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A CONSTITUTIVE MODEL AND DATAT ‘STRAINS, HIGH STRAIN RATES Gorden F Honey Defense Sy Hopking, Mir wily Air Borce Ar Belin Air Force? ‘MBTALS SUBJECTED TO LARGE, ) HIGH TEMPERATURES ratory 2642 USA This paper precensS a conatitut strains, high strain rates and high temp computations because it uses variabler computer codes, The materiale consider fron Carpenter electrics! iron, 1008 ste | teol steel, Tungsten alloy and DU.78T are cbtained from torsion tests ov Hopkinson bar tensile tests and Hop data are evaluated by comparing eon INTRODUCTION i atic been ften the, istics for prosch is to ferent materia periment ie obtai. able to characterize laboratory tests s0 1. sed with more confide, sfficient design cycle ane fight into understanding which occur during inter tons, This paper presents a consti primarily intended for computat that more complicated models mat curate descriptions of material be cus models mey give better dese terials, Io maay instances, how ater cannot readily incorporate models. The regult is that a stress” is often used. In the following sect tented and the approach usec material constants from the will be done in detail for thr Armeo iron and 4340 steel” naterials will be included, Finally, the model and de daring computational res’ Dace. tests, Test DATA oteined from torsion rates (quastatatic to The test data are tests over a wide rany Ya for materials subjected td large ‘form of the model is well suited for aysilable in most of the applicable Cartridge brass, Nickel 200, Armco am, 7039 aluminum, 4340 steel, S-7 The data for the material constants cates, static tensile vests, dynamic ted temperatures. The model and ta from cylinder impact tacts, ossible to test shown in Figure accurately eval in the tensile epeci craine the effects of “aplicate the results. The a'distinet softening effect als, fe aa "un, tn cae ta for Hopkinsa ‘Temperacur jon data for the sume three materials ere Quasistatic strese-train data for both tension shown in Figure 2, Comparable data for the other nine ad toraion teste are shown in Figure 3. An equivalent ratcrials are prosenied elsewhere [3,4]. Some desirable rasile flow stress is obtained from the torsion data b; features of this testing teshnique are that the state o ‘hg the ven Mises flow rule; the tensile stress is stress in the specimen is well defined, lerge Sand the corresponding tensile strain is ¢ = strains can de achieved without forming geometric stabilities, and a wide range of strain rates can be « tained with the same testing technique. OFHG COPPER OFHG COPPER g noses sna cfs = {An ttn Yb ia = Pomme staeatin i a °_——< | east Sine eas 4 wo} © 4340 STEEL, — —— : "onsen ust eat ono 1 a” | ; know ss 4 go — “toe ts | i. a a Teka, 7 es a Aree ee Figure. Comparis, WM siStatic Stress Strin Various a Rates Data for Ter, Wh 1d Torsion Tests ‘The stress for the tensic ig besad on the cur- ‘th torsion and tension. Comparable torsion data for Font area of the neck, ané tne straia is defined ox In 2 other materials are given in (3) and 4). In all in: TAvA), where A, and A vepresent the initial and current ngoa the stress increases as the strain rate incresses. he neck TA ANALYSIS AND MODEL DEVELOPMENT At larger strains, after necking has begun, th net tensile stress is greater than the tensile flow atres model for the von Mises flow stress, 0, 15 ex: This is due to the presence of hydrostatic tension, T! Qquivalent tensile flow strese, obtained from the ters Gata, is approximately determined by uing o = (A+B ef] [1+Cln 4} 1-7] Bridgman correction factor (5, is the equivalent plastic strain, & = df, is the In all three instances the tension data tend | onless plastic strain rate for é = 1.0 sand T* dicate a higher strength than that derived from th omologous temperature. The five material cons sion data. Therefore, t in