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JCI Bangalore Garden City Collectors Edition

: contents :
1 - Professionalism 1-2
2 - Orderly Progress 3
3 -How 2 Reduce Anxiety 4-5
4 - Power of Women 6-7
5 - Plan Your Study 8-10
6 - Living Room 11-12
7 - Car Care 13-17
8 - Oral Cancer 18-22
9 - Do Business Like Prostitute 23-24
10 - Leisure, Picnic Trips Around 25-30
11 - Playing Intelligence 31-35
Are You a Professional? Yo u a P ro f e s s io n al?
Are You a Professional?
How you look, talk, write, act and work determines whether
you are a professional or an amateur. Society does not
emphasize the importance of professionalism, so people
tend to believe that amateur work is normal. Many businesses
accept less-than-good results.

Schools graduate students who cannot read. You can miss

15% of the driving-test answers and still get a driver license.
“Just getting by” is an attitude many people accept. But it is
the attitude of amateurs.

“Don’t ever do anything as though you were an amateur.

“Anything you do, do it as a Professional to Professional standards.
“If you have the idea about anything you do that you just dabble in it, you will wind up with a dabble life.
There’ll be no satisfaction in it because there will be no real production you can be proud of.
“Develop the frame of mind that whatever you do, you are doing it as a professional and move up to
professional standards in it.
“Never let it be said of you that you lived an amateur life.
“Professionals see situations and they handle what they see. They are not amateur dabblers.
“So learn this as a first lesson about life. The only successful beings in any field, including living itself, are
those who have a professional viewpoint and make themselves and ARE professionals” — L. Ron Hubbard

Dream 1
A professional learns every aspect of the job. An
amateur skips the learning process whenever
Are You a Professional? A professional carefully discovers what is needed
and wanted. An amateur assumes what others
need and want.
A professional looks, speaks and dresses like a
professional. An amateur is sloppy in appearance
and speech. A professional keeps his or her work
area clean and orderly. An amateur has a messy,
confused or dirty work area.
A professional is focused and clear-headed. An
amateur is confused and distracted.
A professional does not let mistakes slide by. An
amateur ignores or hides mistakes.
A professional jumps into difficult assignments.
An amateur tries to get out of difficult work.
A professional completes projects as soon as
possible. An amateur is surrounded by unfinished
work piled on top of unfinished work.
A professional remains level-headed and
optimistic. An amateur gets upset and assumes
the worst.

A professional handles money and accounts very carefully. An amateur is sloppy with money or accounts.
A professional faces up to other people’s upsets and problems. An amateur avoids others’ problems. A professional uses higher emotional
tones: Enthusiasm, cheerfulness, interest, contentment. An amateur uses lower emotional tones: anger, hostility, resentment, fear, victim.
A professional persists until the objective is achieved. An amateur gives up at the first opportunity.
A professional produces more than expected. An amateur produces just enough to get by.
A professional produces a high-quality product or service. An amateur produces a medium-to-low quality product or service.
A professional earns high pay. An amateur earns low pay and feels it’s unfair.
A professional has a promising future. An amateur has an uncertain future.
The first step to making yourself a professional is to decide you ARE a professional.
Are you a professional?

2 Dream
P ro g r e s s = Powe r
Orderly Progress Orderly Progress = Power
Many of those who wish to succeed find relief and an
improved attitude from this quote:
L. Ron Hubbard
Discouragement and frustration from not making your goals
quickly enough are resolved through orderly progress.

Do you ever get frustrated because your life is not the way
you want it? Perhaps you are trying to skip steps necessary
to reaching your goals. Instead of demanding PERFECTION
TODAY!, focus on orderly progress and your odds of success
are much higher.

Do you ever feel overwhelmed? If so, orderly progress becomes even more important. Confronting huge amounts of work is not
overwhelming when you see yourself making orderly progress, even in small amounts, toward your goals.
Do you ever feel like you are losing ground or failing? If you map out your actual goal and move one inch closer on a regular basis, you
have new power.
Do you ever feel like you are treading water and going nowhere? It is time for you to focus on some orderly progress.
How do you eat an elephant? How do you move a mountain? How to you reach huge goals? One mouthful, one rock and one step at a
Examples: giving a positive impression to one more person; learning one more new skill; lessening one bad habit, investing a few more
dollars in savings. Daily progress in a specific direction creates long-term power when the progress is constant and orderly.
If you have been dissatisfied with your progress in life, or if you feel discouraged, overwhelmed or frustrated, make a list of orderly steps
you can take every day and every week. Calm, direct, orderly steps.
Once you have your strategy worked out there is no need to worry about the past or the future—just concentrate on the present; on the
steps of this plan. By putting order into your progress, nothing and nobody can stop you.
A mountain creek is more powerful than a granite boulder when the creek slowly and surely wears the boulder down. Orderly progress
toward your goals starts with small, positive steps.
You can generate new power from this week forward. Deciding to have orderly progress is the first step.

Dream 3
There has never been a better time for
How to Reduce Anxiety worry. We have problems everywhere with
the Iraqi war, potential terrorism and an
unstable economy.
According to the news, we are seeing more
businesses closing down, more home
foreclosures and more people going broke.
They say we have less confidence and
greater anxiety.
Add in work problems or marriage problems
and you get ANXIETY.
You worry about everything, big things,
little things, imaginary things
You are afraid of making mistakes
You find it hard to make decisions
You feel nervous for no reason
You feel dizzy or weak or tired
You imagine the worst
Your body is tense
You sleep poorly

Three False Solutions

1. You visit your doctor and get a prescription for some anti-anxiety medication. After a few weeks, you feel calmer.
However, you dislike adding chemicals to your body. You don’t want the side effects. You hate needing a drug for your happiness.
2. You visit your local bar or liquor cabinet. After a drink or two you also feel calm.
Alcohol has the same disadvantages. You worry about your liver or alcoholism. You hate hangovers. You wish your happiness did not
come from a bottle.
3. You go to a hypnotist or buy “subliminal” tapes that give you commands while you sleep.
If you can go under, you feel calmer after the sessions.
But again, you hate not being in control of your feelings, good or bad. Your anxiety comes back in new forms. You wonder what other
commands the hypnotist gave to you.

