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En ingls americano no se usa tan frecuentemente como en el ingls britnico la

construccin: "I have ('ve) got" = Yo tengo. En ingls americano es ms frecuente
escuchar: "I have". Yo tengo.
Have got (Tener) Have (Tener)
I have (I've) got I have
You have (You've) got You have
He has (he's) got He has
She has (shes) got She has
It has (It's) got It has
You have (You've) got You have
We have (We've) got We have
They have (Theyve) got They have

Positivo Sujeto + have ('ve) /has ('s) + (got) + predicado.

I have (I've) got a watch./ I have a watch. ((Yo) tengo un reloj)
She has (She's) got to study./ She has to study. (Ella tiene que estudiar.)
It has (It's) got to work./ It has to work. Tiene que funcionar.
Negativo Estructura negacin "have got": Sujeto + have/has + not + got +
They haven't got a watch./ They don't have a watch. (Ellos/Ellas no tienen un reloj).
She hasn't got time. / She doesn't have time. Ella no tiene tiempo.
Pregunta Estructura preguntas con "have got": Have/has + sujeto + got +
predicado + ?
Estructura preguntas con "have": Do/does + sujeto + have + predicado + ?
Have you got a car?. / Do you have a car?. (Tienes coche?)
Does he have a house?. (Tiene l una casa?)

No confundir la contraccin de la tercera persona: She's/He's/ It's got, con la

contraccin del verbo "to be", no es "is" sino "has".

La estructura "have/has got" slo se puede utilizar en el tiempo "The Simple

Present". Para el pasado y otros tiempos verbales hay que utilizar necesariamente
el verbo "have".


Ojo no tropieces en esta piedra!: Con fro hambre, sed, sueo, celos y la edad
(aos) NO se utiliza el verbo tener (have got o don't have), sino el verbo to be:

Ejemplos: I'm cold (Tengo fro), I'm hungry (tengo hambre), I'm thirsty (tengo sed),
I'm sleepy (tengo sueo), I'm jeaulous (tengo celos) , I'm 25 years old. (tengo 25
No tengo dinero

Ella no tiene sentido comn

No tienen hermanas

Haven't/hasn't got

Don't/doesn't have

I haven't got (any)(1) money I don't have (any)(1) money

She hasn't got common

She doesn't have common



They haven't got (any)(1)

They don't have (any)(1)



No tienen ni idea

They haven't got an idea

They don't have an idea

No tengo coche

I haven't got a car

I don't have a car

No tenemos oportunidades

We haven't got opportunities We don't have opportunities

l no tiene trabajo

He hasn't got a job

He doesn't have a job

T no tienes casa

You haven't got a house

You don't have a house

No tienen suerte

They have't got (any)(1) luck They don't have (any)(1) luck

No tengo que ir


I don't have to go

No tienen que decirlo


They don't have to say it

T no tienes que venir


You don't have to come

Ella no tiene buenas

She hasn't got good

She doesn't have good




No tiene potencia

It hasn't got power

It doesn't have power

No tienen comida

They haven't got (any)(1)

They don't have (any)(1)



We haven't got faith

We don't have faith

No tenemos fe

(1) En ingls es muy frecuente reforzar las negaciones con any (nada/ninguno/a). En
espaol, en cambio, no es necesario.
(2) No se suele utilizar la estructura negativa have/has got con verbos en infinitivo,
aunque hay algunas excepciones.
Para decir no tengo en pasado (no tuve...) Para el pasado NO se puede utilizar
haven't/hasn't got ya que slo sirve para el presente. Por tanto, slo podemos utilizar el
auxiliar didn't para el pasado. Ejemplo: No tuve se dice I didn't have. No: I hadn't got.

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