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A.D. 1726. Anno decimo tertio Grorai Regis. CG. 3I--33. 639 thoriecany Number of Perfons reffant in that Part of Great Britain called Svotland, not exceeding the nasing the Ape ‘Wu nber of twenry-one, to be Truftees and Commiffioncrs tor managing and direétivg the Application of Miuaten of tnefaid Sums, according to the Plan or Method that thail be feitled and eftablifhed as aforelatd, and for 7 executing the fevcral Powers and Authorities which by thefaid Lette:s Patents ihall to them be committed by his Majedly, his Heirs or Succeffors. MIL. And be it further enaéted by the Authority aforefaid, ‘Thatit hall and may be lawful to. and for his Reeser Gere Mijeity, his Heirs and Succetf:rs, to appoint the Receiver General of the Crown Rents and Calualtiesin eee" Scctland'o be the Cafhier for the fid Commiffinnersand ‘Cru?ess, for receiving the feveral Sums of Money Cahier generally and particularly above mentiones, and for paying out the fame to and by the Order of the fad Commiffioners snd Trattees, for the Parpotes and according to the. particu’ar Regulations that hall be edtablithed by his Moje, hls Heirs and Succeffors in the faid Leters Patents, T hereby further enaéted, That the Comm ffioners of his Majelly’s Treafury now being and Treafory to or- the Lord High Treafurer of Great Britain, and the Commiffioners of the ‘reatury of his Majetty’s Heirs $213) of and Succfiois, forthe Tims beings tall and they ate refpedlively hereby impowered and required to ite promsngte their Warranis and Orders to the proper Perfons, for making Payment of all and every the Sumns of Money Eatery, the particularly and generally above mentioned, due ‘and payable, or that thal fall due and become payable fx" withour Fereafer, for encouraging and promating Fifheries and Manufalures in Seyland, 33 the fame fall vccally eo. e aoe become due, according to the Direction of the As above mentioned, tthe faid Receiver General of the 2600 1.26 Crown Rents and Catualties in Seatland, without Fee or Reward, to be by him antwered and iffucd in like Manner, without Fee or Reward, to and by the Orderof the (aid. Commiffioners and Trultees, purfuant 40 fuch Diredtions as thal be given in that Behalf by the faid Letters Patents, ros V. Provided always, That the faid Commiffioners. and Traftees thell, annually and each Year, at the @'nsdiyeats Feat of the Nativityof our Lord Chri, makeup a fithf il and exact Account of the Monies received and st Chimay iffued by their Orders, together with a full and true Report of the State of the Funds commtied toand & Under their Management, and of their Proceedings ia the Execution ot their Truft, which they thall, with= ip the Space of shiny Daj by belore bis Majeliy, his Hes or Sucelforss and aio tail, within the ie Space of thirty Days, lay fue Copies of the faid Accounts and Report betore the annual Committee of the Convention of the Royal Boroughs of Scof/and, that tney may perule and examice the fame, and lay Defore his Majefty, his Heirs and Succeffors, from Time to Time, fuch Obfervations as they fhall make thereon. . “VI. And whereas Experience may difcover divers Improvements fit to be made upon the Plan or Me- « thod fo be fetled and eflablithed by lis Majetty as aforefaid ;” Be it therefore enaéted by the Authority. aiorelaid, That it thall and may be lawful toand for the faid Commiffioners and Truitces, annually and Commoner: gach Year, at the faid Fealt of the Nativity of our Lord Chrift, to propo‘e and lay before his Majelty, his Yar doiny ve Heirs and Succeffors, fuch Alterations and Additions as to them thal feem neceffury or expedient, for im- fore Nr Majehy proving or amending the Plan or Method for the Time being eftabli hed for encouraging the {aid Fifheries Alteration for End Manulaetures and ifthe fad Alterations or Addivons thal feem necellary of expedient