4 Dream
One Simple, Powerful Solution
By making one easy change in your lifestyle, you can cut out a significant amount of stress and anxiety. All you do is stop listening to
How to Reduce Anxiety the Merchants (sellers, distributors) of Chaos (disorder, confusion).
“It is to their [the Chaos Merchants’] interest to make the environment seem as threatening as possible for only then can
they profit.”
“Look over a newspaper. Is there anything good on the front page? Rather there is murder and sudden death, disagreement
and catastrophe. And even that, bad as it is, is sensationalized to make it seem worse.” — L. Ron Hubbard
Anyone who profits from the suffering of others becomes a Chaos Merchant if they seek to increase their income or popularity by
making the world seem worse than it is.
For example, a politician makes crime seem like a bigger problem than anyone ever thought it was. He promises to fight crime better
than his opponent. He wins if he scares enough people.
An arms dealer tells one country, “This country has secretly purchased some bombs and has pointed them at you. You need to buy
some bombs and point them at their capital.”
Certain lawyers are Chaos Merchants. For example, they say, “A friend of mine in the District Attorney’s office told me they are going to
investigate you and want to put you in jail. I can probably keep you out of jail, but my retainer is $75,000.”
Of course, newspapers, news magazines and television news make the most money by spreading as much bad news as possible. The
more terrifying the news, the more people will watch their television news or buy their papers and magazines. They make us think we
have to listen to them to protect ourselves.

1. Stop reading newspapers and news magazines. Just completely cut out the news in your life.
Instead, read an interesting book.
2. Stop watching the news on television. How does it help you or anyone to know about deaths, danger and catastrophes?
Instead, watch an upbeat show or take a walk.
3. Avoid people who like to pass on disturbing “news.”
Instead, spend time with people who like to pass on cheerful news.
4. After 7-10 days, notice how you have been feeling.
5. If you are not sure if the chaos merchants really have any effect on you, do the above steps for 7-10 days. And then go back and read
the newspapers, watch the news and listen to disturbing people for a few days. Notice how you feel now.

Nearly everyone who breaks off all association with Chaos Merchants notices benefits like these.
* You find other parts of your life are more interesting. * You notice your life feels less dangerous. * You eat better and sleep better.
* You laugh more easily. * You are less afraid. * You feel healthier. * You feel calmer.

Dream 5
The Power Of A Woman Researching and writing about violence, is
disheartening. We read many articles, statistics,
and research about “how women should be more
aware,” or “how a women’s self-esteem is low,” or
“how women turn to men for acceptance and love.”

Instead of talking about “how we should be” why

not address “who we are, what we should have, and
what we should know”?

Who We Are:
Women are powerhouses.
We can tackle just about anything. We work full-time while being pregnant and we still come home after an eight to ten hour work day and
have dinner on the table, kids bathed and in bed by 7pm.
Women are creators.
Without women, the human race wouldn’t exist.
Women are your best friends.
The strongest bond in this world is between two women who are the best of friends. Women will always be there for one another no matter
what. We are caring, sensitive, and always available for our friends.
Women are honest.
Women are honest with themselves and you can count on women to be honest with you about anything.
Women are self-sacrificing.
They always put their needs second especially for their children, spouse, and family members. A mother will put aside a pair of shoes she
has been dying to have so that way her child could have what h/she wants. A woman will put aside her career to start a family.
Women are smart.
Women learn all trades of life from working, playing sports, cooking, cleaning, giving birth, raising children, to holding down a full-time
job while taking care of a family.

6 Dream
Women are fighters.
A woman’s experiences in life may bring her down, but then will bring her right back up again. She knows how to move forward and she
The Power Of A Woman knows how to fight for her life and her rights.

Women are strong, beautiful, and bold.

A Woman Should Have:
• Her own bank account to help her get the things she deserves and wants.
• Her own credit cards to help her get the credit she deserves to have in order to provide a safe haven for herself and her children.
• Everything in her name, so that way no one can take anything from her.
• Her drivers license.
• One expensive box of chocolates displayed on her end table.
• One friend who always makes her laugh…and one who lets her cry.
• Her own private cave to escape from her everyday hectic life.
• A luxury bathroom filled with candles, soaps, gels, music, and chocolate.
• Every woman should own a Victoria’s Secret Lingerie Outfit.

What Women Should Know:

• How to fall in love without losing

her identity.
• There is no perfect man.
• No man is the solution to her
• She is not to be everyone’s therapist.
• She is worth fulfilling her dreams
and goals.
• Women should know and experience
what it is like to live alone.
• That she is the most beautiful person
and that it takes someone truly special
to deserve her love.

Dream 7
How much time do you have to invest in exam
Plan Your Study preparation and over how many days is that
time spread? A student studying two hours
each day for five days is in a different situation
from a student studying ten hours the night
before, although they are both investing
the same amount of time. The second
student will become fatigued, overloaded
and stressed more easily, he or she will not
have opportunities to consult with a tutor in
problem areas as they arise. Breaking the work
down into manageable pieces and spreading
it over several days is essential.

Choose a good location to study.
This place should be clean, quiet, well-lit, a cool temperature and away from all distractions, such as friends , television or the computer.

Advanced Study Skills

Quantum Reading Memory Skills Exam Pred + Read a book in under 60 min

o Studying in a place similar to your exam environment might make you more comfortable during the test itself, as familiarity will help to
reduce the fearsome feeling of testing.
o Always be certain to take everything with you that you will need to work, including books, lecture notes, past assignments, pens and

Stay on the plan.

If you become stuck on a problem, clarify it .(You may take the help of your tutor).You might go over your allotted time and need to
schedule more time for later. This is fine; your study plan is just a guideline, not an absolute. Catch up as soon as possible, and continue as

Revise the previous lessons- Redo past assignment problems and sample problems from the text, noting how
techniques are used. If you cannot explain the reasoning behind a mathematical process, then you likely don’t understand it fully.

