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Chapter 3

Leaders behavior is based on their traits and skills

Leadership Style
-the combination of traits, skills and behaviors leaders use as they interact with
University of Iowa Leadership Styles
1. Autocratic leadership style
-makes the decisions, tells employees what to do and closely supervises workers
2. Democratic leadership style
-encourages participation in decisions, works with employees to determine what to
do and does not closely supervise employees
University of Michigan: Job-Centered and Employee-Centered Behavior
-two leadership styles
1. Job-Centered Leadership Style
-goal emphasis and work facilitation
-leader takes charge to get the job done.
-closely directs subordinates with clear roles and goals
2. Employee-Centered Leadership Style
-supportive leadership and interaction facilitation
-leader focuses on meeting the human needs of employees while developing
-leader is sensitive to subordinates
3. Participative Leadership
-leadership functions can be carried out by someone besides the designated leader of
a group
Ohio State University Leadership Model
-identifies 4 leadership styles: low structure and high consideration, high structure
and high consideration, low structure and low consideration, and high structure and
low consideration
1. High Structure Low Consideration
-one way communications and decisions are made by managers
2. High Consideration Low Structure
-two way communications and tend to share decision making
Leadership Grid Theory
-based on two leadership dimensions: concern for production and concern for people
1. Impoverished leader

-low concern for both production and people

-does minimum required to remain emlpoyed
2. Authority-compliance leader
-high concern for production and a low concern for people
-focus on job while treat people like machines
3. Country-club leader
-high concern for people and low concern for production
-maintain a friendly atmosphere without regard for production
4. Middle of the road leader
-balanced concern for both production and people
-maintain satisfactory performance and morale
5. Team leader
-high concern for both production and people
-maximum performance and employee satisfaction
-most effective leadership style in all situations
Leadership Grid and High-High Leader Research and Contributions
-Team Leadership (high-high leader) usually results in improved performance, low
absenteeism and turnover, and high employee satisfaction
Motivation and Leadership
-motivation is anything that affects behavior in pursuing a certain outcome
-pursuit of happiness and satisfaction
-making employees happier increases their effort, contributions and productivity
which leads to good organizational citizenship behavior
The Motivation Process
-people go from need to motive to behavior to consequence to satisfaction or
-satisfaction is short-lived so motivation process has a feedback loop
Content Motivation Theories
-focus on explaining and predicting behavior based on peoples needs
-people do what they want to do because they want to be satisfied
1. Hierarchy of Needs Theory
-people are motivated through five levels of needs
-physiological needs: primary or basic needs such as air and food
-safety needs
-belongingness needs: love, friendship, acceptance
-esteem needs: ego, status, self respect, etc
-self-actualization needs: growth, achievement and advancement
2. Two Factor Theory

-lower level needs (hygiene or maintenance) and higher level needs(motivators)

-people are motivated by motivators rather than maintenance factors
-maintenance(extrinsic factors): comes from outside the person and the job itself.
Include pay, job security and title, etc. Meeting lower-level needs
-motivators(intrinsic factors): within the person through the work itself. Include
achievement, recognition, challenge and advancement. Meeting higher-level needs
3. Herzbergs Two Factor Motivation Model
-employees are on a continuum from dissatisfied to not dissatisfied with their
-providing maintenance factors will keep employees from being dissatisfied but it
will not make them satisfied or motivate them
-you have to focus on motivators the job itself
4. Money as a motivator
-money may motivate employees but not all the time such as when commissioned
workers get to a comfortable point and dont need to work harder for extra money
-high compensation based on performance is a practice of successful organizations
5. Motivating Employees with Two Factor Theory
-managers must first ensure than the employees level of pay and other maintenance
factors are adequate
-once they are not dissatisfied with their pay they can be motivated trough their jobs
-job enrichment, process of building motivators into the job itself by making it more
interesting and challenging
6. Acquired needs theory
-people are motivated by their need for achievement, power and affiliation
-motivating employees with high achievement need: give nonroutine, challenging
tasks. Give fast and frequent feedback. Give responsibility for new things
-motivating employees with high need for power: let them plan and control their
jobs. Include in decision making
-motivating employees with high need for affiliation: let them work as a team. Give
praise and recognition.
Process Motivation Theories
-understanding how people choose behavior to fulfill their needs
-why people have different needs, why needs change, how and why people choose to
try to satisfy needs in diff ways
1. Equity Theory
-want to be treated fairly
-people seek social equity in rewards they receive for their performance
-people are motivated when their perceived inputs equal outputs
-be aware that equity is based on perception
-dont play favorites
-rewards should be equitable

