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Yael Dragwyla First North American rights words


Volume II: The Magickal Sky


The Signs:


The first Sign of the Zodiac. Its glyph, ò , represents the head and horns of the ram. It is a symbol of
offensive power – a weapon of the Gods, hence an implement of the Will. It is associated with sprouting
seeds, fire in eruption, a fountain of water, the horns of a ram. Biblically, it represents the ram offered to
God by Abraham in place of his son Isaac. It is the leading quality of the Fire Element, the Cardinal Fire
Sign, the first third of Spring. Its qualities are: positive, diurnal, movable, dry, hot, fiery, choleric, and
violent. It rules the First House of the horoscope. Physically, it is associated with the cerebrum
(neocortex), the face, the head, the upper jaw, the nose, the sinuses, and the skull. Aries represents that
portion of the yearly cycle which contains all the latent force of the previous year, and with it as a basis
gives birth anew to everything in nature. Aries is the resurrection of life. He represents the individual in
and of himself. Qualities associated with Aries are, on the positive side, courage, boldness, pioneering,
inspirational, intuitive, perceptive, initiative, directness, decisiveness, leadership; on the negative side, it is
associated with foolhardiness, zealotry, egotism, bravado, self-centeredness as a vice, impulsiveness carried
to extremes, thoughtlessness, lack of subtlety, opinionatedness, and a tendency to use others exclusively for
one’s own interests. It is the embodiment of Self, the will to manifest, the adventurous spirit, desire,
initiative, and courage. The Sun enters Aries on the Vernal Equinox, when it crosses the celestial equator
going north, on March 20th or 21st of each year, and leaves Aries around April 20. To the Egyptians, this
was the Sign of Ra and of Horus-Hawk. In the Chinese calendar, Aries is associated with the Dragon.


The second Sign of the Zodiac. Its glyph, ó, represents the head and horns of a bull. The Sun is in
Taurus from April 20th or 21st through May 20th. It is a Fixed Earth Sign, conferring external will-power
which, ordinarily passive and negative, becomes obstinate and unbending when aroused. Its qualities are:
negative, nocturnal, cold, dry, melancholy. The second month of Spring, It represents the head and horns
of a bull; the sacred bull Apis in whom the God Osiris was incarnate; a sepulchre or tomb. It represents
the outward manifestations of the Self, hence one’s basic possessions and inherited tendencies, as well as
one’s values, both mundane and spiritual. In the body, it rules the adenoids, cerebellum (the part of the
brain in which is stored learned behavior, such as technical skill; it is also considered one of the gateways
to the soul and past-lives; located at the back of the head, above the hindbrain); lower jaw; jugular vein;
larynx (Venus, ruler of Taurus, rules song and music, as well as the beauty of voice in general); mouth;
neck; pharynx; salivary glands; throat; thyroid gland (the Planetary ruler of this gland, Mercury, is one of
the esoteric rulers of Taurus, the other being Persephone); tongue; tonsils; vocal cords. It rules the
Second House of the horoscope. The positive qualities of Taurus are: steadfast and loyal; intensely
sensitive and understanding; composed and calm; affectionate and generous; practical and firm;
productive and fertile. Negative qualities include: reasonlessly stubborn; overly emotional; aloof, dry,
and hard; overindulgence in sensual appetites; stinginess and rigidity; blind materialism. In the Chinese
calendar, Taurus is associated with the Snake.


Third Sign of the Zodiac. The Sun is in Gemini from May 20 or 21 through June 20 or 21. Its symbol,
ô, represents two pieces of wood bound together, symbolical of the unremitting conflict of contradictory
mental processes. It is the third and last month of Spring. It is Mutable Air, and its qualities are: positive,
dual. It rules siblings, twins, neighbors, neighborhoods, things in one’s immediate environment, ordinary
and everyday things which one uses all the time, computers, relatives in general (in-laws are ruled by
Sagittarius and the Ninth House), short-distance travel, bicycles and other vehicles used for such travel,
speech, writing, communication in general, the means of communication from vocal cords to television and
the Internet, collections such as coins and stamp collections, libraries, bookstores, books, and elementary
schools (and, today, junior high and high schools). It establishes a relationship between Self and substance,
the linkage of rhythm and form. It brings together that which is joined in and by Sagittarius. In the body, it
rules the arms, breath, breathing apparatus, bronchi, capillaries, diaphragm, fingers, hands, the sense of
hearing, the lungs, the nerve fibers, the nervous system, oxygenation of the blood, the respiratory system,
cellular respiration, upper ribs, shoulders, sight, sense of smell, sense of taste, thoracic cavity, thymus
gland, thyroid gland, sense of touch, and trachea. It rules the Third House of the horoscope. The positive
qualities associated with Gemini are lightheartedness and cheerfulness, high intelligence, versatility,
adaptability, sensitivity to others, clarity and objectivity in thinking. Its negative qualities include silliness,
inanity, superintellectuality that does not touch the heart or emotions, someone who is all words and no
meaning, dissipation of self through lack of unifying purpose, nervousness, excitability, coldness,
aloofness, lack of emotion, and lack of discrimination. In mythology, Gemini represents the Gods Castor
and Pollux as well as Their earthly avatars Romulus and Remus, and all other sets of divine or half-divine
twins. In the Chinese calendar, Gemini is associated with the Horse.


The fourth Sign of the Zodiac, Cancer is the first Sign of Summer, beginning with the Summer
Solstice, lasting from June 20 or 21 through July 22. Its symbol, õ, represents the folded claws of a crab.
It is Cardinal Water: negative, cold, moist, phlegmatic, nocturnal, commanding, moveable, fruitful, weak,
unfortunate, crooked, mute. The most maternal of all the Signs, it rules nurseries, emotions, the home, real
estate, the end of life, the grave, conception, gestation, infancy, lactation, the soul, and the Earth below our
feet (this because the cusp of the Fourth House of the Horoscope, which it rules, points due North). For the
Egyptians, this was the House of Kephra, the Sacred Scarab. In the body, Cancer rules the alimentary
canal, the breast, the esophagus, the lower ribs, the stomach, the duodenum, and the uterus. Cancer’s
positive qualities include sensitivity to all feelings (empathy), compassion, caring for others’ needs and
wants, psychic and impressionable, holding the family together, and understanding of all human conditions.
Negatively, Cancer represents someone who can become hysterical and/or highly irritable, people who are
extremely selfish, extreme clannishness and snobbery, those who are houseproud even at the expense of all
other things, hallucinations, unfounded fears, and obliviousness to all desires but one’s own. In the
Chinese calendar, Cancer is associated with the Sheep.


Leo, the Lion is the fifth Sign of the Zodiac and second Sign of Summer, ruling the Fifth House of the
horoscope. Its symbol, ö, may represent the phallos or lingam, as used in ancient Dionysian mysteries. It
is also an emblem of the Sun’s fire, heat, and creative energy. It spans July 23 to August 22. It is Fixed
Fire, conferring an internal will motivated by an impulse of the heart. It is positive, hot, dry, choleric,
diurnal, commanding, brutish, sterile, broken, changeable, fortunate, strong, hoarse, bitter, and violent. It
represents the principle of cosmic splendor, wherein character defects due to Planets in Leo persist through
long periods, and good qualities from Planets favorably aspecting Planets within it are never lost. In the
body, it rules the heart, the aorta (which delivers blood from the heart to the arteries), upper back, the sides
of the body, the spinal cord, spinal fluid, the spine itself, and the inferior and superior vena cava (which
deliver blood back from the veins to the heart). Leo rules kings, presidents, and all other rulers; splendor
and opulence; gold; and God the Father. It also rules love, romance, sexual pleasure, children, a trusted
agent, speculation, banking, and investments. It is associated with the Lion of Judah, the Biblical tribe of
Judah, and the Nemean Lion of the Greeks and Romans. It is associated with the Egyptian Goddess Bast or
Pasht. Its positive qualities include self-assurance, progressiveness, warmth, sincerity, .affection in love,
protectiveness, cultivation, refinement, artistic talent, expressiveness, someone who is inspired by universal
love. Its negative qualities include vanity, self-seeking, false modesty, lustfulness, satyriasis, hedonism,
licentiousness, dictatorialness, extravagance, opulence without taste, braggarts, show-offs, pure egotism. In
the Chinese calendar, Leo is associated with the Monkey.


Virgo, the Virgin or Maiden, the last Sign of Summer, is the sixth Sign of the Zodiac, ruler of the Sixth
House of the horoscope. Its symbol, ÷, may represent the Girdle of Hymen (the marriage girdle), and is
associated with the Immaculate Conception as well as with Mother Mary. Spica, the most fortunate Star in
the heaven, is a Star in the constellation of Virgo. Virgo is usually pictured by a maiden (a fertile young
woman who has not yet born a child) holding in her hand a green branch, an ear of corn, or a spike of grain.
This Sign was once associated with the Festival of Ishtar, the Goddess of Fertility. The Sun enters Virgo
about August 23 and leaves it about September 22 or 23. Mutable Earth, it is negative, cold, dry, sterile,
human, critical, practical, and helpful. It rules form, the differentiation of sex, and discrimination through a
critical analysis of the fruits of action. Virgo rules small animals such as pets, veterinarians, military
genius (Mars in Virgo or the Sixth House is a Sign of tactical and/or strategic genius), labor, the harvest,
accountants and accounting (the tally of the harvest), analysis, viruses, illness, health concerns, viruses,
nurses, healers, acupuncture and acupuncturists, masseurs and masseuses, one’s tenants and employees,
labor performed for its own sake, differentiation, discrimination (as an aspect of perception), critical
awareness (i.e., the ability to judge and understand what one perceives), digestion, assimilation of nutrients,
and nutrition and nutritionists. Positive qualities of Virgo include helpfulness, unassumingness, clarity of
thought and judgment, keenness of eye and perception, dependability, unselfishness, precision,
meticulousness, those of the born researcher and scientists, calmness, self-reliance. Negative qualities
include manipulativeness, underhandedness, fault-finding, indecisiveness, hoarding, forgetfulness as to
where things are, superficiality, secretiveness, nervousness, extreme dependence (upon others), and co-
dependence. In the body, Virgo rules the general metabolism, the digestive system, the gall bladder
(according to many, though, that is ruled by Capricorn and Saturn), the small intestines, the pancreas, and
the solar plexus (though others ascribe this to Leo and the Sun). In the Chinese calendar, Virgo is
associated with the Rooster.


Libra, the Sign of the Balance or Scales, ruler of the Seventh House of the horoscope, first Sign of
Autumn, whose symbol is ø, begins with the Autumnal Equinox, around September 23, and ends around
October 22. It represents equilibrium and justice. Cardinal Air, it is positive, hot, moist, sweet, obedient,
restless, and judicial. It is associated with the setting Sun and the central part of a balance or scales. It is
associated with the Egyptian God Tum. It is the Sign of cosmic reciprocity, of cooperation as opposed to
competition, consciousness objectified through associations and partnerships. In Greek mythology, it is
associated with Zeus the Just Judge of All, and with Hera, Zeus’s sister-wife. It rules marriage,
partnership, all face-to-face relationships, hence war. It rules the fine arts and esthetic talents and senses.
It rules one’s own personal doctor, lawyer, or other professional to whom one turns for problems outside
one’s own scope of expertise. In the body it rules the adrenal glands (which are on top of the kidneys, also
ruled by Libra; however, the adrenals are also ruled by Mars, a reminder that Libra also rules war), lower
back, bladder, sense of equilibrium and the tiny bones of the inner ear which enable that sense, the fallopian
tubes, the kidneys, the skin (Saturn, Planetary ruler of the skin, is exalted in Libra), the ureters, urethra, and
urine. On the positive side, it represents the completely impartial and balanced mind, a refined and artistic
nature, perfection in marriage and partnerships of all kinds, sociability and gregariousness, gracefulness
and charm, and those who inspire and catalyze talent in others. Negatively, it is associated with those who
are incapable of decision, pleasure-seekers and hedonists, manipulation and dominance of others, complete
dependence on others for one’s basic needs, superficiality and deceit, and those who seek relationships for
purely personal gain. In the Chinese calendar, Libra is associated with the Dog.


Scorpio, the Scorpion, eighth Sign of the Zodiac and ruler of the Eighth House of the horoscope,
whose symbols is ù, is the second Sign of Autumn, spanning October 23 to November 22. It is
symbolized by the asp or serpent, indicating that the will governs or is governed by the reproductive urge,
that Life is furthered by the coming generations, that all of us die that we may live through our descendants.
It is associated with the Dragon, the Eagle, the Scorpion, the Snake (especially venomous snakes), and the
Phoenix. Fixed Water, it is negative, nocturnal, cold, moist, watery, mute, phlegmatic. In general, the
Water Signs rule Memory. Cancer rules memory in the form of one’s personal ancestors and inheritance
from them, both genetic and in terms of land-holdings. Pisces, 12 th Sign of the Zodiac, rules memory in the
form of past lives and the unconscious, both collective and personal. Scorpio rules memory in the form of
DNA and one’s total ancestry all the way back to the very beginnings of Life. Alchemically, Scorpio rules
the Belly of the Black Beast, the decomposition of matter via its putrefaction, by which all of its transient
and imperfect aspects are eliminated, so that that which remains, its perfected form, may be brought to
birth. It is the alembic of the Zodiac, the Sign of cosmic purpose. It is a Sign of success. Self-contained,
self-centered, and concentrated, it usually succeeds in what it sets out to accomplish. Scorpios have
enormous personal magnetism and healing power. In the body, it rules the appendix, the colon, the organs
of elimination and excretion (including sweat-glands; the skin was the first kidney), the gonads (testes and
ovaries), the large intestines or lower bowel, the ovaries, the testicles, the pelvic cavity, the prostate, the
rectum, and the sex organs. Scorpio rules the time of year when leaves fall from the trees and plant-life,
having set seed in Virgo and Libra, goes dormant. It rules death and putrefaction, hence sewers,
mortuaries, morticians, and recycling and recycling centers. Halloween or Samhein, one of the two Celtic
New Years, ruling the sixth months of the year during which the Lord of the Hunt rules the Earth, falls on
October 31, in the first third or decan of Scorpio (the other Celtic New Year, signifying the beginning of
the sixth months of the year ruled by the Lady of the Fertile Earth, takes place on May Day, May 1, in the
first decan of Taurus). As Scorpio rules the death of the body, it also rules the death that is birth or re-birth,
hence reincarnation and re-birth of spirit via the death of the body (the Phoenix). Scorpio’s positive aspects
include creativity in rebuilding, healers, strong and loyal friends, givers of strength, those who inspire faith,
those who seek union with God. Its negative aspects include the totally destructive, seducers, those who
use friends for personal gain, psychic vampires, total egotists, those who want others to merge with him or
her (hence the power-hungry “guru” or political leader). In the Chinese calendar, Scorpio is associated
with the Boar.


Sagittarius, the Archer, ninth Sign of the Zodiac and ruler of the Ninth House of the horoscope, whose
symbol is ú, spans November 22 or 23 to December 20 or 21. Its symbol represents an arrow and a
section of a bow, typifying aspiration: ad astra! It is usually portrayed as the Centaur, a being that was
half horse, half man, representing the conflict between the philosophical mind and the carnal instinct of
conquest. Because of this, it is associated with the healer Chiron as well as with its traditional ruler,
Jupiter. It symbolizes aspiration supported by effort aiming at the Stars. Mutable Fire, it is positive, hot,
dry, changeable, bicorporeal, and obedient. The Fire Signs all represent Spirit, which is to say the Will or
Intentionality that is the hallmark of all life. Aries thus represents Spirit in its primordial form, immediate,
uncontrolled, impulsive, and unschooled, the raw energy of new life. Leo represents the power of Spirit at
its highest, God informing and manifest in all things. Sagittarius, a Mutable Sign, represents the ultimate
refinement of Spirit, its harnessing and education, the work of Spirit in the world. What is brought together
in Gemini is permanently united in Sagittarius. Sagittarius rules religion and all things connected with it,
rabbis, ministers, priests, muezzins, higher education, universities, in-laws, foreigners, travel to distant
places, anything that broadens the horizons. It rules railroads, legislators, legislation, lawyers (as a
species), professors, publishing, churches, temples, synagogues, legalizing, and formalization of
partnerships (Gemini rules documents; Sagittarius, being the third Sign from the seventh, Libra, rules the
documents pertaining to partnerships and marriage). In the body, Sagittarius rules the arterial system, bile,
blood (as a tissue), buttocks (which consist of the giant muscles so necessary for running – Sagittarius rules
runners, especially long-distance runners who were the couriers of the king in pre-Columbian South
America and elsewhere), the hips, the thighs, the liver, and the sciatic nerve. Positive aspects of Sagittarius
include vast and inspired minds, those who see the larger issues in things (Gemini concentrates on the trees,
Sagittarius sees the forest), teachers and judges, those who are magnanimous and generous, the
straightforward and the bold. Its negative aspects include the inability to apply the mind to material things,
tendencies to exaggerate, those who are gluttonous and never satisfied, dictators and propagandists, and
those who are loud-mouthed and coarse. In the Chinese calendar, Sagittarius is associated with the Rat.


Capricorn, the tenth Sign of the Zodiac, ruler of the Tenth House of the horoscope, whose symbol is
û, begins at the Winter Solstice, December 21 or 22, and ends about January 20. Capricorn is the
mountain-goat, considered by the ancients to be the most important of all the Signs (as the old saying has it,
Jesus was a Capricorn). Its symbol represents the forepart of a goat, with the tail of a fish, vaguely
suggesting a mermaid or dolphin. Mythologically, it represents Amalthea, the goat who nursed the baby
Zeus when He was hidden in a cave by His mother, Rhea, to keep him safe from His murderous father,
Kronos. Cardinal Earth, it is negative, nocturnal, cold, dry, and obedient. The Fire Signs represent
Alchemical mercury, a vapor carrying the essence of a material; the Water Signs represent Alchemical
sulfur, the oily residue of a material carrying all its power; and the Air Signs represent Alchemical Salte,
the material residue of a substance after it is calcined to ash (there are other sets of associations, but you get
the idea). The Earth Signs represent matter in its manifest form, both as it exists before Alchemical
decomposition, and in its Alchemically perfected form, after it has been decomposed and recomposed into
its Alchemical incarnation. Taurus represents living Earth, that aspect of the material world vital to the
continued existence of living organisms: food, housing, clothing, and so on –Earth in all its boundless
fertility, the Matron. Virgo represents Earth under cultivation and its harvest, Earth divided and re-divided
into fields and holdings, the deltas of rivers, the places where tillage and harvest takes place, Earth as
subordinate to Life, the Maiden. Capricorn represents primordial Earth, the bones of the Earth, the skeleton
on which all else is arrayed, the interior structure of all things, the Spirit in its First Manifestation, the
Crone. Capricorn is the House of the ruler, the governor, the state, government, civil service, mundane
authority, order, structure. It is the first month of Winter, a time of great cold and privation. In the body, it
rules the minerals in the body, bone, bone marrow, fingernails and toenails, hair, joints, kneecaps, knees,
the spleen, the teeth. Its positive aspects include those who are prudent and self-sacrificing, those who are
trustworthy and loyal, the organizer and executive, the industrious, those who have profound spiritual
understanding, those who are acutely aware of the needs of others. It rules oppression and tyranny, but also
rules structure, stability, the dependable and enduring. Negatively, its rules those who are miserly and
demanding, those who are unsympathetic and secretive, the dictatorial, the insatiably ambitious, those who
worship only position, power, and prestige, and the opportunistic. In the Chinese calendar, it is associated
with the Ox.


