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Reading HDF5 Jeffrey Leek Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health HDF5 + Used for storing large data sets + Supports storing a range of data types + Heirarchical data format + groups containing zero or more data sets and metadata - Have a group header with group name and list of attributes - Have a group symbol table with a list of objects in group datasets multidmensional array of data elements with metadata - Have a header with name, datatype, dataspace, and storage layout - Have a data array with the data http:/ 29 R HDF5 package source( "http: //bieconductor .org/biocLite.R") bioctite("rhdt5") Library(rhd5) created = hScreateFile("exanple.h5") created [1] TRUE + This will install packages from Bioconductor, primarily used for genomics but also has good "big data” packages Can be used to interface with hdf5 data sets. + This lecture is modeled very closely on the rhdfS tutorial that can be found here pdt 309 Create groups created = hScreateGroup("example.h5", "foo" ) hScreateGroup("example.h5", "baa" ) created = hScreateGroup("example.h5" , "fo0/foobaa" ) h51s("example.h5") created group name —_otype delass dim 0 / baa HST_GROUP 1 /— £00 HSI_GROUP 2 /fo0 foobaa HST_GROUP 49 Write to groups A = matrix(1:10,nr=5,n¢ hSwrite(A, “example.h5","fo0/A") B = array(seq(0-1,2.0,by=0.1) ,dimc(5,2,2)) attr(B, "“scale") < “liter” hSwrite(B, "example.h5","£00/foobaa/B") b51s("example.h5") group name otype delass dim o 7 baa -HST_GROUP 1 7 foo HST_GROUP 2 /f00 AHSI_DAYASET INTEGHR 5 x 2 3 /f00 foobaa _HST_GROUP 4 /£00/foobaa, BHSI_DATASET FLOAT 5 x 2 x 2 5 Write a data set a data. frame(1L:5L,seq(0,1,length.out=5), c("ab", "cde", "fghi","a","s"), stringsAsFactors-FALSE) hSwrite(df, "example.hs"," h51s("example.h5") group nane otype delass dim ° baa HST_GROUP 1 / af BST_DATASED coMpouND 5 2 foo 5T_RoUP 3 /€00 -ALBST_DRTASET INTEGER 5 x 2 4 /f00 foobaa —HST_GROUP 5 /foo/foobaa -—«B-HST_DATASET FLOAT 5 x 2 x 2 6 Reading data readA = hSread("example.h5" ,"£o0/A") readB = hSread("example.h5" ,"foo/foobaa/B") readdf= hSread("example.h5","d£") reada (1) 2) Uy 1 6 207 Bl 30 8 4] 4 8 5) 5 10 Writing and reading chunks hSwrite(c(12,13,14) ,"example.h5" ,"f00/A" ,index-List (1:3,1)) hSread("exampleh5","f00/A") (2) (2) Un 2 6 2 17 1 4 8 1 48 [5 10 Notes and further resources + hdfS can be used to optimize reading/writing from disc in R + The rhdf5 tutorial: - http:/ + The HDF group has informaton on HDFS in general 9

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