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Psychic Lotto Formula

Create Your Own Luck And Fortune | Module 1

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Psychic Lotto Formula

Create Your Own Luck And Fortune | Module 1

Table of Content

Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................... 4
The Power to Create Your Own Luck ......................................................................................................... 6
You can choose a luckier lottery life ........................................................................................................... 9
Four simple concepts to kick start your luck .......................................................................................... 11
The Methodology of Luck ............................................................................................................................ 18
How to hypnotize yourself .......................................................................................................................... 22
Mental and Physical Methods towards Goal Setting and Self Confidence Enhancement ............ 27
Triggering the Mind to Success The Psychic Lotto Formula Techniques ...................................... 34
Relaxation Techniques ................................................................................................................................. 39
Brainwave entrainment ............................................................................................................................... 42
Deep Relaxation - Yoga Nidra.................................................................................................................... 46
Positive Affirmation Techniques ................................................................................................................ 48
Being One with the Universe and Attain Your Goals............................................................................ 51
On the way to success .................................................................................................................................. 54

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Have you ever wondered why some people just seem luckier than you? It feels like everything
that they touch turns to success and even when they enter the lottery they never lose.
Do you ever question when its your turn to win, those millions are just up there for grabs and
why shouldnt they be yours for the taking?
So why them and not you? Is luck a purely random element that you are born with and cannot
change or are there ways that you can bring lottery money into
your life and turn a 9 to 5 job into a life of doing whatever
Kick the negative influences to the curb and ensure that you enjoy
wealth and abundance every day of the rest of your life.
The answer is yes, yes and yes. I am here to tell you that you are in
control of your destiny and that means your luck as well. Dont be
controlled by you negative programming that is more than likely
running your life.
There are techniques I will show you to apply in your life. Win the
lottery by using some of the easy techniques that will turn your luck around and make you a
magnet for everything that you want in your life and that includes the wealth that you deserve.
These techniques do require work and dedication to succeed and are not as simple as a click of
the fingers or the waving of a magic wand but they give you the key to unlock the unlimited
potential in your subconscious mind and then it is up to you to do the rest.
Read on to give yourself the power to turn life into a success, win that lottery and make all of
your dreams come true.

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The Power to Create Your Own Luck

Luck is no longer what it used to be, a superstitious hit or miss element that favored some and
totally abandoned others.
Ruled by superstition for centuries luck is a very misunderstood concept and even though
many in society still carry some type of talisman as a lucky charm research tell us a little more
about luck that can give us all hope.
It has been found that people who display all of the characteristics of being lucky:
Are good at identifying and generating opportunities for themselves.
Are tuned into their intuition and are not afraid to make decisions based on their inner
Are always positive in their expectations of life and see the good rather than dwell on the
Are able to turn anything that is negative into a positive with an attitude of gratitude.
Does this sound like you or are you always expecting the worst, knowing that your lottery
ticket cannot win that you would never be that lucky. Well it is time to change all that.
Get your head up high in the air and start believing in yourself, start believing that you can win
those millions because you can because you deserve to and I am going to tell you exactly how
and be there with you every step of the way.
Traditional luck changers
Do you walk around with a rabbits foot in your pocket just hoping that you will win or cross
your tickets when you check what should be the winning lottery ticket?

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Has it worked for you so far? Maybe it never will because this is not the way to change your
luck even though people like you have been trying exactly the same method for centuries.
Being the scientific society that we are dedicated scientists have for many years worked at
unraveling the mystery of luck.
For it is a mystery that has baffled and confused and the answers that they have come up with
all point back to self.
Those that dont have it want it and those that do accept it as simply a part of their life.
We know that it can directly transform our lives and for centuries people have buried their
desire for luck in superstition and the belief that luck is that magical force that can be tapped
into with the help of outside forces.
Talismans, lucky charms and amulets are just some
of the ways that for centurys people have tried to
improve their luck and positively change their
Knocking on wood is a symbol for not bringing bad
luck down on your head, always avoid walking
under ladders and never let a black cat cross in front of you.
None of these beliefs have any scientific basis and nobody has ever been able to prove that they
have any effect on luck; it seems to be all in the mind. But you know what the successful people
dont rely on lucky charms, they have learned how to turn their luck around and make a
fortune and you can join their ranks but first get rid of your superstitious beliefs.

