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Current Nevada Polling

October 27, 2016

Contact: Doug Kaplan, 407-242-1870
Executive Summary
Gravis Marketing, a nonpartisan research firm, in conjunction with Breitbart News Network, conducted a
random survey of 875 registered voters across Nevada. The poll was conducted on October 25th and has a
margin of error of 3.3% at the 95% confidence level. The total may not round to 100% because of
rounding. The poll was conducted using interactive voice response polling, with the results weighted by
voting demographics.
Founded in 2005 by conservative icon Andrew Breitbart, Breitbart News Network is the biggest source of
breaking news and analysis, thought-leading commentary, and original reporting curated and written
specifically for the new generation of independent and conservative thinkers.
Known for hard hitting, no hold-barred journalism along with world-class aggregation, Breitbart news is
growing rapidly. The company recently added bureaus in London, Texas, and California, and is currently
in the process of launching additional bureaus and verticals.
2) How likely are you to vote in November?

3) How interested are you in the 2016 Presidential election?

4) Which party are you registered in?

Now we have a few questions about the general state of the country.
5) How would you describe the country's direction today?

6) How would you describe how the American economy is working for you and your family?

7) Do you want the next president to . . .

1 for Continue the policies of Barack Obama

2 for Change the direction and pursue new policies
3 for Dont Know

We are now going to ask your opinion of some of the people running for office this year.
8) What is your opinion of Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton?

9) What is your opinion of Presidential Candidate Donald Trump?

10) What is your opinion of Presidential Candidate Gary Johnson?

11) What is your opinion of Presidential Candidate Jill Stein?

12) What is your opinion of U.S. Senator Joe Heck?

13) What is your opinion of U.S. Senate Candidate Catherine Cortez Masto?

14) Do you approve or disapprove the job that Barack Obama is doing as president?

We are now going to ask you about the presidential election.

15) If the election was held today, who would be your choice for president?

16) Which of the following best represents your view in making a choice for president?
1 for If you dont vote for one of the major party candidates, you are wasting your vote, and may be
changing the election
2 for You should vote for what you believe no matter what, even if it is not a choice between the two
major party candidates.
3 for Dont Know

We are now going to ask you about the Nevada U.S. Senate election
17) If the election was held today, who would be your choice for U.S. Senator?

We now want to ask you some more detailed questions about particular policies and issues
18) Which do you think is riskier: electing someone who is experienced but who will not tend to
bring much change to Washington and will generally continue the policies as they exist, or electing
someone who will bring change to Washington but lacks experience and has few ties to the
1 for Electing someone who is experienced but who will not tend to bring much change to
Washington and will generally continue the policies as they exist
2 for Electing someone who will bring change to Washington but lacks experience and has few ties
to the establishment
3 for Neither
4 for Unsure

19) How likely do you think it is that the election is rigged?

20) The FBI has concluded that Hillary Clinton potentially exposed top secret information to hostile
countries when she used a private email server when she was Secretary of State but the agency has
decided not to seek a criminal indictment of her. Which is closer to your view?
1 for The FBI made the correct decision and she should not have been prosecuted
2 for The FBI made the wrong decision and she should have been prosecuted
3 for Dont Know

21) Considering the coverage of the major television networks and a majority of the major
newspapers which best describes how they are covering the election?
1 for They are being equally fair to both candidates and are not biased against either candidate.
2 for They are mostly favoring Donald Trump and are biased against Hillary Clinton
3 for They are mostly favoring Hillary Clinton and are biased against Donald Trump
4 for They are unfair to both candidates and biased against each

22) How concerned are you with controlling immigration and securing the southern border?

23) Do you support President Obamas plan to increase the number of refugees coming to the
United States from the Middle East, Africa, and other parts of the world to 110,000 next year, up
from the current level of 85,000, or do you think we should allow no refugees, fewer refugees, or the
same as the current level?
1 for I support increasing the number of refugees to 110,000 annually
2 for I support keeping the number of refugees at 85,000 annually
3 for I support reducing the number of refugees from 85,000 annually
4 for I think we should stop bringing refugees into the country entirely.

