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US election: Hillary Clintons sophisticated sexism includes backing Islamism

The Australian
12:00AM October 24, 2016
Hillary Clinton is unfit to lead the free world. She is riding the gender card a
ll the way to the White House. But her record on womens human rights is abysmal.
Clintons sexism is not the locker room lewdness of Donald Trump. Hers is a higher
order misogyny. It is done in deals with Islamist states over the bodies of the
worlds most oppressed women. Trump is a sexist, but Clintons sexism is systemic.
It targets women who cant say no.
Clinton is riding high on the illusion that she is a feminist alternative to Trum
p. A WikiLeaks document has exposed how the Democrats planned to use gender and
race politics to malign Trump during the presidential campaign.
Their overarching aim was to frame Trump as dangerous and divisive, undermining our
values and putting our security at risk. The key objective was to associate him wi
th three themes: insulting and violent, undermines security and untrustworthy.
The objective to frame Trump as insulting and violent is being realised now. As a
part of this stage, the Democrats planned to use quotes from him, esp. those abou
t women, to make Trump truly beyond the pale.
The Democrat strategy to alienate female voters from Trump was aided by his reco
rd of grossly insulting comments about women. It is extraordinary that Trump sup
porters continue to defend such vile commentary by means of moral equivalence. Go
od manners, civil behaviour and civilised society are the bedrock of conservativ
e life. As such, no genuine conservative would support Trumps degradation of wome
n as women.
Clinton is the Democrats ready-made solution to Trumps trash talk. Clinton is sett
ing the stage to claim the title of first female president of the United States.
In the final presidential debate, Clinton played the gender card to full effect
. She chided Trump by comparing her record of feminist activism with his entrepr
eneurship, as though activism were a superior qualification for the presidency.
She said: In the 1990s, I went to Beijing and I said womens rights are human right
s. He insulted a former Miss Universe.
By objective standards, Clintons claim to champion womens human rights is a lie. T
he Islamist Money in Politics list shows that in the 2015-16 financial year, Clint
on topped the list for donations from Islamist individuals and organisations.
Major donors to the Clinton campaign include affiliates of the Council on Americ
an-Islamic Relations. CAIR was listed as a terrorist group by the United Arab Em
irates. It has a long history of supporting jihadist groups such as Hamas. In 20
13, Mustafa Carroll, then an executive director of CAIR, declared: If we are prac
tising Muslims, we are above the law of the land.
CAIR sits on the wrong side of history in respect of human rights. In April 2014
, Brandeis University withdrew its offer of an honorary degree to the feminist s
urvivor of Islamic female genital mutilation, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, after Left and Isl
amist mobs denounced her. CAIR sent a letter to the university president slanderi
ng Hirsi Ali as a notorious Islamophobe. If Clinton really believed that womens right

s are human rights, she wouldnt take campaign money from groups that empower Islam
ist misogyny against women and girls by punishing its survivors.
An investigation by the Daily Caller News group found that the Clinton Foundatio
n took more than $85 million from Islamist states and leaders, including donors f
rom wealthy Gulf states. The Associated Press reported that the majority of peop
le outside government that Clinton met as secretary of state were donors to the
Clinton Foundation. Many believe the massive cash injection the Clintons have rec
eived from Islamists and her use of a private email server as secretary of state
indicate that she has engaged in corrupt dealings. At the very least, it raises
doubts about whether she is more attuned to the will of the American people or
the interests of foreign donors.
One example of the apparent alignment between Clinton and Islamist donors is her
open border fanaticism. Recent speeches reveal her commitment to porous borders i
s ideological and contrary to the welfare of women, and citizens of the free wor
ld more broadly.
In recent years, over a dozen men who entered the US as refugees have committed
or conspired to commit jihadist terrorism against their fellow citizens. Investi
gations have exposed networks of US-based Islamist groups preaching jihad agains
t the West. As a result, Trumps call for a moratorium on Muslim immigration and e
xtreme vetting of asylum-seekers resonated with many Americans. But Clinton isnt
one of them. Rather than recognise her primary duty of care to the welfare of th
e American people, Clinton has proposed increasing the intake of Syrians from 10
,000 to 65,000.
The majority of Syrians welcomed by the Obama administration are Muslims. From 2
011-15, 96 per cent of Syrians admitted under the refugee program identified as
Muslim. About 10 per cent of Syrians are Christian but only 2.4 per cent of refu
gees accepted by the Obama administration profess Christianity. Clintons plan to i
ncrease the Syrian intake to 65,000 benefits wealthy Islamist states, some of wh
ich refuse to admit Syrian refugees because they pose such a high risk of terrori
Under Clinton, the US would absorb Islamists that Gulf states reject on the prem
ise they are likely to commit jihadism. The deleterious effect of opening border
s is evident in Europe, where even Leftist groups have begun to acknowledge the
propensity of many Islamists for sexual violence against Western women and girls
Clinton is a sophisticated sexist. The Clinton Foundation has done deals with Is
lamist regimes that are the worlds worst abusers of womens human rights. She takes
campaign donations from groups that vilify and censor survivors of brutal Islami
st culture, including female genital mutilation. Her donors include Islamists who
advocate sharia law in America, the destruction of liberal democracy and the sub
jugation of women under Islam.
Hillary Clinton is no friend to women. She is, in my view, a misogynist in femin
ist clothing whose allegiance to Islamists poses a significant threat to the enl
ightened women of the free world.

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