-high performance should be rewarded

-clear requirements to achieve the incentive
2. Expectancy Theory
-people are motivated when they believe they can accomplish the task, they will get
the reward, and the rewards for doing the task are worth the effort
-expectancy refers to persons perception of his or her ability to accomplish an
-instrumentality refers to belief that performance will result in getting the reward
-valence refers to value a person places on the outcome or reward
-following conditions must be implemented to make the theory result in motivation:
*define objectives and performance necessary
*tie performance to rewards
*rewards must be of value to employee
*make employees believe you will do what you say
*use the Pygmalion effect to increase expectations
3. Goal Setting Theory
-specific, difficult goals motivate people
-setting objectives has a positive effect on motivation
-criteria for objectives: singular result, specific, measurable, target date
Reinforcement Theory
-through the consequences for behavior people will be motivated ot behave in
predetermined ways
Types of Reinforcement
1. Positive
-encouraging continued behavior is to offer attractive consequences for desirable
-pay, promotions, time off, increased status
2. Avoidance
-negative reinforcement
-employee avoids the negative consequence
-rules are to get employees to avoid certain behavior
3. Extinction
-attempts to reduce or eliminate undesirable behavior by withholding reinforcement
when the behavior occurs
4. Punishment
-used to provide an undesirable consequence for undesirable behavior
-most controversial and least effective method
Schedules of Reinforcement
1. Continuous Reinforcement

-each and every desired behavior is reinforced

2. Intermittent Reinforcement
-reward is given based on the passage of time or output
-fixed interval sched salary paycheck every week, breaks and meals at the same
time every day
-variable interval sched: praise only now and then
-fixed ratio sched: piece rate or bonus after producing a standard rate
-variable ratio sched: praise for excellent work or a lottery for employees who have
not been absent for a time
Motivating with Reinforcement
-positive reinforcement is the best motivator.
-continuous reinforcement is better at sustaining desired behavior however it is not
Giving Praise
-feedback and social reinforcers(praise) may have as strong an impact on
performance as pay
-giving praise develops a positive self-concept in employees and leads to better
-praise is a motivator because it meets employees needs for esteem and self
actualization, growth and achievement
-Giving praise model: tell employee what was done correctly, tell why behavior is
important, stop for silence, encourage repeat performance
Putting the Motivation Theories Together Within the Motivation Process
-motivation is important because it helps explain why employees behave the way
they do
-the groups of theories are complementary; each group of theories refers to a
different stage in the motivation process
-content motivation theories answer what needs do employees have that should be
met on the job
-process motivation theories answer how do employees choose behavior to fulfill
their needs
-reinforcement theory answers what can managers do to get employees to behave in
ways that meet organizational objectives

Chapter 1
Why is Leadership Important
-success of individual careers and fate of organizations are determined by
effectiveness of leaders behavior
-CEOs understand they cant run companies on their own
-the influencing process of leaders and followers to achieve organizational objectives
through change
-person who has a formal title and authority
-leadership is part of the managers job
-person who may be either a manager or nonmanager
-ability to influence others
-person who is being influenced by a leader
-good followers give input and influence leaders
-activities of people or the things they do and say as they are influenced
-influencing is the process of a leader communicating ideas, gaining acceptance of
them and motivating followers to support and implement the ideas through change
-leaders gain commitment and enthusiasm of followers who are willing to be
-leadership occurs when followers are influenced to do what is ethical and beneficial
for the organization and themselves
-influencing and setting objectives is about change
-need to continuously change in adapting to the rapidly changing environment
-leadership is about leading people

