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Youth Good Wealth’s 53 Visits

in “Entering the Dharma Realm” Chapter, #39
卷 善知識 層次 法門
Roll No. #/53 Good Knowing Advisor Ground Realization
62 1 Bhikshu Cloud of Virtue, The Dwelling of He attained the Dharma Door of Being Mindful of All Buddhas’
the Kingdom of Supreme Bliss, Bringing Forth the State of Wisdom Light and Universal Vision
Wonderful Summit Mountain. Resolve 得憶念一切諸佛境界智慧光明普見法門
德雲比丘 寄第一發心住
2 Bhikshu Sea Cloud, The Dwelling of the He attained the Universal Eye Dharma Door
the Kingdom Gate of the Sea. Ground of Regulations 得普眼法門
海雲比丘 寄第二治地住
3 Bhikshu Good Dwelling, The Dwelling of He attained the Unobstructed Dharma Door of Universally and
the Kingdom of Seashore. Cultivation Swiftly Making Offerings to All Buddhas, thus Bringing All
善住比丘 寄第三修行住 Living Beings to Accomplishment
楞伽道邊海岸聚落 得普速疾供養諸佛成就眾生無礙法門

63 4 Great Lord Megha, The Dwelling of He attained the Bodhisattvas’ Wondrous Sound Samādhi Light
the Kingdom of Dravidian, Noble Birth Dharma Door
City of Comfort and Ease. 寄第四生貴住 得菩薩妙音陀羅尼光明法門
5 The Elder Liberation, The Dwelling of He attained the Thus Come Ones’ Dharma Door of Unobstructed
the Grove of Dwelling. Endowment With Adornment
解脫長者 Skill-in-Means. 得如來無礙莊嚴法門
住林城 寄第五方便具足住
6 Bhikshu Sea Banner, The Dwelling of He attained the Dharma Door of the Light of the Samādhi of
the Kingdom of Milaspharma. Rectification of the Prajñā Pāramitā
海幢比丘 Mind. 得般若波羅蜜三昧光明法門
摩利伽羅國 寄第六正心住
64 7 Upasika Asha, The Dwelling of Non- She attained the Dharma Door of the Banner of Security Apart
the Place of Sea Tide, Retreat from Worry
the Garden Universal Adornment. 寄第七不退住 得離憂安隱幢法門
8 Rishi Bhishmottaranirghosha, the The Dwelling of Pure He attained the Dharma Door of the Bodhisattvas’ Unsurpassable
Kingdom of Nalayur Youth Banner
毗目瞿沙仙人 寄第八童真住 得菩薩無勝幢法門
9 Brahman Victorious Heat, The Dwelling of He attained the Dharma Door of the Bodhisattvas’ Never-ending
the Village of Ishana Dharma Prince Wheel
勝熱婆羅門 寄第九法王子住 得菩薩無盡輪法門
65 10 Maiden Kind Conduct, The Dwelling of She attained the Dharma Door of Universal Adornment of Prajñā
the City Lion’s Courageous Invigoration Anointment of the Pāramitā
慈行童女 Crown 得般若波羅蜜普莊嚴法門
師子奮迅城 寄第十灌頂住
11 The Bhikshu Skillful Seeing, the The Conduct of He attained the Dharma Door of the Lamp Compliance
Kingdom of Three Eyes Happiness
善見比丘 寄第一歡喜行
12 The Pure Youth Comfortable Chief, The Kingdom of He attained the Dharma Door of Great Spiritual Penetrations and
the Kingdom of Renown, Renown, the Conduct Wisdom-Light from All Clever Artistic Skills
on the River’s Sandbar of Benefiting 得一切工巧大神通智光明法門
自在主童子 寄第二饒益行
13 The Upasika Complete Abundance, The Conduct of Non- She attained the Dharma Door of the Inexhaustible Treasury of
the City of Sea Dwelling Opposition Blessings and Virtue
具足優婆夷 寄第三無違逆行 得無盡福德藏法門
14 The Layman Clear Knowledge, The Conduct of He attained the Dharma Door of the Treasury of Producing