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You can choose a luckier lottery life

You can choose to be lucky but it depends on whether you are ready to, ask yourself are you
ready to win the lottery, can you handle the big money or is your self confidence so low that
you cannot even imagine winning a coloring competition?
You may have invested a lot of time and energy into being safe in belief systems that have
served you well over the course of your life.
What I mean by served you well is that while you may not have felt happy but there is a certain
safety in always being negative and not needing to step out of the comfort zone.
Change takes work, dedication and most of all you must believe in yourself and be prepared to
let go of the thoughts that are no longer working for you.
You can change your luck by changing your mind or at least your perception of things around
you and the choices that you make to react to them.
Luck is not a thing that you have no power over in fact you control your luck, you always have
but maybe up until now your focus has been on bad luck rather than good.
Start believing that you can win the lottery, see yourself winning it and you are well on the way
to picking up that money prize.

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Four simple concepts to kick start your luck

Lets start looking at changing your luck with some very easy behavior changes that you can
add to your life. You need to boost your self-confidence as the first step to believing that you
can win the lottery, work on these techniques so that you can take on the world.
See opportunity in every encounter with strangers
Successful networks can be more than who we socialize or work with. Take every opportunity
to talk to random people that cross your path in trains, coffee shops or waiting in a queue.
You can practice this anywhere that you go in your daily travels.
Random behavior increase your chances of meeting the people that you need to meet to help
you expand and discover the potential that lies within to create a successful life.
Jane was looking for a new job in a city where she was a stranger. After walking around for
hours she went into a coffee shop and while the barista was making her coffee she told him
that she was new in the city and was looking for work as a marketing assistant.
A woman behind her heard the conversation and told Jane that she was the principal partner
in an advertising agency where there may be an opening. They chatted over coffee, the woman
was impressed with Janes knowledge and qualifications and a few days later Jane started a
new job.
Try these 6 ways of overcoming shyness and learn how to strike up a conversation with

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1. Leave your ego at home
The first thing to remember is that not everyone will respond to you, some will ignore you and
others may be extremely rude but the payoff is that others will turn out to be extraordinary
human beings that enrich your life for a moment or lifetime.
Dont worry about rejection and have a fabulous time meeting amazingly interesting people. It
is about opening up and letting go, have fun with it and most people will respond in a positive
2. Starting a conversation
Be open with your body language when you are approaching someone that you dont know,
yet. If you walk up to someone with arms crossed they may just ignore you.
Smile and look confident so that the person doesnt think that you pose a threat and are more
likely to open up.
3. Act natural
Dont prepare your conversation beforehand, be natural and respond to the person with your
intuition otherwise you may seem false. Remember,
the manner in which you say something is as
important as what you say and can be the difference
between a positive and negative response.
4. Shared experience
A great way to start a conversation is to talk about
what is going on around you with a stranger. Things
like if you are both caught in a queue and there is an
unreasonable delay or there is an annoying child
making loud noises in a waiting room.

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You are sharing an experience so it is easier to create a connection because you probably
already share an opinion on what is happening in your vicinity.
5. Make the experience familiar
Set yourself a challenge to talk to at least one person you dont know every day. It gets easier
the more you practice.
6. Fly solo at social events
Attend social events by yourself just to have fun. Things like festivals, museums, concerts and
art shows.
Talk to people while you are there for the sheer enjoyment of it and in no time you will find
yourself having fun with strangers.
Stop ignoring your inner voice
People who follow their intuition end up in interesting or even exciting places. They are willing
to step out of the routine of their daily lives.
Rather than being tied to what they must do they are guided by what their inner voice prompts
them to do.
When you tune into your intuition a whole new world opens up. Possibilities, adventures and
ultimately success because you know what you want, see the opportunities around you and
have the confidence to follow the unknown path.
Derek was in a hurry he was late back to work after lunch and was worried that his manager
would be upset with him.
As he passed a lottery shop he saw a sign for that nights draw and the thought flashed into his
mind that he should buy a ticket.
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He listened to the voice and bought a ticket, even though he rarely did, and he was chastised
for being late back to work but that night won a significant amount of money with the lottery
ticket he bought.
If you are not used to listening to your intuition you may be rusty and need to practice to be
able to tune it in properly. It helps to spend some time every day in a quiet place without
interruption to contemplate the thoughts in your mind.
Hear the thoughts that you have when you reflect on the significant circumstances in your life
and use these thoughts to guide your decisions
and actions every day.
Expect the best
Always think positively and that good things are
going to happen to you and they will. Believe that
you are a lucky person and keep reminding
yourself that you are whenever you feel like you
are beginning to slip into the negative.
Heidi was a sad person and always afraid. She would never take chances in her life and
anticipated that bad things would happen to her all the time and they did.
Kim on the other hand worked with Judith. She had a bright and positive personality and
believed the best of people and that life would always look after her.
Kim had only been at the job for 6 months compared to the 5 years of Heidis service and yet
she had been promoted 3 times.
She was supervising the department where Heidi worked because the manager felt that she had
a positive approach to her work and achieved what she set out to achieve.
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1. At the end of every week reflect on the week just gone and all of the good things that have
happened to and around you.
Record them in a diary if that helps you to remember. Noticing and acknowledging all the
good in your life will help you to build your self-confidence and stay positive.
2. Intentionally think about the good things you want to happen, visualize them and when the
right opportunities present themselves you will be in the right frame of mind to take them
Turn the negative around
When things do not go your way, keep your thoughts positive and believe that ultimately
everything is good even those things that dont seem so positive that they will turn around in
the end.
Dont dwell on the bad things that happen instead see how fortunate you are because they
could have been worse.
David was a person that had developed the habit of looking on the bright side of life, no matter
what he believed that staying positive was the best way to live his life.
When David was made redundant from the job that he had worked at for 4 years he decided
that he would go away on his dream holiday with the extra money that he had.
He returned after a month and was offered a job that was better than the one he had lost with
higher remuneration. David was thankful for redundancy because it created the opportunity
for him to find a better job.