desirable to have data A, B, n, Cuan. The expression in the first ret of both tension and torsion tests such that the discre gives the stress as a function of strain for é* between the two modes of deformation can be ide * = 0, The expressions in the second and third and corapensated, ckets represent the effects of strain rate and ¢, respectively. The basic form of the model Figures 4 and 5 show the effect of strain daptable to most computer codes since it uses é*, 7") which are available in the codes. or aditions ast be con: # alo be derived ating point is the the tension dasa, as imate flow stress, ob: "correction factor, is ad- « dimulations of the tension 8 will give computed results asion test data of Figure 3. Gen Shean amncin a, Fi ‘correction factor gives acceptable Miments due to the refining com- Figure 4. Stress vs Strain Rate Tests which is eventually determined asion test is for ¢* = 0.002 and ‘ed for é* = 1.0. This is done by ¢ values of the constants A and reses at 6? = LO and e* two sets of constants, one for For general computational sof A, Band » can be used. ty ‘stress, based on average valu. tenerally within about 10 parsin. sing either the torsion or val fr The Raning is shown in Fig. t ure 6. The ther. tion, Ky, is simply the ratio of the stres, temperature to that at room temperature. are takeh fom the Hopkinson bar teats 1. The Armeo iron is vahown to aoften ve ly with increasing temperature, and this is 4 greement with static data (2,8). The OFHC cop. W@ ve an approximately linear deyendence on T*. This Wt in good agreement, r the Tension Figure 5. Stress v Tests considered (9). In some instances the strain rate con. ‘ant Is adjusted to give Detter agreement with torsion tt date at lecge strains, Figure 7 shows a comparison the computed and test results using the torsional i vain rate constants, The final strain rate constant is \ ten as an average of those obtained from the tensile one: caret nas ‘and the torsion data, ~ samo ton 7 3 a i : Figure 6. Thermal Softening Fraction v Bee ‘Temperature fr the Hoplay teas thers ™. For the tom. from the data obtained from ti. allow the combina. ermal softening te ia done by numerical high strain rates. Stran ening, thermal softening a. ‘rive torent om Jf -ctner}E: - e™] arena 4 Nome vst Strain Rete ur the 12 materials are “sponding stress-strain re ‘aure 8, The temperature for smovess 7 : aacess ¢ oe core a we | iw CIR BASS @ om wee. - 3 ae [iw 78 on 2 om 6 CaPENTER ELECTRICAL ON | 108 Tee oa 151 ALIN os [a | 70m Anne 1.0 9 See an % S70 ste on 0 TORSTEN LCT gS oe | tee oer oo 20 [arnc'conner ee { cme] [se asine}{ie 9] f+ [weweet[fi- *Pranco Ron, i S-.0_— o Morar. r [ieee wa (008 STEEL tong "a SS of Engineering Materials and Technology, Vel. 108, No. 1, January 1983. Johnson, G.R., Hoegfeldt, J.M., Lindholm, U.S,, and Nagy, &., “Response of Various Metals to Large Torsional’ Strains over a Large Range of Strain Rates — Part 2: Less Ductile Metals," ASME Jour: nal of Engineering Materials and Technology, Vol. 106, No. 1, January 1983. ridgman, P.W., Studies in Large Plastic Flow id Fracture, McGraw-Hill, 1952 Lis, W.C., “Iron and Tes Dilute Substitutional d "Solutions," | Metallurgical ‘Transactions. 3, January 1972 ard, JB., Baton, D,, and Johnzon, W., “The Dynamic Yield Strength of Copper and Low a Steel at Elevated Temperatures from Meas. ts of the Mushrooming of Flat-Ended les,” International Journal of Mechani- nces, Vol. 10, No, 12, 1868, con and agineering 4, No. 8, July grated Yielding ‘Temperature and Trans. Japan In- +, 1976. Figure 10. Photographs of the -iloys Bulletin, “Recent Developments and Johnson, GR, Hoegfeldt, J.Mt td with the EPIC.2 and EPIC-3 Nogy, 4. “Response of Varit ¥81 Advances in Aerospace ‘Torsional’ Strains over a La terials, AD-O1, Wang, SS and Rates ~ Part 1; Ductile Met 981.

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