Managerial Role Categories

-interpersonal, informational and decisional
Interpersonal Roles
-figurehead, leader and liaison
1. Figurehead Role
-leaders perform this when they represent the organization or department in legal,
social, ceremonial and symbolic activities
-signing documents
-entertaining clients or customers as official representatives
-informally talking to people and attending outside meetings as a representative
-presiding at meetings and ceremonial events
2. Leader Role
-performing the management functions to effectively operate the managers
organization unit
-leader role influences how the leader performs other roles
-hiring and training
-giving instructions and coaching
-evaluating performance
3. Liaison Role
-interact with people outside organizational unit
-networking to develop relationships
-learn how to gain and use power
-serving on committees with members from outside the organization
-attending association meetings
-calling and meeting people to keep in touch
Informational Roles
-include monitor, disseminator and spokesperson
1. Monitor Role
-for gathering information
-information is analyzed to discover problems and opportunities
-reading memos, reports etc
-talking to others, attending meetings , etc
-observing (visiting a competitors store to compare products)

2. Disseminator Role
-when they send info to others in the organization
-higher level info that must be passed to employees
-pass info orally through discussions meetings etc
-pass info written through email etc
3. Spokesperson Role
-when leaders provide info to people outside organization
-leaders serve as public relations representatives
-meeting with boss to discuss performance and budget officer for budget
-answering letters
-reporting info to government
Decisional Roles
1. Entrepreneur Role
-innovate and initiate improvements
-develop new or improved products
-develop new ways to process products
-purchase new equipment
2. Disturbance-Handler Role
-take corrective action during crisis
-for union strikes, breakdown of equipment, tight schedule
3. Resource-Allocator Role
-when they schedule, request authorization and perform budgeting activities
-for deciding what is done now, later and not done
-for determining who gets overtime or merit raise
-for scheduling when employees will use material and equipment
4. Negotiator Role
-when they represent their organizational unit during routine and non routine
transactions that do not include set boundaries
-pay and benefits package for a new professional employee
-labor union contract
-contract with customer or supplier
Levels of Analysis of Leadership Theory
1. Individual Level
-focus on individual leader and relationship with individual followers
-dyadic process
-reciprocal influencing process between leader and follower
2. Group Level

-focuses on the relationship between the leader and the collective group of followers
-also called group process
-how a leader contributes to group effectiveness
3. Organizational Level
-called organizational process
-organizational performance depends on effectively adapting to the environment and
acquiring the necessary resources to survive and on whether the organization uses
an effective transformation process to produce products
-individuals and teams contribute to organization success
Leadership Theory Paradigms
Leadership Theory
-explanation of some aspect of leadership; theories have practical value because they
are used to better understand, predict and control successful leadership
Leadership Theory Classifications
-include trait, behavioral, contingency and integrative
Leadership Paradigm
-shared mindset that represents a fundamental way of thinking about perceiving,
studying, researching and understanding leadership
Trait Theory Paradigm
Leadership Trait Theories
-attempt to explain distinctive characteristics accounting for leadership effectiveness.
-researchers analyzed physical and psychological traits or qualities such as high
energy level, appearance, aggressiveness, self-reliance, persuasiveness and
dominance to identify set of traits successful leaders possessed
Behavioral Leadership Theory Paradigm
-attempt to explain distinctive styles used by effective leaders or to define the nature
of their work.
The Contingency Leadership Theory Paradigm
-attempts to explain the appropriate leadership style based on the leader, followers
and situation
-importance of situational factors, including the nature of the work performed,
external environment, and the characteristics of followers.
The Integrative Leadership Theory Paradigm
-attempt to combine the trait, behavioral, and contingency theories to explain
successful, influencing leader-follower relationships

-researchers want to explain why followers of some leaders are willing to work hard
and make personal sacrifices to achieve objectives or how effective leaders influence
behavior of followers
From the Management to The Leadership Theory Paradigm
-managers must be able to lead through motivating others and creating favorable
conditions for success as well as manage
-shift from the older autocratic management style to the newer participative
leadership style of management
Evidence Based Management
-translates theory into practice
-decisions and organizational practices are based on the best available scientific
-objective is to move away from making decisions based on personal preference and
unsystematic experience toward Evidenced Based Management
AACSB Learning Standards
1. Leadership
-capacity to lead
2. Reflective thinking and Self Management
-develop reflective thinking through identifying personal strengths and
developmental needs
3. Analytic skills
-learn to set goals, adjust and resolve problems and make decisions as response to
internal and external stakeholder needs
4. Communication Abilities
-learn to effectively listen, share ideas, negotiate and facilitate the flow of info to
improve performance
5. Global and Multicultural Trends, Diversity, and Ethics
-recognize impact of global trends
6. Teamwork
-enhance group and individual dynamics in organizations to create healthy team
7. Strategic Management
-develop creative strategies to guide organizations, achieve goals, minimize risks and
gain competitive advantage