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If you practice gratitude on a regular basis then it can become one of your good habits.
Set aside a regular time to look at all of the wonderful things in your life and be thankful for
them. It helps to remember that there are many that are a lot worse off.
Here is an example of a mantra that you can put together to remind yourself of the things you
can be thankful for:
Thank you for the loud noise I can hear because I am not deaf,
Thank you for the maintenance on my house because I am not homeless,
Thank you for the dishes I need to wash because I have food to eat,
Thank you for the stair at work because I am able to walk.
Think of the things that you can add to this from you life and to help modify your attitude and
create peace inside that can take the place of the turmoil generated by unrest.

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The Methodology of Luck

There is no one sure method to use to propel your life towards success and the achievement of
the goals that you crave. Win the lottery by turning your luck around; you are holding you
back so it is time to choose to move forward into a lucky space by working on the inner you to
gain the outside rewards,
It is in this section that we look at the life changing methods to create wealth and abundance in
your life.
Win Lotto with Self-hypnosis
Self-hypnosis helps you to retrieve the true potential inside you that your conscious mind can
only peek at. If you master self hypnosis there is nothing that you cannot achieve, no goal that
is beyond your reach and no bad habit that you cannot kick and that includes the lottery that
you never really believed that you could win in the first place, right? Not really anyway but
that is about to change.
Most of us have heard of hypnosis and maybe even seen the shows on television where a host
hypnotizes people and compels them to do whatever he wants mostly odd and mildly
embarrassing acts that they dont remember once they have been woken from the trance.
This perception of hypnosis is far from the reality. Hypnosis induces a state of deep relaxation
where experts say that the subconscious mind is engaged.
People who are hypnotized are not easily compelled and at all times are in control of their
actions. Instead of being out of control puppets hypnotized people are very aware of what is
going on around them.
Everything begins where the thought first enters the mind, self-hypnosis is a self-induced
trance and with the power of persuasion you can change the things that are not working in
your life.
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Self-hypnosis accesses our subconscious mind
We have a conscious and subconscious mind. The
conscious mind contemplates and responds to
what could be deemed as reality.
On the other hand the subconscious directs all of
the bodys functions such as healing and
breathing, and other functions that we do without
even thinking.
For example we dont tell our heart to beat, our
muscles to contract or our skin to shed and yet these things happen, as they need to every day.
The subconscious mind is also attached to the universal power, which is often untapped
because we do not develop the skills to access the potential that lies there.
However it is important to understand how conscious thoughts are acted on by the
subconscious. Any thoughts that are routinely entertained in your conscious mind will be
created in reality by the subconscious mind.
For example Lisa hated her job but felt guilty leaving it because her family needed the money to
pay the mortgage on their house. Instead she wished that she would get sick so that she had to
leave the job.
Within 6 months she was diagnosed with blood cancer and was given a terminal prognosis,
because she was so ill had to leave her job the next day.
Be mindful of your thoughts because the subconscious is always working to bring them to life.
If you consciously work with self hypnosis to change your thoughts to ones that are positive
and that will help to manifest success in your life your subconscious will focus on helping you
to achieve what you visualize.
Brainwave frequencies