8 Dream
Plan Your Study Memorize major concepts.
As you study, jot down items that you need to memorize and carry the list with you throughout the day. Review this material when you
are caught standing in line or with time to spare between classes.

Selectively review your texts.

Do not re-read your text book; you have already done it once and to do so again would overload you. Review sections you have
highlighted(underlined), any notes you made in the margins, formulae, definitions and chapter summaries.

Study in a Chronicle order-.

Begin your studies with the material from the first class and move forward in chronological order, spending only small amounts of time
in low priority areas and more time in higher priority areas. This review will give you a stronger basis from which to master the more
important material when you get to it. If you choose to study in chronological order, be careful to pace yourself so that you do not leave
a critical study part to do the night before the exam

• Planning more than one week in advance is
ideal, especially when you have more than one
exam to juggle.
• Before all this prepare a schedule which meets
your needs.
• It’s also a good idea to keep some spare paper
next to you while you’re studying so if you think
of anything you need to do later you can write
it down and put it out of your mind, then get on
with the studying

Dream 9
Plan Your Study
Determine how you spend a typical week
As you enter the hours or parts of hours for each activity,
that amount is subtracted from each day’s total:

Print this weekly schedule for reference and review (Printer:

use landscape option to display table)

10 Dream
Living Room
In today’s world the décor of the house is
an extension of the persona of a person.
The living spaces in the house reflects the
lifestyle of the family. The character of living
spaces could vary from a minimalist simple
contemporary décor to heavy classical
grandeur décor but the key is in the elegance
it portrays.

Dream 11
The ambience of the space has to be
Living Room coordinated right from the flooring to
ceiling to upholstery. Italian marble
flooring can add elegance & richness to the
space. Combination of wooden Ceiling &
gypsum ceiling can act like a icing to the
cake. Simple features like a waterbody or
cascade as a backdrop can accentuate the
entire space also reduces the surrounding
temperature. Flowing & bubbling water
adds life to the indoor environment. In fact
for those interested in Feng – Shui, moving
water is an important part of adding good
energy to a space.

The buzzword in these days of energy

consciousness is “green”. And the fact that is
that all of us can do something towards the
cause in our own little individual way. We
could use products made from organically
grown materials or with renewable resources.
Also could use products which are energy
efficient. Plants can make your space green
in more than one sense of the term.

12 Dream
Car Care It’s that time of the year when the
benevolent rain gods shower their
blessings in plenty. This guide tells
you how best to take care of your car
in the monsoon and driving safely in
the wet.

The exterior of the car is the only line of defence between the interior and critical components. Not only that, but most modern cars are
monocoques ie the bodies themselves are load-bearing structures. So making sure they weather the monsoon is not only an aesthetic
reason, it’s a pretty good technical one too.
The main cause of body and underbody deterioration is corrosion. Modern cars come with galvanised metal, rust proofing, etc, but with
our fierce monsoons, additional care needs to be taken.
• Don’t let dirt accumulate. Water trickles off but dirt settles on the damp areas and eventually eats into the paintwork. Most corrosion
begins on the inside, so your car may need more than a light wash down.
• Take special care to clean wheel wells, doorsills and under the doors. That’s where most corrosion sets in.
• Wash paintwork with a good car detergent and wash it off thoroughly. Do not use household detergents as they are strong, affecting
the metal and promoting rust.
• After a wash, application of wax is recommended as it forms a protective layer.
• It is critical that drain holes and rain gutters are kept clear to enable water to drain away freely.
• Attend to scratches and dents in the surface of the paint immediately. If left unattended, corrosion is hours, not days away.
• It’s a myth that many metals do not rust except for gold and some precious metals. Even the ‘stainless’ in stainless steel is not
immune, given extreme conditions. So wash all surfaces thoroughly and wipe them dry.
• Much more care should be taken if you live near the coast. Higher salt content in the air accelerates corrosion

Dream 13
• As most critical components and connections reside on the underbody, special care needs to be taken.
• Take a look before and after the monsoons - your local pump or service station will gladly help.
• Rust-proofing like Dinitrol helps arrest most corrosion.
• The most common corrosion victim is the exhaust. If it’s aluminium-coated, it’s fine but if it’s steel,
anti-rust is a must.
• If your SUV or Jeep is driven off-road take a look at the underbody for scrapes more often vis-a-vis
the scrapes cars take on speedbreakers.

The interiors of most cars today are quite complex, with Heating Ventilation and AirConditioning (HVAC)
and other creature comforts. So preventing water from seeping in is so much more important and equally
You can no longer just remove plugs, drain the water and clean. There is a plethora of trim and fabric to go
through. Here are some tips to keeping things dry:
• Use a spare set of old floor mats on top of your regular ones so you can discard them after the monsoon
when they get soiled. Take special precaution that the mats do not hinder pedal movements. Dry your
footwear before getting behind the wheel. Wet shoes slip off the pedals, which is very dangerous.
• Use fabric mats rather than rubber ones. Rubber just transfers the water from the mat to the pedals
which is even worse.
• A can of Scotchguard is useful for the maintenance of the upholstery in the car. Cleaning the seats later
will be much easier.
• If the interior is wet, ventilate with the windows rolled down. Do not make the mistake of locking your
car in a garage as the heat and humidity will promote growth of fungus.
• Apply a little grease on the ignition key and operate all locks. This lubricates all the locks and keeps
them working smooth and troublefree.
• Vacuum regularly, especially under the seats, and use a mild air freshener. This will help keep the interior
clean and smelling pleasant.

14 Dream
Car Care

Water and electricity are not the best of friends and you’ve got to keep a few things in mind, especially now when the level of automotive
electronics is on the rise with fuel injection and immobilisers appearing on cars in India.
• Check to see if all fuses are in order and always carry a few extra ones in the tool kit.
• All external wires, if any, (fog lamps, etc) should be properly insulated.
• Make sure the ignition system, CB points and ignition coil terminals are all cleaned properly.
• Make judicious use of a multi-purpose spray like WD40 or a similar water repellent on all critical joints and connections.
• Coat battery terminals with petroleum jelly, not grease, and check that the brackets holding the battery down are secure.
• Ensure that all lights, including the hazard warning, are in perfect working condition for it is imperative that you are seen by others,
especially in heavy rain.
• Other than this, you should deal with most electrical problems as you would other electrical components.

