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By: Mario Zrate

The city of El Alto was established in 1988 and is one of the youngest cities of
Bolivia. It is the second largest city in Bolivia after Santa Cruz de la Sierra and
also the second fastest growing city, also after Santa Cruz de la Sierra. El Alto
is located at an average altitude of 4070 meters above sea level making it the
first populated city highest in the world. According to the official census of
2012, El Alto has a population of 848,840. This growth affects the amount of
accumulated garbage, most of which are deposited in the landfill of Villa
Ingenio; but also they are destined for rivers and barren areas of the
municipality, which becomes a serious risk of contamination. According to the
Directorate General of Integral Solid Waste Management of the Ministry of
Environment and Water (MMA and A) in El Alto 496 tons of garbage generated
per day.
The vast majority are used, consciously or unconsciously, to accumulate
garbage. For all we want to "give away a bag" to take up the smallest we buy.
But what is the garbage? According to the Dictionary of the Royal Spanish
Academy (DRAE) garbage is defined as "waste, food waste, paper and old
rags, pieces of broken things and other waste". This definition contains within
itself contemptuous attitudes as something that is worthless and needs to be
undone. However, the issue of garbage is a big problem if not treated
promptly can be a snowball of unknown dimensions.

Now, how garbage is classified? By its composition garbage can be classified

into three groups: a) organic garbage is any waste of biological origin, once
had life or was part of a living being. For example: leaves, branches, fruit
peels and seeds, animal bones and scraps, etc .; b) inorganic garbage, waste
is all non-biological origin, that is, from industrial or other non-natural
process. For example: plastics, mineral debris and synthetic products, plastic
bags, etc .; and c) medical garbage is any waste, whether of biological origin
or not, which is a potential hazard. For example: infectious medical material,
radioactive material, acids and chemicals, etc. To throw trash in a disorderly
manner, also mixed with organic waste, garbage becomes dirty, stinky and
dangerous to health.
For all this, what are the consequences of the garbage? The consequences
are catastrophic. The truth is that waste is a big problem in all cities and even
in the city of El Alto where it is not controlled, not separated or recycled. In
the landfill of Villa Ingenio it is amazing the vast amount of garbage piled up
day after day in the outdoors. Worst of all is the tremendous odor is
perceived. This situation is unbearable in the days in which the sunny as
waste heat faster and aroma emitted rises. According to the Regional Health
Service of El Alto garbage "is a serious problem, it decomposes and can cause
many health problems ...". Some experts on the subject say that may be the
main cause of more than 40 diseases, among which are: respiratory
infections, intestinal infections, dengue fever, acute otitis media, classic
conjunctivitis hemorrhagic pneumonia, bronchopneumonia , flu and food
poisoning. The lingering effect of air pollution breathed in a silent process of
years, eventually leads to the development of acute cardiovascular disorders
such as heart attacks.
Given the above, how do we prevent the consequences of the garbage?
People have not idea of the threat posed by the waste. However, some
concrete actions we can do are: learn to select the garbage according to their

composition; reflect on this issue every day and teach kids to recycle;
organize neighbors to keep at least clean streets; buy only the essentials and
not be swayed by consumerism; put the garbage in their place; reuse items
that still serve; prefer those products with less packaging; buy products in
packages that are recyclable; and, why not, produce fertilizer in the house.

The vast majority of people know how garbage is classified. We also know
that garbage can be the cause of more than 40 diseases. However, usually we
never take precautions or classify the garbage. The reasons are many,
sometimes laziness, lack of space or lack of culture. Nobody cares throw trash
on the street and not interested in recycling. But, we complained that the
streets are dirty and we blame others. We get to never think that we can
avoid this problem with a simple daily action: "put the garbage in the proper
place." Garbage is everyone's business; however, we lack discipline,
education and attitude both citizens and authorities.

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