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Our brains are complex organs and they operate using different brainwaves depending on our
state of consciousness.
To be able to hypnotize yourself you need to be able to alter your brainwaves from a fully
conscious state to a relaxed state where your subconscious mind is open to suggestion from
your conscious self.
Each different type of brainwave has a frequency and an associated consciousness:
Alpha 8-12Hz: Relaxed alertness, creativity, positivity, and concentration.
Beta 13-40Hz: Increased wakefulness and alertness.
Delta 1-4Hz: Improved sleep pattern and depth.
Theta 4-8Hz: Deeper relaxation, stress relief, increased dream memory.
Gamma 40Hz+: Heightened mental clarity, improve ability to process information.

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How to hypnotize yourself

Self-hypnosis can be broken up into three basic stages and they are:
Without first relaxing it is virtually impossible to be able to proceed to the next stages. You
need to relax both your mind and body to be receptive to the visualizations that you desire your
subconscious mind to recognize and act upon.
Relaxation technique
Before you try any relaxation techniques ensure that you are located in an environment that is
conducive to relaxation.
It needs to be private so that you are not disturbed, quiet and not extreme in temperature.
For self-hypnosis it is ideal to be sitting up rather than lying down.

1. Close your eyes, turn your thoughts inwards and focus on your breathing.
2. Slow your breathing down and feel the air entering your lugs and all the way down to your
abdomen and then slowly exhale.

3. Starting at your feet relax your body. Your toes, feet, ankles and calves, work your way
slowly up the body as you breath relaxing everything as you go.

4. If you start to get distracted gently pull the focus back to relaxing.
5. Take your time progressively working up the body till you reach your head, it will generally
take approximately 5 minutes to complete the technique and then you are ready for the next
Creative Visualization
Mental imagery accompanied by feelings, smell, sound, taste and feel sends powerful messages
to the subconscious mind.
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method that we use to access the






visualization in real life.

Creative visualization technique
To be able to visualize effectively
you need to be relaxed first. If you
are someone that has difficulty




practicing and it will become easier over time.

Another option is to look at a picture of that represents the visualization that you want to create
before you start so that the image is already in your mind.
This example deals with winning the lottery but it can be anything that you would like to
visualize you just need to insert the appropriate words.
1. Once you have finished the relaxation exercise, create a picture in your mind of you
accepting a lottery cheque for $20 million.
Friends and strangers and everyone that is at the event, you are on stage smiling and happy,
in your visualization you are surrounded by family and friends and photographers are
taking your picture for the paper.
2. If negative thoughts intrude, ignore them because they are the old you and destructive.
Bring your mind back to the visualization and focus.
3. Hold the visualization of you strong and confident in your mind.
Add other elements to your image. How do you feel, what can you hear and what are the
aromas in the air add these to your visualization, make it real.
4. Keep a hold of your visualization; it is something that is happening in the present, not the
future or the past.
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5. Now expand the image, let yourself go and create different images of the winning the lottery
like the things that you will do with the money.
If you feel that your mind is wandering bring it back and focus, you may need to do this a
few times during your creative visualization.
An alternative method for creative visualization is to create a script that will guide you through
the images that you want to create.
Record it with your own voice and play it to access your subconscious mind.
Visualization And Affirmations
When you combine the visualizations that I have just talked about with affirmations, you are
armed with a powerful method of reprogramming your subconscious mind to achieve
anything that you desire.
Create goals that are achievable and combine these with actions that will carry you closer to
your dream becoming a reality.
Your subconscious mind creates opportunities and provides you with insights based on the
information that it receives from the conscious mind; it will guide you towards your goal.
This is not an instantaneous solution and requires dedication and you need to stay focused on
the end result that you want to become a reality.
See yourself as already having the things that you visualize rather than thinking that someday
you will to attract the abundance you desire into your life.
Affirmation technique
For the affirmation example I will also use winning the lottery to illustrate how they can be
addressed with affirmations, you just need to adjust the words to suit your purpose.
Say the following affirmation to yourself: I win the lottery and have abundant wealth.
Repeat it 20 times, this can be either out loud or in your mind, whichever is more comfortable
for you. Do this while you are maintaining the creative visualization of the social setting.

