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Name: Mohd. Aiman Arif

Student ID: 13 201301 00434

How To Draw Batman Under 5 Minutes

Step 1

Start with a sideways oval then on the lower left side of the oval,
draw a shape thats similar to a square with the top missing.
Step 2

Draw a curved vertical line from the top of the oval to the bottom
of the square and a curved horizontal line across the bottom of
the oval. Then, Draw a series of lines below the entire shape as a
guide for Batman's thick neck.

Step 3

Draw Batman's eyes sitting on top of the horizontal line on either

side of the vertical line. Then, use the square guide to draw in the
lower part of Batman's face that is unmasked.
Step 4

Use the left side of the main oval to draw the shape of Batman's
head. Then draw Batman's ears are basically triangles on top of the
main oval.

Step 5

Lastly, get rid of every pencil mark with an eraser and color the

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