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BibleMAX Teens


Bible passage: Matthew 5:13-16
Memory verse: Matthew 5:16b
Main idea:
Let everyone see Jesus in you to bring Him glory and bring out the best in others.


This unit focuses on the teachings of Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew called the Sermon on the Mount. Jesus tells us what the
Kingdom of God is like and how those who love God will live their lives. It is very challenging! No one is able to be perfect and
meet that challenge. As we read we realize we dont come up to Gods standards. We need Jesus grace; His work on the
cross and His provision of the Holy Spirit to convict us of sin, and to comfort and empower us.
Think about how your community sees you. Are you salt that brings the flavor out? Are you a light in your community? How do
you shine Jesus light? Answer these questions as honestly as you can. Ask a friend to tell you how they would answer these
questions about you.
Things you will need in the following sections:
Kickoff: Tea towel or rope tails.

Whats the issue: food for taste test (pizza, popcorn etc).
Whats next?: A Bible, torches and light, paper and pencils.
Small group discussion is a good time for leaders to disciple a small group of children. Put teens of the
same age and gender together. Match the leader carefully with the type of group.

Use some of these activities depending on how much time you have for the session

1. Welcome add activities that your group especially likes to do add that special
flavour of your groups personality!
Singing, making music, snack time, sport, football, volleyball, chat and catch up, worship.

2. Game: Caterpillar tail

Ask the group to divide into teams of about 6-8 people. Each team stands in a line and each person puts his
or her hands on the shoulder of the person in front. The person at the back of the line is given a tail, a short
length of rope or material. It can be tucked into their belt so it hangs down like a tail. On GO the teams have
to move around. The front person has to try and grab the tail of the back person on another team. Each team
must work together so that they do not break the link, and protect the tail. If they break their link or lose their
tail they lose the game. The last team with their tail wins. Play two or three rounds of the game.


3. Leaders personal story

A leader welcomes the group and tells a funny/interesting story about a time when they did something wrong
and everyone around them followed them and did the wrong thing too.

4. Activity Taste test

Have a number of foods out the front that teenagers enjoy that need a critical ingredient to make it good. For example: pizza,
popcorn, fries, cakesetc.

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Have volunteers taste the food without the important ingredient. Can they work out whats not right? Now taste with the special
Debrief questions
Bring the group close together and discuss these questions to help them understand.

1. How did it taste without the special ingredient?

2. Do you need a lot of that ingredient?

5. Read the Bible- Matthew 5:13-16

Choose one activity from ways to unpack a Bible story. This may be done in a big group or a small group.
SUGGESTION: Unpack Bible Way 5- Divide and digest. Divide the passage into sections and give a

section to each group. Each group must read and discuss the scripture. Then they prepare a short
presentation to help communicate the ideas to the rest of the group. The presentation may be in the form of a
short talk, a short drama or mime, a forum of questions and answers, an interview with a character from the
Bible passage or a discussion, debate or explanation.

6. Small group discussion

When does salt become useless?
How should Christians be like salt?
Why are we asked to be salt of the earth and not the chocolate or pizza or caviar?
What does light do?
How does God want us to be light?
What does the Bible say that people will do when they see your good deeds?
How will this change how you live your life?

Help children realize that our love and faith in Jesus should change us and be clear to be seen by others
around us. We cannot hide our faith in Jesus from those around us. They should see our faith through our
actions and praise God.


7. Spotlight
This game is played outside in the dark on a playing field up to the size of an oval. A park would be perfect with trees and other
object to hide behind. A bright light is put at one end of the field. Each person starts at the other end of the field of play and has
to try to sneak their way to the light without being seen. 3 or 4 leaders wearing sunglasses are hidden on the field with torches.
These leaders can spot anyone they see moving with a torch and send them back to the start. Play the game again if time.

8. Tell an inspiring story

Tell a true story of an inspiring Christian who is living their life as salt or light. You could find a short YouTube
clip to help you. You could show a short excerpt from a movie such as Soul Surfer. It could be someone like
Mother Teresa or Eric Liddell.

9. Take Home Challenge

Journaling/mentor partners. Challenge everyone to think about how they are showing others what God is
doing in their life. Are they hiding Gods work or are they letting others see it? What can they do about this?


10. Encouragement

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Stick a piece of paper to each persons back. Ask everyone to take a pencil and write an encouraging thing they see in the
other persons life. Spend 5 minutes moving around to as many people as possible to write encouraging comments. Play music
while this is happening.

11. Scripture to remember in small groups

Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and
praise your Father in heaven. Matt 5:16
SUGGESTION: Make the memory verse into a song. Eg boy band, pop diva or punk.

11. Prayer in small groups or pairs

SUGGESTION: Pair and share- pray with the same person you spoke about the journal with.

