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Goinia,. _______ de ___________________ de 2016



2 ano Ens.








1) Match the columns:



a) When -

(___) used for time

b) Why -

(___) used for places

c) How -

(___) III) used to give reasons

d) Where -

(___) used to specify the way something was performed.

Which is the correct answer for the following question:

Where is this party going to be?
a) The party will be over at about ten oclock.
b) Because it has lots of guests.
c) This is Jeffs wedding party.
d) The party will be at the club.

3) Choose the correct answers in the parenthesis:

a) They dont know _____________ (when/what) they are going to arrive.
b) Please, tell me _____________ (when/where) the airport is.
c) _____________ (What / How) old are you?
d) They want to know ______________ (why / where) she lives.
e) _____________ (What/Why) are the problems?
4) Fill in the blanks with WH questions:
a) Give them _________ they need.
b) ________ does she have to go with you? At night?
c) ________ doesnt she say a word?
d) Gary needs to know _________ he will pick you up: at the avenue or at home?
5) Put the words in the correct order:
a) is it when to be going?
b) many things how you do to do have?


c) the hospital where is?
d) are you why planning to this do?
e) what your are plans?
6) O texto abaixo :
Sandra Rawson & David Osbourne
Request the honor of your presence at their marriage Saturday, the first of
December two thousand and eleven at half past three oclock at Christ Church,
Greenwich, and afterward at the reception Round Hill Country Club.

A) Carta de notificao de compra de uma casa.

B) Anncio de festa beneficente em uma igreja.
C) Alerta ao consumidor de defeito de aparelho.
D) Nota sobre falecimento.
E) Convite para a cerimnia de casamento.
7) O Brasil ocupa posio de destaque no panorama turstico internacional,
encantando estrangeiros com suas belezas naturais. Com base no texto abaixo,
a praia de Ponta das Canas:
Ponta das Canas Beach Florianpolis, Brazil Distant 34km from downtown,
Ponta das Canas shines for its natural beauty and calm and usually warm water. Its
white sand beach is 1.9km long. Its a good option for water sports. It is very
requested by international tourists.

A) atrai apenas turistas estrangeiros.

B) atrai turistas por suas guas frias.
C) oferece areia teraputica.
D) dista 34km do continente.
E) favorece a prtica de esportes aquticos.
8) O texto publicitrio resultado da unio de vrios fatores: psicolgicos, sociais e econmicos, como
tambm do uso de efeitos retricos e icnicos aos quais no faltam figuras de linguagem, tcnicas
argumentativas e mecanismos de persuaso, entre outros. Vrios segmentos da sociedade utilizam
esse tipo de texto em prol de projetos sociais. A International Advertising Association, no texto abaixo,
tenta convencer as pessoas a:

A) Ajudar financeiramente.
B) Divulgar a campanha.
C) Participar afetivamente.
D) Doar roupas e alimentos.
E) Refletir sobre a campanha

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