Aquarius, the Water-Bearer, the eleventh Sign of the Zodiac and ruler of the Eleventh House of the
horoscope, whose symbol is ü, is the second Sign of Winter, beginning January 21 and ending February
18, 19, or 20. Its symbol represents a stream of water, symbolizing the servant of humanity who pours out
the water of knowledge to quench the thirst of the world. Fixed Air, it is positive, hot, moist, sanguine,
rational, and obedient. The worst storms of Winter occur during the time the Sun is in this Sign,
paradoxically because (in the Northern hemisphere) the Sun is returning North and the Earth is beginning
to warm once again, sublimating water-vapor from the Arctic ice-cap, which spreads outward and
Southward, bearing its burden of ice-cold water. This water then precipitates out over the Northern
hemisphere in heavy rains and blizzards, accompanied by blisteringly cold winds which, for all their
Stygian cold, are harbingers of the coming Spring. In Aquarius, the Will is largely motivated by reasoning,
whether sound or unsound. Whereas Sagittarius rules the Legislative and Capricorn the Executive and
Judicial branches of government, Aquarius rules both the constituency of the government – the people –
and the processes of Congress, Parliament, and Senate by which the representatives of both the masses and
the privileged act together to impose law on both rulers and ruled. Aquarius rules fraternal organizations,
networks, organizations, corporate bodies, friendships, alliances, treaties, democracy, revolution,
revolutionaries, the people as a political body, impersonal love, modern technology, breakthrough
discoveries, alternative lifestyles and ways of life, and hope in the midst of the darkest nights and coldest
winters. Capricorn is associated with solid matter as we usually think of it; Aquarius is associated with
waves, whether of water or those of electromagnetism, hence with energy, quantum mechanics, and the
harnessing of these in modern technology. It is associated with the humanitarian principle that coordinates
spirit and matter, prompting all acts of unselfish love, seeing, feeling, and acting for others as though all
were part of one great Self. In the body, Aquarius rules the ankles, the circulation of the blood, the calves,
the pituitary gland, the shins. It rules Magick, the harnessing of paranormal forces and abilities in the
service of the Will. It rules Liberty, and the responsibilities that go with it – on the downside, it rules
libertines and the dissolute. The Air Signs rule relationships of all kinds. Gemini rules the relationships
between siblings, close relatives, and neighbors, between the self and those with whom interacts on a day-
to-day basis, relationships which together form and maintain households, families, and neighborhoods.
Libra rules one-on-one relationships, from marriage and business partnerships to battle and war,
relationships that endure (Saturn is exalted in Libra), relationships which collectively comprise all of
society, and make it what it is. Aquarius rules friendships, networks, the polis and the demos, the
relationships which collectively create and maintain both communities and civilizations. Positive aspects
of Aquarius include gregariousness, sociability, loyalty to causes and ideas, universal brotherhood and
those who cherish it as an ideal, the intuitive and alert mind, reason, universal love. Its negative aspects
include those who are overly talkative and flighty, zealots and fanatics, those who try to impose their own
ideals and beliefs on others, the impractical, those who cultivate zany schemes, and those who are cold,
aloof, lacking in human sympathy. In the Chinese calendar, Aquarius is associated with the Tiger.


Pisces, the twelfth Sign of the Zodiac and ruler of the Twelfth House of the horoscope, whose symbol
is ý, is the last Sign of Winter, beginning around February 18 and ending March 19 or 20, at the Vernal
Equinox. Its symbol represents a pair of great sea-horses yoked together, dwelling in the innermost regions
of the sea, symbolizing life after death. Pisces is associated with bondage (the inhibition of self-expression
save through others), possession (by evil spirits), captivity, slavery, the inhibition of natural expression,
bacterial infections, great plagues, public health matters, the struggle of the soul within the body. Mutable
Water, it is negative, cold, moist, obedient, fruitful, effeminate, idle, sickly, and unfortunate. Silent,
passionless, all-comprehending, it grants to every creature the power to act according to its development
and capacity. Its imaginative faculties are a great contradiction. It confers the ability to abstract oneself
from one’s immediate environment and throw oneself into an imaginary life – Cancer builds castles in the
air, Pisces, lives in them, and Scorpio collects the rent. Pisces is often called the Sign of Self-Denial and of
withdrawal, of the Messiah and the Outcast or Outcaste. In Christian terms, Jesus of Nazareth was
crucified on the last day of Pisces, the Sign of Martyrdom, and arose re-born from the Tomb in the first few
days of Aries., the Sign of Rebirth and Spirit manifest in the world. Pisces rules the mystic, the psychic,
the dreamer, the visionary – but also the murderer, the martyr, the suicide, the poisoner, the child-abuser,
the victim, the addict, the incurably mad, and the carriers of infectious disease. Aries rules the present
moment, Taurus the future; Pisces rules the past, including previous incarnations. Virgo rules the
conscious mind in all its manifestations, Pisces the Unconscious. In the body, Pisces rules the endocrine
system, the corpus callosum, the feet, the corpus coerleus (a structure in the hindbrain associated with sleep
and dreaming), the mucous membranes, mucus, phlegm, the pineal gland, and the toes. It rules sleep,
dreaming, hypnosis, trance, Magickal concentration, the occult (Scorpio rules the power of the occult,
Pisces rules it as a system), all that is hidden or obscure, sabotage, spying, ninjas, wisdom, prophetic vision,
resignation of one’s fate to God, torture, cruelty, skeletons in the closet, addictions, addicts, alcoholism,
hospitals, cloisters, poisons (co-ruled by Scorpio), toxic waste, sabotage, espionage, the dagger in the back,
hidden enemies (open and known enemies are ruled by Libra). Positive aspects of Pisces include absolute
selflessness and unselfishness, vast imagination, creativity and innovativeness (the latter co-ruled by Aries),
a scope of expression which is universal, and strong spiritual aspirations. Negative aspects include passive-
aggressive attitudes and behavior, seeking to control by giving, hallucinations, paranoia, potential locked
within, a poor sense of individuality, sensualism in all things, the addictive personality, someone who is
poorly anchored to Earthly reality, “jam yesterday and jam tomorrow but never jam today,” psychic
vampirism, those who try to control others via guilt-trips. In the Chinese calendar, Pisces is associated with
the Rabbit.

The Planets:

Sol, the Sun:

His symbol is Ö. In the natal horoscope, He rules one’s overall career, one’s destiny, the father or
important men in one’s life (in a woman’s chart), one’s general vitality and health or lack thereof; the Sun
generates life and is the motivating power behind all activities. Astrologers call the Sun the Individuality,
the essence of the person, representing his spirit and True Will. All other things in any natal chart must be
interpreted with respect to the Sun. Without a strong Sun, the possibility of the native realizing all his or
her various talents and potentials, as indicated by the positions of the other chart-elements in the natus
(nativity, natal chart) into one creatively functioning being is not likely. If, however, there is a strong Sun
but the other Planets are weak by position, there may be tremendous courage and inspiration but the
individual will have poor tools with which to manifest outwardly what is within him or her. Tastes ruled
by Him include sweetness, pungency. In the body, the Sun rules the generation of vital forces, so that a
weak Sun in a natus produces an individual with little stamina. His colors are orange, gold, and deep
yellows. The Sun is the Hyleg, the giver of life, and the length of one’s life and manner of death according
to aspects made by one’s progressed Sun and to one’s natal Sun by progressed and transiting chart-
elements (the Moon also predicts these things, especially in a woman’s chart). In terms of parts of the
body, the Sun rules the upper back, the anterior pituitary, the circulation of the blood via the heart and
arteries, the spinal cord, the left eye of a woman and the right eye of a man, eyes in general (He co-rules
this with Mercury), the heart, the sides of the body, the spine. In physics, the Sun rules the nucleus of the
atom. He rules acting and actors, the science of biology and its general subject, creativity, the ego, the “I,”
fame, employers, the father, gold, the husband, lovers, romance, male organisms (in general), presidents,
kings, premiers, virility, physical vitality, the likelihood that any matter will be fulfilled. His archangels are
Michael (traditional) and Raphael (Golden Dawn). He rules the first day of the week. He rules circles, full
curves, and helical scrolls, He rules the first, eighth, and fifteenth hours after dawn during daylight hours,
and the third, tenth, and seventeenth hours after sunset at night on Sunday; in general, He rules any hour
immediately preceding one ruled by Venus and following one ruled by Mars. His gemstones are diamonds,
rubies, and carbuncles. He rules precious metals, diamonds, and other things that are valuable and scarce,
and glistening substances. He is the Lord of the light of consciousness, ruler of the Middle Pillar of
Consciousness on the Tree of Life (Pluto, one of His higher octaves, heads up that Pillar). In terms of
health, he rules ailments of the heart and upper spinal region, fevers and the breakdown of tissues, organic
ailments, fainting spells (they are associated with loss of conscious, as well as with lowered vitality,
however temporary), and diseases of the spleen. In matters of health, He is generally the significator of the
bodily afflictions of His Sign position, as follows:

Aries: head, nose, sinuses

Taurus: neck
Gemini: arms, lungs
Cancer: chest
Leo: back and heart
Libra: loins, kidneys
Scorpio: the sex-organs
Sagittarius: thighs
Capricorn: knees
Aquarius: legs, calves, ankles
Pisces: feet, corpus callosum, parts of the brain having to do with sleep, dream, and trance
Psychologically, he rules the Ego, the consciousness, self-awareness, Individuality (as distinct from
Personality), divine inspiration, sense of purpose, True Will (as opposed to impulse), ambition, dignity,
grandeur, wisdom, authority, lofty spirituality, restlessness under restraint, kingliness, strong paternal
instincts, generosity, honesty, truth, courage, creativity, forcefulness, sanguinity. He rules power, honor,
fame, pride, and influence. When frustrated, his natives may become ostentatious, despotic, ceremonious,
and fond of pomp and ritual. He rules leaders and rulers, persons of authority in government, and religious
and industrial organizations. In horary charts, he rules the Querent, if the Querent is male; rich and
powerful relations; anyone in authority, from whom an honor or favor is desired; someone capable of
saving the Querent from embarrassment; goldsmiths and jewelers; reforms and educators. In mundane
astrology, he rules executive bodies and heads of state, governmental and legislative processes, bodies, and
individuals. He rules positions of power, dignity, authority, and responsibility, such as judges, magistrates,
heads of police organizations, etc.; superintendents and directors of public utilities, banks, and businesses
in which huge sums of money are handled; goldsmiths, money lenders, bankers; writers, celebrities, and
makers of ornaments as luxuries and for display. He is fruitful, benefic (though He can act malefically,
particularly in a woman’s chart), hot, diurnal, dry, electric, masculine. In Taoist cosmology, He is Yang,
associated with gold.

Luna (the Moon):

Symbol: ×. Neutral/active as to potential for good or evil (like the Sun, Luna has both Her benefic
and malefic aspects), fruitful, cold, nocturnal, moist, magnetic, feminine. In the body, She rules its
substance or material being, as opposed to its vital energy, which is ruled by the Sun, the alimentary canal,
the breasts and womb, the lymphatic system, the sympathetic (excitatory autonomic) nervous system, the
cerebellum, the older midbrain and the brain stem. She rules the second day of the week (see the Book of
Genesis for the order in which God made the world; the Planetary rulerships over the days of the week
associated with it, via Chaldea and Babylon). She rules the first, eighth, fifteenth . . . hours after dawn
during the daylight hours and the third, tenth, seventeenth . . . hours after sunset during the night; in
general, She rules any hour immediately preceding one ruled by Saturn and immediately following one
ruled by Mercury. Her colors are white, pearl, opal, light blues, and iridescent and silvery hues. She rules
anything that is odorless or insipid. She rules irregular curves and crooked lines. She rules crystal, pearls,
moonstone, and all milk-white stones; some authorities also ascribe the opal to Her. She rules utensils in
common use in laundry and kitchen, objects made of silver, and soft, smooth substances. In the body She
rules blood plasma, body fluids in general, the left eye of men and the right eye of women; the lungs;
lymphatic fluids; spinal fluid; tear-ducts; stomach; breasts; and the uterus. Her ailments include
endocrine imbalances, resulting in inflamed glands and defective eyesight; functional ailments and
irregularities; allergies; mental instabilities and psychosis; female disorders; depression impairing normal
functioning; dropsy, excess fluidity; and catarrhal infection of the mucous membranes. She also rules
infections and plague (She shares this with Neptune, Who rules Great Plagues of all kinds and bacterial
plagues in particular; Pluto, Who rules deadly plagues of all kinds – Pluto is one of Her higher octaves, the
other being Saturn), and fungal plagues in particular; Mercury, Who rules It’s Going Around; and Uranus
and Chiron, Who rule viral epidemics). She rules impregnation, generation, and the flow of secretions.
She rules artificial breasts, infants, the mother, women in general, the family, the hearth, the inner core of
the home, functions, hotels, the menstrual cycle, motels, pregnancy, lactation, silver, one’s wife.
Psychologically, she rules the higher emotional functions, such as faith, hope, and charity, veneration,
peace-loving tendencies; she rules the instinctive mind, desire for material things, external reactions to
everyday affairs and to those pertaining to the home and domestic life; moods fluctuating between the
extremes of optimism and pessimism; concrete ideas; the continent of Africa and all its peoples and life;
ingenuity applicable to concrete purposes and practical ends; minds which fluctuate and lack the ability to
concentrate, and which are therefore easily distracted or influenced; sympathy, as opposed to compassion;
empathy; respect for the old and inform, regard for the young; suavity; kindness; love of animals; strong
protective instincts and an inclination to defend those incapable of self-defense; strong maternal instincts,
in either sex; modesty, timidity, economy, receptivity, imagination, impressionability, changeableness; a
fondness for travel; personal magnetism; psychic qualities; extra-sensory receptivity; a lymphatic nature;
changefulness; plastic, wandering, romantic, visionary, frivolous, capricious, fanciful, unstable,
procrastinating, lazy, lunacy. In a horary chart, She rules the Querent, if the Querent is female. She
represents public life, and the fickleness of the public; fluctuations of popularity and fads; changes in the
economy (especially as indicated by the progressed Moon and aspects to the natal Moon for the natus of a
nation); the common people and the transportation and distribution systems that serve them; the home and
home life, one’s place of residence, the nursery; the mother, women in general; women of title, such as
queens; the ocean, voyages by water; water and liquids in general, and persons who follow occupations
connected with them; places and houses near water; the tides; removals, mystery, romance. She rules the
proletariat, particularly the women; crowds, mobs; subjects or objects of particular interest; conditions
and occupations of water transport; land and crops; real estate. She rules all common employment;
persons dealing with public commodities, or holding inferior positions chiefly in the transit industry;
female officials and occupations, as female executives, maids, nannies, children’s nurses, mid-wives,
sailors, seamen, fishermen, longshoremen, beaver-takers; dealers in liquids; bath attendants; traveling
salesmen, tradesmen, purveyors of food; farmers and peasants. In the horary chart, She manifests and
unmanifests, gives birth and takes life, begins and ends all things. She rules the timing of events in any
chart, and co-rules all charts along with the rulers of the Signs on the Ascendant in any given charts. She
rules both womb and tomb, the beginning and end of any life. She rules the soul (Neptune is co-ruler). She
rules fertility and all its aspects. In natal charts, She rules the personality, the many-faceted vehicle through
which the Individuality or Spirit manifests itself. In the horoscope, it is very important that the Sun and
Moon be in a harmonious relationships with each other, so that the Will of the Individuality and the
feelings of the Personality can be coordinated well. In a natus, the Moon indicates one’s domestic life and
love of family. The Moon signifies the nature of one’s pregnancies and childbirth’s in a woman’s chart, the
wife in a man’s horoscope, the mother in the case of either sex. The strength or weakness of the Moon’s
natal position is important in the determination of one’s personal magnetism, imagination, and general
sympathies. In Taoist cosmologies, She is Yin associated with silver.


His symbol is. Ø He is androgynous, moderately fruitful, benefic (when favorably aspected;
unfavorably aspected, He is a malefic with respect to money, law, and marriages); hot; moist; magnetic.
He rules the thyroid gland; the central nervous system, brain and spine; the sense of sight; the tongue and
organs of speech; the hands as instruments of intelligence; the lungs; the arms; the digestive system;
fingers; small intestines (upper bowel); navel; respiratory system; cellular respiration; sensory
perception in general; coordination, particularly between hand and eye; shoulders; trachea. He rules
slender curves and short, incisive lines. He rules Wednesday, fourth day of the week. He rules the first,
eighth, fifteenth . . . hours after dawn during the day and the third, tenth, seventeenth . . . hours after sunset
on Wednesday; in general, He rules any hour immediately preceding one ruled by the Moon and following
one ruled by Venus. He rules nervous disorders: debility as a result of excitement, stress, overwork, or
worry; headaches; losses of memory; salivation; goiter and other ailments connected with the thyroid
gland; impaired respiration and diseases of the lungs; and sluggish elimination (constipation). His colors
are slate-color and spotted mixtures; most authorities agree that He generally assumes the color of that
Planet with which He is in nearest aspect. He rules things that taste cold or mildly astringent. He rules
thought, swiftness, the wind. He rules concrete mental faculties, such as perception of size, weight, form,
color, order, position, motion; speech, intonation, phonetic inflection; Gypsies; ninjas (as a people);
thought, understanding, reason, intelligence, intellect; vacillation, hesitancy in facing issues; mental
waywardness; a mind that is brilliant and facile but not profound; intellect in the abstract but not the
concrete; industry in acquiring knowledge for its own sake, apart from any practical, ethical, or moral
implications; a love of amassing evidence and eloquently citing statistics in support of a thesis; a love of
argument and debate; cunning, craft, subtlety; skilled technicians enjoying superficial proficiency; a
literary mind; pure reason. His metal is mercury (Hg). His qualities include: active, excitable,
impressionable, mercurial, nervous, gossipy, worrisome, witty, dexterous. His expressions include
literature, writing, oratory, study, memory. When frustrated, the person ruled by Mercury may become
conceited, profane, unprincipled, tale-bearing, forgetful, or addicted to gambling. He rules business
matters, letter writing, short travel, the neighbors and their gossip; schools, colleges, and all places where
teaching and learning are pursued; scientific and literary organizations; printing-works, publishing offices,
and all who are occupied at such places; buying, selling, bargaining, trading; theft. In horary charts he
rules the bringer of tidings; news of that which is lost; artificers; thieves; ingenious and clever persons,
who live by their wits; mathematicians; messengers; secretaries, merchants, travelers, teachers, orators,
ambassadors, the intelligentsia, the literary world; the transportation and communication industries; the
press, educators, speakers, news commentators; change; telephone operators and linemen; the Internet;
computers. He rules authors, actors, orators, teachers, inventors, scientists, journalists and others engaged
in gathering and disseminating information and in basing judgment thereon; merchants, book sellers,
strategists, tacticians, postal workers, telegraph operators and messengers, and clerks engaged in the
communications industry; artisans who exercise skill and intelligence (the 8 of Pentacles); accountants,
civil engineers, lawyers. He is Lord of the active intelligence, mind, logic, reason, educational and learning
abilities, spoken and written communication, and the transmitter of the spiritual to the material. His stones
include agate, marble, aquamarine, glass, and quicksilver. In Taoist cosmology, He is associated with the
Element Water and quicksilver.


Her symbols is Ù. She is fruitful, benefic (She is traditionally called the Lesser Benefic, as opposed
to Jupiter, the Greater Benefic), warm, nocturnal, feminine. She rules curved lines and rhythmic scrolls.
She rules Friday, the sixth day of the week. Of the hours, She rules the first, eighth, fifteenth . . . hours
after dawn during the day and the third, tenth, seventeenth . . . hours after sunset at night on Friday; in
general, She rules any hour immediately preceding one ruled by Mercury and following one ruled by the
Sun. Her colors are sky-blue, emerald green, pale green, cerise rayed emerald green, pastels, and, in
general, tints, as opposed to colors. Her stones are emerald, all other green stones, turquoise, and, possibly,
sapphire and lapis. She rules anything that tastes warm or sweet. In the body She rules the kidneys,
ovaries, pancreas, saliva, thymus, sense of touch, throat, salivary glands, skin (She shares this with Saturn),
female sex organs, trachea, uterus, veins, and vagina. She rules blood poisoning, tonsillitis, ailments of the
lymph system; pustulent diseases, such as measles and smallpox; sloughing sores and susceptibility to
contagion; kidney disease; venereal diseases; poisoning; impaired functioning as a result of uncontrolled
eroticism; nymphomania. She rules exosmosis, filtration, and venereal functions. Her metals include
copper, brass, bronze. She rules jewelry, ornaments; women’s wearing apparel; wigs (worn for beauty);
bed linens; polished, reflecting surfaces. She rules the social functions, sociability, relationships of all
kinds (including those of animosity), marriage, partnerships, prostitutes, anything that brings organisms
together into communities, societies, and partnerships. She rules such things as friendship, romance,
amorousness; the affections, particularly love and the emotions associated with it; the esthetic sense, but
not analytical faculties; responsiveness to and appreciation of beauty, whether of person, art, adornment, or
environment; enjoyment of elegance, comfort, and pleasure; good taste; discriminating sexual sensitivity;
parental instincts; a youthful, almost childlike simplicity of approach and viewpoint; a gracious, yet
almost patronizing attitude; a tendency to negative moods and extremes of feeling; a weakness for self-
pity in moments of depression; a mind that is highly receptive but largely concerned with social affairs; a
somewhat unreliable memory; a character that is gentle, amiable, graceful, temperate, passive. When
thwarted, the native is inclined to extravagance in self-indulgence; tendencies to become slothful,
licentious, sensual, vain, dissolute, and generally abandoned; a fondness for gaudy apparel. In Her best
manifestations, she rules art. Music, peace, justice, grace, faithfulness, fruitfulness, and fertility. She rules
the botanical bounty of the Earth, as Mars rules animal life, Pluto the fungi, and Persephone the algae and
their relatives. She rules all social activities; adult women in their youth and prime; art, music, literature,
beautiful objects, and anything prized for its beauty; things of luxury and pleasure; jewels, toys, fine
clothing, articles of adornment; pictures, flowers, dancing, singing, acting in so far as these express beauty
or pleasures, apart from skill or intelligence; all places where these things belong, and where such
occupations are carried on; sweethearts, wives, the home and household; conjugal love, as embodying
affection rather than passion. In horary astrology, she rules the person in whom the Querent may be
interested, particularly if it is a young woman; embroiderers, perfumers, entertainers, artists, dealers in
ornamentation, designers of clothing, interior decorators, lovers of pleasure, managers of places of
amusement. In mundane astrology, she rules ambassadors of good will and those who preserve the peace;
artists, musicians; theaters and festivals; births, children; courtship and marriage; and, under unfavorable
aspects, plagues and pestilences. She rules all professions connected with music and the fine arts;
jewelers, perfumers, embroiderers, botanists; all businesses connected with women and their adornment;
domestic servants, dancers, and actors who impersonate beauty and grace, apart from skill and intelligence;
painters, clothing designers, makers of and dealers in toilet accessories. She rules adornment of the physical
body, attraction, bedrooms, cake, candy, confections, cookies, cosmetics, gardens, gardeners, marriage,
one’s mistress, money (personal spending money), luxury, Gemütlichkeit (lit. “comfortableness”), parties
(Jupiter co-rules), safe deposit boxes, safes, social centers, social workers (Neptune is co-ruler), vacations,
young females, adult women. She represents beauty in form, rules the social instincts, gives refinement of
artistic tastes, rules sexual attraction, and awakens emotions of love and sharing. In Taoist cosmology, She
is associated with the Element Metal and the metal copper.


