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This bar chart deals with the situation of both men and women who received

either full or part-time education in the span of twenty years, more precisely from
1970/71 to 1990/1991.
Overall, it can be noted the discrepancy between men that attended classes of
higher level of education , the figures showing a downward trend in this matter,
and the number of women, which has increased singnificantly( from 700 to
approximately 1100).
Initially, the number of men in the year of 1970/71 was considerably higher, more
exactly 1000, in comparison with the approximative number of 650 females, who
were entailed in further study. Subsequently, a remarkable rise, in terms of men
and women with part-time education can be clearly noticed(from almost 150 to
200;and from 100 to 200, respectively).
In conclusion,except from the decrease in number of full-time educated men,
both genders have had an uprise in number of further and partly educated

Task 2

In the time immemorial, the conflicts arised between countries were triggered
by the desire of territorial expansion, therefore people have sought over the last
decades different methods of defening their own settlements and possessions
from unpredictable millitary attacks. Once the nuclear power has proved its
effectiveness in mass distruction(due to its radioactivity being able to even
cause the exctinction of an entire city),the nuclear weapons have been gathered
up in the stock of powerful countries by the government, as a form of
security.Therefor, the opponents are detered from sieging the regions from the
borders of the states that are known to possess such a remarkable artillery.
However, the misusage of these kind of radioactive weapons unleashes a
sequence of detrimental effects, not to mention the occurance of tragic
accidents. To illustrate in which manner the nuclear power is generally able to
spark off a catastrophy in just a short moment, there is the case of Cernobyl
explosion, from which numerous people had only to suffer.The substantial
radiation that reached into the atmosphere afflicted the environment, but the
most noticeable harm was the generation of illnesses and even mutations that
brought about the loss of many people.
On the other hand, the Earth resources have been overly exploited over the
time, and people have become nowadays more aware of the fact that electricity,
heating and other necessary forms of energy should be provided through other
convenient methods rather than using fossil fuels .
Nonetheless, the feasibility of making use of nuclear power has created sever
argumments among people. In spite of the low cost that it implies,the nuclear
powercan turn out to be very noxious and some tend to believe that the risks
involved are not worth it aslong as there are other alternatives. For instance, by
installing solar panes, wind turbines,a considerable amount of clean energy might
result without altering the environment.
In conclusion, until there is an urged need of using nuclear power, in my view,
the government should put the protection of the people first by assuring that the
radioactivity of nuclear power are properly controlled.

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