Chapter 2
Personality and Traits
-distinguishing personal characteristics
-combination of traits that classifies an individuals behavior
-influence decisions we make
-affects behavior and attitude
-based on genetics and environmental factors
Big Five Model of Personality
-widely accepted way to classify personalities
-categorizes traits into the dimensions of surgency, agreeableness, adjustment,
conscientiousness and openness to experience
1. Surgency
-leadership and extraversion traits
-Strong surgency = dominance personality so wants to be in charge
-weak in surgency = followers and dont want to compete or influence
-extraversion is a continuum between extravert and introvert. Extravert s are
outgoing whereas introverts are shy
2. Agreeableness
-includes traits related to getting along with people
-strong agreeable personality = warm and caring, easygoing, gentle, friendly
-weak agreeable personality = cold, difficult, uncompassionate, unfriendly
3. Adjustment
-includes traits related to emotional stability
-stable = self control, being calm under pressure
-unstable = out of control, poor under pressure, nervous, insecure
4. Conscientiousness
-traits related to achievement
-continuum between responsible/dependable to irresponsible/undependable
-high conscientiousness = credibility, conformity and organization
5. Openness to Experience
-includes traits related to being willing to change and try new things

-imaginative, nonconforming, unconventional and autonomous

Personality Profiles
-identify individual stronger and weaker traits
Job Performance
-to ensure proper match between worker and job
-high conscientiousness is a good predictor of job performance
-unstable people tend to have poor job performance

The Big Five Correlates with Leadership

-highest correlation with leadership was surgency followed by conscientiousness and
openness to experience. Agreeableness was weakly correlated and adjustment was
negatively correlated
Derailed Leadership Traits
-poor human relations skills caused this
-greed and resistance to change also contribute to failed leadership
Traits of Effective Leaders
1. Dominance
-one of the two major traits of surgency
-leaders want to be managers and take charge
2. High Energy
-have high energy with a positive drive to work hard to achieve goals
-optimism and enthusiasm
-project positive attitude
-high tolerance for frustration and strive to overcome obstacles through persistence
-best categorized as the conscientiousness dimension
3. Self-Confidence
-indicates whether you are assured in your judgments, decision making, ideas and
-influences individual goals, efforts and task persistence
-best categorized as the conscientiousness big five dimension
4. Locus of Control
-continuum between external and internal belief in control over ones destiny

-externalizers believe they have no control over their fate and their behavior has
little to do with their performance
-Internalizers believe they control their fate and behavior affects performance. Future
oriented, setting objectives and develop plans
-openness to experience dimension in big five
5. Stability
-emotionally in control of themselves
-should learn to limit the impact of our feelings
6. Integrity
-behavior that is honest and ethical
-opposite of self interest in the expense of others
-conscientiousness in big five dimensions
7. Intelligence
-cognitive ability to think critically, solve problems and make decisions
-best predictor of job performance
-openness to experience dimension in big 5
Emotional Intelligence
-ability to work well with people
-essential to healthy relationships
4 Components of EQ
1. Self awareness relates to being conscious of your emotions and how they affect
your personal and professional life
2. Social Awareness ability to understand others, develop networks and
play organizational politics
3. Self-management ability to control disruptive emotions
4. Relationship management ability to work well with others
8. Flexibility
-ability to adjust to diff situations
-adapt to the situation
-openness to experience dimension in big 5
9. Sensitivity to Others
-understanding group members as individuals, what their positions on
issues are and how best to communicate and influence them
-requires Emotional Intelligence
-critical when playing negotiator leadership role
-agreeableness dimension in big 5
The Personality Profile of Effective Leaders
Achievement Motivation Theory

-explain and predict behavior and performance based on a persons need

for achievement, power and affiliation
1. Need for Achievement
-concern for excellence in accomplishments through individual efforts
-strong need for achievement have an internal locus of control, self
confidence and high energy traits
-conscientiousness dimension
-want responsibility for solving problems, goal oriented, set goals,
challenge, excellence
-think about how to do a better job and career progression
2. The Need for Power
-concern for influencing others and seeking positions of authority
-strong need for power have dominance trait and tend to be self confident
with high energy
-surgency in big five dimensions
-high power people want to control the situation, wanting influence or
control over others, willing to confront, seek positions of authority and
3. Need for Affiliation
-concern for developing, maintaining and restoring close personal
-strong need for affiliation have trait of sensitivity to others.
-seek close relationships with others, enjoy social activities, etc.