His symbol is Ú. He is barren, malefic (He is the Lesser Malefic; Saturn is the Greater Malefic), hot,
diurnal, dry, electric, and masculine. In the body, He rules the adrenal cortex; the external portions of the
head; the male reproductive organs; the muscles; the motor nerves; the excretory organs; the red
corpuscles of the blood; the face; the nose; the sinews; the immune system and immune response; sweat,
sweat glands; sense of taste. He rules infectious, contagious, and eruptive diseases; fevers, high blood
pressure, internal hemorrhages, inflammations producing sharp pains; burns and scalds; inflammatory
conditions requiring surgical treatment; hysterical outbursts producing violent reactions due to high
temperatures. He rules rapid metabolic processes and consumption of internal stores of energy under stress
and distribution of metals in the body. He rules Tuesday, third day of the week. His colors are red, scarlet,
carmine. He rules anything that tastes sharply astringent or acidic, and pungent odors. He rules sharp
angles and barbs, and fine, straight lines. He rules the first, eighth, fifteenth . . . hours after dawn during the
day and third, tenth, seventeenth . . . hours of the night after sunset on Tuesday; in general, He rules any
hour immediately preceding one ruled by Sol and following one ruled by Jupiter. His stones are
bloodstone, flint, malachite, hematite, any red stone, lodestone, iron ore. His metals are iron and steel. His
qualities and manifestations include combativeness, desire, passion, enthusiasm, passionate amorousness,
courage, ardor in pursuit, someone who is not easily rebuffed and is seldom discouraged, indiscriminate
sexuality, haste, anger, intolerance, fretfulness; a center of power and energy, for good or ill; an acute
penetrative mind, largely concerned with physical accomplishment through direct action, rather than aims,
and fitted for enterprises requiring self-assurance; dynamic force, whether applied constructively or
destructively; domineering, brooks no interference, and is often ruthless in disregard of others; fearless
and unhesitating as to hazardous undertakings and occupations; love of family, patriotism; ever ready to
protect His own, whether family, country, or organization; a strong sense of brotherhood with humanity at
large, though appearing to be self-centered. Mars is forceful, active, inflammatory, generally careless and
destructive, expert, high-spirited. Normally synonymous with force, activity, ambition, pluck, endurance,
desire, and strife. When thwarted, Mars becomes cruel, egotistical, sarcastic, quarrelsome, coarse, vulgar.
He rules steel, steel-making, cutlery, weapons of war and battle, sharp tools and those who use them, fires,
slaughter-houses, mortuaries, brick and lime kilns, athletics and sports in so far as these express courage,
enterprise, strength, and dexterity. In horary questions, if favorably aspected, He represents and strong and
aggressive friend; if unfavorably aspected, a revengeful enemy; surgeons, chemists, soldiers, munitions
manufacturers, all who use sharp instruments, rough and uncultured persons, bandits and highwaymen, all
who live by violence, blacksmiths, heavy machinery and those who employ it, automobiles. In mundane
astrology, He rules military leaders; surgeons; persons close to death; engineers; agitators, incendiaries
(hairy-eyed bomb-throwing types), criminals and crimes of violence, epidemics of infectious diseases, wars
and battles; commotions are stirred up by hard aspects of Mars to the Sun. He rules all military
professions; surgeons, chemists, blacksmiths, engineers, merchants, butchers, barbers, carpenters, and
those who use cutlery and sharp instruments; workers in iron and steel, and those who make implements of
war; bakers, dyers, and all common employment. He represents the force of ego in action, the fighting
spirit, the desire to succeed, the dynamic forces of creation and destruction (Shiva/Kali and Brahma), the
raw, primordial instincts, and forces for the transcendence of personal desire into a more universal
orientation. In Taoist cosmology, Mars is associated with Fire and iron.


His symbol is Û. The Greater Benefic. The Cosmic Sugar-Daddy. Santa Clause (if you’ve been
nice; otherwise you get the Saturnian Santa, the one who puts coals in your stocking). He is fruitful,
benefic, warm, moist, electric, and masculine. His colors are royal blue, royal purple, violet, some blends
of red and indigo. He rules that which is fragrant or bland. He rules full, generous curves. In the body, He
rules the posterior pituitary gland; the feet and thighs, liver, intestines, blood plasma, the long muscles,
growth; control of shoulders and arms in motions which depend upon good timing for effectiveness; the
arterial system; the hips. He rules cellular nutrition and development, flesh-building, formation of
hemoglobin and red corpuscles. He rules maladies arising from surfeit, such as gout and indigestion;
congestion; diseases of overindulgence; chronic acidity and hyperfluidity of functional activity;
subnormal blood pressure; apoplexy; cancer; hardening of the arteries; muscular deterioration. His
stones are amethyst and turquoise. His metal is tin. He rules Thursday, fifth day of the week. He rules the
first, eighth, fifteenth . . . hours after dawn during the day and the third, tenth, seventeenth . . . hours after
sunset in the night of Thursday; in general, He rules any hour immediately preceding one ruled by Mars
and following one ruled by Saturn. He rules men’s wearing apparel; merchandisable sweets; horses and
large animals in general; common and useful substances; cloth, paper. He rules the abstract and creative
faculties; comparison applied in generalizations upon the broader aspects; idealism; a powerful sense of
the dramatic, obsessions with the desire to be of service to society; a person of sound judgment with an
ample store of common sense; optimism, order, harmony; the principle of expansion and growth, as
expressed in the accumulation of material wealth, but without the miserliness of Saturn; the Republican
Party, generosity; balance of feeling and thought, heart and mind, yielding optimism, devotion,
benevolence, good nature, generosity, temperateness, sociability, hopefulness; a nature that is peace-
loving, law-abiding, philosophical, just; someone of marked religious tendencies, especially of a ritualistic
nature; conviction of the integrity of one’s motives and that one’s judgments are tempered with mercy;
love of beauty, as applied to grandeur and the sublime, with a leaning toward art, especially sculpture; the
ability to overcome opposition with forceful but impersonal arguments; broad vision, open-mindedness,
willingness to listen to reason. Jupiter creates conditions through which the following qualities can be
expressed: health, as physical harmony; law, as social harmony; religion, as spiritual harmony – not as
channels of intellect, or the means of making money. He represents judgment, power in the benevolent
sense, profit, good fortune, honesty, dignity, or just plain respectability. At His best, Jupiter is generous,
expansive, genial, temperate, vital, benevolent, respectful, self-controlled; on the downside, He can be
arrogantly proud, dissipated, boastful, a gambler, extravagant, a procrastinator, complacent, or a hypocrite.
He rules expansion and growth, and their expression in terms of material wealth; occupations, persons, and
places associated with religion, law, and education; public functions and assemblies of a state or official
character; charitable and philanthropic movements and institutions; social gatherings, theaters, and
clothing. In horary questions, He represents the wise friend of the Querent upon whom he depends for
protection or assistance; the father; a person of advanced years noted for integrity; rich and generous
friends or relations; clothiers and dealers in essential commodities; mountebanks, dissipated relatives or
friends; the black sheep of the family; counselors, ecclesiastical dignitaries, judges, lawyers. In mundane
horoscopes He rules the judiciary; ecclesiastical heads, such as the Pope; industrialists and capitalists; the
Republican Party; philanthropists and philanthropic movements; influences in support of order; peace,
prosperity, and plenty; when afflicted, He signifies over-production. He rules all professions concerned
with religion and the law; legislators, physicians, bankers, philanthropists, clothiers, business connected
with woolen clothing, and restaurant workers. He governs understanding of universal law; expansion on
spiritual, mental, and physical levels; justice, law, honor, and truth; philosophy, theology, religion, and
ritual. He is the Preserver, Vishnu. In Taoism, He is associated with Wood/Air and tin.


His symbol is Ü. Saturn is barren, malefic, cold, dry, magnetic, masculine. The Great Malefic. He
rules anything that tastes cold, sour, or astringent. In the body he rules the medullary adrenal gland; the
skin; the secretory systems of the body; the teeth, bones, joints, and tendons, particularly the knee and the
calves of the leg; the spleen (co-rules with Sun); the organs and sense of hearing; bone marrow; finger-
and toenails; the skeleton. He rules calcification of bones and teeth; congestion; conditions affecting
tendons, cartilage, and articulation of bones. He rules inhibited functioning due to fears and morbid
conditions; debilities due to accidental falls or subnormal temperatures; poikilothermia (a condition, from
which H. P. Lovecraft; rather than producing its own internal heat, the body takes up the temperature of its
environment, and the sufferer can only function well in a hot climate); depressed vital activity or impaired
circulation due to inhibited emotions; rheumatism; melancholia or depression; decayed and abscessed
teeth, gums, and jaws; malnutrition, often from sheer miserliness; skin diseases; atrophy; spinal ailments.
His colors are all dark, and black is the most important one. Of tastes, he rules that which is cold, sour,
astringent. Of forms, He rules cramped forms, straight, short lines, sharp and clear-cut outlines. His stones
are garnet, jet, and all black stones; His metal is lead. Saturn rules Saturday, the seventh day of the week.
He rules the first, eighth, fifteenth . . . hour after dawn during the day and the third, tenth, seventeenth . . .
hours after sunset on Saturday; in general, He rules any hour immediately preceding one ruled by Jupiter
and following one ruled by Luna. He rules land, minerals, agriculture, garden implements; heavy
materials and objects; dull and heavy substances; dross and waste. He rules administrators, executives,
chronic ailments, ambition, antiques, archeology, history, time, arthritis, artificial teeth or bones, authority
figures, the mother (He shares this with the Moon; transiting Saturn moves at a rate of about 12.5 degrees
per year, around the same as the progressed Moon), bankruptcy (He shares this with Mars, Neptune, and
Pluto), bereavement; boundaries, burial, cemeteries, ancient things, choking, constriction, death (He shares
this with Mars and Pluto; Neptune rules murder), the Democratic Party, dentures, employers, one’s career,
falls from a high position, frustration, restriction, funerals (He shares this with Mars and Pluto), hearing
aids, impotence, old age, senility, justice, loss of employment, mathematics, limits, borders, mourning, the
aged, pessimism, police, structure, manifestation, real estate, the Democratic Party, repulsion,
repulsiveness, objective science, time, sexual sterilization (He co-rules this with Mars). He rules
asceticism, the practical ability to achieve the external expressions of thought, a well-ordered mind for
technical and concrete things with an emphasis on detail; He inclines toward scientific research with a
strong mathematical background; the conservative realist who asserts the authority of experience; the
reactionary; secretiveness, noncommittal or uncommunicative behavior; someone who is cautious,
inhibited, reserved, laconic in expression; apostles of justice meted out with a firm hand, yet fair and
impartial; a strong sense of justice and injustice; someone who is a slave to custom and convention, even
when railing against them; the conformist; one who is patient, prudent, constant but jealous, yet not easily
offended. Saturn’s emphasis is on the personal ego, and inability to give outward expression to affection, a
tendency to separation and isolation; a serious outlook on life; an inclination to learn everything the hard
way; avoidance of strenuous effort or exertion (however, the native generally finds more than his share of
it to do). Saturn’s strong sense of self-preservation is deliberately purposeful and holds the emotions in
check via the exercise of thought and will-power, more completely than any other Planet. Where Uranus
makes a show of strength when freedom is threatened, and Mars when the passions are aroused, Saturn is
cold, slow, and deliberate, but inexorable when fully aroused. He plots his way to positions of authority,
where he discharges His duties with tyrannical conservatism. He is generally a reactionary, but faithful.
Normally He is fearful, secretive, cautious, defensive, binding, cold, hard, persevering, steadfast. When He
is frustrated, he develops avarice, materialism, ultra-conservatism, tradition-bound narrow-mindedness,
pessimism, and fatalism. He rules restrictions, delay, poverty, defects, darkness, decay; stability in
friendship; secrets, misfortunes, sorrows, fatalities; the ultimate, uncombined atomic condition of matter;
the Alchemical Element Earth; those whose occupations are concerned with earth and soil, and the earth
and soil themselves; soil ecology; ascetics of every description, whether religious or not; hermits, misers,
and those who fast or Starve; civil servants at all levels of government; older people; old plans, matters
already begun; debts and their payment; practicality and pragmatism; good advice; punishment;
consequences of actions; widows and widowers; mountainous or hilly places, open country, especially
when it is rocky and uncultivated; caves, ruins; corpses, graves, churchyards. In horary questions, He rules
people who, through narrowness of outlook, endanger the success of the Querent; aged and conservative or
indigent friends or relatives; day laborers, religious recluses, prudent counselors; if unfavorably aspected,
a person with ulterior motives. In mundane astrology, He rules the Old World, minor state executives and
law-enforcement authorities; civil service employees; land owners and operators of mines; elderly men
and women; public buildings, national calamities, scarcities. He rules all conservative businesses, all who
deal in land or in commodities produced by or taken out of the earth; the proletariat; those who work in
places of confinement, such as hospitals or asylums, or places of the dead; common laborers, those who
undertake laborious tasks or who work underground or by night; employment where much labor is
necessary to acquire gain; builders, bridge makers, potters, plumbers, bricklayers, dyers, cattlemen,
policemen, scavengers. Saturn is one of the higher octaves of both Sol and Luna (the other is Pluto). He is
the Lord of Time and the wisdom gained through its passage; the process of crystallization of desire, hence
(traditionally) of Magick; the force of ambition and the builder of empires; the self-discipline which leads
to the liberation of the soul. In Taoism, Saturn is associated with Earth and lead.

His symbol is Ý. He is barren, malefic, cold, moist, electric, masculine. He rules that which tastes
cold, brackish, or astringent. He rules mixed forms and broken lines. In the body, He rules the parathyroid
glands, which secrete calcium into the saliva; the brain and nervous system; the electromagnetic field
associated with the living organism; growth of the long bones; circulation of blood; the autonomic
nervous system as a whole; the pituitary gland.. He rules viral infections and ailments, including such
things as multiple sclerosis, now known to be the result of an unusual allergic reaction of the body to
common herpes viruses in the central nervous system; inflammations resulting from the deposit of
precipitated minerals, such as rheumatoid arthritis; fractures, ruptures, lesions, spasmodic disorders such as
epilepsy, all unusual conditions. He rules aircraft, airlines, air-conditioning, the atmosphere as a living
system of the Earth, astrology, the aura, clairvoyance (Neptune is its primary ruler, Uranus co-rules),
incurable diseases, divorce, earthquakes, electricity, exposure, nervous diseases, explosions, eruptions,
revolutions, friends, networks, the Internet, the World Wide Web, computer systems, hurricanes, natural
disasters, deviance, homosexuality, liberation, lightning, modern physics, phobias, reformers, radicals,
revolutionaries, psychiatry, psychic phenomena (He co-rules this with Neptune), Magick, Magickians,
separation, space-craft, storms, the exploration of space, tornadoes, cutting-edge technology, breakthroughs
of any kind, X-rays. He rules any hour of the night that is also ruled by Mercury, and Wednesday night.
He is the higher octave of Mercury. One of His avatars is Liberty, represented by the Statue of Liberty in
NYC harbor. He rules machinery, old coins and antiques, paleontology, modern astronomy, baths, public
institutions; anything uncommon or unusual; the United States of America; radioactive and magnetic
substances. Psychologically, He represents iconoclastic tendencies; an aloof, off-hand manner and
approach; imagination, especially when harnessed in the service of Magick; violent reactions against
anything that would deprive him of his free and conscious choice of thought and action; unbending will,
intentness upon independence at any price; not readily amenable to any sort of control, much less to
arbitrary authority; a strong sense of power and authority; assertiveness, with crushing positiveness; self-
reliance; inventiveness; interest in scientific and religious principles; unconventionality, nonconformity;
altruism; perseverance to cope with and conquer material obstacles, yet subject to sudden changes of
attitude; organizer, promoter, scientific investigator; originality, one who breaks new ground, Stars new
occupations, advances new ideas, utilizes new methods, departs from established customs, holds in disdain
the arbitrary restrictions of conventional morality; a strong mechanical sense; executive ability that leans
toward construction and engineering; an unerring ability to sense people’s motives, hence often becomes a
refractory spirit, more or less alienated from his relatives; moves spontaneously from an inner urge, hence
impulsive and generally classed as eccentric. Uranus, a higher octave of Mercury, often fails to know his
own mind, but is moved by providential circumstances; often He is a fatalist who considers his destiny
beyond His control. Naturally inclined to be variable, spasmodic, impulsive, prophetic, and heroin, under
restriction (including that of an inferiority complex), He becomes eccentric, refractory, bohemian, fanatical,
anarchistic, and given to hurling sarcastic invectives at anyone or anything on any pretext and without
provocation. Uranus is eminently the Planet of science and invention, particularly aviation, electricity, and
astrology. He is one of the rulers over those who have power and authority over others, on either a large or
small scale, from king, parliament, and prime minister on downward; the chief, the ruler, the wielder of
authority; inventors, discoverers, ground-breakers, pioneers, antiquarians. In horary astrology He rules the
Querent’s friend in an emergency; unexpected elements, persons from afar, inventors, electricians,
indicators of change; astrologers, humanitarians, psychologists, mental specialists. When favorably
aspected, He signifies a person bringing new and important propositions. If unfavorably aspected, He
signifies losses through imposters or unwise speculation. In mundane astrology, He signifies earthquakes;
the peoples of the Americas; air and rail transport; labor organizations, strikes, riots, unions; civic
organizations; anarchy, explosions, inventions; the electrical and radio industry; high-tech and high-
energy technology. He rules public figures who do not hold office; travelers, inventors, pioneers,
discoverers, original thinkers, lecturers; aviators, and those who work in the air transport industry;
electricians, radio and television technicians, Internet industries, astrologers, scientists, psychologists,
psychoanalysts, physicist, and all new and uncommon occupations. He rules mixed forms and broken
lines. His stones include the opal, chalcedony, lapis lazuli, the Star sapphire, jacinth, and amber. His
metals are radium and uranium. His colors include streaked mixtures, checks and plaids like Joseph’s “coat
of many colors.” He is the Lord of paranormal faculties and intuition; the destroyer of old ideologies,
concepts, and structures; the bohemian, beatnik, hippie, nonconformist; the revolutionary, the anarchist,
the humanitarian; the force for the awakening of higher consciousness; the Fall from Eden and the return
to it.


