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CASE NO.: 10-7346-FD

COMES NOW, James McLynas, pro-se Respondent in the above captioned case and hereby files
this Motion For Contempt and respectfully states the following in support;
This court issued a Final Judgment on Child Support on November 19, 2014. Within that
document Laura Fleming was ordered to pay Child Support for the support of her minor child in
the amount of $254.32 per month. In Payments were to be retroactive from October 2014 in the
amount of $146.62, and $254.32 for each month thereafter. In July of 2016, after hearing how
Laura McLynas Fleming lied about her income repeatedly under oath, this court issued a
Temporary Modification of Support Order which increased support to $465.78 per month with an
additional $50 per month for a total monthly support obligation in the amount of $515.78.
When the obligor mother was first ordered to pay support in 2014, she intentionally refused to do
so for over 8 months and did not pay until multiple enforcement actions were filed by the
custodial father. After a hearing was set for an Income Deduction order, the obligor mother also
intentionally deceived the court by lying under oath that she had quit her job and submitted
fraudulent documents to that affect. It was then proven through evidence submitted by
Respondent father and through testimony compelled from Laura McLynas herself that she had
not quit and continued to work for the same employer. She also violated the courts order to
inform the court and the custodial father of any employment or income earning situation within
15 days, again to avoid her support obligation.
During the last hearing to increase the support based on actual income, Laura McLynas again
informed the court that she had quit her job just days before the hearing just as she had done

previously when enforcement was inevitable. The last Order of the Court found that Laura
McLynas was intentionally underemployed or unemployed.
Laura Fleming has not paid any support AT ALL since the last hearing. She failed to make either
the July or August support payments and is now in arrearage for two months in addition to
failing and refusing to pay the ongoing uninsured medical expenses of the minor child. The
custodial father has not only had to suffer the monetary hardship of Laura Flemings refusal to
pay support, but also the ongoing and increasing medical and dental expenses of the minor child
while Laura Fleming again pretends to quit her job.
Laura Flemings intentional failure and refusal to pay support or medical expenses has been
relentless, intentional and will never cease unless dramatic and severe consequences are put into
action to stop this from continuing. The custodial father has been forced to file dozens of
Motions, Drivers license suspensions and attend hearings only to have this court re-order her
to pay and have her ignore the re-orders just like she ignored the original orders. Unless Laura
Fleming faces incarceration, this same cycle will repeat itself until the minor child is no longer
entitled to support.

WHEREFORE, Respondent father James McLynas prays that this court will find in favor of the
Respondent and in support of the minor child by finding Laura McLynas Fleming in contempt of
this courts orders and apply sanctions harsh enough that will force compliance and eliminate the
need to keep filing these Motions for Contempt over and over again to force future compliance
and further Order;
1. That Laura McLynas be given found in contempt and incarcerated for a minimum of 48
hours. Perhaps showing her what it felt like to have the custodial father falsely arrested
three times.
2. That the court Order Laura Fleming to pay and purge ALL past support obligations AND
all uninsured medical expenses WITHOUT exception within 20 days and without
payment plans or face incarceration on the 21st day.
3. That this court issue an order suspending the drivers license of Laura McLynas until
such time as she has purged all arrearages.
Respectfully submitted this 9th day of August, 2016

James McLynas
19501 Gulf Blvd.
Indian Shores, Fl. 33785

Certificate of Service
The undersigned hereby certifies that a true and correct copy of the above Motion to Compel has been
served Petitioner Laura McLynas Fleming at 3310 Haviland Court, Unit 303, Palm Harbor Fl. 34634 by
US Mail in this matter by delivering a copy of said Notice to the her email addresses of and on August 9, 2016.

James McLynas

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