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If you find that you have difficulty maintaining
the visualization and repeating the affirmation
and your mind wanders. Keep working at it
because it will get easier with practice.
After 10 minutes let the visualization fade
naturally from your mind and slowly return to
the conscious world.
To be successful you need to be dedicated, performing these techniques only once is not
enough for success you need to be willing to practice 1- 2 times a day for at least a month to
ensure that the subconscious mind takes on the reprogramming.
The amount of time will often depend on the strength of your negative thinking.
The key is to always make sure that the affirmations are in the present tense and without any
words that are negative.

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Mental and Physical Methods towards Goal Setting

and Self Confidence Enhancement
Building your self-confidence is not as difficult as you may think and will enable you to do
everything that you want.
The first step is the hardest, deciding that you want to move from where you are stuck and
have the life that you choose tell yourself that you do deserve to win lots of money, that you are
a lucky person that it will change your life and allow you to become a success.
Once you have made this choice all others will seem straightforward and you will no doubt
wonder what took you so long.
Lets have a look at some of the ways that you can build your self-confidence and learn to set
goals that can turn your life into a success rather than a messy disaster.
Recording affirmations conversing with your inner self
Record your own voice with positive affirmations, take your time and speak slowly.
The recording should be about 30 minutes long and the goal is to include the aspects of your
life that you want to change and to embed them in your subconscious mind where all action
Listening to the recording
Make yourself comfortable (sitting not lying down) in a place that is quiet before you listen to
the recording.
Free up some time every day to listen and you will need to hear each recording at least 15 times
before you start to see the results.
Breathe deeply as you listen with your eyes closed and follow the suggestions as you hear them.

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You can now begin to explore your minds scripts and rewrite them.
Self-confidence enables you to not only set goals but to realize them for a successful life. Write
yourself a script to record to boost your self-confidence and goal setting abilities.
Here is an example script to get you started. Use it as a guideline for your recording but
remember to personalize it for you and your goals to create the you that you choose to be:
Ten - breathe in deeply and exhale
Nine - breathe in deeply and exhale
Eight - take a deep breath, hold and then exhale, feel your body relaxing and your mind
Seven - take and deep breathe, feel your body relaxing from your toes to your head and exhale.
You are entering your subconscious mind, this is your place where anything is possible, and
you create your reality.
Six - breathe in deeply and exhale into the peace that has overtaken your body
Five - breathe in, hold and exhale. Halfway to your destination you feel your cares start to drift
Four - breathe deeply and feel the life giving
oxygen fill your body the negative floats away as
you exhale
Three - breathe in deeply and exhale feeling your
Two - breathe in deeply and exhale, you are
sinking deeper into a place you are the creator. You

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create the life that you desire (this can be anything that you would like to change)
One - you are in the most beautiful place, the sun is shining and warming your face, the white
sand stretches before and the waves lap gently on the shore (use a description of your favorite
You are relaxed, all of your cares have drifted away and you are enjoying being just you.
You are in control of your life; your life force is pure and strong, use it to create the life that
you choose.
Look around at the beautiful place that you have created, smell the salty sea air, feel the breeze
in your face and breathe deeply to feel the beauty that is inside of you as well as outside.
You feel wonderful as you lie on the sand in the shade of a palm tree. You no longer choose to
worry about how others see you; your self-esteem will carry you to success.
You can achieve anything that you choose; you cannot fail because you can see your success.
Focus on the truth:
I have all the self-confidence I need to be successful in my life. (repeat three times)
I have long-term goals in my life. (repeat three times)
I have short-term goals in my life. (repeat three times)
I know my goals and am working towards them every day. (repeat three times)
I will reach my goals by visualizing their success (repeat three times)
I will win the lottery. (repeat three times)
I deserve to be lucky. (repeat three times)
I deserve to be wealthy. (repeat three times)
I am a successful person and I feel fantastic. (repeat three times)
People are attracted to me because I am strong and charismatic. (repeat three times)
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I approach every day with honesty and integrity.
(repeat three times)
I believe in myself so I will always succeed. (repeat
three times)
I enjoy taking on new challenges. (repeat three
I am strong and positive and a happy person.
(repeat three times)
I focus my inner strength, which is why I succeed. (repeat three times)
People enjoy my company. (repeat three times)
I am a born leader. (repeat three times)
There is no situation out of my control. (repeat three times)
I make decisions easily. (repeat three times)
I always achieve my goals. (repeat three times)
I enjoy helping others. (repeat three times)
I am confident to seek advice from others who are more successful. (repeat three times)
I am a successful person. (repeat three times)
I achieve the goals that I set for myself. (repeat three times)
My self-esteem is strong. (repeat three times)
I can achieve everything I set out to achieve. (repeat three times)
Now it is time to leave the world of the subconscious and return.
Take a last look around your beautiful surroundings and give a special thank you to the
Universe you will now return to the conscious world.
One - you are floating upwards

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Two - you feel energized and alive
Three - you will awake and be ready to set your goals and be self-confidant
Four - you can visualize your successful future
Five - you are wonderful and successful person.
Six - open your eyes because you have returned.