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Bible passage:
Memory verse:
Main idea:

Matthew 5:43-48
Matthew 5:44
Love your enemies. God will give you strength and wisdom through prayer.

We all come from different backgrounds. Many of us have enemies which go back generations. We have learned about them
from our family, communities and culture. We also have rivals who we compare ourselves with. We dont want them to do
better than us. But what does Jesus say? To love your enemies and pray for them! Why pray? So we invite God to be involved.
So we can begin to change our attitudes. So the cycle of sin can be broken.
Reflect on this through the week. Who are your rivals? Do you have someone you need to pray about?
Things you will need in the following sections:
Kickoff!: Leader story

Whats the issue?: Paper or journal and pen for paraphrasing.

Whats next?: Bible or printed text. Video camera
Teenagers will feel more connected to the church when they are given opportunities to serve and be
involved. How can you involve teens more in the life of your church? How can the church show that teens
are important?

Use some of these activities depending on how much time you have for the session

1. Welcome
Singing, making music, snack time, sport, football, volleyball, chat and catch up, worship.

2. Leader welcome:
A leader tells a story about how they had an enemy and what the terrible consequences were for themselves
and the enemy.

3. Activity: Murder winks

Children and leaders stand or sit in a circle. All close their eyes and a secret person is chosen. After children open their eyes
they are told that someone will try and eliminate them from the game by winking at them. When a person is eliminated they fall
to the floor (without hurting others). Other people still in the game may guess who the murderer is.


4. Moral dilemma
What would you do if someone got on social media (Facebook) and told lies and gossip about you to
embarrass you? Now everyone in your school, sports team and church think you are terrible?
Pair and share you answer then hear suggestions from the group.

5. Read Matthew 5:43-48

Choose one activity from ways to unpack a Bible story. This may be done in a big group or a small group.

SUGGESTION: Unpack the Bible- Way 2- Write a paraphrase of the scripture (Rewrite it in your own words).
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You could read the passage in a standard version of scripture and then read it again in a different version like
The Message teens can write their own.

6. Small group discussion

What are some of the other terms we use for enemies today in our culture?
What should we do when we realize we have an enemy? Why?
How is loving a friend different from loving an enemy?
What are the consequences of having an enemy?
What do you think of Jesus command in verse 48? Is this possible? How does Jesus make it possible?
What do we learn about God?

Help everyone realize that the best way to deal with our enemies to pray for them, not retaliate with hate.


7. Game: Payback
Ask everyone to stand facing a partner. A person in the pair will start by doing something to the other person (eg. tap them on
the shoulder). The other person will then do the same thing back, and then add something else e.g. slap on face. This goes on
and builds up until they cannot remember the sequence of payback. Remind everyone not to hurt others.

What did you notice in this game?

8. Drama challenge
In groups of 5 people, create a modern situation where someone might have an enemy. Make a 2-minute
drama that shows the problem with having an enemy and its consequences and then how to resolve this as
Jesus taught. Allow each group to perform the dramas. The dramas could also be videoed and shown in


9. Scripture to remember in small groups

Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you. Matthew 5:44
Suggestion: Sticker. Write down the verse on the piece of paper and stick it at home at the place
you visit the most during the day.

10. Prayer: pair and share

In pairs, ask each person to share about a struggle they are having with an enemy and then pray for each

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Bible passage:
Memory Verse:
Main idea:

Matthew 6: 1-4
Matthew 6:1a
Give to please God, not to try and impress others.

We can so easily get things back-to-front. Instead of giving to help someone who is in need, we can sometimes give so others
would see how good we are. Are we truly motivated to help or just to impress others? Or do both motivate us at the same time?
Jesus has excellent advice here; give secretly, then only God will see and it is He who will reward you.
Reflect on this through the week. Do you need to think about how you give?
Things you will need in the following sections:
Kickoff!: balloons or light ball.

Whats the issue: Bible.

Whats next?: Journals or piece of paper and pencil.
Teens can spot a fake. Just be yourself! Be honest with the struggles you have had and this will help them
trust you and open their lives to God.


1. Welcome
Singing, making music, snack time, sport, football, volleyball, chat and catch up, worship.

2. Game: Give the ball away

Everybody moves around an area and passes a ball between them as quickly as they can. When the leader yells freeze,
everybody stands still. Those who are still holding a ball must now hop around for the rest of the game. Add a few more balls to
make the game more exciting.

3. Leader welcome
Ask the group, what sort of secrets do people keep? Are they good secrets or bad secrets?
Tell the group about a time when you received a gift from an anonymous person. They kept the gift secret.

4. Relay: Left-hand, right-hand.

Get into teams of 10-16 made up of pairs. Pairs must work together in this challenge. A balloon or light ball is
given to each team. The first pair start by carrying the ball without using their hands to the far end of the
room and back, e.g. using heads, or backs. The next pair must carry the balloon a different way with out using
their hands, but use a different part of their bodies. Continue in this manner. Until a team has completed the
relay first.

