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Hi Jonathan, | wanted to follow up on my voicemail message that | left for you in mid-September and provide you with a second update on our customer, Elizabeth, who contacted you when she had trouble making an appointment for Percentage of Income Payment Plan Plus (PIPP Plus) assistance. | also want to give you an update on the phone system that we use to help customers who need energy assistance as well as alert you to improvements being made leading up to our busiest season that begins November 1. Our family development specialist Fallie Petretic went to Elizabeth’s home and determined that she was eligible for rent assistance. She assisted Elizabeth with paperwork, and a rent check was delivered to her landlord. This helped her with her immediate issue. Fallie also talked with her about the Council’s education programs, including Early Head Start education for her granddaughter, and assigned Elizabeth to a Case Manager should she need further assistance. We hope her daughter will enroll her granddaughter in our Early Head Start program in the coming months. As to the technology issue, we are working with local company Computer Data Systems to update our phone system. Our (216) 518-4014 appointment line is typically the busiest in June and July for our summer cooling program and then Nov. 1 to March 31 for our winter heating program. We also take calls for our PIPP Plus program year-round on this line. While customers may get a busy signal, this should be the exception. Please note that we share this appointment hotline with Cleveland Housing Network, which also offers energy assistance services, so we need to coordinate all updates with the Housing Network.

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