As driving conditions vary widely between dry and wet, here are some tips to drive safely:
• Reduce speed. It takes far longer to slow down in the wet.
• As most of our roads are crowned towards the centre, water accumulates in the outer lanes. As far as possible, stick to the middle
• Maintain three times the distance you usually would from other vehicles.
• Driving in the tracks of a car ahead of you is advisable as chances are your tyres will need to disperse less water as the car in front
will have created a relative dry path.
• Do not follow large buses or trucks too closely. The spray from the wheels will block vision.
• Avoid excessive use of brakes.
• Turn on your headlights in dark, gloomy conditions so that you are seen by others on the road.

Dream 15
• Allow for more travel time between destinations.
• You should be more alert for stop signals, especially at junctions.
• Never drive beyond the limits of visibility. At night, wet roads turn dangerous. Glare of oncoming lights, amplified by rain on your
Car Care windscreen and reflected off the wet road, can cause temporary loss of visibility.
• Never drive through moving water if you cannot see the ground through it. The force of the water may be more than the weight of
your car.
• When driving through a flood, go slowly. If it is deeper than the bottom of your doors, turn around.
• Dry your feet before entering the car. Wet feet can slip off pedals, which is very dangerous.
• Keep windscreen washer fluid topped up and on a long journey carry some extra in the boot too.

Before you turn that ignition key and head out for that rainy ride, remember to check for:
WIPERS Smooth functioning, condition of arms. If cracks appear on the blade, replace or the streak on the windshield will strain your
TYRES Minimum 2mm depth including your spare. Check pressure of all five tyres.
LIGHTS Check for high, low and specially brake lamps.
ELECTRICS Check that no malfunction lights have come on.
WINDOWS All windows should shut perfectly without gaps, otherwise the monsoon will be in your car.
BRAKES See if the handbrake works properly. Be alert for excessive pedal travel.
CORROSION A common myth going is that you should waith for the monsoon to play havoc with your paint and then deal with it.
No, get an anti-corrosion and paint job done beforehand - they’ll weather the season well. Remember, waiting for the monsoon to end
is like opening an umbrella after a shower.

16 Dream
MonSsoon Accessories
Fog lamps They Wiper Invest a little Tyres A set of good, Mud flaps A real Car cover If you park out in the
allow you to see more in a reputed wet- weather help to keep the open, a good quality car cover
better in the rain. brand like Bosch. rubber will help sides of your car is a must to keep your prized
However, don’t Take care to check disperse water clean and also possession dry. Beware of covers
blind oncoming compatibility with better, thereby avoid obscenities made of material that sticks to the
traffic with 100W the wiper arm fitted making you feel from other metal; such covers can leave behind
bulbs. on your vehicle. safer. motorists! stain marks.

A loud horn If Reversing light Most Good radio Floor mat Mats Body treatment kit
your car’s horn is a cars come with Remember, mon- from a reputed A good quality car
pipsqueak, use it but inadequate lights soons mean traffic brand will help body treatment kit
don’t ape maniacs while reversing. jams and a good keep the original comprising body
like Sumo/Trax drivers These lights are radio keeps you carpeting dry and cleaner, wheel
and wake up the useful when you enter-tained and free from stains. cleaner, dashboard
neighbourhood. realise how difficult road rage away. and exterior trim
it is to see through cleaner helps
a water- glazed rear preserve your
glass. prized possession.

Dream 17
Oral cancer is the most common cancer in India and
Oral Cancer according to Dr Geoff Craig “People are dying of
oral cancer because of ignorance”.

Dr Surendra Shastri head of preventive oncology

at TATA MEMORIAL HOSPITAL gave us a stunning
information that “There are about 7,00,000
new cases of cancers every year in India out
of which tobacco related cancers are about
3,00,000. Cost of treatment of oral cancer
is about 3.5 lakh. This can be completely
prevented by simple changes in lifestyle
and regular screening and even have health
benefits that reach beyond cancer.”
About 2000 deaths a day in India is tobacco related.

According to the B.B.C "4 in 10 of all cancers in India are oral cancers".

We found that the reason for such high prevalence of oral cancer in India was primarily because of the most common form of tobacco
consumption is keeping the tobacco in mouth. Be it in the form of Gutka, Quid, snuff or misri and so on. Tobacco when kept in mouth
leaches out carcinogens, which act on oral mucosa causing neoplastic changes. Habit of smoking is also equally dangerous. Tobacco
contains potent carcinogens including Nitrosamines (nicotine), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, Nitrosodiethanolamine, Nitrosoproline,
and polonium. Tobacco smoke contains carbon monoxide, Thiocyanate, hydrogen cyanide, nicotine and metabolites of these constituents.

Common form of tobacco consumption in India

Gutka is a mixture of betel nut and chewing tobacco. It is extremely addictive and is apparently targeted at youngsters.
Quid is the mixture of tobacco and lime and extensively consumed in India.

The tobacco when kept in mouth leaches out carcinogens, which act on the mucosa causing precancerous lesions, which lead to cancer.

According to the B.B.C "4 in 10 of all cancers in India are oral cancers".

This is because of extensive use of tobacco and betel quid.

18 Dream
Precancerous lesions.
There are three most common precancerous lesions seen in the mouth and they are
Oral Cancer
1. Oral leucoplakia
It is characterized by white patch on the buccal mucosa or any place in the mouth and is adjacent to the place where the tobacco quid is
kept. The less likely place is floor of the mouth and tongue although 93% of leucoplakia at this sites turn malignant.

2. Erythroplakia
This is characterized by red velvety patch, which is not associated with any trauma or inflammation. It may present with or without
leucoplakia. This lesion is easily missed out but is considered to have great malignancy potential.