Was it easy to co-ordinate yourselves? Why?


5. Whats the Issue?

Write up this statement for everyone to see. People only give because it makes them feel good and
look good!
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Ask everyone to stand on a side of the room, left if they agree and right if they do not agree. Ask a few people
to give their reasons for their opinion.

6. Read Matthew 6:1-4

SUGGESTION: Unpack the Bible- Way 3- Body sculpture. Work in pairs. Read one verse at a time.
Take it in turns for one person to be the clay and the other the sculptor. Model the theme of each
verse and allow time for everyone to look at the other sculptures.

7. Small group discussion

Gather the teens in small groups to discuss these questions.

How do you feel when you give to others?

What is your favourite way to give?
How are people needy? List the ways.
What does this passage tell us about how to give to those in need?
Why does Jesus want us to give in secret?
When we give to the needy, who are we really giving to? Read Matthew 25:45
What do we learn about God from this passage?

Help everyone realize that giving is important to God. We can give in many ways but we must do it to
really help others; not to show-off and just meet our own needs.


8. Individual challenge: journal reflection

Write in your journal. List the different people in your life. Next to each name write down some ideas about how you could
secretly serve them and give to them. It may be time, energy, gifts or prayers. Pray for them now.

9. Group challenge
Work in small groups. Ask each group to discuss these questions.

Who can we help in our community?

How can we help them secretly?
Challenge each group to try to fulfil the challenge in the coming week. Keep each group challenge a secret!


10. Memory Verse

When you do good deeds, dont try to show off! Matthew 6:1a
SUGGESTION: Speed-dating. Each person is to go around the room and tell as many people as possible the
memory verse in one minute.

11. Prayer Choose a way to pray together.

SUGGESTION: Prayer- Way 3- Hat prayer. Ask everyone in the group to put their name on a piece of paper.
Place the pieces of paper into a hat or another convenient container. Then pass the hat around the group and
ask each young person to take out a piece of paper. Encourage them to pray for that person during the coming
12. Take Home Challenge
Break into pairs and commit to hold each other accountable by calling one another on the week and asking if
they did what they had planned.
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Bible passage:
Memory Verse:
Main idea:

Matthew 6:5-15
Matthew 6:9-13
Talk to God because you are in relationship with him, not to try and impress others.

God invented prayer. Prayer allows us to communicate with the creator of the universe. He is so interested and involved in our
lives that He even knows what we need before we tell Him. Jesus teaches us about prayer because some people were praying
in particular ways and in certain places to try to impress others with their spirituality. Jesus wants us to simply talk to God with
just a few words and with an open and honest heart.
How do you pray? Is it a delight or a chore? Remember; enjoy communicating with God every day.
Things you will need in the following sections:
Kickoff!: simple drawings of shapes

Whats the issue: research how people pray from other religions,
Unpack the Bible: A Bible
Whats next?: Journals, Video cameras
Take time to spend a lot of time in prayer this week. Use the Lords Prayer as a template for your own life.
They are not magic words that will please God, just a pattern to help us form our thoughts and prayers to
God. You cannot teach teens about prayer if you have not recently explored your own prayer life.


1. Welcome
Singing, making music, snack time, sport, football, volleyball, chat and catch up, worship.

2. Challenge: pass it on drawing

Ask everyone to get into teams of 10 and form a line. A simple drawing is shown to the back person of each team, e.g. triangle,
star, cloud)On GO, the back person in each line has to draw the correct shape on the back of the person in front with their
finger. They may draw it twice only. Then that person draws it on the back of the person in front of them, and so on. The first
group to pass on the correct shape to the front of the line is the winner.
Debrief questions

Where did the message stop and change in the line? Why?
Do you think this message is very complicated?
How could you do it better?
Play the game again and pass on a different shape.

3. Leader welcome and revision

Start with asking how everyone found the secret giving and serving from last week.
Ask the group this question:

If you could ask God any question, what would it be?

4. Back to back communication

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In pairs, sit back to back. Now have a conversation without turning around. Maybe talk about a favorite place or food. Now sit
facing each other and have a conversation. This time, both talk at the same time without either stopping to listen. Now sit facing
each other and have a conversation about a favourite time in your life. Take it in turns to speak and listen.
Debrief question

Why is it difficult to communicate when you cannot see the other person?

5. Whats the Issue?

If prayer is defined as talking to God, how does each major religion see prayer?
How do Muslims, Jews, Hindus and Buddhists pray? Do some research about this to give the group clear information.

