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I m p e r a t o r R a l p h M. L e w i s at w o r k in hi s s a n c t u m - s t u d y .

A T ribu te to G re a tn e ss
S O U L o f great stature has departed our
. midst. The genius and creativity o f Ralph
M. Lewis are now imprinted on the minds o f
millions who have read his works, heard his
tapes, or had personal contact with him during
the period o f his life. He experienced the Great
Initiation o f Transition on Monday evening,
January 12, at 11:26 p.m.
For more than forty-seven years he has
served as Imperator (C hief Executive Officer)
o f A M O R C , building the membership around
the world in over eighty countries. Eight new
Grand Lodges were begun, in various parts o f
the world, with the Rosicrucian teachings now
issued in fourteen languages. More than one
thousand lessons have been added to the
graded study program. Scores o f tapes, dozens
k0 0 kS, a multitude o f special lectures, and
lately a number o f video tapes have been
M arch
created to help the student experience a greater
realization o f Self

Fraler Lewis as S u p r e m e Secretary



The Imperator was always a diligent

student o f life, and his emphasis in school
was law and philosophy. The son o f
another giant in mysticism, H. Spencer
Lewis, Ralph Lewis followed his fathers
footsteps in great detail, preserving and
enlarging on the monumental task he had
begun. M embers o f A M O R C enjoy a
unique and wondrous legacy in the works
o f these men, and we pay ardent tribute to
their genius.
The commitment Ralph Lewis made
was poignantly stated in his letters, and
the following shows the quality o f the
man himself. "A Rosicrucian officer must
have a liberal mind. He must be willing to
make personal sacrifice in time and effort
to serve the Order. He does not work by
the day or by the week, but does what
needs to be done in his capacity. His
ambition must not be a career in the
O rder but rather a desire to further

propagate the Order and its teachings.

The O rder m ust come first in all his con
The Imperator was born in New York
City on February 14, 1904, and went to
school there and in New Jersey while
growing up. For a short time he had expe
riences in clerical positions, at hard labor,
and on the farm during the summer
months. Then at an early age he joined
with his father in the Great W ork o f the
Order, becoming Supreme Secretary in
1924 at the age o f 20.
Ralph M. Lewis leaves his widow,
Margaret; a sister, Vivian W hitcomb;
another sister, Madelyn Perata; and a
brother, Earle Lewis. Mention should
also be made o f the great pillar o f his life
during m ost o f his adult years, his first
wife Gladys, to whom he was married
from the age o f 18 until her transition in

R a l p l i M. L e w i s a n d E g y p t I n s i s t D r . L a b i b H a b a c h i f i l m i n g a t K i n g T u t a n k h a m e n s
To m b, Valle y o f the K i n g s , E g y p t , 1 9 3 6 .

March/April 1987

Published Bimonthly by the Suprem e Council

o f the R O S IC R U C IA N O R D E R , A M O R C
Rosicrucian Park, San Jose, C A 95191
Robin M. Thom pson, Editor
O fficial Magazine o f the
W orldw ide Rosicrucian O rder

Vol. 65, No. 2

4 Thought o f the Month: The Great Social Change
6 The Metaphysical Diet
9 The Celestial Sanctum: Instant Mysticism

12 Xenophobia: The Universal Curse

15 On the Field o f Dharma
17 Ink, Its Fascinating Story
21 Mindquest: Willingness To Be Ourselves
24 A Tribute To Greatness: Ralph M. Leu/is, F.R.C.
27 Which Kind o f An "ist Are You?
29 New Life for All
32 Sir Flinders Petrie
34 Rosicrucian Activities Around the W orld
37 Rosicrucian O rders Worldwide Directory


The Suns Throne (see page 16)

Ralph M. Lewis, F.R.C.

Subscription: $ 9 .0 0 * per year, single copies $ 1 .5 0 .

A D D R E S S : Rosicrucian Digest, Rosicrucian Park, San
Jo se, C A 9 5 1 9 1 , U .S .A . Changes o f address m ust
reach us by the first o f the month preceding date o f
issue. Postm aster: Send change o f address to Rosicrucian Digest, R osicrucian Park, San Jose, C A 9 5 1 9 1 ,
U -S.A . The Rosicrucian Digest (IS SN 0 0 3 5 -8 3 3 9 ) is
entered as Second-C lass matter at the Post O ffice at
San Jo se, C alif., under Section 1103 o f the U .S . Postal
A ct o f O ctober 3, 1917. Second C lass postage paid at
San Jose, C alif. Statem ents m ade in this publication
are not the official expression o f the organization or its
officers, unless declared to be official com m unications.
Other C urreacies:
A$ 13.55


Ralph M. Lewis, F.R.C.


Im perator, Rosicrucian O rder, A M O R C

Raised in Higher Initiation at 11:26 P.M.
Monday, January 12, 1987
(For memoriam article, see page 24)

C o p y righ t 1987 by the Su prem e G ran d Lodge o f A M O R C , Inc. A ll rights reserve*

R epublicatton o f any p ortion o f Rosicrucian Digest is prohibited w ithout prior writte
perm ission o f the publisher.

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