His symbol is Þ. Neptune rules the dreamer, the artist, the musician, the filmmaker. He also rules
deceivers, and in His negative manifestations is that aspect of Evil known as the Lie. He rules psychic
powers, mystery, mystics, spiritualists, prophets, martyrs, and selfless love. He is malefic, warm,* fruitful,
moist, magnetic, gender unclear. In the body, He rules the pineal gland; whatever organs are involved in
ESP, intuition, and psychic receptivity; the feet; the corpus callosum, that part of the mid-brain that
connects the two hemisphere of the cerebral cortex together and mediates their cooperation and interaction;
the corpus coerleus, a small body in the hindbrain involved in REM sleep; spinal canal; tears; and toes.
He rules telepathic, psychic, and occult functions and the formation of white corpuscles.** He rules
anoxia; glandular imbalances due to inexplicable causes; energy depletion and wasting diseases; anemia;
neuroses; catalepsy, often the result of indirect or undisciplined psychic activity; hypochondria; needless
fears; phobias; addictions of all kinds; all ailments hard to diagnose and difficult to treat. His colors are
lavender, sea-green, mauve, smoke-blue, iridescent and pearl-like hues, and peculiar shades of gray. Tastes
ruled by him include those which are subtle and seductive. He rules curved lines, rhythmic curves
(suggesting ocean waves), and nebulous or chaotic forms (including the Mandelbröt set, Julia sets, and
other fractals). His stones include coral, aquamarine, pearls, and ivory. His metals include neptunium,
lithium, platinum. He rules heavy water, deuterium, and tritium. He rules Friday night, since He is the
higher octave of Venus, the traditional ruler of Friday. He rules all night-hours traditionally ruled by
Venus. He rules all poisons and toxins; liquids; addictive substances; and mysterious and unidentifiable
substances. He rules social unrest; follow-the-trend, illusive, intangible emotions; the entertaining of false
hopes and indulgence in tricky schemes; compassion and unselfish love; a love of mystery; acts dictated
by powerful but inexplicable motives, directed toward invisible, intangible ends; and love of harmony,
sympathy, symmetry, rhythm, poetry, dance (the poetry of motion), and stringed instruments; and the
morbid and erotic. He rules feeling, long-term memory, deep (past-life or collective unconscious) memory,
desire, emotion, imagination, esthetics, intuition, and ESP, all the primordial functions of the soul. When
thwarted, He becomes psychoneurotic, melodramatic, and susceptible to flattery, the power of suggestion,
and appearances. On the merest whim He will break a bargain or go back on His word. He exhibits a high
regard for uniformity, yet often succeeds in enterprises that require more than the average measure of
mental effort. He rules masochists and sadists, child abuse, and all other closet activities and viewpoints,
anything that people will to hide away. He rules the highest forms of Wisdom (He is associated with
Chokmah, Sephirah 2, “Wisdom.,” on the Tree of Life, hence such Gods as Pallas Athena, Djehuti,
Hanuman, etc. He rules democratic and popular movements, mobs, the common people; mystics,
dreamers, visionaries, psychics, mediums; hospitals and charities; ninjas; spies, saboteurs, undercover
agents. He rules abdication, abnormal behavior, addicts, alcoholism, aliases, anesthetics, annulments,
dissolution, anonymous letters, blackmail, ambushes, dry-gulching,† artificial feet, hypnosis, trance-
induction, assassins, astral entities, hidden enemies, asylums, betrayal, artists, all island peoples, cameras,
photography, the cinema, charitable institutions, cheating, chemicals, chemistry, clairvoyance,
concentration camps, dancing, deception, delusion, dreams, drowning, drugs, scrying, embezzlement, the
etheric body, faith, film, food, software, programmers, higher mathematics, fraud, gas, hallucinations,
hospitals, impotence, infidelity, slavery, bondage, crippling, Lou Gherigh’s disease (the thing Stephen
Hawing has), junk, junk bonds, liquor, ulterior and hidden motives, narcotics, nursing homes, occult
abilities, oil, oil lease investments, oil wells, orphans, painters, the secret police, penal institutions,
petroleum, obsessions, poets, poisons, poisoners, images, mirages, television pictures, orphans and
orphanages, illegitimate children, skeletons in the closet, genetically-caused diseases, bankruptcy, ships,
navies, sailors, fish, fishermen, fishmongers, the endocrine glands and the chemistry of the body, salt (as a
product of the sea; salt is also associated with Saturn Who, to some extent, manifests all the characteristics
of the Planets beyond Him), the wealth of the sea, stealth bombers or anything else using stealth
technology, the oceans of the world, outer space perceived as an ocean, other dimensions of existence,
transcendence of ordinary reality, self-delusion, con- or scam-artists, flimflam, crucifixion, torture, victims,
victimizers, POW camps, jails, prisons, any place of confinement, psychic senses, psychic phenomena,
psychics, reclusiveness, religious sects, retirement places, ashrams, seclusion, secrets, sedatives, suicide,
synthetics, treason, traitors, water, welfare programs. In horary astrology He rules those concerned with
the investigation of scientific or metaphysical secrets or mysteries; profoundly wise and eccentric
individuals, geniuses, prophets, spiritual counselors; persons of mysterious origin; those engaged in jobs,
lives, or recreations associated with water. In mundane astrology, He rules the modern state of Israel; the
little people; social movements; the economy; socialized medicine and hospitalization (e.g., Medicare);
charities; sedition; socialism; widespread unrest; Christianity; Buddhism; Odinism (Odin and Trump
XII, The Hanged Man, of the Tarot are associated with Neptune). He rules artistic and literary geniuses,
philosophers, occultists, occupations connected with water or liquids, the petroleum industry, the software
industry, Bill Gates (it’s a mystery to all of us how he does it <sour>). Neptune rules the Collective
Unconscious, which is co-ruled by Pluto (oddly, the Hawaiian God Kanaloa, Lord of the Deep Sea, is also
the Lord of Hell).

*Traditionally, Uranus is considered to be cold and Neptune warm. Oddly enough, astronomically that has
proven to be the case as well, as least in a relative sense. The physical Planet Uranus is, as can be
imagined due to His distance from Sol, very cold. But Neptune, even farther out from the Sun than
Uranus, is much warmer than was expected because of that distance, the reasons for which are still

**These are a part of the immune system, which is ruled by Mars. According to Crowley, “the heart of
Neptune is Mars.”

†Perhaps we should rather say, given His dominion over Water, “wet-gulching”? 


His symbols are ß and î . He is probably androgynous, fruitful, malefic, hot, moist, both electric and
magnetic. His colors are pure white; white brilliance; colors outside the visible spectrum; and luminous
pigments in unusual shades containing a large percentage of red. He rules aromatic flavors, in which
solubility releases both taste and aroma. He rules heavy straight lines and sharp angles in complex
combinations. A higher octave of the Sun, He rules the first night of the week as well as any hour of the
night traditionally ruled by Sol (in heliocentric astrology, He rules any hour of the night ruled in that
system by Luna). His stones include beryl, sardonyx, jade, cloisonné enamels, ceramics. His metals
include zinc, tungsten, and plutonium. In the body, He rules the bowels; the enzymes which bring about
catalytic and hydrolytic reactions essential to proper metabolism, the appendix, organs of elimination and
excretion (including the sweat-glands), the reproductive system, nasal passages, the prostate, sinuses.. He
rules balance between anabolic and catabolic phases of metabolism. He rules toxic conditions; ailments
resulting from deposits of precipitated mineral products as a consequence of chronic acidosis; diseases of
the lower bowel; intestinal peritonitis; gangrene; blood-poisoning (septicemia). He rules synthetics;
plastics; nuclear fission and fusion. He rules transmutation, both Alchemical and that of nuclear physics;
Alchemically, He also rules the Belly of the Black Dragon, wherein substances are allowed to putrefy, so
that their essence may be reclaimed from what is left. He rules blacksmiths, Alchemists, wizards, and
sorcerers. He rules abductions, abortion, ambushes, annihilation, anonymous letters, blackmail, extortion,*
archeology and anything else that “uncovers into the light” that which has been hidden, artifacts,
assassination, nuclear energy, betrayal, buried treasure, the mineral wealth of the soil, fungi, conception,
cremation, crime, inheritance, taxes, decay, suppuration, putrefaction, detectives, dictators, the process of
dying, rebirth, resurrection, death, the FBI, crimelords, kidnapping, the DEA, hidden scandal, murder,
obsession, organized crime, criminal gangs, pathology, insects (?),** murder (which is co-ruled by
Neptune), petroleum, power metals, plots (both conspiracies and burial), the power industries (gas, oil,
electricity, etc.) and the sources of that power, power, power politics, prostitution, pimps, psychology,
psychoanalysis, rape, riots, mobs (co-ruled by Neptune), snakes, venomous animals in general (also ruled
by Neptune), terrorists, vermin, sewers. Pluto rules the will to power; the ‘sociological urge”; the
organized group as the instrument by which to amputate parasitic growths on the body politic, in order to
reconstruct society along healthier lines; foundations for the advancement of human welfare and relations;
professional associations or trade unions by which the little guy has a better chance of getting justice;
racketeers, gang-leaders, master criminals; great literary or dramatic geniuses who give the world
Plutonian doctrines calculated to bear fruit in succeeding generations, such as Karl Marx; total disregard
for constituted authority or bested rights; even at His worst, He is more likely to be motivated by a sense of
righteous indignation on behalf of society and victims of injustice than by personal vindictiveness. He
rules idealistic organizations that attack social ills; social organizations designed to combat groups of
individuals who believe that they belong to a privileged class; ideas that are ahead of their time, that will
not bear fruit until readvocated by some disciple thereof in the next generation (such as Wegener’s theory
of moving continents, which eventually was shown to be an accurate portrayal of the history of our world
in terms of plate tectonics). He rules plate tectonics, volcanoes, the processes deep in the Earth that
generates earthquakes, the movements of continents, volcanic eruptions, etc.:

Never forget: beneath your feet,

beneath the rose, below the wheat,
beyond the bastioned granite floor,
lies the ultimate, molten core.
The tides of fire, locked in sleep,
a vigil down the aeons keep.
Across the whirling gulfs of space
the elements of motion race.
The aeons burn; the cycles ebb;
the stenciled Stars retrace their web.
Never forget: in the heart of earth
Still licks the fire that brought its birth.
Our calendar of iron and flame
invokes the time without a name,
the days of fire, the final men,
the molten core made whole again.

(“Heart of Earth,” by Joseph Payne Brennan)

In horary questions, he rules the leader of an organization engaged in a strike, boycott, or lockout, to
establish a precedent for some principle; crimelords; writers who inspire reform movements or mass
reaction; detectives; researchers; students of plate tectonics. In mundane astrology he rules organized
labor; chain-store syndicates; group activities; the IRS; mob psychology of any kind. He rules
transmutation; elimination, annihilation, redemption; resurrection and rebirth; healing at the most
profound levels; the shaman who has gone down into the Underworld, mastered it, and come back with
great power; regeneration; Alpha and Omega, the end and the beginning; Alchemy; nuclear physics and
technology. He rules the principle of metamorphosis; seeds; sperm and ova; mines and the wealth they
contain; incubation, the chrysalis, and, in general, any phase of a growth cycle which is hidden from view;
armored reptiles which have survived from ancient ages, such as crocodiles, iguanas, lizards, and turtles;
vultures, crows, ravens, and other carrion birds; corpses; social insects such as ants, termites, and wasps;
venereal disease; activities which must be carried on in the dark hidden from general knowledge, such as
political undergrounds, the Mole People, organized crime, secret police, espionage, plots. He rules the
CIA, the totalitarian state, atomic energy, the atomic bomb, and bombs in general. He rules tyrants; great
wealth, plutocrats; inquisitors, inquisitions, hence legal torture practiced to extract information, as by the
Spanish Inquisition, the Gestapo, the NKVD, etc.; usury; genetic differences among different populations
of the same species. His people are those who have chosen to go underground to live. He is symbolized by
the serpent, eagle, scorpion, Phoenix, and Unicorn.
*Notice that the domains ruled by Neptune and Pluto overlap to a great extent, just as the orbits of the
physical Planets overlap.

**That’s what it says right here. I swear I’m not making this up. 
The Aspects:

Name Size Symbol Meaning

Conjunction 0° º Major aspect. A cooperative aspect bringing together whatever is
asked about. It signifies identity between the things in
conjunction. (A stellium) is a conjunction involving more than
two bodies.) Orb of 8-10°.
Parallel* 0° ¸ Major aspect. The parallel means “the thing is as good as done
now.” If the Moon, Who makes all things happen in a chart,
which normally means that She is void-of-course and that nothing
will come of the matter, makes no other aspects to anything in the
chart but a parallel, including one to, say, the Part of Fortune, She
is thus not void-of-course, and the chart should be read as if She
were not. Orb of 0°
Contraparallel 0° ¹ Major aspect. Same as a parallel
Occultation** 0° Ò Major aspect. Unfortunate. Orb of 0°.
Lunation New or Full Moon. If New, the Moon is combust if within 8° of
the Sun, and so weak that She can bring nothing about
(exception: if She or the Sun are the signifcators of the matter,
then this condition doesn’t apply).
Eclipse Major aspect. It upsets matters according to the house in which it
occurs and can cause tremendous problems.
Vigintile 18° Minor aspect. Tends to bring issues to conscious awareness.
Called “the door between two worlds” determined by the Planets
involved. Some occultists call it the psychic or spiritual door
through which the disciple can reach an inner world of Soul or
the unconscious.
Semioctile 22.5° Minor aspect. Particularly involved with health concerns.
Quindecile 24° Î Minor aspect. Like shifting gears: acceleration, deceleration,
braking, inspiration, momentum, surge.
Semisextile 30° Ë Minor aspect. Benefits come from less apparent sources and are
less tangible than those conferred by trines and sextiles. :
assistance, awareness, boost, backstage, cooperation, echoes,
emergence, growth, intangibles, opportunity, possibilities. Think
of a line intersecting another line at a 30° angle. The 30° angle
so formed represents opportunities created by disasters or
troubles indicated by the 150° (quincunx) angle that is its
supplement. E.g., when the dinosaurs were wiped out by a comet
impact, this opened up all sorts of niches into which formerly
marginal species such as the mammals could move and flourish
as they could not as long as the dinosaurs were alive.

*Except for these aspects and the occultation, which involve separation by declination, i.e., degrees north
or south of the celestial equator, all the aspects covered here involve separation by celestial longitude
or right ascension, as measured along the celestial equator. The declination of a Planet is its distance
north or south of the celestial equator, as given in the ephemeris along with its celestial longitude and
latitude. Two planets within one degree of the same declination are in parallel when both are on the
same side of the celestial equator, and are contraparallel when on opposites sides of the celestial
equator. E.g., if two Planets are both at 60° north declination, they are parallel; if one is at 30° north
declination, the other at 30° south, they are contraparallel.

**An occultation involves two bodies which are both parallel and conjunct, so the nearer of them occludes
(completely covers) the farther one, hiding it from sight.
Name Size Symbol Meaning
Decile 36° Ì Minor aspect. Equals 360° divided by 10. In homeopathic
medicine the theory is to dilute the dosage of medicine in order to
make it more potent. So this aspect indicates subtle power,
power created or acquired by subtle means.
Novile 40° È Minor aspect. 360°/9. Has to do with gestation, completion of
programmed or planned activity, emergence of a butterfly from a
cocoon, pupation, devotion, development, release, refinement,
transmutation, transformation. A power aspect.
Semisquare 45° ¿ Minor aspect. 360°/8. “Hard,” creates minor stress and minor
crises. Can be compared to the effect on the body of stimulants
such as caffeine, friction, discordant music, inharmonious color
tones, irritation from prolonged emotional stress. The nudzhe or
pain in the rear.
Septile 51° 25’ Å Minor aspect. A fate aspect. Shows a tendency toward
43” demanding a personal commitment after a major testing period,
= often requiring one or more sacrifices on the part of the native.
Sextile 60° ¾ Major aspect. Fortunate, “soft,” “flowing,” reinforcing.
Opportunity to acquire what is desired if one makes the effort.
Orb of 8°.
Quintile 72° ÂÔ Minor aspect. 360°/7. A Pythagorean aspect. Has to do with
hidden knowledge, occult knowledge, mastery of the occult or
esoteric, inborn talents and skills concerning the Planets
Square 90° ½ Major aspect. “Hard,” denotes obstacles to overcome, losses, and
necessity for making a greater effort than would otherwise be
required. The more squares in any chart, the more the person
must strive for success. Orb of 8°.
Tredecile 108° Ð Minor aspect. Gives a capacity for understanding the forces
shaping cultural changes or the eventual destiny of mankind.
Both the Buddhist and the Roman Catholic rosaries each contain
108 beads.
Trine 120° ¼ Major aspect. Fortunate, “flowing,” cooperative. A trine in any
chart brings success much more easily than normal. However, it
can also reinforce unwanted things – for example, trines between
Neptune and other Planets abound in natal charts of addicts and
those who serve a lot of time in prison. Orb of 8-10°.
Sesquisquare 135° À Minor aspect. “Hard.” Deals with activity and drive and difficult
problems which can be solved with effort; if so, the one who has
done so derives enormous satisfaction from the results.
Biquintile 144° ± Minor aspect. Similar in effect to the quintile.
Quincunx 150° ÁÓ Minor but important in charts asking about matters related to
health, divorces, and in event charts erected for earthquakes and
disasters. By itself will not give an outcome, but with major
aspects shows real trouble. Orb of 3-5°.
Opposition 180° » Major aspect. Separative. “Hard.” Can indicate wars, divorces,
any situation in which two people or groups go their separate
ways and/or engage in some form of combat, legal or otherwise.
Orb of 8-10°.
The orb or number of degrees away from exactitude is allowed when two planets are in an aspect that is not
complete (0°). Application denotes action that is taking place, so we allow a certain leeway for it t
materialize. Separation denotes action that has already materialized, but we allow the planets the orb of
influence because there is now a result that has a bearing on the matter due to the hold-over orb effect. For
example, if two Planets are 3° apart, they are within orb of conjunction.
In horary charts, only major aspects can bring anything to fruition, and in general only applying aspects of
the Moon or the ruler of the chart (ruler of Sign on its Ascendant) to other bodies and sensitive points in the
chart such as the Arabian Parts are considered. In event charts, however, separative aspects and the
quincunx are considered, too.


There are now about a zillion named and catalogued asteroids, but the following are the most

Name Symbol Brief meaning

Ceres æ Nurturance
Pallas ç Practical abilities, wisdom, occult knowledge
Juno è Relationship in the most general sense, any relationship,
including purely mathematical
Vesta é Inspiration, gifts of the spirit, the Will and its drive to manifest
Chiron å The Wounded Healer; shamanic gifts; cycles of injury or
victimization (can denote either victim or perpetrator)

Nodes of the Moon

Concerning the Moon’s Nodes: these have to do with eclipses. They are determined by the
intersection of the Moon’s orbit around the Earth with the Earth’s around the Sun. If the Moon is near a
node when new, She will eclipse the Sun; when full, She will be eclipsed by the shadow of the Earth.
Cauda Draconis, the North Node (symbol: â ) is considered to be fortunate, like Venus or Jupiter; the
south node, Caput Draconis (symbol: ã) unfortunate, acting like a malefic Planet, perhaps more so.

In the degree of the Nodes: Any planet, sensitive point, or House cusp in the same degree as the Nodes
points to a catastrophe, casualty, fatality, or tragedy in a horary or natal chart, the more far-reaching when a
malefic Planet is involved. If the horary Planet is 1° applying, the affliction is about due; if it is 1ã
separating, the trouble has already occurred. E.g., if Luna is at 3° 2’ Cancer and the north
node is 3° 5’ Aquarius (say), Luna is in the degree of the nodes, and applying to them. A body or sensitive
point is considered to be in the degree of the nodes only when its given degree, regardless of minutes or
seconds of arc, is that of the nodes. This is true regardless of what Signs they are in, and what aspects they
make to each other (which are bound to be either conjunction, semisextile, sextile, square, trine, quincunx,
or opposition). In geomancy, Caput Draconis is also applied to the positive terminal of a ley line, and
Cauda Draconis to its negative terminus (the Dragon in this case is the ley line itself).

Fixed Stars

Chart of the Fixed Stars

The Fixed Stars

The celestial longitudes given are for January 1, 1999. These advance by 50” (50 arc-seconds) eastward
per year, that is, one full degree every 72 years, so for every year after or before that date, that much should
be added to or subtracted from the positions given here. (These positions refer to celestial longitude, i.e.,
Sign position within the Tropical Zodiac, relative to 0° Aries (the position occupied by the Sun on the first
day of Spring in a given year, relative to the Constellations, a position which likewise advances Eastward
by some 5/6’ of arc per year), which is also measured in terms of Right Ascension. not to positions within
a Constellation.) The Stars are listed in the table below in order of celestial longitude.

V = variable Star

C = Stellar cluster

N = nebula

“Nature” refers to the general character of the Star and its influence on us, in terms of similarities to the
natures of the indicated Planets. If the Planets given are benefics, the influence is benefic; if malefic, it is
malefic; if mixed, the influence is likewise mixed. When more than one Planet is given, the influence is a
blend of the indicated Planets.

“Magnitude” refers to the apparent magnitude of a Star as seen from Earth, and is measured in terms of
inverse logarithms, so that the lower the numerical value of the magnitude, the greater the apparent
brightness of the Star. The Moon, by contrast, is so bright that Her magnitude, as seen from Earth, has a
negative value, and the Sun is of course so bright that His apparent magnitude is many orders of magnitude
lower than Hers, i.e., has a negative value far lower than Hers by several factors of ten.