***Once you are awake, dont try to move, give yourself a couple of minutes to return to a full
conscious level.
Setting your goals after self hypnosis
One of the common mistakes that people make when setting goals is being defeated before they
have even tried because they set a goal that is overwhelming and seems unreachable and they
crumble before its mammoth proportions.
Successful goal achievers use a different approach and part of that is to break their goals into
short and long-term goals.
The long term goals are the big ones that may be a months or even years away whereas short
term goals can be for daily or weekly achievements that help up work towards the goals that
are our dreams coming true.
The key to successful goal setting is breaking your goals down into achievable chunks make
sure that you have all of the key elements that I have listed below in all of your goals:
1. Explicit: they must clearly indicate the achievement that you want to accomplish.
2. Calculable: it is essential that the achievement of the goal can be measured.
3. Attainable: you must feel that it is possible to reach the goal.
4. Logged: dont keep your goals in your head record them in a log to keep track.
5. Deadline: set a deadline of when the goal is to be achieved.
6. Monitor: check your progress on a regular basis.

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7. Rethink: sometimes goals need to be reevaluated and rearranged, this is not failure just
recognition that changing factors may mean that a rethink is necessary.

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Triggering the Mind to Success The Psychic Lotto

Formula Techniques
Meditation Techniques
Spend time every day picturing yourself winning the lottery, meditate and help your
visualization come true.
10 tips to help you meditate
1. How you position your body
When you meditate it doesnt matter if you sit on a chair or
cross-legged on the floor the thing that you need to
remember is to keep your spine straight and the top of your
head pointing towards the ceiling.
When you hunch over your mind will be tempted to wander
because there is an interminable connection between the
mind and body. If the body is in balance then so will your
mind be.
If you think of it as you head reaching toward the sky then it will be easier to maintain the
right posture.
2. Eyes wide open
Meditating with your eyes open means that you can stay more in the resent moment rather
than drifting away with distracting thoughts or even falling asleep.

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3. Maintain your focus
Focus within a meditation setting is different to concentration, which can at times too sharp.
The kind of focus that you want is more like paying a soft attention to the anything that is
inserted into the middle of your awareness.
4. The importance of your breathing
Breathing is not only an essential physical component that ensure that we are alive but
breathing is also an ideal way to help you maintain focus, feel the air going into your body and
the release as it goes out.
Breath naturally and deeply to access other levels of your consciousness.
Count your breaths
Sometimes it is difficult to find the rhythm for the meditation. One trick I find that works is to
count with each breath, which is a form of meditation in itself.
When you breathe out count 1,2,3 and 4 and the same when you breathe in 1,2,3, and 4.
Whenever you find yourself drifting or noticing that you are counting go back to number 1
and start from there.
5. Distracting thoughts
As soon as you become aware that you are thinking, return to focusing on your breath. It is not
a matter of stopping thoughts as this can be uncomfortable or irritating instead acknowledge
them and that they have no place in the meditation and return to your breath.
6. In an emotional state
Meditating can be difficult if you are dealing with emotions that are taking up a lot of room in
your mind.
To deal with emotions that are creating stories that are going around in circles in your mind
switch your focus to the feelings in the body that go with the emotions.
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It may be a tightening in the chest or a quickening of your heartbeat. By doing this you are
acknowledging that the emotions exist but not getting caught up in the negative stories.
7. Maintain the silence
What a lot of people are not aware of is that silence is healing. Meditation music itself can
provide a distraction if meditation is done in silence then the mind can be heard.
There is calm to be found in silence and eventually the inner and the outer silence will join

The length of meditation

At the beginning meditate for 10 minutes, longer if you feel

comfortable. Over time you can expand the time to 30
minutes, which is ample time to calm the mind without the
body becoming too uncomfortable.
Ultimately you will find the right amount time that suits you.

The meditation environment

Create a place where you enjoy sitting, some like to build a

shrine that they can sit in front of when they meditate.
The important thing is to have things around you that means
something and that you enjoy.