the City of Great Production Determination Blessings and Virtues According to One’s Intent
明智居士 寄第四無屈撓行 得隨意出生福德藏法門
66 15 The elder Crest Jewel of Dharma, The Conduct of He attained the Dharma Door of a Bodhisattva’s Jeweled Treasury
the City Lion Palace Freedom From of Limitless Blessings and Virtue
法寶髻長者 Deluded Confusion 得菩薩無量福德寶藏法門
師子宮大城 寄第五無癡亂行

16 The Elder Universal Eye, The Conduct of Good He attained the Dharma Door of Enabling All Beings to
the Kingdom Reed Root Manifestation Universally See All Buddhas and Become Delighted
普眼長者 寄第六善現行 得令一切眾生普見諸佛歡喜法門
17 The Raja No Satiation, The Conduct of Non- He attained the Dharma Door of Everything Being Like an Illusion
the City Tala Banner Attachment 得如幻法門
無厭足王 寄第七無著行
18 The Raja Great Light, The Conduct of He attained the Dharma Door of a Bodhisattva’s Conduct with the
the City Wondrous Light Difficult Attainment Banner of Great Kindness
大光王 寄第八難得行 得菩薩大慈幢行法門
19 The Upasika Unmoving, the Capitol City The Conduct of She attained the Bodhisattvas’ Dharma Door of Adornment by
Peaceful Dwelling Wholesome Dharmas Seeking All Dharmas Without Weariness or Satiation
不動優婆夷 寄第九善法行 得菩薩求一切法無厭足莊嚴法門
67 20 The Externalist Going Everywhere, The Conduct of True He attained the Dharma Door of a Bodhisattva’s Conduct of True
the City Tosala Actuality Actuality
遍行外道 寄第十真實行 得至一切處菩薩行法門
21 The Elder Utpala Flower, The Transference of He attained the Dharma Door of Blending the Myriad Incenses
the Kingdom Vast And Great Saving And Protecting 得調和諸香法門
青蓮華長者 Living Beings, While
廣大國 Apart From The Mark
of Living Beings
22 The Ship Captain Vaira, The Transference of He attained the Dharma Door of a Bodhisattva’s Conduct of the
the City Pavilion Indestructibility Banner of Great Compasson
船師婆師羅 寄第二不壞廻向 得菩薩大悲幢行法門
23 The Elder Unsurpassed Victory, The Transference of He attained the Dharma Door of Arriving at All Places and
the City Delightful, Equivalence to All Cultivating the Conduct of Bodhisattvas
the Great Adornment Banner Grove of Buddhas 得一切處修菩薩行清淨法門
No Worry 寄第三等一切佛廻向
24 The Bhikshuni Lion Sprint, The Transference of She attained the Dharma Door of Accomplishing All Wisdom
the Kingdom Shronaparanta, the City Reaching All Places 得成就一切法智法門
Kaliga Grove 寄第四至一切處廻向
68 25 The Lady Vasumitra, The Transference of She attained the Bodhisattvas’ Dharma Door of Maximum
the Kingdom Dangerous Difficulty, the Treasury of Separation from Greed
the City Jeweled Adornment Inexhaustible Merit 得菩薩離貪際法門
婆須蜜多女 And Virtue
險難國寶莊嚴城 寄第五無盡功德藏廻

26 The Layman Veshthila, The Transference of The laymen attained the Bodhisattva’s Dharma Door of the Limit
the City Good Crossing Over Equanimity of All of Not Entering Nirvana
鞞瑟氏羅居士 Good Root 得菩薩所得不般涅槃際法門
善度城 寄第六隨順平等善根
27 The Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara on The Transference of He attained the Dharma Door of a Bodhisattva’s Conduct of Great
Potalaka Mountain According with All Compassion
觀自在菩薩 Beings 得菩薩大悲行法門
補怛洛迦山 寄第七隨順一切眾生
