supervisors, graduate students and faculty reviewers. As an undergraduate journal
drawing on peer reviews from within the university community, this journal intends to provide aspiring
undergraduates with valuable experience in the process of writing academic articles, while simultaneously
offering the opportunity to publish in a peer-reviewed journal which draws input from experienced University of
Calgary researchers and faculty.

Review process
Our review process operates as follows: the JURA Editorial Board drafts a shortlist of conditionally-accepted
articles from all submissions. A total of two to three (2-3) reviews of each manuscript are collected. Each author
provides a list of potential reviewers (who are neither co-authors nor students under the same supervisor), of
which the Editorial Board selects one. The Editorial Board identifies an additional anonymous reviewer. A team of
Editorial Board members assigned to the article provide the third written review. The author(s) will then revise
their manuscript and submit a final version for publication.

Authorship and Rights

JURA is an open-access and non-proprietary journal. Authors retain all copyrights to their research work. JURA
supports the authors ownership of their submitted intellectual property; as such, reproduction of any material
appearing within JURA is not permitted without the permission of the signing authors and investigators found on
that articles PRA. As this journal is intended primarily as an undergraduate journal with reviews from members
of the University of Calgary scientific research community, articles may be submitted to other journals
subsequent to publication in JURA. JURA reserves distribution rights; copies of the journal are produced and
distributed in hard-copy and online formats.

The University of Calgary 2500 University Dr. NW Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2N 1N4
P. 403-875-7940| |

Publication Rights Agreement (PRA)

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Research carried out in collaboration with professors and other students necessitates that all authors and
investigators approve of submitting the article. We require that all co-authors, primary investigators and other
relevant parties with claims to the intellectual property of the submission indicate their consent for the author(s)
named above to proceed with publishing in JURA.
As the primary (submitting) author/authors, I/we hereby declare that I/we have read this PRA, and grant my/our
full permission to publish the submitted article in question to JURA. In addition, I/we declare that all co-authors
and investigators with claims to the intellectual property presented in and related to this submission have read
this document and signed below.

name of submitting author



As a contributing co-author/investigator/supervisor, I hereby declare that I have read this PRA and grant the
author indicated my full permission to publish the submitted article in question to JURA.

name, indicate role (co-author, supervisor, etc.)



name, indicate role (co-author, supervisor, etc.)



name, indicate role (co-author, supervisor, etc.)



name, indicate role (co-author, supervisor, etc.)



name, indicate role (co-author, supervisor, etc.)



The University of Calgary 2500 University Dr. NW Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2N 1N4
P. 403-875-7940| |

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