3. Oral sub mucous fibrosis.

This condition is characterized by limited opening of mouth and burning sensation on eating of spicy food. This is a progressive lesion in
which the opening of the mouth becomes progressively limited, and later on even normal eating becomes difficult.
It occurs almost exclusively in India and Indian communities living abroad.
Professor Newell Johnson an expert oral surgeon said, “we know this condition, oral sub mucous fibrosis has
highest rate of transferring to malignancy of any of the so called pre-malignant lesions in the mouth. It is a very
serious condition.”

Oral Cancer
The next stage after the precancerous lesion is the Cancerous lesions. The most common form of cancer is Squamous cell carcinoma. It
normally starts from any of the precancerous lesion in the mouth.
The most common sites of the oral cancer are the tongue and the floor of the mouth. The other common sites are buccal vestibule, buccal
mucosa, gingiva and rarely hard and soft palate. Cancer of bucco-pharyngeal mucosa is common in smokers.
This cancer is extremely malignant and even if there is slight delay it spreads to lymph nodes of the neck. Once it spreads the prognosis
becomes poor and death is inevitable and is because of erosion of major blood vessels and erosion of the base of the skull, Cachexia and
secondary infection of the respiratory tract.

Treatment available
Treatment is surgery, and in advanced cases surgery followed by radiation therapy is performed. But even that is not always successful as
70% of the cases after treatment leads to relapse and the result is death. The treatment is successful only if the lesion is diagnosed early,
but sadly many times, it is ignored and the patient reports when the lesion has spread so much that the treatment is impossible or even if
done the long term prognosis is poor. The cost of the treatment is 3.5 lakh and in spite of this cost there is no guarantee that there is sure
cure. And the surgery needs cutting half the face and tongue and extending to the neck and the patient looks horrible after surgery.

Dream 19
Stages of Cancer
Oral Cancer The American joint committee on cancer has developed the Tumor (T), Node (N), and Metastasis (M) system of cancer classification. The
TNM classification is basically a clinical description of the disease, but can also involve imaging in classification. T is the size of the tumor
and T1 is <2 cm, T2 is >2 but < 4 cm, T3 is >4 cm and T4 is >4 cm with invasion of adjacent structures.
N0 is no lymph node
N1 is single ipsilateral node < 3 cm, N2a single ipsilateral node > 3 cm but < 6 cm
N2b multiple ipsilateral node < 6 cm., N2c bilateral or contra lateral nodes < 6 cm
N3a ipsilateral node > 6 cm
N3b bilateral nodes > 6 cm, M0 is no metastasis and M1 is metastasis present.


Stage I T1 N0 M0, Stage II T2 N0 M0

Stage III T3 N0 M0; any T1 T2 T3, N1 M0, Stage IV T4 ANY N, M0; any T, N2 or N3; ANY T OR N WITH M1
Very important thing to remember Most important factor in survival is the stage of the disease. Majority of the oral cancer is diagnosed
when they become symptomatic. At least half difference in survival has been attributed to late diagnosis. Differences in genetics have not
been identified in relation to risk and survival.
The lesion is usually painless in early stages and only when it becomes ulcerated and secondarily infected or invade adjacent nerve pain
is the noticeable feature.


Initially oral cancer may be asymptomatic but a check up from a professional is recommended. But patients normally presents when pain
and discomfort is predominant and then the prognosis becomes poor.
Diagnosis is established by many ways like applying dyes like Toluidine blue which may give false positive results in inflammatory lesion
but never false negative, using X rays and scans to see the extension of the lesion and the bony involvement and the most confirmatory
test is biopsy of the lesion and its histo-pathological examination

Wise Advise

So friends if you want to save money, lead a healthy life style don’t want to suffer from cancer and its associated problems, stay away from
tobacco in any form be it gutka, tobacco Quid, snuff, misri, smoking and so on. Wish you a healthy life without tobacco and oral cancer.
Success story of Mr. Krishna Imandarwho quit tobacco

20 Dream
Oral Cancer Why did you think of quitting tobacco?

I wanted to quit Ghutkha long time back since I know the effects of Ghutkha. One day I was in my car and tuned to a FM radio station.
There was anti tobacco campaign aired on this FM station, where in a patient from Tata memorial hospital was addressing that he has been
diagnosed with oral cancer and he is undergoing operation. Where in doctor has confirmed that he will loose his voice. It was unfortunate
that post the operation, this patient has died. That day I have decided that life is more important that tobacco, and made it sure to listed to
this antitobacco campaign time and again so that I can digest the fact of “ Tobacco Kills”.

How did you do it?

Quitting tobacco Habit was not that easy. there was lot of efforts and planning went in. Here are my


1. I wanted to quit this tobacco habit long time back, I used to stop for couple of days and then used to restart the habit.

2. I then started the phased reductive manner. which means, I used to reduce the tobacco intake quantity every week. I was successful in
reducing the quantity, but never able to get-out-of habit. Since when the quantity was reduced for some days, then it used to increase

3. Since both the above approached were failed, I have decided to move out of India where I thought I will not have access to Ghutkha and
hence I can come-out of this habit. Unfortunately, which ever the countries I have been to, I found Ghutkha there and I was not able to
came-out of this habit. I have moved to 14 courtiers to come-out of this habit, but was unsuccessful.

The Success Story:

Quitting Tobacco Habit is simple “It is all there with you, all you need is strong will power”.
I was looking for reasons to quit the Tobacco, I travelled all over the world to quit this habit, but failed. But the problem is with me and not
with the place, so I have decided to fight with me and not with any one else and not even with Tobacco. “The fact is Tobacco is not eating
me, I am eating Tobacco” I thought, Simply deciding and quitting Tobacco will not help in getting out of Tobacco addiction. Hence I have
made the below plan and executed the same.