28 Proper Inclination Bodhisattva, The Transference of He attained the Dharma Door of a Bodhisattva’s Universally Swift
Potalaka Mountain, The Mark of True Conduct
at the Abode of Bodhisattva Suchness 得菩薩普門疾行法門
Avalokiteśvara 寄第八真如相廻向
29 The Spirit Great Deva, The Transference of He attained the Dharma Door of the Net of Clouds
the Kingdom Dvaravati Unbounded And 得雲網法門
大天神 Unfettered Liberation
墮羅鉢底城 寄第九無著無縛解脫
30 The Earth Spirit Secure Dwelling, The Transference of She attained the Dharma Door of the Treasury of Indestructible
the Bodhi Dwelling in the Kingdom Limitlessly Entering Wisdom
Magadha The Dharma Realm 得不可壞智慧藏法門
安住地神 寄第十法界無量廻向
31 The Night Spirit Vasanti, The Ground of She attained the Dharma Door of the Light of Dharma that
the City Kapilavastu in the Kingdom Happiness Destroys Living Beings’ Darkness
Magadha 寄第一歡喜地 得菩薩破眾生暗法光明法門
69 32 The Night Spirit Pure Light of Universal The Ground of She attained the Bodhisattvas’ Dharma Door of Universal Stride of
Virtue, Leaving Filth Bliss and Still Dhyāna
the Bodhi Dwelling in the Kingdom 寄第二離垢地 得菩薩寂靜禪定樂普遊步法門
33 The Night Spirit Contemplating Beings The Ground of She attained the Dharma Door of the Banner of Great Might and
with Happy Eyes in Vairochana’s Emitting Light Universal Joy
Bodhimanda 寄第三發光地 得大勢力普喜幢法門
70 34 The Night Spirit Wondrous Virtue who The Ground of She attained the Bodhisattvas’ Dharma Door of Universally
Universally Rescues Beings in Blazing Wisdom Manifesting in All Worlds to Tame and Subdue Beings
Vairochana’s Bodhimanda 寄第四焰慧地 得菩薩普現一切世間調伏眾生法門
71 35 The Night Spirit Sea of Still and Quiet The Ground of She attained the Dharma Door of Adornments from Bringing Forth
Sound in Vairochana’s Bodhimanda Difficult Conquest Vast Great Happiness in Thought After Thought
寂靜音海夜神 寄第五難勝地 得念念出生廣大喜莊嚴法門
36 The Night Spirit Who Guards and The Ground of She attained the Dharma Door of Wondrous Sounds of Self-
Protects All Cities in Vairochana’s Manifestation Mastery
Bodhimanda 寄第六現前地 得甚深自在妙音法門
72 37 The Night Spirit Blossoming All Trees’ The Ground of She attained the Bodhisattva Dharma Door of Producing the Light
Flowers, Traveling Far of Vast, Great Happiness
in Vairochana’s Bodhimanda 寄第七遠行地 得菩薩出生廣大喜光明法門
73 38 The Night Spirit Saving and Guarding All The Ground of Not She attained the Dharma Door of Teaching and Transforming
Beings With the Power of Vigor of Great Moving Beings and Causing Them to Produce Good Roots
Vows in the Vairochana Bodhimanda 寄第八不動地 得教化眾生令生善根法門
74 39 The Spirit Perfect and Wondrous Virtue The Ground of Good She attained the Bodhisattvas’ Sovereign Dharma Door of
in the Lumbini Garden Wisdom Becoming Born Anywhere and Everywhere
妙德圓滿神 寄第九善慧地 得菩薩偏一切處示現受生自在法門
75 40 The Shakyan Lady Gopa, The Ground of She attained the Dharma Door of Contemplating the Sea of
in the City of Kapilavastu Dharma Cloud Samādhis of Bodhisattvas
釋女瞿波女 寄第十法雲地 得觀察菩薩三昧海法門
76 41 The Lady Maya within the Lookout Uniting With She attained the Bodhisattvas’ Dharma Door of Great Vows and
