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A Jurassic WebQuest

Grading Rubric




Overall Aesthetics: This refers to the overall organization and neatness to your project
0 points

Overall Visual


2 points

4 points

Some graphic elements are

used, but do not contribute to
the understanding of
concepts, ideas and
relationships. There is some
variation in type size, color,
and layout.

Appropriate and thematic

graphic elements are used
to make visual connections
that contribute to the
understanding of
concepts, ideas and
relationships. Differences in
type size and/or color are
used well and consistently.

0 points

1 point

2 points

There are more than 5

misplaced or missing images,
badly sized tables, misspellings
and/or grammatical errors.

There are some misplaced or

missing images, badly sized
tables, misspellings and/or
grammatical errors.

No mechanical problems

There are no graphic elements.

No variation in layout or

Clue #1: This includes all aspects (Steps 1, 2, and 3)


0 points

2 points

4 points

There are more than 5 missing

or incorrect parts of the graph,
including wrong data points,
missing titles, or badly sized

There are some missing or

incorrect parts of the graph,
including wrong data points,
missing titles, or badly sized

No incorrect or missing
parts. Box-and-Whiskers is

0 points

2 points

There are more than 4 incorrect


There are some incorrect


4 points

Ranges, IQRs,

0 points


There are more than 2

completely incorrect answers,
or at least 3 missing or lacking
information, details or

3 points
There is at least 1 completely
incorrect answer, or at least 2
missing or lacking information,
details, or explanations.

There are no incorrect

calculations. All ranges,
interquartile ranges, and
medians are correct.

6 points
All aspects of this section
are correct and explained
well with detail.

Clue #2: This includes all aspects (Steps 1, 2, and 3)

0 points

Frequency Table


2 points

4 points

Less than 15 dinosaurs were

chosen, frequency table is
lacking dinosaur names or
missing all together, or there are
at least 5 errors within the
frequency table.

There are no more than five

errors within the table,
including frequency errors or
table labeling errors.

There are no mistakes within

the table. The table is
labeled correctly with 15
unique dinosaurs chosen
with correct frequencies.

0 points

2 points

4 points

Histogram does not correlate

with information formed in the
frequency table or is executed

Histogram is executed with

some errors, including spacing,
labeling, titles, etc.

Histogram is executed
correctly, with correct
spacing, labeling, titles, etc.

with more than 4 errors,

including spacing, labeling,
titles, etc.

Clue #3: This includes all aspects (Steps 1, 2, and 3)

Excel Sheet

Analyzing the


0 points

3 points

6 points

Sheet is not filled out, missing

one complete column (salary,
movie cost, or gross earnings),
or at least 5 pieces of
information are incorrect.

Sheet is filled out with some

errors, either with the salary,
movie cost, or gross earnings.

Sheet is filled out correctly

with no errors. All
information is correct.

0 points

3 points

6 points

There are more than 2

completely incorrect answers,
or at least 3 missing or lacking
information, details or

There is at least 1 completely

incorrect answer, or at least 2
missing or lacking information,
details, or explanations.

All aspects of this section

are correct and explained
well with detail.

0 points

3 points

6 points

There are more than 2

completely incorrect answers,
or at least 3 missing or lacking
information, details or

There is at least 1 completely

incorrect answer, or at least 2
missing or lacking information,
details, or explanations.

All aspects of this section

are correct and explained
well with detail.

Conclusion: This includes each Code Breaker Code Number


0 points

2 points

4 points

All three Code Breaker codes

are incorrect.

1-2 of the Code Breaker

codes are incorrect.

Each Code Breaker code

is correct!

Total Score: Out of 50 points

Letter Grade

35-39 points

40-44 points

45-50 points

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