Leader Motive Profile Theory

-explain and predict leadership success based on a persons need for
achievement, power and affiliation
1. Power
-means of influencing others
Socialized Power
-power used for personal gain at expense of others = personalized power
-power used to help oneself and others = socialized power
-effective leaders use socialized power
-person with low need for affiliation can have high sensitivity to others
2. Achievement
-leaders need to have a moderate need for achievement
-moderate need only because theres a danger of personalized power for
high need of achievement
-people with high need of achievement tend to seek individual
3. Affiliation
-effective leaders have a lower need for affiliation than power so
relationships dont get in the way of influencing followers

Leadership Attitudes
-attitudes are positive or negative feelings about people, things and issues
-employees with positive attitudinal states are more willing to work hard
and attitudes help to explain and predict job performance
Theory X and Theory Y
-attempt to explain and predict leadership behavior and performance
based on the leaders attitude about followers
-people with theory x attitudes hold that employees dislike work and must
be closely supervised in order to do their work
-Theory Y attitude hold that employees like work and do not need to be
closely supervised in order to do their work
-managers with theory x tend to have a negative pessimistic view of
employees and display more coercive, autocratic leadership styles using
external means of controls such as threats and punishment
-managers with theory y attitudes tend to have a positive optimistic view
of employees and display more participative leadership styles using
internal motivation and rewards
-managers with theory y attitudes were better at accomplishing
organizational objectives and better at tapping the potential of
The Pygmalion Effect
-proposes that leaders attitudes toward and expectations of followers and
their treatment of them explain and predict followers behavior and
-effective leaders train ordinary employees to do a great job
-leaders expectations influenced the behavior and performance of
-raise the self-image and productivity of your followers
-positive or negative attitudes people have about themselves
-positive view about yourself = positive self confidence trait
-self efficacy = belief in your own capability to perform in a specific
Developing a More Positive Attitude and Self-Concept
1. try to have and maintain a positive, optimistic attitude
2. realize that there are few if any benefits to negative pessimistic
3. cultivate optimistic thoughts
4. stop and change to a positive attitude every time you are being
5. avoid negative people
6. set and achieve goals
7. focus on success and dont dwell on failure
8. accept compliments

9. dont belittle accomplishments or compare yourself to others

10. Think for yourself. Dont just copy others attitudes
11. Be a positive role model
12. When things go wrong and youre feeling down, do something to help
someone who is worse off than you

Ethical Leadership
-Ethics are standards of right and wrong that influence behavior
-positive relationship between ethical behavior and leadership
How Personality Traits and Attitudes, Moral Development and the Situation
Affect Ethical Behavior
1. Personality Traits and Attitudes
-ethical behavior is related to our needs and personality traits
2. Moral Development
-understanding right from wrong and choosing the right thing

3. The Situation
-highly competitive and unsupervised situations increase the odds of
unethical behavior
-Unethical behavior occurs more when there is no formal ethics policy or
How People Justify Unethical Behavior
-when we do use unethical behavior, we often justify it to protect our selfconcept so we dont have a guilty conscience or feel remorse
-Thinking Process:
1. Moral Justification reinterpreting immoral behavior in terms of a higher
2. Displacement of Responsibility process of blaming ones unethical
behavior on others