Dream 21
1. I have done extensive study on effects of tobacco, especially on Oral cancer.
2. Before quitting the tobacco habit, I have made-up my mind, that I have oral cancer and I will die with this cancer.
Oral Cancer 3. I have made enough financial planning for my family for my treatment and for their survival post my death (which I thought I would die-off )
4. Once the financial capabilities were built, I was mentally relaxed that though I may die of cancer; my family is safe.
5. Now I have started actual execution of quitting Ghutkha habit:
a. Started the reverse planning. That mean I have to stop this habit completely by 30 Aug.
b. To achieve this, I have stop this habit today and test how long I can sustain with out tobacco.
c. Start alternative chewing to mitigate Ghutkha chewing.
d. Start chewing Cloves instead of bubble gums.
e. Change the diet. (Eating lot of dry fruits, Sprouts, fruits (especially pomegranate))
f. Changing the life style. ( Sleeping 8-10 hrs, brisk walking in the late evening. (at 1:00 AM, since the pollution levels are really low at this time and thus
the desire for Tobacco wouldn’t be much)
g. Building the habit of drinking plenty of water. (Believe me this is most effective way, as and when you feel chewing the Ghutkha, drink as much as
water you can, till your stomach is full and since your stomach is full, desire to eat Ghutkha will go down)
h. I used to ready lot on oral cancer and its post effects on daily basis which keeps me motivated to quit this Ghutkha habit.
How much time did it take to finally quit, did you quit gradually or at one go?
Well, Its been the efforts for years. As I mentioned earlier, the gradual reduction never helped me in quitting this tobacco habit. It has to be on One-Go.

What are the problems encountered and how did you overcome it?
The major problem is craving for the tobacco post the quitting. My Mind used to think of having tobacco just for once. and this thinking used to
happen 24X7. The best way to come out of this, which I did was:
1. Drinking plenty of water as and when I feel like having tobacco.
2. Psychological problems and depression -- I used to sleep as and when such circumstances arises.
3. Anger -- I used Meditation to control my anger arises due to non-having Ghutkha.
4. Desire to chew something -- I used Cloves, Bubble gum and chocolates (very little). Since Cloves gives some burning sensation and is similar
sensation that of Ghutkha I preferred Cloves.

What are your suggestions to people who are willing to quit, but are unable to?
Its the first step if someone thinks of quitting the tobacco habit. Its very difficult and at the same time its very easy to quit tobacco habit, Its all
physiological. All you need strong will power and commitment. There will be some loose moments during the Tobacco quitting phase, but please
control yourself during this phase. If you can control your desire to Tobacco for first 15 days and you replace the tobacco desire with water and cloves,
you have own 90%. The remaining 10% is sustaining the emotions, commitment, will power. I wish al the readers to plan your tobacco quitting
program and quit your habit to day because “ Life is more important than tobacco”.
Lets build Tobacco free society. Together we can and we will.

Krishna Inamdar, +91.99676.50521

22 Dream
I know prostitution is illegal, but that doesn’t mean we can’t talk about it. As you probably already
know, it is known as the oldest business in the world. And because it has been around for such
Do Business Like A Prostitute a long time, the profession has been optimized so much that you can actually learn a few things
from it.
Location is everything
You don’t see prostitutes standing on every street corner, right? Of course not because not
all locations are good for business. It’s the same reason why you don’t see a gas station or a
McDonald’s on every block. You need to figure out where your ideal clients are and try to place
your business in the center. And even if you are a web based business, location is still important
because your customers don’t live inside a computer… remember, they are actual people.
Location also doesn’t just have to be latitude and longitude coordinates, it could also be your
search engine rankings on Google or an advertisement on an industry website.
Whatever it maybe, just make sure your business is in the best location.

You have to stand out from the crowd

What do you usually see next to a McDonald’s? You see Burger King, Taco Bell, Subway and other fast food joints, right?
Once you find a good location, your competitors will come and follow… it’s just a matter of time. There isn’t much you can do, other
than to differentiate yourself from the competition.
Prostitutes also have this problem, which is why you usually just don’t see one of them. So if they want to be successful they have
to stand out. This is the reason companies try to provide exceptional customer service, offer discounts and promotions, and most
importantly try and create a personal touch. It’s the small things that make a really big difference, so don’t lose sight of them. For
example, Zappos is the number 1 shoe retailer on the web because of their return policy. And although Google wasn’t the first search
engine, they are the most popular because their search results are more relevant. And lastly, although Apple was once struggling, they
are now doing really well because of their extremely useful and simple products.
Have a clear message
If prostitutes didn’t make it clear with their clothes and actions that you could pay them for sex, no one would ever know that they were
for hire. If they looked and behaved like a nun while standing on a street corner, they would all be broke.

You can be selling the best product or service with your business, but unless you have a clear message, your upside potential is going to
be limited. If messaging wasn’t important, it wouldn’t have a big impact on conversion rates.

If you are having trouble figuring out the right messaging for your business, consider surveying your customers. There is a reason why
your satisfied customers are happy and why your unsatisfied customers are upset. You just have to figure out what makes customers
happy and try to use messaging that appeals to those type of people so you can get more of them.

Dream 23
Tell your customers what they are buying
Prostitutes just don’t tell you that you can get sex for money. They tell you exactly what they are willing to do, the amount of time they’ll spend
Do Business Like A Prostitute with you, and what it will cost you.
By being clear with your customers you are going to have a lot less complaints and returns. Deceiving them may make you a quick buck, but in
the long run it will hurt your brand and cost you a lot more money.
Especially with social sites like Twitter and the blogosphere, it has never been easier for customers to complain about your company. And boy
when they do complain, it can spread like a wild fire on the web.

Supply has to meet demand

Prostitutes are known to be masters of supply and demand. If they feel that a lot of people want their service, they jack up their rates. And if they
feel very few people want their services, they’ll reduce their rates to increase demand.
If you have a ton of demand for your company’s product or service it may not be wise for you to increase supply. You maybe able to turn a higher
profit if you increase your prices. And if you don’t have that great of a demand, it maybe wiser to reduce your prices so you can sell more units
instead of decreasing your output.

It’s easier to upsell than it is to sell

A prostitute knows that once they have some of your money, it’s a lot easier for them to get more out of you. At this point, you have more than
showed that you like the services they are providing you, which allows her to play off your emotions.
As a business your primary goal is to get new customers, right? Well if your existing customers are happy, why not try to upsell them? It’s a lot
easier to get someone who has already paid you to give you more money than it is to get a random person to become your customer.
I personally feel upselling is so powerful that I try to dedicate at least 10 to 20% of my company’s effort into getting more money out of existing
customers. And I don’t mean this in a bad way… by no means should you squeeze your customers. Instead you should figure out what other
value added services or products you can provide them.