As in this chart, for those below it, add 5/6’ of arc per year to the longitudes of the Stars or Stellar positions

The information on Fixed Stars is taken from Vivian E. Robson, B.Sc., The Fixed Stars and Constellations
(York Beach, ME: Samuel Weiser, Inc., 1979, 1984); Richard Hinckley Allen, Star Names: Their Lore
and Meaning (New York: Dover Publications, 1963); and Robert Burnham, Jr. Burnham’s Celestial
Handbook: An Observer’s Guide to the Universe Beyond the Solar System (New York: Dover
Publications, 1966, 1978).

Notes on catalog name: A number and “M” in the name refers to “Messier object,” one of the items
compiled by the great “Comet Ferret,” Charles Messier. His first list, a systematic list of nebulae and Star
clusters compiled and published in 1771, contained 45 objects. His final list, published in 1784, contained
103 objects, some of which were later removed from the list. Of the remaining objects, about 50 are
extragalactic nebulae, i.e., other galaxies. Designations from his catalog are frequently used to refer to the
brighter nebulae and Star clusters; e.g., M31 is the Andromeda Galaxy, M1 the Crab Nebula, M42 the
Great Nebulae in Orion, M45 the Pleiades, etc.

Aspects to Fixed Stars: In horary astrology, the only aspects to Fixed Stars of any significance are the
conjunction, parallel, contraparallel, and opposition, and then only within a maximum orb of 1 degree.
According to Robson, however, in natal, event, and mundane astrology, the square is also be of
significance. Like the Planets, they are most powerful in Angles (the 1 st, 4th, 7th, and 10th Houses of the
horoscope), weakest when cadent (the 3rd, 6th, 9th, and 12th Houses), their effects being most marked when
rising, culminating, setting, or on the nadir (4th House cusp), even when alone. In such cases all first
magnitude Stars give honor and preferment, which will be lost or retained with trouble and danger if the
Star is of the nature of Mars, while if it is like Saturn, there will be final disgrace and ruin. The particular
Angle occupied exerts its own modifying effect, the 10th House influencing one’s position and standing in
the community; the 7th, one’s marriage, partnerships, lawsuits, etc.; the 4th, the home, real estate, and the
end of life; and the 1st, the native him- or herself.

Name Catalog Magn Nature Longitude Declinati Influence

name itude on*

Difda (from Al β Ceti 2 Ü ÚØ 2° ò 34' 18° S 50’ Causes self-destruction

Difdi al Thani, “The 37” as a result of use of
Second Frog”) brute force, sickness,
disgrace, misfortune,
and compulsory change.

Algenib (from Al γ Pegasi 3 ÚØ 9° ò 8' 15° N 10’ Gives notoriety,

Janah, “The Wing,” 20” dishonor, violence,
or Al Janb, “The misfortune, and denotes
Side.” According to the naked and poor
Bullinger, it means, professional beggar.
“Who carries.”) With Sun, gives health
problems and some
danger of accidents.
With Moon, dishonor,
loss through scandal,
exile, bad health,
trouble through
writings. Especially
bad with malefics.

Alpheratz (from Al α 2 ÛÙ 14° ò 17' 29° N 4’ Gives independence,

Surrat al Faras, Androme 28” freedom, love, riches,
“The Horse’s dae honor, and a keen
Navel” – it was intellect. Essentially
formerly located in benefic, though with a
the Constellation malefic when the Moon
Pegasus) is with Sirius, promises
death by a fiery cutting
weapon or from beasts;
if the Moon is instead
with Vega, violent

Baten Kaitos (from ζ Ceti 3.5 Ü 21° ò 56' 10° S 44’ Gives compulsory
Al Batn al Kaitos, 52” transportation, change,
“the Whale’s or emigration;
Belly,” because it is misfortune by force or
situated in the body accident; shipwreck,
of Cetus, the but also rescue; falls
Whale) and blows

Al Pherg η 4 ÛÜ 26° ò 48' 15° N 20’ Gives preparedness,

(associated with the Piscium 12” steadiness,
Greek “Head of determination, and final
Typhon”) success

Vertex (the great 31 M N ×Ú 27° ò 49' 41° N 15’ It causes blindness and
nebula situated to Androme 29” injuries to the eyes,
the North of dae sickness, and a violent
Andromeda'’ head) death. Such things are
apparently associated
with nebulae in general;
nebulae tend to be
injurious to the sight,
and unfortunate overall.

Mirach (from β 2 Ù 0° ó 23' 35° N 36’ Gives personal beauty, a

Mirak, “The Loins.” Androme 59” brilliant mind, a love of
Often called Zona dae home, great devotion,
Andromedae, or beneficence,
Andomeda’s Girdle) forgiveness, love,
overcoming by
kindness, renown, and
good fortune in

Sharatan (from Al β Arietis 3 ÚÜ 3° ó 59' 20° N 47’ Causes bodily injuries,

Sharatain, “the Two 59” unscrupulous defeat,
Signs”; commonly and destruction by fire,
called the Ram’s war, or earthquake
North Horn, since it
is situated on the
horn of the
Constellation Aries)

Hamal (from al α Arietis 2 ÚÜ 7° ó 38' 23° N 27’ It causes violence,

Hamal, “the 33” brutishness, cruelty, and
Sheep”; premeditated crime
symbolically called
the Death Wound
and often
incorrectly named
El Nath)

Almach (from Al γ 2 Ù 14° ó 13' 41° N 19’ Gives honor, eminence,

Anak al Ard, a small Androme 24” and artistic ability
Arabian animal dae
resembling a

Menkar (from Al α Ceti 2.5 Ü 14° ó 18' 4° N 5’ Causes disease,

Minhar, “the Nose). 11” disgrace, ruin, injury
A bright orange Star from beasts, sickness,
situated in the jaw and loss of fortune. If
of Cetus, the Whale. rising, gives legacies
and inheritances
attended by much
trouble. If culminating
(in the 10th House),
gives disgrace, ruin,
danger from cattle and
large beasts.

Capulus (a double 33 Ý vi C ÚØ 24° ó 11' 57° N 08’ The glyph here for
cluster situated in Persei 36” Uranus or Herschel may
the sword hand of signify that this cluster
Perseus) was first cataloged by
the astrologer Herschel,
the most widely
discoverer of the Planet
Uranus. Causes
blindness or defective
eyesight, much like

Algol (from Ras al β Persei V ÛÜ 26° ó 9' 40° N 57’ The most malefic Star
Ghul, “The 7” in the heavens;
Demon’s Head”; decapitation, horror.
other names include Causes misfortune,
Caput Algol and violence, decapitation,
Caput Medusae; hanging, electrocution,
known to the and mob violence.
Hebrews as Lilith, Gives a dogged and
and to the Chinese violent nature that
as Tsieh She, causes death to the
“Piled-Up native or others. Can
Corpses”). Marks give tremendous power.
the Medusa’s Head When culminating,
held in the hand of portends murder or
Perseus in the proneness to do same,
Constellation of that sudden death,
name (but since the beheading, and
Medusa is the Crone mischief. If at the same
aspect of Pallas time in conjunction with
Athena, it also Sun, Moon, or Jupiter,
represents Athena’s gives victory over
power). This Star is others in war. (Stephen
so far North of the King has this Star
celestial equator – conjunct his natal
some 41 degrees – chart’s Midheaven;
that neither the Sun, note the feminist
Moon, or any Planet (Athena) and horror
can ever occult it, themes of his work.)
which is fortunate,
since occultation of
any celestial body,
especially by the
Moon, is especially
unfortunate as it is.
This Star and the
Constellation of
which it is part may
also be conceived of
as Kali dancing,
Algol a winking
jewel in Her naval;
Pallas Athena,
Algol a gemstone in
the crown of the
head of the Medusa
emblazoned on Her
breastplate; or the
Archangel Michael,
bearing a sword in
the pommel of
which is a great
gemstone – i.e.,

Alcyone (this Star η Tauri 3 ×Ú 29° ó 58' 23° N 52’ Causes love, eminence,
represents the 50” blindness due to fevers,
Pleiad, the daughter small pox, and accidents
of Atlas and to the face. For further
Pleione, who particulars see the
became the mother Pleiades, below.
of Hyrieus by
Neptune). A
Star, brightest of the
Pleiades, situated on
the shoulder of
Taurus, the Bull.
From early times it
has been thought to
be the central Sun
around which the
Universe revolves;
it was Al Wasat, the
“Central One,” of
the Arabs, and
Temennu, the
“Foundation Stone,”
of the Babylonians.
Marked the
beginning of the 4th
Constellation of the
Babylonians. As
Amba, “the
Mother,” formed the
junction Star
between the Hindu
nakshatras Krittika
and Rohini. It is
frequently called the

Pleiades. Their N.A. N.A. ×Ú In the See entry They are said to make
names, and the neighbor for their natives wanton,
catalog numbers of hood of Alcyone, ambitious, turbulent,
the Stars 29° ó 58' above optimistic, and peaceful;
representing them, (see to give many journeys
are as follows: Alcyone, and voyages, success in
Alcyone (η ), Maia above) agriculture, and through
(20), Electra (17), active intelligence; and
Merope (23), to cause blindness,
Taygete (19), disgrace, and a violent
Celaeno (16), and death. Their influence
is distinctly malefic (but
Sterope (21 and 22); according to Job
to these have been XXXVIII:31, “Canst
added the parents, though bind the sweet
Atlas (27) and influences of Pleiades . .
Pleione (28). The .?”). If rising, cause
missing or lost blindness, ophthalmia,
Pleiad has been said injuries to the eyes and
to be Merope, who face, disgrace, wounds,
alone married a stabs, exile,
mortal, Sisyphus, imprisonment, sickness,
and hid her face in violent fevers, quarrels,
shame at being the violent lust, and military
only one not preferment. If at the
married to a God; same time the Sun is in
but other accounts opposition either to the
substitute either Ascendant or to Mars,
Electra, who violent death. If
withdrew her light culminating, disgrace,
in sorrow at the ruin, violent death. If
destruction of Ilium, with the Sun or Moon it
which was founded makes its natives
by her son military captains,
Dardanos; or commanders, cavalry
Celaeno, whom colonels, and emperors.
Theon the Younger
said was struck by
lightning. The
Pleiades form a
cluster, with
Alcyone as the
principal Star,
situated on the
shoulder of the Bull.
For all practical
purposes, the
longitude of
Alcyone may be
used for the whole
group, as all are
contained within
about one degree of
longitude. The
Pleiades or
Atlantides were the
seven daughters of
Atlas and Pleione,
six of whom are
described as visible,
and one as invisible
or “lost.” They
were the virgin
companions of
Artemis (Diana),
and were translated
into heaven in order
to escape the
unwanted attentions
of Orion (or,
according to another
account, because of
their grief over the
fate of their father,
Atlas, who was
condemned to
support the weight
of the heavens on
his head and hands).

Prima Hyadum (the γ Tauri 4 ÜØ 5° ô 47' 15° N 37’ They give tears, sudden
chief Star of the 09” events, violence,
Hyades). The fierceness, poisoning,
Hyades consist of blindness, wounds, or
six Stars (α , θ 1, injuries to the head from
θ 2, γ , δ , and ε instruments, weapons,
Tauri) situated on or fevers; and
the forehead of the “contradictions of
Bull and marking fortune.” If rising, they
his Northern eye. cause blindness, bad
The Hyades were eyes, injuries to the
the seven daughters face, wounds, stabs, and
of Atlas and Aethra, imprisonment. If
half-sisters of the culminating, they cause
Pleiades, together disgrace, ruin, violent
with whom they death. If rising or
were entrusted by culminating with the
Zeus with the care Sun and/or Moon, they
of the infant make their natives
Dionysos/ Bacchus. military captains,
They were placed commanders, cavalry
among the Stars as a officers, and emperors.
reward for their
sisterly love, which
was displayed in
their sorrow at the
death of their
brother Hyas, who
was killed by a wild
beast in Libya.

Aldebaran (from Al α Tauri 1 Ú 9° ô 48' 16° N 30’ It gives honor,

Dabaran, “the 23” intelligence, eloquence,
Follower”). A pale steadfastness, integrity,
rose Star marking popularity, courage,
the Bull’s South or ferocity, a tendency to
left eye. One of the sedition, a responsible
four Royal Stars or position, public honors,
Watchers of the and gains of power and
Heavens of the wealth through others,
Persians, about but its benefits seldom
3000 BC, when, as prove lasting, and there
Watcher of the East, is also the danger of
it marked the Vernal violence and sickness.
Equinox. When culminating, it
gives honor, preferment,
good fortune, and favors
from women. If rising,
and in conjunction with
the Moon, its native is a
good man or woman;
but when it is in
conjunction with both
the ruler of the
Ascendant and the
Moon, it denotes a
murderer, especially of
the lord of the
Ascendant is a
masculine Planet and
the Sun is at the same
time afflicted.

Rigel (from Rijl, β 1 ÛÚ 16° ô 49' 8° S 23’ It gives benevolence,

“the Foot”). A Orionis 01” honor, riches,
double, bluish-white happiness, glory,
Star situated on the renown, and inventive
left foot of Orion. or mechanical ability. If
rising, it gives good
fortune, preferment,
riches, and great and
lasting honors. If
culminating, it gives
great military or
preferment, anger,
vexation, magnanimity,
much gain acquired by
labor and mental
anxiety, and lasting

Bellatrix. A slightly γ 2 ÚØ 20° ô 56' 6° N 20’ It gives great civil or

variable pale yellow Orionis 54” military honor, but with
Star on the left danger of sudden
shoulder of Orion. dishonor; renown,
The name means wealth, eminent friends,
“the Female and –liability to
Warrior,” but accidents causing
according to blindness and ruin. If
Bullinger it signifies prominent in a woman’s
“Quickly Coming” chart is makes her
or “Swiftly loquacious and
Destroying.” shrewish, and gives a
high-pitched, hard, and
sharp voice (or: may
give her a stellar career
in the military). When
culminating, it gives
quarrels, hatred, fraud
committed or suffered,
forgery, swindling,
coining, and perjury.

Capella. A white α 1 ÚØ 21° ô 50' 45° N 59’ Gives honor, wealth,

Star situated on the Aurigae 37” eminence, renown, a
body of the Goat in public position of trust,
the arms of Auriga. and eminent friends;
The name means and makes its natives
“Little She-goat.” careful, timorous,
Sometimes called inquisitive, and very
Amalthea in honor fond of knowledge,
of the nurse who particularly of novelties.
reared Zeus on the When culminating, it
milk of a goat. gives military, naval, or
connections and
preferment; waste,
dissipation, envy, and
trouble. If at the same
time with Sun, Moon, or
Jupiter, gives ample
fortune and great honor.

Phact (from Had’ar, α 2 ÙØ 22° ô 9' 34° S 9’ Gives beneficence,

“Ground,” or Columba 34” hopefulness, and good
Fached, “the e fortune.
Thigh”). Situated at
the base of the right
wing of the Dove.

Mintaka (from Al δ 2 ÜØ 22° ô 22' 0° S 24’ It gives good fortune.

Mintakah, “the Orionis 40”
Belt,” or
“Dividing”). A
slightly variable
double Star, brilliant
white and pale
violet, situated in
Orion’s Belt.

El Nath (from Al β Tauri 2 Ú 22° ô 33' 28° N 36’ Gives fortune,

Natih, “the Butting 31” eminence, and neutrality
One,” or “the for good or evil.
Wounded” or “the
Slain”). A double
Star, pure brilliant
white and pale gray,
situated on the tip of
the Northern horn of
the Bull, commonly
known as the Bull’s
North Horn.
Symbolically called
The Shepherd. The
name El Nath is
often used in error
for the Star Hamal
in Aries.

Ensis. The great 42 M N Ú× 23° ô 1' 5° S 26’ It causes blindness and

nebula in the sword- Orionis 29” defective sight, injuries
sheath of Orion. to the eyes, sickness,
and a violent death.

Alnilam (from Al ε 2 ÛÜ 23° ô 28' 1° S 18’ Gives fleeting public

Nitham, “the String Orionis 02” honors.
of Pearls”). A
bright white Star
occupying the
central position in
Orion’s Belt.

Al Hecka. The ζ Tauri 3 Ú 23° ô 46' 21° N 8’ Gives violence,

Bull’s South or 31” malevolence, and
Following Horn, danger of accidents.
sometimes called
“the Driver.”

Polaris (also called α Ursae 2 ÜÙ 28° ô 33' 89° N 16’ It causes much sickness,
al Rukkabah, “the Minoris 21” trouble, loss of fortune,
Riders”; Cynosura, disgrace, and great
“the Dog’s Tail”; affliction, and may give
and Stella Polaris, legacies and –
“The Pole Star”). A inheritances attended by
double Star, topaz much evil. However,
yellow and pale the Arabs believed that
white, situated in contemplation and
the tail of the Little meditation on Polaris
Bear, marking the would cure diseases of
celestial pole. Due the eye. And with the
to the precession of Constellation the Little
the Equinoxes, the Bear it was used by men
poles of the Earth and women fleeing from
move in circles slavery in America’s
among the Stars, antebellum South as a
taking about 26,000 beacon-Star pointing the
years to complete way North to freedom.
one revolution. At In addition, it and the
present, Polaris is other Northern pole-
about ¾ of one Stars also made possible
degree distant from the navigation of the
the North Pole, and North Atlantic and
will continue to Pacific Oceans by
approach it until the navigators going back
year 2095, when it many centuries and
will reach its nearest perhaps far longer in a
distance to it of 26’ way not easily done in
30” of arc, and then the Southern
recede. The chief hemisphere, which
Stars that will mark hasn’t had a reliable
the position of the Southern pole-Star for a
North Pole are long time. The
successively as Southernmost
follows: γ , π , ζ , prominent Stars lie no
ν , and α Cephei; farther South than about
α and δ Cygni; α 60° South of the
Lyrae; ι and τ celestial equator, and do
Herculis; θ , ι , not form the sort of
fixed heavenly
and α Draconis;
benchmark for the
β Ursae Minoris; Southern Pole that
κ Draconis; and Polaris and its fellow
then α Ursae North polar Stars do.
Minoris – our So while this Star may
Polaris – again. produce trouble and
About the year illness, it can also
12,200 BC, α confer astounding
Lyrae (Vega) success for navigators;
marked the Pole; ι freedom-fighters such
Draconis about as Harriet Ross-Tubman
4,500 BC; and α and the Irish resistance
Draconis about against the British who
2,700 BC. γ could only move openly
Cephei will occupy at night, navigating by
this position about the Stars; and all others
4,500 e.v.; α who dare to dream and
Cephei, in 7,500 make their dreams come
e.v.; and Vega, true. It is thus a Star of
about 13,500 e.v. success in aspiration,
albeit attended by
trouble and woe, which
only prove to be spurs
to impel the native on to
ultimate success.

Betelgeuze. From α 1 ÚØ 28° ô 44' 7° N 24’ Gives martial honor,

Ibt al Jauzah, the Orionis 13” preferment, and wealth.
Armpit of the If culminating, it gives
Central One or great military fortune,
Giant; according to command, invention,
Bullinger, the ingenuity, and helps in
Coming of the the perfection of the arts
Branch. An and sciences. If at the
irregularly variable same time with the Sun,
orange Star situated Moon, or Jupiter, gives
on the right ample fortune and great
shoulder of Orion. honor.

Menkalinan. From β 2 ÚØ 29° ô 54' 44° N 56’ Causes ruin, disgrace,

Al Mankib dhi’l Aurigae 27” and frequently a violent
Inan, the Shoulder death.
of the Rein-Holder.
A bright yellow Star
situated on the right
shoulder of Auriga.

Tejat. A binary and η 3 ØÙ 3° õ 25' 22° N 30’ Causes violence, pride,

variable Star Geminor 41” over-confidence, and
situated on the left um shamelessness.
foot of the Northern

Dirah. From Al µ 3 ØÙ 5° õ 17' 22° N 35’ Gives force, energy,

Dirah, the Seed or Geminor 36” power, and protection.
Branch. um
Symbolically called
the Abused or
Beaten One. A
double Star, crocus
yellow and blue, in
the left foot of the
Northern Twin.

Alhena. From Al γ 2 ØÙ 9° õ 9' 16° N 31’ Bestows eminence in

Han’ah, a Brand or Geminor 56” the arts, but gives a
Mark Burnt In; um liability to accidents
according to affecting the feet.
Bullinger it means
“hurt, wounded, or
afflicted,” and has
been called “the
wound in the
Achilles tendon.” A
brilliant white Star
in the left foot of the
Southern Twin,
often called Bright
Foot of Gemini.

Sirius. From Seiros, α Canis 1 ÛÚ 14° õ 5' Makes its natives

Sparkling or Majoris custodians, curators,
Scorching, or, and guardians, and
according to some gives honor, renown,
authors, from the wealth, faithfulness,
name of the devotion, passion, and
Egyptian God resentment. It also
Osiris, who also gives danger of dog
called it Thoth and bites (two examples of
Sothis (it formed the this will be found under
basis of their Sothic the entries for Procyon).
period of If culminating, gives
chronology). high office in
Associated with government, giving
Isis, Djehuti great profit and
(Thoth), and Osiris. reputation.
The Star of Hermes-
Djehuti. The
Chinese called it
Tseen Lang, the
Heavenly Wolf, and
believed that when
it was unusually
bright it portended
attacks from
thieves. A binary
Star, brilliant white
and yellow, situated
in the mouth of the
Greater Dog.

