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Petrel Isatis Link

Release Notes

Petrel Isatis Link

Release Notes
A. IsatisLink 2.5.2 (March 2016)


Now supports Petrel 2015 (removed support for Petrel 2012).

Export Grid & Wells: sort Well logs and facies lists.

Cleanup variable names when exporting. All names greater than 49 characters are truncated with
a message and curly and square brackets are replaced by underscore.

Added icons for IsatisLink in Property Modeling ribbon.

IsatisLink 2.5.1 (January 2015)

Export Grid & Wells: fix revert J calculation which was wrong if found angle was negative.

Export Grid & Wells: Improved UI for Well Logs and Facies Lists. Make them resized with the
window, change selection mode to select lots of items more easily + make Ctrl-A work.

Export Grid & Wells: fix Well Append Button that was not working anymore since 2.5.0.

Export Grid & Wells: When exporting a Grid selecting only some Zones, running twice will fail
indicating the grid geometry does not match which is not true.

Export Grid & Wells: Well names are now checked before export in Append Mode to avoid errors
about the Header Lines Name that is not made of unique names.

Export Grid & Wells: skip logs and facies that have too long names to be stored in Isatis (avoid a

Import Surface: When selecting a Macro variable as Input, auto-selects the first available index.

Import Surface: Change Surface icon.

C. IsatisLink 2.5.0 (July 2014)

Now supports Petrel 2014 (removed support for Petrel 2010 and Petrel 2011).

Export Grid & Wells: Split Input options into tabs and add an Export Mode to clarify what really
needs to be exported from the Petrel project.

Export Grid & Wells: Add a new option to export Upscaled Logs as Pseudo Vertical Wells. This
mode might split one well into several pieces but ensure trajectories does not form weird angles.

Export Grid & Wells: fix bug that made impossible to reopen the Window if previously used Wells
have been deleted since last use.

Export Grid & Wells: fix rotation calculation which was sometimes wrong (-+ 180).

D. IsatisLink 2.4.1 (September 2013)



Export Grid & Wells: New 2.4.0 feature to split the wells into several Isatis lines broke Logs
export when the trajectory did not have any problem. You might end up with a message about
not being able to create the link between the header points file and the lines file.

Export Grid & Wells: Recently added Boreholes Append button crashed the application when the
list was empty.

Export Grid & Wells: will crash if asked to export export only some Zones and then Remove the
name of the Grid to Export.

Import Isatis Grid into a Pillar Grid: didnt allow importing a grid from IsatisLink versions lower
than 2.4 (throws a VendorData error).

IsatisLink 2.4.0 (July 2013)

Now supports Petrel 2013 (removed support for Petrel 2009 & Petrel 2009.2).

New installer for Petrel 2013 module using WIX.

Export Grid & Wells: A new Zone Selector allows choosing which zone(s) to export. Exported
Grid/Surfaces/Markers/Wells will be stored in separate file for each zone.

Export Grid & Wells: export Zone Top and Bottom instead of Horizons. Those Top & Bottom
Surfaces are not including Dead Cells as the Horizons Surfaces were.

Export Grid & Wells: Export a Zone Code Grid Variable which is only defined for non-Dead Cells.

Export Grid & Wells: Boreholes selection has a new button to append to the already selected
ones. Boreholes DragnDrop can now include Well Folders.

Export Grid & Wells: Grid Definition now has a button to guess an approximated Grid definition to
have meaningful coordinates in Isatis. Two options have also be added here to mirror the I and/or
J indices. This can be useful if the Petrel grid has its origin in an unusual corner (i.e. not bottomleft) and you dont want to apply a too strong rotation to the grid.

Export Grid & Wells: Well having trajectories with too high deviations as split into pieces to avoid
further problems in Isatis.

Import Isatis Grid Variable: Allow to reimport the contents of a previously exported grid
corresponding to a zone (and not the full grid).

IsatisLink 2.3.3 (October 2012)

Import Isatis Grid Variable: under Petrel 2012.1, the interface might appear empty with no way
to work with it. It is due to some old/corrupted parameters reading that disables the windows

G. IsatisLink 2.3.2 (September 2012)

Add Petrel 2012.1 64-bit module for the 64-bit version of Petrel. No 32-bit version is distributed
anymore as Petrel itself is no more available on those platforms.

H. IsatisLink 2.3.1 (April 2012)



Export Grid & Wells to Isatis: Fix export of well names that crashed GTXserver if well names were
longer than 15 characters. Well Name variable is now dynamically resized if well names have
different lengths.

Export Grid & Wells to Isatis: UI for Marker Collection was not updated when closing and
reopening the window. This would let the user think than Markers were not exported but indeed
they were.

Remove Isatis-style licensing. No license.cry is needed anymore to run the IsatisLink plugin.

