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There so many kind of keratitis, i just want to explain just one of them, and that is

fungal keratitis.
As we know from the name fungal keratitis, this disease is cause by fungi,this
fungi can make inflammation in our cornea.. What is cornea. Cornea ist the clear
layer, that protect our eye and located in front of our pupil and irish, in a worst
case this inflammation can cause a necrosis of the tissue, which mean the eye.
this fungi can come into the eye in three condition,
The first condition ist when our eye were injury, as example when something
scratch one of your cornea or penetrates a cornea
Second is through contaminated acontact lense. This fungi may inhabit the surface of
a contact lens and contaminate the cornea when the lens is in your eye
Third is through contaminated water. Fungi in the water like ocean or river can enter to our eye while
you are swimming or bathing . a healthy cornea ist unlike to become infected unless there has been
physical damages of the surface of the cornea, which mean epithelial of cornea. For example when
you wear the contact lense too long. Can make our cornea vulnerable to fungal keratitis

Patients may present with a dry fluffy infiltrate in the cornea with feathered margins that
are usually white to gray in color. The lesions are usually slowly expansive and indolent
and as it progresses to involve the deeper stroma. In the image one can compare the
region of necrotizing keratitis (yellow arrow 1) to the relatively less involved cornea
(yellow arrow 2) to see the dense white infiltrate that opacifies the cornea. The fungus has
infiltrated and destroyed much of the deep stroma to involve the anterior chamber
(#3 black arrow). A histologic section in the same area is shown below (black arrows).
The initial signs of inflammation may be minimal but as the disease worsens so does the
ocular injection.
Histopathology: The hallmark of fungal keratitis is the necrotizing keratitis (black
arrow 1) that in general is associated with both an acute and granulomatous
inflammatory infiltrate. Neutrophils (#3 black) as well as histiocytes and even
multinucleated giant cells comprise the infiltrate.

Eye exam. Your doctor will perform a general examination of your eye. Although it may be
uncomfortable to open your eyes for the exam, it's important that an eye examination be done. The
exam will include an effort to determine how well you can see (visual acuity), usually using
standard eye charts.

Slit-lamp exam. Your doctor will examine your eyes with a special instrument called a slit
lamp which provides a bright source of light and magnification. The instrument is called a slit lamp
because it uses an intense line of light a slit-like beam to illuminate your cornea, iris, lens, and

the space between your iris and cornea. The light allows your doctor to view these structures with high
magnification to detect the character and extent of keratitis, as well as the effect it may have on other
structures of the eye.

Laboratory analysis. Your doctor may take a sample of tears or some cells from your cornea
for laboratory analysis to determine the cause of keratitis and how best to treat it.

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