Canopus. Named in α Argus 1 ÜÛ 14° õ 57' Gives piety,

honor of Canopus, conservatism, a wide
the chief pilot of the and comprehensive
fleet of Menelaus, knowledge, voyages and
who was killed in educational work, and
Egypt by the bite of changes evil to good.
the serpent on his When culminating, it
return from the gives great glory, fame,
destruction of Troy. and wealth, dignity and
A white Star in one authority through the
of the oars of Argo. help of an old
clergyman or influential

Wasat. From Al δ 3 Ü 18° õ 30' Gives violence,

Wasat, the Middle. Geminor malevolence, and
A double Star, pale um destructiveness as a first
white and purple, on principle. It is also
the right arm of the connected with
Northern Twin. chemicals, poisons, and

Propus. A small ι 4 ØÙ 18° õ 56' Gives strength,

Star between the Geminor eminence, and success.
shoulders of the um

Castor. It α 2 Ø 20° õ 14' Gives distinction, a

represents Castor, Geminor keen intellect, success
the mortal one of um in law and publishing,
the Twins, famous many travels, fondness
for his skill in of horses, sudden fame
taming and and honor which is
managing horses. often followed by loss
Sometimes called of fortune and disgrace,
Apollo, and sickness, trouble, and
symbolically named great affliction. It’s
A Ruler Yet to natives tend to be
Come. A binary mischievous and prone
Star, bright white to violence. If rising, it
and pale white, on causes blindness, bad
the head of the eyes, injuries to the
Northern Twin. face, disgrace, stabs,
wounds, imprisonment.
Pollux. It β 1 Ú 23° õ 13' Gives a subtle, crafty,
represents Pollux, Geminor spirited, brave,
the son of Jupiter um audacious, cruel, and
and Leda, and the rash nature; a love of
immortal one of the boxing; and dignified
Twins, famous for malevolence. It is
his skill in boxing. connected with poisons.
Sometimes called If rising, it causes bad
Hercules, and eyes, blindness, injuries
symbolically named to the face, sickness,
A Heartless Judge. wounds, imprisonment,
An orange Star on ephemeral honor and
the head of the preferment. If
Southern Twin. culminating, it gives
honor and preferment,
but with danger of
disgrace and ruin,.

Procyon. From α Canis 1 ØÚ 25° õ 47' Gives activity, violence,

Prokuon, Before the Minoris sudden and violent
Dog, alluding to the malevolence, sudden
fact that it rises preferment as a result of
before Sirius. A effort, elevation ending
binary yellowish- in disaster, and danger
white and yellow of dog bites and rabies.
Star on the body of It makes its natives
the Lesser Dog. petulant, proud, easily
angered, careless, and
violent. Associated
with death or injury as a
result of dog bites in
which Sirius was also
involved. When rising,
it makes one artful,
craft, dissembling,
wealthy as a result of
violence and rapine,
lust, dissipated, wasteful
and falling to ruin;
gives military
preferment, quarrels,
loss in trade or through

Praesaepe. A 44 M C Ú× 7° ö 13' It causes disgrace,

coarse, extended Cancri adventure, disease,
cluster on the head insolence, wantonness,
of the Crab. It brutality, blindness,
represents the industry, order, and
manger of the asses fecundity, and makes its
ridden by Bacchus natives fortunate though
and Vulcan (see liable to loss through
“Aselli”). It is others, and the founders
popularly termed of large businesses. If
the Beehive, rising, it causes
Manger, or Crib; in blindness, especially of
China, it is known the left eye;
as Tseih She Ke, ophthalmia; injuries to
Exhalation of Piled- the face; sickness;
Up Corpses. violent fevers; wounds
According to of the face and arms;
Ptolemy, together stabs; violent lust;
with the Aselli it imprisonment; exile. If
forms the “cloudy at the same time the Sun
spot of Cancer” that opposes Mars or the
causes blindness. Ascendant, it brings
violent death. When
culminating, it brings
disgrace, ruin, and
violent death.

North Asellus. The γ Cancri 5 ÚÖ 7° ö 31' Together North and

Aselli represent the South Asellus give care
asses ridden by and responsibility, with
Bacchus and Vulcan a charitable and
in the war between fostering nature, but
the Gods and the they also give danger of
Titans. The braying violent death, serious
of these animals so accidents, and burns.
frightened the Their joint influence is
Titans that They as follows. When
fled, and in rising, they give burning
gratitude the fevers, bad eyes,
Olympian Gods blindness of the left eye,
translated both the injuries by beasts,
asses and their quarrels, slander from
manger (Praesaepe, low women or vulgar
above) into heaven. persons, and martial
Both the North and preferment. When
South Asellus are culminating, they give
straw-colored, and disgrace and ruin, and
sit within the body often violent death.
of the Crab. North Asellus is
identified with
Balaam’s ass. It gives
patience, beneficence
and courage, and makes
its natives –heroic and
defiant leaders.

South Asellus. This δ Cancri 4 ÚÖ 8° ö 42'

Star is called the
Mare Ass, a Resting
Place, and the
Ending or Stop.

Acubens. A double α Cancri 4 ÜØ 13° ö 37' Of the nature of Saturn

Star with white and and mercury. It has
red components, been called ‘the
situated on the sheltering or hiding
southern claw of the place.” It gives activity,
Crab. From Al malevolence, and
Zubanah, the poison, making its
Claws. natives liars and

Algenubi. A yellow ε Leonis 3 ÜÚ 20° ö 41' Of the nature of Saturn

Star in the Lion’s and Mars. It has been
mouth. called “he who rends.”
It gives a bold,
bombastic, cruel,
heartless, brutish, and
destructive nature, but it
also confers artistic
appreciation and power
of expression.

Alphard. An orange α 2 ÜÙ 27° ö 16' Ptolemy states that it is

Star in the neck of Hydrae of the nature of Saturn
the Hydra. From Al and Venus, but
Far al Shuja, the according to Alvidas it
Solitary One in the is similar to the Sun and
Serpent. Often Jupiter in sextile. It
called the Hydra’s gives wisdom, musical
Heart, or Cor and artistic appreciation,
Hydrae. knowledge of human
nature, strong passions,
lack of self-control,
immorality, revolting
deeds, and a sudden
death by drowning,
poison, or asphyxiation.

Adhafera. A double ζ Leonis 3 ÜØ 27° ö 33' Of the nature of Saturn

Star in the Lion’s and Mercury. It is
mane. Also called connected with suicide,
Al Serpha, the poison, corrosive acids,
Funeral Pyre. liquid explosives, liquid
fire, napalm, Greek fire,
lying, stealing, and
crime. If rising, gives
great military
preferment and riches.

Al Jabhah. From Al η Leonis 3 ÜØ 27° ö 53' Of the nature of Saturn

Jeb’ha, the and Mercury. It gives
Forehead. Situated loss and many dangers,
on the Lion’s mane. a violent and
intemperate nature, and,
to a military officer,
danger of mutiny and
murder by his
subordinates. These
characteristics are most
marked when the Star is
Regulus α Leonis 1 ÚÛ 29° ö 43' One of the four Royal
Stars of the Persians,
Watcher of the North,
marking the Summer
Solstice in 3000 BC.
Benefic and powerful,
but mixed with troubles.
Great honor and ample

Zosma. A triple δ Leonis 2 ÜÙ 11° ÷ Of the nature of Saturn

Star, pale yellow, 18' and Venus. It causes
blue, and violet, benefit by disgrace,
situated on the selfishness, egotism,
Lion’s back. From immorality, meanness,
Zosma, a Girdle. melancholy,
unhappiness of mind,
and fear of poison, and
gives an unreasonable,
shameless, and
egotistical nature.

Denebola. A blue β Leonis 2 ÜÙ 21° ÷ According to Ptolemy,

Star in the Lion’s 36' it is of the nature of
tail. From Al Saturn and Venus, to
Dhanab al Asad, the Wilson and Pearce, of
Tail of the Lion, or, Saturn, Venus, and
according to Mercury; to
Bullinger, the Simmonite, of Uranus;
Judge, or Lord who and to Alvidas, of
Cometh. Frequently Mercury, Uranus, and
abbreviated to Mars. It gives swift
Deneb, and so given judgment, despair,
in many astrological regrets, public disgrace,
works, but this misfortune from the
name properly elements of nature, and
belongs to another happiness turned to
Star, ξ Aquilae anger, and makes its
(18° û 41’ ), below. native noble, daring,
The Chinese, self-controlled,
however, called it, generous, and busy with
together with four other people’s affairs.
small neighboring Denebola, “the Lion’s
Stars, Woo Ti Tao, Anus,” generally is of
the Seat of the Five unlucky influence,
Emperors, portending misfortune
surrounded by and disgrace, thus
twelve other stellar opposed to Regulus, in
groups, variously character as in its
named after officers position in the
and nobles of the Constellation.
empire. In
astronomy it
marked the 17th
Zibbat A., the Tail
of the Lion, Other
Euphratean titles
include Lamash, the
Colossus; Sa. Blue,
the Assyrian Samu;
and Mikid-isati, the
Burning of Fire,
which may be a
reference to the hot
season of the year
when the Sun is
near it. Its spectrum
is like that of Sirius.
It is approaching
our own Solar
system at the rate of
about twelve miles
per second. It
comes to the
meridian on the 3rd
of May and,
together with
Arcturus and Spica,
forms a large
equilateral triangle,
as it does a similar
one with Arcturus
and Cor Caroli;
these two triangles,
united at their bases,
constitute the
celebrated Diamond
of Virgo. Some
small Stars, some
telescopic, in its
immediate vicinity,
are known as the
Companions of

Copula. The Spiral 51 M N ×Ù 25° ÷ It is of the nature of the

or Whirlpool Canum 04' Moon and Venus, and
Nebula mentioned Venaticor causes blindness,
by Ptolemy as the um defective eyesight,
nebula under the tail strong passions,
of the Great Bear. hindrances, and

Labrum δ 4 ÙØ 26° ÷
Crateris 41'
Zavijava β 3.5 ØÚ 27° ÷ 8'

Markeb κ Argus 2.5 ÜÛ 28° ÷


Zaniah η 4 ØÙ 4° ø 49'

Vindemiatrix ε 3 ÜØ 9° ø 56'

Caphir γ 3.5 ØÙ

Algorab δ Corvi 3 ÚÜ Gives destructiveness,

repulsiveness and lying,
and is connected with

Seginus γ Boötis 3 ØÜ
Foramen η Argus V ÜÛ
Spica. A brilliantly α 1 ÙÚ 23° ø 49' The most fortunate Star
flushed white binary Virginis in the heavens.
Star in the Wheat According to Ptolemy it
Ear of Virgo. is of the nature of Venus
Frequently called and Mars; and to
Arista. Alvidas, of Venus,
Jupiter, and Mercury. It
gives success, renown,
riches, a sweet
disposition, a love a art
and science,
unfruitfulness, and
injustice to innocence.
If rising or culminating,
it gives unbounded good
fortune, ruches,
happiness, ecclesiastical
preferment, and
unexpected honor or
advancement beyond
native’s hopes or

Arcturus. A α Boötis 1 ÚÛ 24° ø 13' According to Ptolemy,

golden-yellow Star it is of the nature of
situated on the left Mars and Jupiter, but
knee of Boötis. Alvidas substitutes
From Arktouros, the Venus and Mercury
Bear Guard. Also conjoined. It gives
called Arctophilax, riches, honors, high
the Bear Watcher, renown, self-
and Alchameth, determination, liberty,
Azimech, and other and prosperity through
variants of Al navigation and voyages.
Simak, the Lofty
One. According to
Bullinger Arcturus
means He Cometh,
and was called
Smat, “one who
rules,” and Bau,
“the Coming One,”
by the Egyptians.

Princeps δ Boötis 3 ØÜ 3° ù 8'

Khambalia λ 4 ØÚ

Acrux α Crucis 1 Û
Alphecca α 2 ÙØ

South Scale α Librae 3 ÛÚ

North Scale β Librae 2.5 ÛØ
Unukalhai α 2.5 ÜÚ

Agena β 1 ÙÛ

Bungula α 1 ÙÛ

Yed Prior δ 3 ÜÙ 2° ú 17'


Isidis δ 2 ÚÜ

Graffias β 3 ÚÜ

Han ζ 3 ÜÙ
Antares α 1 ÚÛ Sometimes called
Scorpii “Shiloh” or “Cor
Scorpio” (the Heart of
the Scorpion). One of
the four Royal Stars of
the Persians, the
Watcher of the West,
marking the Autumnal
Equinox. Martial and
malefic, but gives
honor, preferment, and
good fortune when

Rastaban β 3 ÜÙ

Sabik η 2 ÜÙ

Rasalhague α 2 ÜÙ

Lesath ν 3 ØÚ

Aculeus 6 M C Ú×

Acumen 7 M C Ú×

Sinistra ν 3 ÜÙ

Spiculum 8, 20, 21 C, Ú×
M N,
Sagittarii C

Polis µ 4 ÛÚ 3° û 12'

Facies 22 M C ÖÚ

Pelagus σ 2 ÛØ

Ascella ζ 3 ÛØ

Manubrium ο 4.5 ÖÚ
Vega α Lyrae 1 ÙØ
Deneb ζ 3 ÚÛ

Tetrapleurum ω 6 ÙÜ

Albireo β Cygni 3 ÙØ 1° ü 15'

Altair. A pale α 1 ÚÛ Ptolemy gives Mars and

yellow Star in the Aquilae Jupiter combined for its
neck of the Eagle influence; Wilson,
(Aquila). From Al Saturn and Mercury;
Tair, the Eagle, or, Simmonite, Uranus;
according to and Alvidas, Uranus
Bullinger, the and Mercury in sextile
Wounding. to the Sun. It gives a
Sometimes called bold, confident, valiant,
“Jupiter’s Eagle.” unyielding, ambitious,
and liberal nature; great
and sudden but
ephemeral wealth; and
a position of command.
It makes its natives
guilty of bloodshed, and
gives danger from

Giedi α 4 ÙÚ

Dabih β 3 ÜÙ

Oculus π 5 ÜÙ

Bos ρ 5 ÜÙ

Armus η 5 ÚØ

Dorsum θ 5 ÜÛ
Castra ε 5 ÜÛ

Nashira γ 4 ÜÛ

Sadalsud β 3 ÜØ

Deneb Algedi δ 3 ÜÛ

Sadalmelik. A pale α 3 ÜØ 3° ý 20' According to Ptolemy,

yellow Star situated Aquarii it is of the nature of
on the right Saturn and Mercury
shoulder of combined; to
Aquarius. From Al Simmonite, of Saturn
Sa’d al Malik, the and Jupiter; and to
Lucky One of the Alvidas, of Jupiter and
King. Uranus in sextile to the
Sun from Pisces and
Taurus. It causes
persecution, lawsuits,
extreme and sudden
destruction, and the
death penalty.

Fomalhaut α Piscis 1 ÙØ “Mouth of the Fish.”

Australis One of the four Royal
Stars of the Persians,
Watcher of the South,
marking the Winter
Solstice in 3000 BC.
Very fortunate and
powerful, yet causes of
malevolence “of
sublime scope and
character,” and change
from a material to a
spiritual form of
expression. Together
with the Stars rising
with 13 Gemini it gives
an immortal name.

Deneb Adige α Cygni 1 ÙØ

Skat δ 3 ÜÛ

Archernar α 1 Û

Markab α Pegasi 2 ÚØ
Scheat β Pegasi 2 ÚØ

*Distance from Celestial Equator, rather than distance from the Ecliptic, or latitude. See Robson, op. cit.,
pp. 108-115, for the annual variation of declination – it differs from Star to Star. Also, those pages contain
the right ascensions and latitudes for each Star. Declinations given here are for January 1, 1999 e.v.

The Constellations

Name of Constellation Range (celestial Influence

longitude and
Andromeda, the Chained 13° ò -- 16° ó Confers purity of thought, virtue, honor, and
Woman). She was the daughter 20° N -- 55° N dignity; causes battle with chimerical fears and
of Cepheus, King of Ethiopia, a tendency to become easily discouraged.
and Cassiopeia. As a result of Associated with the Hebrew letter Peh , the
Cassiopeia’s boast that the Planet Mars, and Tarot Trump XVI, The Tower
beauty of Andromeda surpassed
that of the Nereids, Neptune sent
a sea-monster (Cetus) to lay
waste to the country, and
promised deliverance only on
condition that Andromeda be
offered up as a sacrifice to it.
Accordingly she was chained to a
rock where the monster might
find and devour her, but was
discovered and released by
Perseus, who, riding through the
air on Pegasus, slew the monster
by turning it to stone by using the
severed head of Medusa, and
claimed Andromeda as his bride.
Antinoüs. Antinoüs was youth of 13° û -- 10° ü The ancients seem to have associated this
extraordinary beauty, born in 8 ° N -- 13° S Constellations with the ideas of passion, love,
Bithynia, and was the favorite of and friendship, for some of its component Stars
the Emperor Hadrian. He is said were named Alkhalimain or Al Halilain, The
to have drowned himself in the Two Friends, by the Arabs. The early
Nile in the belief that the Qaballists associated it with the Hebrew letter
Emperor’s life would thereby be Vav and Tarot Trump V, the Hierophant,
prolonged. The constellation associated with Taurus and sensuality. It has
named after him was formed in also been said to give a love of swimming, and
his honor by Hadrian in 132 A.D. to be connected with certain sexual
Antinoüs has also been irregularities, the latter probably being greatest
associated with Ganymede, who in that part of the Constellation lying in
was seized by an eagle and Capricorn (vide the Roman Emperor Tiberius
carried off to be cup-bearer to and his perverted tastes).
Jupiter, but this legend is more
likely associated with Aquarius.
Nota bene: Antinoüs lies just
South of Altair in Aquila, and is
now taken to be part of that
Constellation. He is sometimes
represented as carrying a bow
and arrow as he is borne aloft in
the Eagle’s talons.
Antlia Pneumatica. The Air 0° ÷ -- 0° ø Bestows prosperity, harmony, and spiritual
Pump. This Constellation was 30° S -- 43° S force.
added by La Caille, 1752 A.D.,
under the name Machina
Apus. The Bird of Paradise. 0°ú -- 25°ú It is said to confer a kind, benevolent,
This Constellation was added by 75° -- 80° S sympathetic, and ambitious nature. This part of
Bayer in 1604 A.D., under the the sky has always been associated with birds,
name Apis Indica. for it was known to the Chinese under the
names “The Curious Sparrow” and “The Little
Wonder Bird.” The connection of Gemini
Sagittarius with flight may possibly be due to
this Constellation (or vice-versa).
Aquarius. The Water-Bearer. 9°ü -- 26°ý According to Ptolemy, “The stars in the
According to one myth-cycle, 5° N -- 30° S shoulders of Aquarius operate like Saturn and
Aquarius represents Ganymedes, Mercury; those in the left hand and in the face,
son of Callirhoë, the most do the same; those in the thighs have an
beautiful of mortals, who was influence more like that of Mercury and less
carried to heaven by an eagle to like that of Saturn, and to some extent like that
act as cup-bearer to Jupiter. of Jupiter.” Qaballistically, Aquarius is
According to other accounts, associated with the Hebrew letter x (Tzaddi)
however, it is Deucalion, son of and Tarot Trump XVII, The Star. The beauty
Prometheus, who was translated of Ganymedes and his flight through the air,
to heaven in memory of the great carried by the eagle to the throne of Zeus, also
Flood from which only he and link it with the ideas of personal charm, and
Pyrrha were saved (analogously, with aviation and space flight, which it rules.
Noah and his family and their
Aquila. The Eagle. Originally 12° û -- 15° ü° According to Ptolemy, the influence of Aquila
called Vultur Volans, or the 22° N -- 13° S is similar to that of Mars and Jupiter. It gives
Flying Grype, Aquila represents great imagination, strong passions, indomitable
the Eagle, which may be an will, a dominating character, influence over
aspect of Zeus Himself, which others, clairvoyance, a keen, penetrating mind,
carried Ganymede to Olympus and ability for doing chemical research. It has
(see Aquarius, above). always been associated with the Sign Scorpio.
Qaballistically, it is associated with the Hebrew
letter n (Nun) and Tarot Trump VI, The
Lunar mansions

These are much older than either the Constellations or the tropical Zodiac now in use. They form a lunar
Zodiac of 27 or 28 divisions, each one of which roughly marks the distance travelled by the Moon in one
day. More details are available for the Arabian system than for the Chinese and Hindu systems, and the
influence of each of its mansions corresponds more or less closely with the Ptolemaic nature of the Stars
included in it. These sets of lunar mansions are given below in their original form, and refer to groups of
Stars. Thus they are exactly analogous to the Zodiac of Constellations, and may be used in the same way.
They form a subsidiary series of Constellations, each of which exercises a specific influence upon the
bodies falling within its boundaries. (That there are many similarities among them, at least now, may well
be due to the fact that traders from Arabia followed the Golden Wind to India and China and traded freely
with both countries (silkworms and silk, along with cane sugar, were introduced to the West in this way, as
a consequence of the Crusades, during which Western soldiers discovered these and many other things
theretofore unknown in the West). Intangible as well as tangible goods – knowledge and artistic techniques
– were involved in such trading exchanges, and both the esoteric (such as astrology and Alchemy) and
exoteric (such as geography, map-making, engineering, chemistry, etc.) aspects of all three cultures
benefited enormously from them. Hence the overlaps among the following three systems of lunar
mansions, which are almost certainly due to their results.