6. Read Matthew 6:9-13

SUGGESTION: Annotate the Bible passage. Show how the prayer is divided into themes. How not to pray and
then how to pray. Praise to God, ask for daily needs, confession and forgiveness and help to fight temptation.
7. Small group discussion:
What is prayer for Christians?
Why is it good to pray in secret? So is it wrong to pray with others?
How does Jesus teach us to pray? (praise, thanks, confession, asking for help)
Do we need to learn special words to say or pray at certain times of the day?
How is it different from prayer in other major religions?
What do we learn about God?

Help everyone realise that we talk to God because we love him, need him and want to learn from Him. It is
foolish to just say prayers with words to impress people.


8. Watch video
Look at video of Pharisee and tax collector on Max7. Discuss this together.

9. Self reflection
Spend some time alone and write a prayer to God in your journal. No one will read this prayer so be as honest as you can.
Remember to always be honest with God.


10. Memory Verse

Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your
will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us
not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. Matthew 6:9-13
Choose a Memory Verse activity. SUGGESTION: in teams of 5 people, make a video clip of the Lords Prayer in
a creative and personal way. It may include other words and phrases as well as the words of scripture.

11. Prayer
Show some of the video clips to the group if there is time.

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Bible passage:
Memory Verse:
Main idea:

Matthew 6:19-24
Matthew 6:20-21
Live this life focused on eternity.

Our time on earth is an important time where we can meet Jesus and make a decision to follow Him for eternity. However
heaven is the main game. Jesus reminds us to invest our lives and set our hearts on heaven rather than get side tracked and
build wealth on earth that we cannot take to heaven with us. Earthly treasures have many problems!
Reflect on this through the week. What do you really treasure? Are you focused on storing treasure here or for eternity? What
treasure are you storing in Heaven?
Things you will need in the following sections:
Kickoff!: match sticks or similar, hoops or chalk to draw circles,

Whats the issue: paper and pencils

Whats next?: A Bible, a big sheet paper
The most basic way you can serve someone else is to listen to themreally listen! Not just out of duty but
with active questions that draw out how the person is feeling. Teenagers need leaders who listen and
respond appropriately.


1. Welcome
Singing, making music, snack time, sport, football, volleyball, chat and catch up, worship.

2 Game: Yes, No or Maybe

Give everyone 5 match sticks. The aim of the game is to get as many match sticks as possible. This is how it is done.
Everyone will move around the room asking other people questions. If a person answers the question with yes, no, maybe,
they have to hand over a stick. If they do not answer your question, say um or pause more than 3 seconds they also have to
give up a stick. The person with the most sticks after 5 minutes wins.

3. Leader welcome and revision

Leader asks teens about what things you used to treasure as a child. Are any of these as important now?

4. Game: Rob the nest

The playing area is a square with sides about 5 meters long. At each corner is a hoop or circle drawn on the ground. The teens
are divided into 4 groups and each group sits behind a different corner. 10 objects are put in the middle of the area (shoes or
small balls). One volunteer from each team is chosen to be the runner for their team and stands at their corner. The aim of the
game is to collect 4 objects in the team corner. Only one object can be carried at a time and they cannot be thrown into the
hoop. The runner begins getting one object at a time from the middle. Once the objects from the middle have gone they can
rob them from other corners. Teams cannot stop each other from taking their treasure.
Debrief questions

How did you feel when you saw your treasure being taken by someone else?

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5. Priority list
Ask everyone to make a list of his or her top 10 earthly treasures. Now put them into order of value. Show the list to someone
else and talk about why some are more valuable than others.

6. Read Matthew 6: 19-24

SUGGESTION: Unpack the Bible- Way 6. Read the Bible passage all together. Read verses and build

up the complete passage by adding a verse with each reading. So begin with verse 1, then verse 1 and 2, and
then with verses 1,2 and 3.and so on. This allows the group to meditate on the verses.

7. Small group discussion

What sorts of things do we store up? Why?
What is the problem with earthly treasures?
What might heavenly treasures be? Make a list together.
Whats difficult about storing treasures for later in Heaven rather than having treasure now?
Why cant you serve two masters at the same time?
What do we learn about God from this passage?

Help everyone realise that our life on earth is a small introduction to what heaven will be. We need to live
our life on earth with our focus on eternity.


8. Reflection questions
Journalling. Have teens to think about their lives and their priorities. Ask these questions and then pair and

Where is your treasure? (v21)

What treasure are you storing in heaven? What does this mean to you?
9. Small group mural
Work in small group to create a mural which contrasts what the world treasures and what will be treasured in heaven. You can
use magazines, newspapers, words, markers or any medium. Display the murals and talk about what they communicate.


10. Memory Verse

Store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do

not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your
treasure is, there your heart will be also. Matthew 6:20-21
Choose a Memory Verse activity. SUGGESTION: write the verse on three different sticky notes. Stick these to 3
of the objects that you treasure to remind yourself that it belongs to God and needs to be seen in the light of

11. Prayer Choose a way to pray together.

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