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Dutch Test for handling conflict

Yielding = 11
Compromising = 20
Forcing = 8
Problem Solving = 17
Avoiding = 15
According to this evaluation I range in the moderate to low preference of yielding.
So apparently I dont mind compromising to meet my teammates wishes and I have no
expectations of them for reciprocal help. I am always searching for a middle ground and
am highly willing to compromise to find the common interest of all parties involved.
When it comes to being assertive to full fill my own interests I rank very low in this area.
Forcing other to see things my way is not how I like to get things done. Problem solving
seems to be strength of mine. I will try to a mutual agreement between all involved
parties with little to no conflict. Lastly my score says I will probably avoid conflicts as
much as possible to smooth over an uncomfortable situation.
Yes it is true that I dont like conflict. I always try to remain neutral when an
uncomfortable situation arises. I definitely try to view the situation from everyones point
of view. This way I can have a better understanding of the thought process of everyone
involved. I would say that I am a pretty easygoing, open-minded person. I have a
willingness to resolve (Kearney-Nunnery, 2009, p.131)
I find these assessment tests interesting. They definitely help me reflect on how
the tests perceive me rather that how I perceive my self. They can be seen as both a
positive and a negative. What are the attributes of each individual (Kearney-Nunnery,
2009, p.139). This line from our reading is something to think about when reflecting on
what I can contribute to a team. In the end I think reflecting on the outcomes from these
assessments is always helpful for self-improvement
Lewin, Lippitt, Havelock, Rogers. Proposed many different theories about
change. Change may be planned or unplanned. Unplanned changes bring about
unpredictable outcomes, while planned change is a sequence of events implemented to
achieve established goals. Lewin identified forces that are supportive of as well as those
barriers to change; he called these driving and restraining forces (Kelly, p.303). Lippitt is
all about communication to promote change. His theory included seven steps that are
good when implemented for general change. Havelocks theory included six steps with
the end goal to focus on accepting change. His focus was on overcoming resistance to
change. Rogers theory emphasizes timing and format to ensure that the change process is
Kearney-Nunnery, R.K. (2012). Advancing your career: Concepts of professional
nursing (6th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: F. A. Davis
Kelly, P.K. (2011), Nursing Leadership & Management (3rd ed.). Clifton Park. N.Y.:

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