3. Diffusion of responsibility using unethical behavior with no one person

being held responsible
4. Advantageous comparison comparing oneself to others who are worse
5. Disregard or distortion of consequences minimizing the harm caused
by the behavior
6. Attribution of blame claiming the unethical behavior was caused by
someone elses behavior
7. Euphemistic labeling = using cosmetic words to make the behavior
sound acceptable
Simple Guides to Ethical Behavior
1. Golden Rule do unto others what you want them to do unto you
2. Four way test Is it the truth? Is it fair to all concerned? Will it build
goodwill and better friendship? Will it be beneficial to all concerned?
Stakeholder Approach to Ethics
-one creates a win-win situation for relevant parties affected by the
-win-win situation meets the needs of the organization and employees as
well as those of other stakeholders so that everyone benefits from the
Being an Ethical Leader
-requires courage ability to do the right thing at the risk of rejection and
also means taking responsibility for mistakes and failures rather than
trying to cover them up.
-Ways to find courage to do the right thing :
1. Focus on higher purpose such as helping or looking out for the wellbeing of customers and employees
2. Draw Strength from others
3. Take Risks without fear of failure
-learn from failure
4. Use your frustration and anger for good
-use emotions to have the courage to take action to spot unethical

Chapter 4
-achieving influence over others
-leaders potential influence over followers
Sources of Power
1. Position Power
-derived from top management and delegated down the chain of
2. Personal Power
-derived from the followers based on the leaders behavior
Types of Power and Influencing Tactics, and ways to increase your power
1. Legitimate Power
-based on users position power
-also called legitimization influencing tactic
-when using legitimate power its helpful to also use consultation
influencing tactic. You seek others input and develop a plan together to
achieve objective. Also known as participative management and
empowering employees
-legitimate use of rational persuasion. This includes logical arguments
with factual evidence to persuade others to implement your
recommended action
-ingratiation influencing tactic: being friendly and praising others before
you ask them what you want
2. Reward Power
-based on users ability to influence others with something of value to
-important to have control over resources such as allocating expense and
budget funds especially for scarce resources
Appropriate Use of Reward Power
-reward employees who do a good job so they will be motivated to
continue their good work
Exchange influencing tactic is for dealing with higher level managers and
people who you have no authority over. This means you offer some type
of reward for helping you meet your objective
Increasing Reward Power
1. Gain and maintain control over evaluating your employees
performance and determining their raises etc
2. Find out what others value and reward them in that way
3. Let people know you control rewards

3. Coercive Power
-involves punishment and withholding of rewards to influence compliance
-also called pressure influencing tactic
-from fear of reprimands, probation, suspension or dismissal, employees
do as their manager requests
Appropriate use of coercive power
-maintaining discipline and enforcing rules
-without this power employees may not take you seriously and ignore your
-coercion on a large scale against followers undermines the authority of
the leader and creates a hostile opposition
Increasing Coercive Power
-gain authority to use punishment and withhold rewards
-dont make rash threats
-be persistent
4. Referent Power
-based on users personal relationships with others
-also called personal appeals influencing tactic based on loyalty and
friendship power stems primarily from friendship or the employees
attractiveness to the person using power
-Inspirational appeals influencing tactic. leader appeals to the followers
values, ideals, and aspirations or increases self confidence by displaying
his or her feelings to appeal to the followers emotions and enthusiasm
Appropriate Use of Referent Power
-for people with weak or no position power such as with peers
-needed in self-managed teams because leadership should be shared
Increasing Referent Power
-Develop people skills
-work at your relationship with your manager and peers
5. Expert Power
-based on users skill and knowledge
-experts commonly use the rational persuasion influencing tactic
Appropriate Use of Expert Power
-essential to employees who are working with people from other
departments and organizations because such employees have no direct
position power to use, being seen as an expert gives them credibility and
Increasing Expert Power
-become an expert
-attend meetings of your trade or professional associations. Keep up with
trends in field

-keep up with latest tech

-project positive self-concept
6. Information Power
-based on users data desired by others
-access to vital info and control over its distribution to others
Appropriate Use of Information Power
-Leaders use information power when making rational persuasion and
oftehn with inspirational appeals
Increasing Info Power
-have info flow through you
-know what is going on in the organization
-develop a network of info sources and gather from them
7. Connection Power
-base on users relationships with influential people
-form of politics
-coalition influencing tactic you use influential people to help persuade
others to meet your objective
Appropriate Use of Connection Power
-connections can help when looking for job or promotions
Increasing Connection Power
-expand network with important people who have power
-join the in-crowd and right associations and clubs
-follow guidelines for using the coalition influencing tactic
-get people know your name
Acquiring and Losing Power
-Social exchange theory explains how power is gained and lost as
reciprocal influence processes occur over time between leaders and
followers in small groups
-if the leader meets follower expectations, power is acquired and
Organizational Politics
The Nature of Organizational Politics
-relationship between power and organizational politics
-managers use existing position power and politics to increase their power
-politics is the process of gaining and using power
-politics is a reality of organizational life because politics affects behavior
and decisions
Politics is a Medium of Exchange
-organizational politics is not about stabbing people in the back but simply
a medium of exchange