IsatisLink 2.3.0 (August 2011)

Add Petrel 2011.1 module as a both a 32-bit and a 64-bit module for the 64-bit version of Petrel.
Petrel 2007 and 2008 are not supported anymore.

Export Grid & Wells to Isatis: Fix unit of Volume expansion factor (was m) and bug when
selected wells dont go across the select Pillar Grid.

New Export Surface process: It allows the export of a Depth surface to Isatis. This window only
accepts surfaces with a Regular Grid base. It might be subject to change in the next releases.

IsatisLink 2.2.2 (March 2011)

Export Grid and Wells to Isatis:


Wells may be stored with all null coordinates: after saving and loading a project if one
tries to re-run Export Grid and Wells, all wells are exported at the origin of the output
grid. If you change the angle from the Grid Definition Angle (even to set it back to its
previous value), wells are then exported correctly.

plugin may crash if a selected well does not intersect at all the exported Pillar Grid.

When some continuous log properties are selected to export but not present in all
selected wells, the export is aborted when encountering the first well with no log
properties at all with the message: No log sample has to be written to Isatis. (It works
correctly with the well containing none of the discrete properties).

list of selected continuous logs are not internally reset when changing selected wells to a
group that does not contain any continuous log property. This mainly does so that the
export tries to write continuous properties when none are present for the current well
group and the export will abort due to previous bug. The same applies to internal list of
selected discrete properties when the new list of wells does not contain any discrete

property but without the bad consequence of stopping the export.



IsatisLink 2.2.1 (February 2011)


If the last discrete sample of one line is getting out of the grid, the corresponding
flattened space samples will be left undefined.

Licenses are now compatible with the ones made for Isatis 2011 (presence of LICENSEE and
LICENSED lines in the licence.cry file).

IsatisLink 2.2.0 (September 2010)

Import Isatis Grid Variable into a Pillar Grid can now import at once all the indices of a given
macro variables.

Export Grid and Wells to Isatis: new toggle to export Horizons of the selected Pillar Grid as a new
2D Surfaces Grid File.

Export Grid and Wells to Isatis: complete output Isatis grid definition. Before this new version,
you could only give information about the created grid file mesh. You can now specify the origin
and a rotation around the Z axis.

Export Grid and Wells to Isatis: new Volume computation option. This option allows the storage,
at each node of the flattened Pillar Grid, of the original Petrel cell volume (indeed stored as an
expansion factor to be more easily used in Isatis Volumetrics window). The Volume computation
may be restricted to an vertical area delimited by a Top and Bottom Contact.

M. IsatisLink 2.1.2 (July 2010)

Add Petrel 2010.1 module as a both a 32-bit and a 64-bit module for the 64-bit version of Petrel.

Export Grid and Wells: When exporting a Grid, DX DY and DZ could not be set to more than

N. IsatisLink 2.1.1 (November 2009)

Export Grid and Wells: When exporting a Grid and Wells at the same time, the flattened lines files
created may have some inconsistencies in coordinates. The samples positions are located in the
correct cells but the relative location to the cell corner may not be accurate.

Export Grid and Wells: The header points files attached to the Logs and Facies lines file do contain
an alphanumerical variable for the name of the well but it is not set as the Line Name variable.

O. IsatisLink 2.1.0 (October 2009)


Use Isatis Licensing system. You will need an Isatis license.cry containing a petrel token
to be able to use the new plugin. Please contact Geovariances Technical Support
( to obtain one.

Import Points: Fix a problem that appeared since 2.01 when trying to import standard variables,
i.e. it could only import macro variables, not standard variables.

Export Grid and Wells: Add a Marker Collection selector to avoid exporting all the Marker
Collections at once which can lead to several points exported for the same Borehole/Marker.

Add a About IsatisLink button in the Help menu of Petrel

Add ErrorBox messages when some error occurs during navigation through the Isatis file

IsatisLink 2.01 (May 2009)

Add Petrel 2009.1 module as a 32-bit + a separate native 64-bit module.

Use GTXserver development kit v9 which has a better interface for creating Lines files in Isatis v9
database. In particular, it allows to properly set the type of file to Gravity Lines or Core Lines.

Fix problem with Petrel properties being transferred to Isatis with a wrong ratio. For example
densities where transferred multiplied by 1000. Indeed, it may happen for all properties with
display units different that those of the International System of Units (SI).

Fix problem in Import Points with importation of a whole macro variable.

Updated documentation (with advanced connection parameters documented + use of the new
communication templates) + updated icons for windows.

Q. IsatisLink 2.00

Add Petrel 2008.1 module (32-bit only).

Use GTXserver development kit v8 with no need for J# runtime to be installed anymore.

Add DX,DY,DZ during grid export

Fix facies export.

Add Points Import

Make use of the Import/Export plugins in a workflows work.

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