Enjoy your meditation

Enjoy your meditation it should be a joy not a chore. Try establishing a daily habit by sitting in
your special meditation place every day.

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Transcendental meditation
When you practice Transcendental Meditation (TM) you allow your mind to turn inwards so
that you can reflect on your inner self. Past thought and to pure awareness of you as a human
being to your innermost self which is the silent and peaceful level of awareness.
1. Choose a word that is significant to your beliefs.
2. Sit in an area that is quiet in a position that is comfortable.
3. Close your eyes and focus on relaxing your muscles. Whilst doing this slow your breathing
to slow, deep breaths. The focus word is repeated every time that you exhale.
4. All of the focus is on the chosen word and all thoughts need to be removed from the mind.
5. After the meditation has concluded, allow a few minutes seated quietly for a further few

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Relaxation Techniques
All of these techniques are designed to help you relax and the reason you need to relax is so
that you can access your subconscious mind.
You want to access your subconscious mind so that you can tell it to make your lottery win a
reality because that is where all of your power is and unless you access it you will have a lot of
trouble turning your luck around.
So get relaxing and get lucky.
Guided Imagery
Guided imagery is a type of visualization where the imagery is actually directed by a source
outside of yourself like a therapist, coach or a pre recorded MP3 whereas creative visualization
is where you guide yourself.
Imagine that you are in a place that relaxes you, that is peaceful or that holds a special
meaning. It could be a beach walking along in the water with the sand sucking at your feet,
on the top of a mountaintop overlooking a stunning valley or anywhere that relaxes you.
Feel that you are there and imagine all of the smells, sounds and images that you would find
there. The aroma of the flowers on the mountain, the smell of the salty sea breeze or feel the
sun as it warms your face.
Return to this favorite place whenever you feel
the need to relax.

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Audible relaxation
Make yourself comfortable sitting in a chair. Make sure there are no distractions; the room
needs to be quiet and the temperature neither too hot nor too cold.
Close your eyes and feel your breathing.
Put you hands behind your head keep them relaxed.
Put your thumbs into your ears so that you can hear a type of rushing sound that is high
Relax and concentrate on this sound for 10 minutes to relax.

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Brainwave entrainment
Binaural beats or brainwave entrainment (BWE) when used for meditation create a state of
relaxation that is conducive to self-hypnosis and gaining access to the subconscious mind.
Binaural beats are not a new discovery scientists first recognized them in 1839 however it
wasnt until the 1970s that their full potential was investigated. It was concluded that binaural
beats could be used to treat a variety of neurological conditions.
Robert Monroe, a media executive who had an ongoing interest in the potential of the mind,
concluded with the help of scientific professionals that a number of sound frequencies elicited
positive reactions from the human brain.
They also discovered that these frequencies, when adjusted, could augment feelings such as
relaxation and could even synchronize the left and right sides of the brain, which he called
brainwave entrainment.
After these pivotal discoveries Robert Monroe created the Monroe Institute and evolved his
discoveries into the binaural beat technology that we use today.
Brainwave entrainment technology
Brainwave entrainment utilizes three different types of audio technology binaural beats,
monaural beats and isochronic tones. Binaural tones are the most widely used out of the three.
Binaural beats
Two dissimilar sound frequencies used, one in each ear through headphones. When the brain
hears the difference between the two frequencies it uses this third frequency and its matching
brainwave to entrain the brain and create the corresponding feelings that brainwave induces.

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For example: A tone that is 300Hz is in the right ear and 310Hz in the left the difference
between the two is 10Hz. The equipment produces the third beat at 10Hz to match this
difference. This falls within the alpha range which produces feelings of alertness, improved
concentration and boosts positive thinking.
Monaural beats
Monaural technology also uses two different frequencies that entrain the brainwaves. The main
difference from binaural waves is that they can be listened to through speakers rather than
The frequencies are also combined before they are broadcast and the third frequency is
predetermined rather than discerned by the
Isochronic tones
Isochronic tones are the newest technology in
brainwave entrainment. They are individually
separated and are broadcast in a particular
pattern with the rhythm being adjustable to
create the different frequencies.
These tones can be used with either speakers or headphones and are the most popular of the
three types.
Regardless of the type of tone that you use this technology is very effective for creating a
desired state of mind such as relaxed in a short space of time.
The advantage of this method over others is that mental states can be reached easily that under
normal circumstances would be difficult to access and maintain without years of practice and

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Deep Relaxation - Yoga Nidra

Yoga Nidra is a specialized practice and it is best to work in conjunction with a yoga
professional to achieve the results that you desire. Yoga Nidra is thought of as the most
powerful yoga technique simply because it has the capacity to affect a broad range of disorders.
It works on the physical, energetic, emotional and cognitive planes and is often used to relax
the body to relive any emotional stress.
But both yoga masters and healers, to get rid of negative thought patterns and addictions that
are difficult to eliminate, use Yoga Nidra to effectively access the subconscious mind and
change their patterns of behavior.