Account for the unexpected

You can’t account for everything… it’s just impossible. For this reason prostitutes tell their pimps where they are going to be and if they really
want to be safe they carry pepper spray or taser.
Now you probably won’t have violence issues with your company, but you could have lawsuits. Always have cash on reserve for the unexpected
because things will always go wrong. Even the most successful entrepreneurs make mistakes, you just have to be prepared for them. And if you
aren’t, make sure you can adapt quickly.

Just because prostitution is illegal and looked down upon, it doesn’t mean you can’t learn from it. Knowledge is everywhere… just like how a
flight attendant taught me a few things about business.
So what do you think? Are there any other things we should be learning from prostitutes?

24 Dream
Muthyala Maduvu or Pearl Valley
Leisure, Picnic Trips Around Bangalore
Muthyala Maduvu (Pearl Valley), a popular picnic spot located around 45 kms from Bangalore, the
capital city of Karnataka state in India. Muthyalu means Pearls and Maduvu means Pond or Pool
in Kannada, the local language of Karnataka State. It is a nice and calm picnic spot with a waterfall
which is approximately 250-300 feet high. August to November (Rainy Season) is the right time to
enjoy this pearl-fully beautiful place.

A Morning in Nandi Hills

Nandi Betta is a hill 1200m above sea level and is just a 50km drive from Bangalore. It is incredibly
beautiful in winter mornings and all through the monsoon days .


Muthathi is probably the nearest place from Bangalore on the banks of the river. It is a small
village, near which the river runs shallow and wide. Road to Muthathi runs parallel to the river and
makes a pleasant drive.
Leisure, Picnic Trips Around Bangalore Ranganathittu Bird Sanctuary

In Ranganathittu, real estate for birds must be very precious. So many birds come there that they
probably fight for space. Ranganathittu is a series of small islands near Mysore, formed by river
Kaveri. These islands offer good isolation and protection for the birds and hence is flocked by a
lot of them.Ranganathittu is located just off Bangalore – Mysore highway, close to Srirangapattna
and is around a 120kms from Bangalore.

Sangama, Mekedatu and Chunchi falls

Sangama is the confluence of two rivers – Arkavathi and Kaveri(Cauvery). This place is around 2
hours drive from Bangalore and can be done on a two-wheeler or a four-wheeler. Arkavathi will
be just a small stream for most of the year and will have some water during the monsoons. It is
best to visit the place in rainy season when kaveri is running full of water.

Shivanasamudra – Gaganachukki and Bharachukki waterfalls

Shivanasamudra is probably the largest waterfall in the region after Jog Falls. The place is
also credited for hosting the first hydroelectric project in India. Here, Kaveri splits into two,
falls into a valley in two separate places called Gaganachukki and Bharachukki and re-unites
downstream. A good lot of water falls down from both the waterfalls. Shivanasamudra can be
approached either via Bangalore – Mysore road or Kanakapura road.

Dream 25
Leisure, Picnic Trips Around Bangalore Balmuri Falls Talkad
A small checkdam constructed Talkad is another place on
here across Kaveri has made this an the banks of Kaveri ideal
excellent pinic rendezvous. Balmuri for a day trip or picnic. One
is very close to Ranganathittu would be surprised to see
and both of them can be covered seashore like sandy banks
together in a day. here. You will miss the
waves though.

Hogenakkal Waterfalls often referred to as “Cauvery” or “Kavery” or “Kaveri” by locals and the people
of Krishnagiri and Dharmapuri districts in tamilnadu, India where it is situated. Hogenakkal is also
described as the ‘Niagara’ of India, offer an exciting holiday destination for Indians and foreigners
alike. Hogenakkal is located about 750 feet above sea level amidst the Melagiri Hills. The route to
Hogenakkal Falls is scenic, with lush mulberry fields and giant terracotta guardian deities (Aiyanars),
as you approach Hogenakkal, the roar of the Cauvery river and the abundance of vegetation in the
area is sure to catch your attention. Hogenakkal is a beautiful place with picturesque scenes.

KRS dam and Brindavan gardens

KRS is the largest dam built on the river Kaveri in Karnataka. It is around 130km from Bangalore. It was
built in pre-independence time by famous diwan of the then Maharaja of Mysore – Sir M Visvesvraya
who is well known for engineering many more such large scale projects. The reservoir of the dam looks
endless and seems to have oceanic proportions. The wall of the dam is several kilometers long. Just
besides the dam is the well known scenic garden – Brindavan Gardens. It has numerous fountains that
it is known for. The best attraction is the musical fountain which attracts a lot of people during the
Krishnaraja Sagar dam is close to Ranganathittu and Srirangapattna. A trip to KRS can be combined
together with a visit to Ranganathittu.

26 Dream
Leisure, Picnic Trips Around Bangalore
Melkote, a religious and a pilgrim centre for Hindus, is located in Mandya district of Karnataka
state in India. This place is very well known for various famous temples and a festival called
Vairamudi takes place here when devotees come from all parts of India. Daily cultural activities
like devotional songs, classical dances take place in the Chaluvanarayana swamy temple premesis.
This place is also a well known location to film makers for shooting as the surrounding contains
lot of scenic areas. Krishnaraja Sagar dam is close to Ranganathittu and Srirangapattna. A trip to
KRS can be combined together with a visit to Ranganathittu.


Manchanabele is small village where a dam is built across Arkavati river. The backwaters
of the dam form a large lake with hills surrounding it in all directions. When driving, it
appears suddenly when you go over a ridge, and unfailingly makes you go ‘wow’ at the
first view.


