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install ET 2010A
a.first install ET 2010A

b.after ET 2010A installation finished,and then register license key

Double click keygen et2k9c_kg.exe

Choose JERD2129 Full service dealer ET

c. Get the license key and register on 2010A ET software.

2. and then install 2011A

3. install USB drive

1.copy USB-VAG-COM ISO9141 USB drive folder on your desk.

2.connect hardware to your PC.

a. After hardware connected, new hardware foundwill popup in the
bottom right corner.
b. Choose manual installation
c. Browse to the folderUSB-VAG-COM ISO9141 on your desk. Follow the
installation guide step by step until finish.

4. After all these installation finish,right clickmy

computerpropertyhardwaredevice managerCOM port

If ET drive is COM1,then choose the same communicate COM port(COM1)

in ET software configuaration.

After you correct setup communicate port .the hardware should connect
well now.

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