24) Hillary Clintons supporters at the Refugee Council want to increase the number of refugees
coming into the United States in 2017 even more, to 200,000, and Hillary wants to increase the
number of Syrian refugees in that total from 10,000 in 2016 to 65,000 in 2017. Do you approve or
disapprove of this increase?

25) Do you believe that Syrian refugees arriving in the United States have been subjected to the
most rigorous security vetting, as the Obama Administration claims?

26) Do you agree or disagree with Donald Trump, who said that NAFTA, the North American Free
Trade Agreement, is the worst trade deal in modern American history, and that TPP, the
TransPacific Partnership, is almost as bad?

27) Has Obamacare been a success?

28) Donald Trump says he reserves the right to contest the election if the election results are
questionable. Do you approve or disapprove of that position?

29) Are the revelations in the Wikileaks emails of her Wall Street speeches which she had refused to
release damaging to Hillary Clintons credibility?

30) Do you think the accusations by women of lewd conduct against Donald Trump is damaging to
his credibility?

31) Have you seen on television or read in the news media about the video that came out this week
by an undercover investigative group showing Democratic operatives bragging that they recruited
people to disrupt Donald Trump events?

Several organizations that go back to the Democratic National Committee and even perhaps to the
campaign of Hillary Clinton had operatives who, in an undercover investigative video expose,
admitted that they had recruited people to disrupt Donald Trump events and even discussed how to
rig votes in the general election. Those two operatives were both fired. The person they identify as
their leader, and who appears in the video, turns out to have been to the Obama White House
almost 350 times and had dozens of direct meetings with President Obama.
32) Do you think this is a scandal that should be considered in this presidential election or does it
not seem to be that important?
1 for It is a Major Scandal and needs to be considered in the election
2 for It is a Minor Scandal and might need to be considered in the election
3 for It is Not much of a scandal and does not need much consideration in the election.
4 for It is No scandal at all and not important at all to this election.

33) Regardless of whether you are for Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, or another candidate, which
of the following is closest to your opinion?
1 for The behavior of the vast majority of the media in favor of Hillary Clinton and biased against
Donald Trump, including not covering certain stories, is a threat to the peoples right to know and
to American democracy
2 Such conduct is normal and is not that important and not a threat to the peoples right to know
and to American democracy
3 for Dont Know

34) The non-partisan Center for Public Integrity reported this week that according to federal
records, 430 people who work in journalism have made contributions to presidential campaigns. 96
percent of the money contributed, or $382,000, was donated to Hillary Clinton by about 380 of
these journalists. 50 of these journalists have combined to give $14,000 to Donald Trump. Which of
the following best represents your opinion?
1 for I believe this is outrageous for journalists to contribute to any political candidate. It is a sure
sign of their bias.
2 for Journalists directly covering the candidates are not among the contributors. In any event
journalists have the right, like anyone, to contribute to candidates, and this really doesnt matter
3 for Dont Know

35) If Hillary Clinton is elected president, will she have the moral authority to lead the country?

36) If Donald Trump is elected president, will he have the moral authority to lead the country?

We want to know if you agree or disagree with the following statements.

37) For years, the political elites have governed America for their own benefit and to the
detriment of the American people. This election is the best chance in our lives to take back our
government and change course.

38) If Hillary Clinton wins, the political elite and special interests win

39) If Donald Trump wins, the political elite and special interests lose

40) Which do you think is the most important basis for a voter to make a choice in this president
1 for The most important basis should be which candidate best represents my political and personal
2 for The most important basis should be whether the political establishment in Washington will
win or whether mainstream America will win.
3 for Dont Know

41) If Hillary Clinton wins, she will unite the country.

42) If Donald Trump wins, he will unite the country.

43) There are reports that the Clinton Foundation started by Bill and Hillary Clinton accepted
substantial donations from foreign governments and other individual donors while Hillary Clinton
was Secretary of State. How likely do you think it is that Bill and Hillary Clinton were selling
influence to foreign governments and other individual donors?

The following questions are for demographic purposes:

44) Regardless of how you are registered, what do you think of yourself as?

45) What is your political ideology?

46) What race do you identify yourself as?

47) Which of the following best represents your religious affiliation?

48) What is the highest level of education have you completed?

49) How old are you?

50) What is your gender?

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