his Mae SR jelly, his Heirs or Succeffors, it thall and may be lawful ro and for his Majey, his Herrsand Succeffors, by Eeaters Patents der the Seal aforetad, to alter the Plan or Method fof the Time beings and t0 (6s csr and eftablith a new one, upon the Reprefentation of the Commiflioners and ‘T'ruees as above mentioned, 35 Ger which thall continue and endure, and be in Foree, uavil it hal be altered of, varied by his Majelty, his Heirs and Succeilors, upon the Reprefentation of the faid Commiffioners and ‘Truitees, in. Manner above. mentioned. CAP. XXXL AnA& forrepairing the Road from Granfird Bridge in the County of Middlyex, to that End of Maidenhead: Bridge which lies in the County of Bucks, PR. ‘The Toll took Place 25 Fuze 1727, and is tohave Continuancefor 21 Years. [Continued by 17 Geo. 2. & 19.) ° CAP, XXXIL ‘An Aa forthe more effechusl amending the Highways Ieading from Reyfonin the County of Hrifird to Wandiford Bedge in the Couny of nrngece PR ty of Hertferd, ‘The Tell took Place 24th of Fune 1727, andis to continue for 21.Years. [Continued by 14 Geo. 2. 13, and 24 Geo. 2. €059.] Amended ty rsietert CAP. XXXII An A& for improving the Navigation of the River Quzein the County of York. PR, 5 YY HEREAS theancicnt City of Yor hath been and is yet confierable for its Trade both ar home 2 W ind sbronk andaewen the fait Cry and County of the fame City, a6 the Country sdiniege on for near upon the River Onze in the County of Tar, hath been much reteveds rosineaed oer na re by theraid River, which cf ite Years in divers Plates hath betnilicl, cheaked sd Bowne eee * Sands and other Otsteustions, that Ships, Pinks, Reels, Boats Lighters and ether Vell eee wae { out great Hazard and D:ffculty, come up to the id City as in Times paft, which is nat only det nentat ¢ t9’Trade and the publick Good, and prejud eal tothe at Ciyy but to al Londety heen ede £ Gare and Osctpers near thant td wil bey meee ta ar keen an th ¢ or Cooriebe not taken and provided for repairing, atnening and aking toe id. Ringe ee « and pallible > Por Remedy whereof, and to the fate) e tae he fod Keen a se eee ea Publick in general, and of the Jnbsbiamts of the aid City, a6 aloo fish ds thall tadesadqoe tates and, C. 34. Anno decimo tertio Georen Regis. A.D. 1726. and from thence with Merchandizes, may be effectually repaired, amended, maintained and improved Beit eméted, Ge, ulegs appointed for making navigible the River Ove, ‘Truftees to compound with Owners for Da- Commiffioners appointed fur feuling Ditferences between Trattecs and oshers, Commision is aay mediate Between True ant cher. Nay cae «Jury to he inane cafes Daragen. Oa Payment of the Money ella ‘Trultees may proceed to works, New Cats to be fopportediorsen by 4 the Truitess. Oa Deaths, 2, of Comanfiionsrs, others tall beehien, Te tall fe looted for vee Commiftioners, with the Cenevrren e of even Lrullces, to lay Tals on Merchandives caried on the River above Wharf Mouth, except Sta, Manure, Dung, Compolt or Line uied iv Tallige, ard esr cept Materials mnide ve ofa the WVorks, not exceeding © d. for every Tom of Sale Lead Fists saad Sides, Tow, old Gia, ‘Timber, Coslsy Comm, Seecsy Flour, ‘Turley Cafesy Clulis of Glass Danae & Tiles, Earthen-Ware, Buter, Flac and Henp, and not excteding 1s, for every ton of ory Sec and wrought Iron Wate, and not exceeding 21° 64, for every Torof Wines. and Grocesesy antact exceeding 6d. for other Goods. Watermen may tow up heir Vellels on the Banks, "Luis a fe up Bridges snd Convenienciesy for Owners to come at their Lacds.