-favors are the currency by which productivity is purchased and goodwill is

Political Behavior
-how well you play politics directly affects your success. Networking,
reciprocity, and coalitions are common organizational political behaviors
1. Networking
-process of developing relationships for the purpose of socializing and
-four areas of activities managers engage in: traditional management,
communication, human resource management and networking
-networking has highest relative contribution to successful management
2. Reciprocity
-involves creating obligations and developing alliances and using them to
accomplish objectives
3. Coalitions
-for achieving a specific objective
-co-optation is a political tactic when developing coalitions
-co-optation is the process of getting a person whose support you need to
join your coalition rather than compete
Guidelines for Developing Political Skills
-women and minorities tend to be deficient in political skills
1. Learn the Organizational Culture and Power Players
-develop connection power through politicking
-many business decisions are based on power and politics
-learn the cultural shared values and beliefs and how business and politics
operate where you work. Have organizational awareness
-learn to read between the lines
-powerful key players in all orgs understand them
2. Develop good working relationships, especially with your manager
-ability to work well with others is critical
-good human relations give you personal power and a basis for using the
influencing tactic of personal appeal
-relationship with your boss is number one indicator of job satisfaction
3. Be a Loyal, Honest Team Player
-ethical behavior is important
-in any org, you must earn others respect confidence and trust
-be a team player
4. Gain Recognition

-recognition and knowing the power players go hand in hand; you want
the power players to know who you are and what you can do
-best way to advance your career is by networking to learn about new
-networking is about building relationships through effective
-power, politics and networking have the same thing in common: building
relationships to help you meet your objectives
-read pdf page 128
-used in managing conflict
-a process in which two or more parties are in conflict and attempt to
come to an agreement
-read pdf page 134
Ethics and Influencing
-influencing is the process of affecting others attitudes and behavior in
order to achieve an objective which is usually to get what you want

Vertical Dyadic Linkage theory focuses on heterogeneity of dyadic

relationships arguing that a leader will form different relationships with
different followers. Theory proposes that leaders typically employ different
influencing tactics for different followers within the same work unit.
Formation of in-groups(followers with strong social ties to their leader) and
outgroups(few or no social ties to their leader)
Leader-Member Exchange Theory
-quality of the exchange relationship between a leader and follower
Team-Member Exchange Theory
-when leaders are trained to develop and nurture high quality
relationships with all of their followers, results on follower performance
dramatically increase. They feel self worth and value their work
Right attitude increase chance of building high quality relationship with
First Perception affects the kind of relationship the leader and follower has
Positive social identity = develop closer ties (not being Singaporeans)

Developing High quality LMX Relationships:

-Project a favorable image
-go beyond call of duty and conform behavior to leaders expectations
-appear competent and dependable
-behavior of followers
-effective followers do more than fulfill the vision laid out by their leader;
they are partners in creating the vision
-take responsibility in getting the job done, fixing problems and asking
where they are wrong
Types of Followers
1. Alienated Follower
-low on involvement yet high critical thinking
-feels cheated or unappreciated for his work
-capable but not willing to help
2. Conformist Follower
-high involvement but low critical thinking
-yes people of the org
-carry orders without considering consequences
3. Passive Follower
-neither high on critical thinking nor involvement
-looks at leaders and others to do all thinking and does not get involved
-lacking initiative and commitment to the team
-lazy, unmotivated and incompetent
4. Effective Follower
-high crit thinking and involvement
-not risk averse nor do they shy from conflict
-initiate change, proactive
-can be relied to relieve the leader of many tasks
5. Pragmatic Follower
-exhibits a little of all four styles depending on the situation
Effective Follower
-combine two opposing follower roles: execute decisions made by a leader
and raise issues about those decisions when they are deemed misguided
or unethical
-high self efficacy : belief in own capabilities

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