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Positive Affirmation Techniques

Creative visualization is so much more powerful when paired with positive affirmations and
the positive affirmations need to be specific and positive about the things that you want create.
For example: I win the lottery I am a lucky person and deserve wealth.
When you create positive statements within affirmations and embed them into your
subconscious you are effectively replacing the negative thought patterns with ones that are
positive and able to help you create a successful
Technique 1





accompany it with an image from nature.

For example for abundance affirmations use
images like a sky full of stars, millions of grains
of sand or even infinite drops of water that flow
in flowing river.
By using natural examples of abundance it is easier for the mind to accept abundance as real.
Technique 2
Create a realistic visualization of what you want an affirmation to achieve. To make it as real as
possible make sure that all senses are included in the visualization. Imagine what it will look,
taste, smell and feel like when it is achieved.
Immerse yourself in the visualization and as your feelings come to the surface energy will be
created to transform your visualization into a reality.

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For example to create a wealth affirmation use a visualization of winning the lottery. Imagine
the numbers and sitting in front of the TV, checking your numbers and knowing you have won
the first prize.
What does it feel like? Your heart is racing, you jump in the air and you know that your life has
changed in those few moments.
Technique 3
If you struggle with affirmations you can write them down to help you focus, for example you
can write them in the form of a letter:
Compose a letter addressed to the Universe that outlines what you want to achieve in the
Write a letter to a person that you respect. Explain why you admire them and talk about the
qualities that they have that you would like to manifest in your life.
Technique 4
Make your affirmations into artwork that you can hang on your wall or display in your home
or office. This will add considerable energy to affirmations. Some things that you can try
Paint the house that you are saving to buy.
Compose music that creates the feeling associated with your affirmation.

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Being One with the Universe and Attain Your Goals

Being at one with the Universe invokes the Universal Law of Attraction. Your desires starts
within yourself, when you know what it is that you want ask the Universe and attract it to
Tell the Universe that you are ready to win the lottery, your arms are open to embrace the
wealth and abundance and that you deserve to receive this gift.
Ask the Universe
Ask the Universe and the Universe will deliver. Have a clear visualization of what you would
like the Universe to deliver into your life it could be money, a relationship, new car or a lottery
It is important that you have a very clear picture in your mind and only positive thoughts if you
let your negative thoughts intrude the Universe may give you what you are afraid of.
For example you may ask for a new car and then think that you would only crash it as soon as
you bought it or you would only be able to afford it when you are too old to enjoy it. Stay
positive when you speak to the Universe.
Subconscious thought
Once you have put your request to the Universe
your subconscious mind will lead you towards the
goals that are in your mind that you want to
achieve. Without realizing it many things that now
will enter your life as opportunities will help you to
travel step by step in the direction of your goal.

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Remember always that you need to apply determination and discipline to stay focused on your
goals and to work towards them with the help of the Universe.
The Universe will help but you must stay positive in your thoughts regardless of any obstacles
that you may encounter along the way.

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On the way to success

We have reached the end of this teaching module and you now have some very powerful tools
to help you begin your journey.
One of the most important elements that you can take away from this reading is to learn to
believe in yourself.
Once you have self-confidence and believe that you are lucky and that you are capable of
anything, everything else will fall into place a lot easier.
Practice relaxing so that you can access the power of your subconscious mind and dont be
afraid to try the different methods till you find the one that best suits you.
Spend the time to understand yourself and what you would like to change to attract wealth and
abundance into your life.
Write down your positive affirmations and get them embedded into your conscious and
subconscious minds so that they can start working to make them come true.
Focus and diligence are the keys and you will need to be committed to effect the changes that
you desire. But the rewards are huge and well worth the work and time that you need to invest
to make them a reality.
So start now and work on that lottery win. Tell yourself that you deserve it and get rid of the
negative thoughts that are holding you back.
There is no time like the present
after all you have waited long
enough already havent you!

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