~- Mater aniwersble for Ins Vell as Grevi. | Land Ouners neat the River may keep Peafure Boats,” Commniffionsrs. not to fete Damages & oilierwife than by Verdieh of a Jury. “Throwing Dirt into the River forfeits In ee at Didereece bout the Weight of Goods, Mafitr on Oath may afcertain it, or the Culleciors nay weigh the Goods, ‘Triffees may engage the Profis ofthe Toll for Security for Money to, be borrowed. "Aun se folk: 4 cient Money hail be railed for the Ufes of the Acly Gc. Comtniffioners may moderste te Dicer: & Commifioners may annually (ete the Carriage of Goods. " Unvertakers far the River Dun wey cat 2 + Channel into the River Ouze. They may take'y d. per Ton for Goods, above the other Date Come nlioncrs of Sewers for the Level of Hatfield Chuje,’ their Powers faved: CAP. XXXIV. An AQ for explaining and amending an Aét palled in the feventh and eighth Years of the Reign of his late Majefty King Wrtttam the Third, intituled, 4 4 for making novi. gable the Rivers Wye and Lugg in the County of Hereford, and for making the fame more efedtual. PR. HEREAS in and by an Aét paffed in the fourteenth Year of the Reign of King Carus W Thess inteleds 3 pe nuke ae Rowe Wye and Luge, and the Revers und Broats running into sh Jamey in the Cuntic: f teteford, Gloucefter and Monmouth navigate, Sir Milian sandy Kot. Windlr Sang, Beqte, and Hoy Sandi their Hes and Allg, were itionerd upon the ‘Terms and under the Provifoes in the faid Aét mentioned, to make the faid Rivers navigable s but the {aid Sir Willan Sandys, Windfor Sandy: and Henry Sends, having not done any Thing to the River Lages and what Work was done on the River je, being performed very fghtly, all the Powers, Auuho-itee, Privileges, Benefits and Advantages whatfocver, given and granted to them the fad Undervakers, by Virtue of the faid recited AG, by an Act paffed in the fevenil and eighth Years of the Reign of ins larg Majefly King Wanita the Third, inituled, fy 42 for mating navigable the Rivers Wye aed Lig 1 the County of Hereford, were vetted in the feveral Truftces therein named, with feveral cther Powers aed Authorities in the (aid recited Ack mentioned and whereas moft Part of the Truflees named in and by the faid lat recited Ad are dead, and no Provifion made by the faid AG for fillingup the Room or Place of any Truttee or Frutees dying, by taking in the Heir or Heirs of the decealed ‘ratees, or otherwile, < whereby the Number of Truftees is. reduced to a few, and the due Execution of the Powers of the laid S recited Aéts have been very much hindred and obitruéted. and will foon become impracticable, unlels * fome timely Means be applied :* For the Remedy of the faid Inconveniencies and ‘Defedts, and for the better and more effectual accomplifhing of the Ends and Detigns intended for the Good and Service of the Publick by the faid recited Aéts, Be it therefore enacted, Ge. + "Truftees for potting this and the two former A@s in Execution. All the Powers in the former A@s + velted'in them. | New Troftets on Deaths thall beeletted. Truitees may fummon Perlons 10 seecsee « on Oath for Monies, Gz. in their Hands. "Tyuttees may fummon Perfons to gve Evidence, Ait S pers, Vouchers Ge: to be delivered up to the Truftes, On Refulal Truflees have thes Action at Levy And treble Colts. All the Money, (2, acquired by the AQ 7 & 81.3, and by ts Ach fall bese? «plied in fach: Proportions as preferibed by that Adt, viz, fo much as is" unapplied, anealloted te the « River 7, to be paid over to Perfons nominated by the ‘Truters for the River oe, snd the asec bee < unapplied andalloted to the River Luge, thall be paid over to Perlons nominsted” by the Trunces re “the Kiver Lugg. ‘Truftees to repay to the Inhabitants of Hampton Bybop pol, for then Eeoeecy «building Hampton Afeadew Bridge. The Trufees ‘may agiee with Onners of Lands near te Riven about Wears and Mills, Osmners not agreeing, a [uy te be impanelled, toafes Dantes ak ee & compgnce. | No Ouners of Wears ot Millsto lay Nets 0 deftroy the Salmon in je, on Pain of 1a « The Profits of Mills or Wears thal be paid to the feparate Retelvers. Every Boat-mafter aninesbs « for Damage done by his Bost ot Crew.” 2 CaP.

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