All the early series of mansions began with the Star Alcyone (see above for its current position and
influence), and apparently were fixed when that Star marked the Vernal Equinox. Since then, of course,
due to the precession of the Equinoxes, the Starting point has moved westward, in each case now lying in
Aries. Thus the first mansion, measured from 0° Aries, is the 27th or 28th in the lists given here.

In each of the three cases given below, the mansions can be referred to the ecliptic circle, making them all
equal in size, some 12° 51’ in width as measured along the ecliptic, the last one in the set beginning at 0° 0’
0” Aries. Thus they correspond to the Zodiac of Signs (tropical Zodiac, as opposed to the Zodiac of
Constellations), though each mansion is less than half the size of a Sign, and retain the influence of the
Constellations that originally defined them. They are used in the theory of the pre-natal epoch, for which
the initial degree of each mansion of 12° 51’ influences the gender of the unborn child. Furthermore, many
Planets in these degrees bring fame or notoriety according to Their Sign and House position in the
horoscope, and the transits of the Moon from one mansion to another marks a change in the general current
of events.

The initial degrees (today) of each lunar mansion are as follows:

For Signs Initial points of mansions

Cardinal ( ò õ ø û ) 0° 0’, 12° 51’, 25° 43’
Fixed (ó ö ù ü ) 8° 34’, 21° 26’
Mutable (ô ÷ ú ý ) 4° 17’, 17° 9’
a. Arabic

No. Name Determinant Star (for Influence

January 1, 1999)
1 Al Thurayya, η Tauri, 29° ó 58’ Profitable to sailors, huntsmen, and
“The Many Alchemists. With Moon here in the case
Little Ones” of an election, plant and sow but do not
marry or travel by water.
2 Al Dabaran, α Tauri, 9° ô 46’ Causes the destruction and hindrances of
The Follower buildings, fountains, wells, gold mines,
the flight of creeping things, and begets
discord. With the Moon here, pursue
business, travel, marry, and take
3 Al Hakah, A λ with φ Orionis, 23° Helps the return from a journey, the
White Spot. ô 41’ instruction of scholars, and building;
gives health and goodwill. With Moon
here, begin war, but do not sow or
undertake any good.
4 Al Han’ah. A γ Geminorum, 9° õ 5’ Favorable for hunting, besieging towns,
Brand or and the revenge of princes. Destroys
Mark. harvests and fruits, and hinders the
operation of the physician. With Moon
here, plow, but do not travel.
5 Al Dhira. The α with β Geminorum, Favorable for gain, friendship, and for
Forearm. 20° õ 14’ lovers. Destroys magistracies. With the
Moon here, travel and take medicine.
6 αβχ δ ε φ γ η ι
ϕκ λ µ ν ο π θ ρ
στυωψ ζ °
7 αβχ δ ε φ γ η ι
ϕκ λ µ ν ο π θ ρ
στυωψ ζ °
8 αβχ δ ε φ γ η ι
ϕκ λ µ ν ο π θ ρ
στυωψ ζ °
9 αβχ δ ε φ γ η ι
ϕκ λ µ ν ο π θ ρ
στυωψ ζ °
10 αβχ δ ε φ γ η ι
ϕκ λ µ ν ο π θ ρ
στυωψ ζ °
11 αβχ δ ε φ γ η ι
ϕκ λ µ ν ο π θ ρ
στυωψ ζ °
12 αβχ δ ε φ γ η ι
ϕκ λ µ ν ο π θ ρ
στυωψ ζ °
13 αβχ δ ε φ γ η ι
ϕκ λ µ ν ο π θ ρ
στυωψ ζ °
14 αβχ δ ε φ γ η ι
ϕκ λ µ ν ο π θ ρ
στυωψ ζ °
15 αβχ δ ε φ γ η ι
ϕκ λ µ ν ο π θ ρ
στυωψ ζ °
16 αβχ δ ε φ γ η ι
ϕκ λ µ ν ο π θ ρ
στυωψ ζ °
17 αβχ δ ε φ γ η ι
ϕκ λ µ ν ο π θ ρ
στυωψ ζ °
18 αβχ δ ε φ γ η ι
ϕκ λ µ ν ο π θ ρ
στυωψ ζ °
19 αβχ δ ε φ γ η ι
ϕκ λ µ ν ο π θ ρ
στυωψ ζ °
20 αβχ δ ε φ γ η ι
ϕκ λ µ ν ο π θ ρ
στυωψ ζ °
21 αβχ δ ε φ γ η ι
ϕκ λ µ ν ο π θ ρ
στυωψ ζ °
22 αβχ δ ε φ γ η ι
ϕκ λ µ ν ο π θ ρ
στυωψ ζ °
23 αβχ δ ε φ γ η ι
ϕκ λ µ ν ο π θ ρ
στυωψ ζ °
24 αβχ δ ε φ γ η ι
ϕκ λ µ ν ο π θ ρ
στυωψ ζ °
25 αβχ δ ε φ γ η ι
ϕκ λ µ ν ο π θ ρ
στυωψ ζ °
26 αβχ δ ε φ γ η ι
ϕκ λ µ ν ο π θ ρ
στυωψ ζ °
27 αβχ δ ε φ γ η ι
ϕκ λ µ ν ο π θ ρ
στυωψ ζ °
28 αβχ δ ε φ γ η ι
ϕκ λ µ ν ο π θ ρ
στυωψ ζ °

b. Hindu

No Name Determinant Star (for Influence

January 1, 1999)
1 Krittika, The η Tauri, 29° ó 58’ A soft and sharp mansion or asterism
General of the belonging to the Brahmin caste, and
Celestial producing mixed effects. Those born on
Armies. the lunar day will delight in white flowers,
Symbol: a perform sacrifice, and will be Magickians,
Flame or metaphysicians, diggers, barbers, potters,
Razor. priests, or astronomers. With the Moon
Regent, Agni, here at birth, the native will be a glutton,
God of Fire. adulterous, handsome, and famous.
Ruled by the
2 Rohini. A Red α Tauri, 9° ô 46’ A stable asterism belonging to the Shudra
Deer. Symbol, caste, and favorable for coronations,
a Temple or expiatory ceremonies, planting of trees,
Wagon. sowing of seeds, building of towns, and
Regent, matters of a permanent nature when
Prajapati, the containing the Moon. Those born on the
Creator. lunar day will be devout, rich, merchants,
Ruled by the rulers, drivers, possessed of wealth and
Moon. cattle. With Moon here at birth, native
will be truthful, polite, steady, handsome,
cleanly, and uncovetous. Rules vinegar
pots and the forehead.
3 Mrigasiras. λ Orionis, 23° ô 41’ A soft asterism belonging to the caste of
The Head of servants. Favorable for friendship,
the Stag. married love, purchase, and the making of
Regent, Soma, clothing, ornaments, music, and
the Moon. auspicious deeds when containing the
Ruled by Moon. Those born on the lunar day will
Mars. Rules deal in perfumes, flowers, ornaments, and
cots and the animals, and will be lascivious, and good
brows. writers or painters. With the Moon here
at birth, natives will be timid, capricious,
skilful, talkative, rich, and fond of
4 Ardra. Moist. α Orionis, 28° ô 44’ A sharp asterism belonging to the caste of
So-called butchers. Favorable for punishment,
because of its torture, imprisonment, exorcism,
stormy mesmerism, and separation or union when
influence. containing the Moon. Those born on the
Symbol, a lunar day will deal in pod-grains, black
Gem. Regent, Magick, sorcery, or exorcism, and will
Rudra, the delight in murder, torture, lying, theft,
Storm God. cheating, and adultery. With the Moon
Ruled by the here at birth, natives will be insincere,
Dragon’s proud, ungrateful, cruel, sinful, deceitful,
Head. Rules and wicked.
temples and
the eyes.
5 αβχ δ ε φ γ η ι
ϕκ λ µ ν ο π θ ρ
στυωψ ζ °
6 αβχ δ ε φ γ η ι
ϕκ λ µ ν ο π θ ρ
στυωψ ζ °
7 αβχ δ ε φ γ η ι
ϕκ λ µ ν ο π θ ρ
στυωψ ζ °
8 αβχ δ ε φ γ η ι
ϕκ λ µ ν ο π θ ρ
στυωψ ζ °
9 αβχ δ ε φ γ η ι
ϕκ λ µ ν ο π θ ρ
στυωψ ζ °
10 αβχ δ ε φ γ η ι
ϕκ λ µ ν ο π θ ρ
στυωψ ζ °
11 αβχ δ ε φ γ η ι
ϕκ λ µ ν ο π θ ρ
στυωψ ζ °
12 αβχ δ ε φ γ η ι
ϕκ λ µ ν ο π θ ρ
στυωψ ζ °
13 αβχ δ ε φ γ η ι
ϕκ λ µ ν ο π θ ρ
στυωψ ζ °
14 αβχ δ ε φ γ η ι
ϕκ λ µ ν ο π θ ρ
στυωψ ζ °
15 αβχ δ ε φ γ η ι
ϕκ λ µ ν ο π θ ρ
στυωψ ζ °
16 αβχ δ ε φ γ η ι
ϕκ λ µ ν ο π θ ρ
στυωψ ζ °
17 αβχ δ ε φ γ η ι
ϕκ λ µ ν ο π θ ρ
στυωψ ζ °
18 αβχ δ ε φ γ η ι
ϕκ λ µ ν ο π θ ρ
στυωψ ζ °
19 αβχ δ ε φ γ η ι
ϕκ λ µ ν ο π θ ρ
στυωψ ζ °
20 αβχ δ ε φ γ η ι
ϕκ λ µ ν ο π θ ρ
στυωψ ζ °
21 αβχ δ ε φ γ η ι
ϕκ λ µ ν ο π θ ρ
στυωψ ζ °
22 αβχ δ ε φ γ η ι
ϕκ λ µ ν ο π θ ρ
στυωψ ζ °
23 αβχ δ ε φ γ η ι
ϕκ λ µ ν ο π θ ρ
στυωψ ζ °
24 αβχ δ ε φ γ η ι
ϕκ λ µ ν ο π θ ρ
στυωψ ζ °
25 αβχ δ ε φ γ η ι
ϕκ λ µ ν ο π θ ρ
στυωψ ζ °
26 αβχ δ ε φ γ η ι
ϕκ λ µ ν ο π θ ρ
στυωψ ζ °
27 αβχ δ ε φ γ η ι
ϕκ λ µ ν ο π θ ρ
στυωψ ζ °
28 αβχ δ ε φ γ η ι
ϕκ λ µ ν ο π θ ρ
στυωψ ζ °

c. Chinese

No. Name Determinant Star (for Influence

January 1, 1999)
1 Mao. The Constellation. η Tauri, 29° ó 58’ Ruled by the Sun.
2 Pi. A Hand-net or Rabbit-net. α or ε Tauri, 9° ô 46’ Ruled by the Moon.
3 Tsee. The Beak or Pouting Lips. λ and φ Orionis, 23° Ruled by Mars.
ô 41’
αβχ δ ε φ γ η ι
ϕκ λ µ ν ο π θ ρ
στυωψ ζ °
αβχ δ ε φ γ η ι
ϕκ λ µ ν ο π θ ρ
στυωψ ζ °
αβχ δ ε φ γ η ι
ϕκ λ µ ν ο π θ ρ
στυωψ ζ °
αβχ δ ε φ γ η ι
ϕκ λ µ ν ο π θ ρ
στυωψ ζ °
αβχ δ ε φ γ η ι
ϕκ λ µ ν ο π θ ρ
στυωψ ζ °
αβχ δ ε φ γ η ι
ϕκ λ µ ν ο π θ ρ
στυωψ ζ °
αβχ δ ε φ γ η ι
ϕκ λ µ ν ο π θ ρ
στυωψ ζ °
αβχ δ ε φ γ η ι
ϕκ λ µ ν ο π θ ρ
στυωψ ζ °
αβχ δ ε φ γ η ι
ϕκ λ µ ν ο π θ ρ
στυωψ ζ °
αβχ δ ε φ γ η ι
ϕκ λ µ ν ο π θ ρ
στυωψ ζ °
αβχ δ ε φ γ η ι
ϕκ λ µ ν ο π θ ρ
στυωψ ζ °
αβχ δ ε φ γ η ι
ϕκ λ µ ν ο π θ ρ
στυωψ ζ °
αβχ δ ε φ γ η ι
ϕκ λ µ ν ο π θ ρ
στυωψ ζ °
αβχ δ ε φ γ η ι
ϕκ λ µ ν ο π θ ρ
στυωψ ζ °
αβχ δ ε φ γ η ι
ϕκ λ µ ν ο π θ ρ
στυωψ ζ °
αβχ δ ε φ γ η ι
ϕκ λ µ ν ο π θ ρ
στυωψ ζ °
αβχ δ ε φ γ η ι
ϕκ λ µ ν ο π θ ρ
στυωψ ζ °
αβχ δ ε φ γ η ι
ϕκ λ µ ν ο π θ ρ
στυωψ ζ °
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στυωψ ζ °
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στυωψ ζ °
αβχ δ ε φ γ η ι
ϕκ λ µ ν ο π θ ρ
στυωψ ζ °

Magickal meaning and influence of Stars

Talismans and amulets can be consecrated to the Planets, Signs, Stars, Constellations, and Lunar Mansions
for a variety of purposes. A symbol and image pertinent to the entity to be invoked (or, in the case of a
spirit ruled by it, evoked) is engraved upon a piece of metal or stone ruled by that entity; a text, usually in
Hebrew, appropriate to the result desired is also added. (If neither metal nor stone is available, virgin
parchment may be used.) This process must be done under the proper astrological conditions. In the case
of a Planetary talisman, the Planet concerned must be strong by Sign, angular (in an Angle of the horoscope
at the time of the Working), or elevated well above the horizon, and well-aspected, especially by the Moon.
The finished talisman is fumigated with perfume and incense associated with the entity concerned, covered
in silk, and worn around the neck. In the case of the Fixed Stars, the process is the same. The Stars used
this way all have Magickal Seals (see below_ which are engraved on the image cut out of stone. The
talisman is engraved at a time when the Star, Constellation, or Lunar Mansion is rising or in an Angle, and
well-aspected or containing a well-aspected Moon. It is then worn around the neck if it is of a personal
nature, or secretly conveyed into a house if it is designed to affect the residents. In the case of the Lunar
Mansions, it is customary to draw the image upon parchment or the metal specified, adding the name of the
ruling spirit and offering up suitable prayers and invocations.

Magickal Influence of the Constellations

Name of Influence
Andromeda Gives love between husband and wife, and
reconciles adulterers
Aquila Gives new honors and preserves the old
Ara Gives chastity
Argo Navis Gives security on the waters
Canis Major Cures dropsy, resists plague, and preserves from
attacks by beasts
Cassiopeia Restores weak bodies and strengthens parts of the
Centaurus Gives health and long life
Cetus Makes one amiable, prudent, happy by sea and land,
and helps to recover lost goods
Cygnus Frees from palsy and the quartan ague
Draco Gives craft, ingenuity, and valor
Hercules Gives victory in war
Hydra Gives wisdom and riches, and resists poisons
Lepus Guards against deceit and madness
Lyra Preserves hysterics and lunatics
Ophiuchus Drives away poisons and cures venomous bites
Orion Gives victory
Pegasus Prevails against diseases of horses, and preserves
horsemen in battle (helpful for those in modern
cavalry, i.e., tank warfare)
Perseus Frees from envy and witchcraft, and preserves one
from lightning and tempests
Ursa Major and Ursa Gives craft, ingenuity, and valor

Magickal Influences of the Stars

Star Sigil Domain (rules) Image Influence

Aldebaran Carbuncle, ruby, The likeness of Gives riches
milky thistle, God, or a and honor
and “matry- flying man

Algol Diamond, black A human head Gives success

hellebore, cut off at the to petitions,
mugwort neck makes the
wearer bold
preserves the
body, protects
witchcraft, and
turns evil and
spells back
upon those
who work
Algorab Stones the color A raven, Makes the
of black onyx, snake, or wearer angry,
burr, Negro dressed bold,
quadraginus, in black courageous,
henbane, and a
comfrey, and the backbiter;
tongue of a frog gives bad
dreams, the
power of
summoning or
driving away
evil spirits;
and protection
from winds
the malice of
men and
Alphecca Topaz, A hen or Gives chastity
rosemary, crowned man and the love
trefoil, and ivy and goodwill
of men

Antares Sardonyx, An armed man Gives

amethyst, long wearing a coat understanding
aristolochy, and of mail, or a and memory;
saffron scorpion help against
evil spirits;
and the power
of driving
away and
binding evil
Arcturus Jasper and A horse, wolf, Cures fevers;
plantain or man retains the
dancing blood; acts as
an astringent

Capella Sapphire, A man playing Makes the

horehound, musical wearer
mint, mugwort, instruments honored and
and mandrake exalted before
nobility and
Deneb Chalcedony, A hart, goat, or Gives
Algedi marjoram, angry man prosperity and
mugwort, nip, increased
and mandrake wrath
Pleiades Crystal and the A little virgin Strengthens
stone Diodocus, or lamp the eyesight;
the herb assembles
Diacedon, spirits; raises
frankincense, winds; reveals
fennel, and secret and
quicksilver hidden things
Polaris Lodestone, A pensive Protexts
succory, man, a bull, or agaisnt spells
mugwort, a calf and renders
periwinkle the wearer
flowers, and the secure in
tooth of a wolf travel
Procyon The stone A rooster, or Gives the
Achates, flowers three little favor of Gods,
of marigold, maids spirits, and
pennyroyal men; gives
power against
Regulus Granite, A lion, cat, or Makes the
sallendine honorable wearer
(sendaline?), person seated temperate,
mugwort, and in a chair gives favor,
mastic appeases
Sirius Beryl, savine, A hound or a Gives honor,
mugwort, little virgin the goodwill
dragonwort, and and favor of
the tongue of a men and the
snake Airy spirits,
and the power
of pacify
nobles and
Spica Emerald, sage, A bird, or a Gives riches;
trefoil, man laden overcomes
periwinkle, with contentions;
mugwort, and merchandise removes
mandrake scarcity and
Vega Chrysolite, A vulture, hen, Makes the
succory, or traveler wearer
fumitary magnanimous
and proud;
gives power
over beasts
and devils

Magickal Influences of the Arabian Lunar Mansions

The mansions are listed here in the order given above, beginning with Al Thurayya and continuing on in
order from there.

Num Name of Purpose of Ruling Spirit Preparation

ber Mansion Talisman or Angel
1 Al Thurayya For general Anixiel In a square table on a silver ring
good fortune the image of a woman, well-
and happiness clothed, sitting on a chair, her
right hand being lifted to her
head. Sealed and perfumed with
musk, camphor, and calamus
2 Al Dabaran For revenge, Azariel The image of a soldier sitting on
separation, a horse, holding a serpent in his
enmity, and right hand. Sealed in red wax
ill-will and perfumed with red myrrh
and storax.
3 Al Hak’ah For royal and Gabriel The image of the head of a man,
official favor, sealed in silver and perfumed
and good with red sandalwood.
4 Al Han’ah To procure Dirachiel The image of two people
love between embracing each other, sealed in
two people white wax and perfumed with
lignum aloes and amber.
5 Al Dhira To obtain Scheliel The image of a richly dressed
every good man holding up his hands in
thing prayer, sealed in silver and
perfumed with good odors.
6 Al Nathra
7 Al Tarf
8 Al Jabhah
9 Al Zubrah
10 Al Sarfah
11 Al Awwa
12 Al Simak
13 Al Ghafr
Al Jubana
Irlil al Jabhah
Al Kalb
Al Shaulah
Al Na’am
Al Baldah
Al Sa’d al
Al Sa’d al
Al Sa’d al
Al Sa’d al
Al Fargh al
Al Fargh al
Al Batn al Hut
Al Sharatain
Al Butain

The Fixed Stars in Astro-Meteorology

Major weather predictions are based upon the positions of the Planets in the horoscopes for the entry of the
Sun into the four Cardinal Signs Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn, together with those for great
conjunctions and eclipses. These general indications are then amplified by a study of New Moons, Full
Moons, Quarter Lunations, and even daily horoscopes. The general effect is deduced from the nature of the
Star involved. Thus the Sun with Saturnian Stars indicates cold, rain, or snow; with Jovian ones, a serene
and temperate air; with Martial Stars, thunderstorms; with Cytherian (those of Venus), rain, moisture, and
mist; and with Mercurial tars, wind. Similar principles will follow through for Stars that seem also to
partake of the nature of the Outer Planets Uranus (earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes), Neptune (oceanic
trends), and Pluto (earthquakes, volcanoes). Much importance is attached to the rising and setting of Stars,
especially in their relationships to the Sun. Two main influences apply: matutine, applied to a Star that
rises and sets before the Sun, and vespertine, applied to one that rises and sets after Sol.