Devarayanadurga is a hill located approximately 90km from Bangalore. It can be easily

done as a day-trip combined with a some of the other places nearby like Namada Chilume
and Madhugiri Fort. The Lakshmi Narasimha Temple on the hill seems to be a popular

Dream 27
Playing Intelligence

Parents consider play as simply a means of diverting and distracting their children. Playthings are often seen as a means of keeping
children happy, rewarding them, keeping them out of mischief, and giving parents free time. Not often enough do parents think of
play and toys as fundamental aspects of a child’s education, as a means through which children learn to understand the world around
them, and as the primary method by which children acquire many basic skills. Parents can help make their children’s play stimulating
by doing three things. First, they can adopt an attitude of conscious, deliberate planning in which play is regarded as one of the most
important aspects of their children’s environment. Second, they can see to it that their children are provided with the kinds of toys and
playthings that will help develop the widest possible varieties of skills and abilities. Third, they can assume a direct, participating role in
their children’s play. Planning a child’s play mean children should have maximum independence in choosing their own activities. And,
within the limits of the daily routine of the home, a child should also choose the time for their activities, as well as the duration of each.

Here are 5 of them:

1. Games
Games are perhaps the most basic of all forms of play. From peek-a-boo to chess, from pat-a-cake to baseball, games occupy a
central role in the lives of most children from infancy to adolescence. Games may be physical or mental. In general they involve the
development of skills, although some lead to the acquisition of information.
2. Arts and Crafts
Arts and crafts give children many opportunities to express their desire to make things. Crayons, paints, clay, construction paper,
scissors and paste, wood, leather, felt, and cardboard are among the materials that help children develop their creative imaginative,
and aesthetic abilities. Arts and crafts also develop skills in manipulation, perception, and analysis.

28 Dream
3. Construction Play
Playing Intelligence Construction play involves assembling objects from what are usually prefabricated parts. It is less creative than arts and crafts, but is
also useful in developing many skills. Putting together a set of railroad tracks and trains is a form of construction play, as is play with
erector sets, Tinker toys, blocks and the like.
4. Projective Play
Projective play is play in which a child adds dramatic and emotional meaning to activities with representative toys—dolls, trucks,
soldiers, homemaking sets, and doctor kits. Its great value lies in the role playing done by the child rather than in the development of
specific skills.
5. Hobbies
Hobbies which cannot be otherwise classified will generally fall under the heading of collecting activities. Collecting stamps, coins,
rocks and minerals, butterflies and insects, sea shells, and leaves are all common and popular hobbies. While some help in the
development of certain skills, their greatest value is in the considerable knowledge a child can acquire in pursuing them.
However, a child does not automatically vary his play or develop in it. This is where the parent’s planning comes in - continually making
the child aware of the broad opportunities available to him in play; initiating certain activities during playtime; making suggestions
when the child needs and wants them; buying toys that will, in themselves, lead to new pursuits; stimulating new interests and ideas in
any of a variety of ways. The parent should not manage the child’s play, but should try to nudge it in the right directions.

Source: -

Designed to probe every part of your calculating prowess . If you want to take your brain for a quick jog round the block, look no further
than these sixteen question. No part of your mental agility will be left untested, so take a deep breath , get out some paper, sharpen your
pencil (mind ) and allow yourself 20 minutes!

1. If GRE = 20, KBJ = 3 and TVY = 17, what does PNH = ?

2. Find a six-letter word with MB in the centre to fit each of the following clues. What are they?
_ _ M B _ _ A brown deer
_ _ M B _ _ A musical instrument
_ _ M B _ _ An African river
_ _ M B _ _ A woody grass
3. I am a rectangular block. Change one letter and I’m a practical joke. Change another letter and I am a large vehicle. Change a
further letter and I am a peace agreement. Change one final letter and I am a small amount of time. What was I and what did I

Dream 29
4. What number should replace the question mark?
Playing Intelligence

5. Starting at the top of the circle, take one letter from each sector to give the name of a sea creature. Take a further letter from
sector to give an insect. The remaining letters will give a bird. What are the three words?

6. What three-letter word can be placed at the end of the given words to form four longer words?

30 Dream
7. Replace the blanks in the following sentence with two different words. The same six letters must be used for both words. What

Playing Intelligence are they?

8. If Nick visited Kenya, Cyprus, Ireland and Norway, who visited Holland, Thailand, Egypt and Belgium?
9. A piggybank contains Rs 42.50. It is made up of four different denominations of coin and the largest denomination is Rs 5. . How
many of each coin is there and what are their values?

10. Car A and car B set off from the same point at the same time to travel the same journey. Car A travels at 50kmph and car B
at 40kmph. If car A stops after 165 kilometres, how long will it take for car B to catch up?
11. Fill in the square below, so that three other words can be read downward and across. What are the words?

12. What number should appear next in this sequence?

5 8 24 27 81 84 252 255 ?
13. Rearrange the letters of these words to name three drinks. What are they?
defence of a cool male
14. Assume you’re using a calculator and enter the numbers in the order shown, replacing each question mark with a mathematical
What are the highest and lowest numbers you can score (you must use all four mathematical signs)?

Dream 31
15. A 250-metre-long train, travelling at 120kmph, enters a tunnel of 2 kilometres in length. How much time will elapse between the
moment the front of the train enters the tunnel and the moment the end of the train clears the tunnel?
Playing Intelligence 16. Rearrange the order of the following words and place one on each row of the grid. If placed correctly, two professions will be read
down the shaded columns. What are they? goose, story, rainy, cruel, scrub


One point for every correct answer
0–5 Whoops! A bit of an own goal.
6–9 Pretty solid. Out of the drop zone.
10–14 Climbing the table You’re in sight of the title.
10–14 Back of the net! League champions!
One point for every correct answer
0–1 A bit drab. Overcast conditions.
2–3 Positive signs. The clouds are starting to lift—not many showers on the horizon.
4–5 The sun is shining! Pack a picnic.
One point for every correct answer
0–5 Maybe Mensa isn’t for you, or were you distracted?
6–9 Not bad, because these are tough.
10–13 Some practice and you could crack the full Mensa test.
14-16 Sizzling! You’re simply smart.

Please send your answers to :

Jc.Dr.Ratan Salecha, by E-mail to
First 5 correct enteries receieved before July 30-2010 will awarded at chapter night. Compiled by Jc. Praveen Khinvesara

32 Dream
Bangalore Garden City

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