Tower, Conditions and Wisdom of All Beings are But an Illusion
in the City of Kapilavastu Entering the True 得菩薩大願智幻法門
摩耶夫人 Mark
迦毘羅城 會緣入實相
42 The Goddess Light of Celestial Ruler, Uniting With She attained the Dharma Door of Pure Adornment of Unobstructed
in the Heaven of the Thirty-three Conditions and Mindfulness
天主光天女 Entering the True 得無礙念清淨莊嚴法門
三十三天 Mark
43 The Youth Universal Friend in the City of Uniting With He attained the Dharma Door of Non-Attainment
Kapilavastu Conditions and 得無得法門
遍友童子師 Entering the True
迦毘羅城 Mark
44 The Youth Who Well Knows the Uniting With He attained the Dharma Door called the Syllabary Wisdom of
Multitude of Skills, Conditions and Bodhisattva Well Knowing Multitude of Skills
in the City of Kapilavastu Entering the True 得善知眾藝菩薩字智法門
善知眾藝童子 Mark
迦毘羅城 會緣入實相
45 The Upasika Utmost Worthy, the City of Uniting With She attained the Dharma Door
Vartanaka in the Kingdom Magadha Conditions and of the Way Place of Non-Reliance
Entering the True 得無依處道場法門
賢勝優婆夷 Mark
摩竭提國婆呾那城 會緣入實相
46 The Elder Solid Liberation, Uniting With He attained the Dharma Door of the Pure Adornment of Non-
in the City of Fertile Plain Conditions and Attachment and No Thought

堅固解脫長者 Entering the True 得無著念清淨莊嚴法門
沃田城 Mark
47 The Elder Wondrous Moon, Uniting With He attained the Dharma Door of the Light of Pure Wisdom
in the City of Fertile Plain Conditions and 得淨智光明法門
妙月長者 Entering the True
沃田城 Mark
48 The Elder Invincible Army, Uniting With The Elder attained the Dharma Door of the Mark of Infinitude
in the City of Roruka Conditions and 得無盡相法門
無勝軍長者 Entering the True
出生城 Mark
49 The Brahman Most Still and Quiet, Uniting With He attained the Dharma Door called Words of Honest Vows
in the Village Called Dharma Conditions and 得誠願語法門
最寂靜婆羅門 Entering the True
法聚落 Mark
77 50 The Youth Born of Virtue and the Maiden Uniting With The two advisors attained the Bodhisattvas’ Dharma Door of
Possessing Virtue, in the City of the Conditions and Dwelling Like an Illusion
Gateway of the Flower of Wondrous Entering the True 得菩薩幻住法門
Intent Mark
德生童子及有德童女 會緣入實相
77 - 79 51 The Bodhisattva Maitreya, The Mark of He attained Buddhahood in a one lifetime, and entered the Dharma
the Great Tower of Vairochana’s Treasury Collecting Virtues and Door of the Treasury of Adornments of Wisdom by Entering All
of Adornments Developing Causes States of the Three Periods of Time Without Forgetting
慈氏菩薩 攝德成因相 Mindfulness
毘盧遮那莊嚴藏大樓閣 得一生佛果入三世一切境界不忘念智莊嚴藏法門
80 52 The Bodhisattva Mañjuśrī, The Mark of Wisdom He attained the Bodhisattva Dharma Door of Boundless Dharanis
the City of Sumana, in the Country of Illuminating 得菩薩無邊際陀羅尼法門
Universal Door Nonduality
文殊師利菩薩 智照無二相
53 The Bodhisattva Universal Worthy, The Mark of Showing He attained the Dharma Door of Samādhis As Many As Dust
Vajra Treasury Bodhimanda, the Expansiveness of Motes Throughout All Buddha Kshetras
in the presence of the Tathāgata Causes 得一切佛剎微塵數三昧法門
Vairochana 顯因廣大相

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