In addition to the influences of individual Stars, the Lunar Mansions in which a lunation, ingress, or
conjunction falls affects the weather in accord with its own nature. The meteorological nature of each of
the Arabic mansions is as follows:

Name of Mansion Influence

Al Thurayya Moist and cold; more cold
Al Dabaran Dry
Al Hak’ah Temperate
Al Han’ah Moist
Al Dhira Cloudy and tempestuous
Al Nathra Dry
Al Tarf Moist
Al Jabhah Temperate and cold
Al Zubrah Moist
Al Sarfah Temperate
Al Awwa Temperate
Al Simak Moist
Al Ghafr Cold and moist
Al Jubana Moist
Irlil al Jabhah Dry
Al Kalb Moist
Al Shaulah Temperate
Al Na’am Temperate
Al Baldah Moist
Al Sa’d al Dhabih Temperate
Al Sa’d al Bula Temperate
Al Sa’d al Du’ud Dry
Al Sa’d al Ahbiyah Dry
Al Fargh al Mukdim Moist
Al Fargh al Thani Temperate
Al Batn al Hut Temperate
Al Sharatain Dry
Al Butain Moist

Influence of individuals Stars and Constellations

Star or Conditions Influence with Those Conditions

Achernar With Sun Serene and temperate
Achernar With Jupiter Serene
Adhafera With Mercury Moist and windy
Adhafera With Jupiter Winds
Aldebaran With Sun Turbid, windy and wet. If rising with the Sun, wind, rain,
thunder, and lightning
Aldebaran With Mars rising Turbulent, windy, and often sultry weather
or setting
Algol With Sun rising Snow
Algol With Saturn Cold and moist
Alphard With Sun rising Cloudy season
Alphecca With Mars rising Turbulent, windy, and often sultry weather
or setting
Alphecca With Jupiter and Wind and hail,; thunder in summer; warmer in Winter,
afflicted by Mars especially if Jupiter is stationary in motion against the
Alphecca With Saturn Moist and cloudy, sometimes snow and rain
Altair Rising in the Tempests
Altair With Sun rising Snow. If matutine setting, great heat and South wind.
Altair With Mercury Snow or rain
Altair With Mars Rain, snow, great cold. If rising or setting, turbulent,
windy, and often sultry weather.
Altair With Jupiter and Wind and hail; thunder in Summer; warmer in Winter,
afflicted by Mars especially if Jupiter is stationary
Antares With Mars rising Turbulent, windy, and often sultry weather
or setting
Arcturus If there are
showers at the
matutine rising of
Delphinus, there
will be none at the
rising of Arcturus
Arcturus If setting South wind
Arcturus With Sun, Tempests
vespertine rising
Arcturus With Sun, Good weather and showers
matutine setting
Arcturus With Mars Strong winds, rain, thunder, and lightning. If rising or
setting, turbulent, windy, and often sultry weather.
Arcturus With Jupiter, Wind and hail; thunder in Summer; warmer in Winter,
afflicted by Mars especially if Jupiter is stationary
Arcturus With Saturn Wind and rain
Arcturus Rising or setting Winds
with Sun,
Mercury, Mars,
Jupiter, or Saturn
Aselli If the North
Asellus is hidden
when the air is
serene and clear,
great winds from
the South; the
South Asellus
Aselli With rising Sun Thunder and lightning, showers, cloudy season
Aselli With Venus Moist season
Auriga When rising Rain
Castor Rising or setting Winds
with Sun,
Mercury, Mars,
Jupiter, or Saturn
Corona Borealis When setting,
Corona Borealis With Sun rising Cloudy season
Delphinus If at the matutine
setting of
Delphinus there
are showers, there
will be none at the
rising of Arcturus
Delphinus If setting Wind and snow
Delphinus With Sun rising Winds
Delphinus With Mars rising Turbulent, windy, and often sultry weather
or setting
Delphinus With Jupiter and Wind and hail; thunder in Summer; warmer in Winter,
afflicted by Mars especially if Jupiter is stationary
Delphinus With Saturn Moist and cloudy, sometimes snow and rain
Deneb Algedi With Sun rising Snow
Deneb Algedi With Mercury Cold winds, snow, showers
Deneb Algedi With Mars rising Moist
Deneb Algedi With Saturn Moist and cloudy, sometimes snow and rain
Denebola With Sun rising Cloudy season
Denebola With Mercury Sudden change to wind and wet
Graffias With Sun rising Cloudy season
Graffias With Mars Cold, rain, snow
Hamal If rising Rain and snow
Hyades If rising Rain
Hyades If setting Trouble by sea and land, especially if afflicted by Mars and
Mercury. If matutine setting, rain and South wind.
Hyades With Mercury Winds, showers, thunder, and lightning
Hyades With Venus Moist season
Hyades With Mars Great heat, clouds and moisture. If rising or setting,
turbulent, windy, and often sultry weather.
Hyades With Saturn Wind, clouds, rain, thunder
Orion If rising West wind, turbid air
Orion With Sun Turbid, windy, and wet. If rising, cloudy season, wind, rain,
thunder, and lightning
Orion With Mercury Winds, showers, thunder, and lightning
Orion With Mars Great heat. If rising or setting, turbulent, windy, and often
sultry weather
Orion With Saturn Wind and showers
Pleiades General “If the Pleiades rise fine, they set rainy; and if they rise wet,
they set fine.” (Swahili proverb)
Pleiades If rising West wind
Pleiades Vespertine setting South wind terminating in the west
Pleiades With Sun Wind and rain. If rising, East wind. If setting, North-
North-East wind.
Pleiades With Mercury Wind and rain
Pleiades With Venus Moist season
Pleiades With Mars Cloudy season
Pleiades With Saturn Troubled air, clouds, rain, snow
Praesaepe General If Praesaepe does not appear when the air is serene and
clear, there will be foul, cold, and Wintry weather
Praesaepe With Sun rising Thunder, lightning, showers, cloudy season
Praesaepe With Saturn Wind, clouds, rain, thunder
Procyon With Mercury Winds, showers, thunder, and lightning
Procyon With Mars Great heat. If rising or setting, turbulent, windy, and often
sultry weather.
Regulus Matutine rising North-North-East wind
Regulus If setting North wind and sometimes rain
Regulus With Sun Thunder and lightning. If setting, West wind.
Regulus With Mercury Winds, showers, thunder, and lightning
Regulus With Mars Great heat. If rising or setting, turbulent, windy, and often
sultry weather.
Regulus With Jupiter rising Fair weather in Winter, mitigates cold, increases heat in
Regulus With Saturn Thunder, rain, changeable weather.
Sirius General If rising in evening, tempests. Matutine rising, produces
heat, troubles the seas, and changes all things.
Sirius General Vespertine setting: South and North-North-East winds
Sirius With Sun Fair and warm, thunder and lightning
Sirius With Mercury or Wind, rain, thunder, and lightning
Sirius With Mars Great heat. If rising or setting, turbulent, windy, and often
sultry weather.
Spica With Mercury Sudden change to wind and wet
Spica With Mars rising Turbulent, windy, and often sultry weather
or setting
Spica With Saturn Showers and thunder
Triangulum Rising or setting Winds
with Sun,
Mercury, Mars,
Jupiter, or Saturn
Vindemiatrix If setting North-North-East wind
Vega With Sun setting Cold and moist
Vega With Mercury Sudden change to wind and wet
Vega With Mars rising Turbulent, windy, and often sultry weather*
or setting
Vega With Saturn Moist and cloudy, sometimes snow and rain

*Why are we not surprised?

Sample delineations
Planets in Signs, Houses

Planets in aspect

Ruler of House X in House Y

Chart patterns

Planetary configurations

Arabian parts

Taoism: The Chinese Calendar, Cosmology, and Alchemy, and Their Correspondences with Western

Dignities and Anti-Dignities of the Planets in the Signs

a. Planetary Dignities

Sig Diurnal Nocturna Diurnal Nocturna Diurnal Nocturnal

n Mundane l Exaltatio l Esoteric Esoteric
Lord Mundane n Exaltatio Lord Lord
Lord (Emperor n (Magus) (Magus)
) (Emperor
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b. Planetary Detriments

Sign Diurnal Nocturnal Diurnal Nocturnal Diurnal Nocturnal

Mundan Mundane Fall (Slave) Fall (Slave) Esoteric Esoteric
e Detriment Detriment Detriment
Detrime (Prisoner) (Sorcerer) (Sorcerer)
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ü Ö × Ø ä Ú î
ý ä Ø î Ú Ü Ý

Houses of the Horoscope

Signs ruling Houses: Aries rules the 1st House, Taurus the 2nd, Gemini the 3rd, Cancer the 4th, Leo the
5 , Virgo the 6th, Libra the 7th, Scorpio the 8th, Sagittarius the 9th, Capricorn the 10th, Aquarius the 11th, and

Pisces the 12th. If a Planet has a given dignity or detriment in a particular Sign, it has that same dignity or
detriment in the House ruled by that Sign.

Malefic Planets and points in the chart include: Mars (the lesser Malefic), Saturn (the Greater
Malefic), Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and the Moon’s South Node. Benefics include Venus (the Lesser
Benefic), Jupiter (the Greater Benefic), the Moon’s North Node, and the Part of Fortune. Notice that all the
Outer Planets are considered malefic. This is because They rule whole groups and generations and
generally are not Planets with which individuals can deal comfortably on a conscious level. Even so, like
Saturn and Mars, which respectively rule stability and energy, among other things, They also rule things
that are benefic or can be used beneficially. For example, Neptune rules great plagues, such as the Black
Death, but because the Black Death culled Europe’s population, as a result there was relative abundance for
all survivors for a long time after that, and one of the things that came out of it was a rising middle class
and the beginnings of the movements that led to libertarian ideals and the original founding of the USA as a
libertarian nation. The malefics aren’t necessarily always malefic, just a little hard to handle, and benefics
can and do act malefically at times. In my own life and natal horoscope, Jupiter, the Great Benefic, always
acts malefically, whereas Saturn often acts beneficially. Who can tell? 

As for the asteroids: Chiron is the Wounded Healer. In our culture, he generally signifies a cyclic
pattern of undeserved injury, but in cultures which have have made a regular place for shamanic
experience, shamans, and the Shamanic Journey, he indicates those with great shamanic powers, or the
potential for them. So he can be sublimely malefic, but he can also confer enormous treasures. Think of
the knight in shining armor who goes to slay the dragon, bearding it in its cave. After a dreadful battle, the
knight finally emerges, burned and broken and bleeding, from the dragon’s lair – and the dragon is dead.
After taking some time to recuperate, the knight returns to the dragon’s lair – and finds the dragon has been
guarding vast treasures of all kinds. The knight is now wealthy, and a prime candidate for the hand of the
princess, etc. That’s chiron, that sort of experience. If you live thorugh it.  The Goddesss asteroids,
Pallas, Juno, Ceres, and Vesta, are generally benefic, or at least neutral.

Also, as far as Signs and Houses per se go, Pisces and the 12th House are considered to be malefic in
influence, at least potentially. If the Part of Fortune is in Pisces or the 12th House, it is considered to be the
Part of Misfortune, and a Malefic. This is because Pisces rules such interesting things as murder, poison,
covert sabotage, espionage, backstabbing, skeletons in the closet or anything shameful such as covert child-
abuse or incest, hospitals (in the Middle Ages, and even today for a lot of people, hospitals were and are
considered to be places of pestilence and horror, places to go to die and/or be experimented on, etc.),
blackmail, extortion, burglars, public-health problems such as places of captivity (e.g., jails), torture
chambers, plagues, slavery, bondage, addictive drugs and drug addictions, alcoholism, hidden enemies,
orphans and the condition of becoming an orphan, rape and rapists, psychosis, possession, perverts,
persecutors, astral entities, informers, imprisonment, institutions, bereavement, martyrdom, subversion,
widows and widowhood, self-destruction, suicide, etc. However, Pisces and the 12th also rule abbeys,
ashrams, nunneries, or any other cloistered place; asylum, such as political asylum; large wild animals and
large animals in general, business localities and neighborhoods, charity and charities, monks and nuns, oil
and oil wells, psychic abilities, the Unconscious (both personal and collective), past lives, the past, hermits,
veterinarians (the 6th House rules small animals and pets, and one’s doctor is ruled by the 7 th House; the
12th House is, in relation to the 6th House, its 7th House, since it is opposite from the 6th), and lots of other
things which are generally not malefic at all. Even Pisces and the 12th have their benefic side: Pisces is the
last of Winter, during which time the Earth prepares for Spring, and the very first buds of new life begin to
appear, a time of softening of Winter’s harsh contours, a warming of the Earth.
How to read a chart: Locate the Planetary ruler of the Sign on the cusp of the 1 st House (Ascendant). The
House and Sign placement of that Planet, plus the aspects it makes to everything else in the chart, is the
first indicator of the meaning of that chart. In a natal chart, of course, the Sun and Moon, Their placements
and aspects to other Planets and points in the chart are the most important things, but even in natal chart the
chart ruler – the Planet ruling the Sign on the Ascendant – is just as important as They are. When you are
concerned about matters ruled by one House in the chart, then the ruler of the Sign on its cusp, its
placement and aspects, tell you how things will turn out for that matter. In charts having to do with
Magickal or other esoteric matters, the esoteric rulers are just as important as the mundane ones (see tables,
above); in charts having to do with political matters, the exaltations are as important as the mundane
rulers. In addition, there are the generic rulers of the Houses: e.g., Venus is the generic ruler of the 2nd and
7th Houses in any chart, whatever the ruler of the Sign on its cusp in a particular chart, because Venus rules
Taurus and Libra, the respective rulers of the 2nd and 7th.

The matters ruled by the Houses:

House Matters ruled

First Health, accidents, birth, arrivals; the present, today; condition of a vehicle;
adventure, new ventures
Second Movable possessions; money and securities; gain; investments; the future,
Third Trips, visits, messages, deliveries, writing, schooling, gossip, rumor, report,
memory, idea, communication, letters, local mass transit such as buses,
BART, etc.
Fourth Domestic affairs, inheritance (of land), farms, wells, mines, home, property,
grave, mislaying, buried treasure
Fifth Community property, love affairs, pleasure, sports, games, speculation,
betting, children, pregnancy, personal luck that is to some extent under one’s
Sixth Sickness, distress, voluntary labor, civil service work, animal husbandry,
tenants, employees, caretaking, small animals, pets
Seventh Marriage, divorce, partnership, agency, removal, separation, strangers,
lawsuits, settlements, contracts, agreements, war, open enmity, theft
Eighth Wills, legacies, dowry, alimony, joint property, gifts, fees, tips, taxes,
escrows, debits, bankruptcy, losses, injury, surgery, death
Ninth Journeys, voyages, foreign interests, ceremonies, rituals, legalizing,
publishing, dreams, science, parades, education, religion, long-distance mass
transit such as air travel
Tenth Career; fate, fame, or notoriety; business, employment; credit, reputation,
conviction, execution, courts of law, judge, governor, ruler, president, king
Elevent Hopes and wishes; memberships; luck that comes to one from outside, luck
h beyond one’s control, jury, Congress, lodges, deaths in the family, unbonded
relationships, liberty vs. license, legislation, parliament, regulation,
networks, Internet, friends and associates, adoption; heaven (as an eventual
destination), the 4th-House outcome of the 8th House of Death, hence future
Twelfth Widowhood, grief, funerals, exile, seclusion, detention, bribery, subversion;
the past, yesterday; past lives; murder, suicide, kidnapping; hell and
damnation (as eventual destinations)

Persons ruled by the Houses:

House Persons

First Querent (the person asking for the horary chart, the native of a natal chart,
etc.), plaintiff in a lawsuit or complaint, fellow travelers and comrades,
newcomers, arrivals, great-grandchildren, father’s mother, mother’s father
Second Ancestor, Querent’s banker, investors

Third Brother, sister, neighbor, gossiper, visitor, teacher, writer, delivery-man,

tradesman, court reporter, postman, anyone working in the communications
media or in mass transit
Fourth Father, family, farmer, gardener, jurymen, grave-digger, builder, rancher,
miner, realtor
Fifth Child, messenger, speculator, gambler, lover, entertainer, athlete

Sixth Employee, inferiors, tenant, lodger, pet, nurse, dentist, healer, those in civil
service, father’s siblings, mother’s in-laws
Seventh Partner, spouse, lawyer (one’s own), agent, undesignated person (whose
relationship to the querent is unknown), thief, fugitive, the public physician,
opponent, defendant, niece, nephew, one’s second child
Eighth The Grim Reaper, pall-bearers, coroner, undertaker, surgeon, tax-collector
(barbers? -- you know, Death, Taxes, & Shaving <G> Well, once upon a
time, barbers were surgeons)
Ninth The Querent’s in-laws (in a collective sense), mother’s hidden enemies,
strangers (in the sense of people from far away and very different cultures),
aliens, travelers, explorers, insurance adjusters, publishers, clergymen,
grandchildren (in a collective sense)
Tenth Employer, mother, guardian, president, rulers, superiors, professionals, the
judge, executives, mother’s siblings, cousins
Elevent Friends, advisors, club-members, lodge-brothers, son- and daughter-in-law,
h unbonded relationship, legislators, Congressmen

Twelfth Those on relief, charity-cases, widows and orphans, jailer, keeper, guard,
assassin, kidnapper, ninja, Gypsy, secret enemy, informer, nun, monk,
recluse, clandestine association, conspiracy


Stepping: counting off the Houses from a particular House, to find the things related to the matters ruled
by the latter. For example, one’s first child is ruled by the Fifth House. The second child in chronological
order is the sibling of the first child, hence is ruled by the first child’s Third House. The third from the fifth
is the Seventh House, so the Seventh House rules one’s second child. Similarly, the 9th rules one’s third,
child, the 11th one’s fourth child, and so on. Mother is ruled by the 10th, and her brothers and sisters – one’s
aunts and uncles on her side – are ruled by the third from the 10th, i.e., the 12th, given that the 10th is the first
from the 10th, and so on.

“Minor” asteroids

Name of asteroid Symbol Key-phrases and general meaning

Psyche Capacity for psychic sensitivity to another person

Eros Capacity for vitality and passion

Lilith Capacity for constructively releasing repressed anger and

resolve conflict

Toro Capacity for using and controlling power

Sappho Capacity for romantic and artistic sensitivity

Amor Capacity for spiritual (non-sexual) love and compassion

Name of asteroid Symbol Key-phrases and general meaning

Pandora Capacity for curiosity, following up on which initiates

change (which can be disastrous

Icarus Capacity for self-liberation and risk-taking

Diana Capacity for survival and self-protection

Hidalgo Capacity for self-assertion in defense of one’s principles

Urania Capacity for inspired knowledge

How the asteroids serve as bridges between lower and higher octave functions

Lower octave planet Higher octave planet Asteroids Principle

Mercury Uranus Icarus, Pandora, Urania Wisdom

Venus Neptune Psyche, Sappho, Amor Love

Sol Pluto Eros, Lilith, Toro Power

Jupiter Hera/Durga Diana, Hidalgo Protection

Luna Saturn Chiron (also serves as a Knowledge, self-

bridge between Saturn transcendence,
and Uranus, and Saturn paradigm shifts
and the Outer Planets in
Asteroid Pairs

Asteroid pair Polarity principle

Psyche-Eros The Lovers

Lilith-Toro The Warriors

Sappho-Amor The Empaths

Pandora-Icarus The Liberators

Diana-Hidalgo The Protectors

Urania-Chiron The Holders of


To be added

Fixed Star list and short interpretations

Basic delineations of Planets in Signs & House, aspects

Rulers of cities, states, countries


Stones, gems, elements, metals

The ages of the individual and of the Planet


Herbs, trees, etc.


Fungi, etc.



Orbs: Explain for each

Fixed Stars

The I Ching/Taoism

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