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What is Performance
Literally, performance means the action or
process of
performing a particular task or

Factors affecting performance in

There are a lot of factors affecting performance one
Need many skills to do good performance these
Factors usually are the following:

Speed: Speed is the rate at which

someone or something moves or
operates or is able to move or operate..

Flexibility: Flexibility or limberness refers

to the absolute range of movement in a
joint or series of joints, and length in
muscles that cross the joints to induce a
bending movement or motion.

Stamina: Stamina is the ability to

sustain prolonged physical or mental

Strength: Strength is the quality or

state of being physically strong.
Endurance: Endurance is the ability to
endure an unpleasant or difficult process
or situation without giving way.

& Safety


Health : As defined by World Health

Organization (WHO), it is a "State of complete

physical, mental, and social well-being, and not

merely the absence of disease or infirmity."
Health is a dynamic condition resulting from a
constant adjustment and adaptation in respons
e to stresses and changes in
the environment for maintaining an
inner equilibrium called homeostasis.

What Is Safety
Safety is the condition of
being protected from or
unlikely to cause danger,
risk, or injury.


As we have already seen, fitness

is the quality of being suitable to fulfill a
particular role or task.

Why is Fitness Important

A person who is capable of living life to its
full extent.
Physical and mental fitness

Paly very important roles in your and people

lives people who are both, physically and

metal fit are less prone to medical


Muscles, Bones and Joints

Muscles: Muscle is a soft tissue found in
most animals. Muscle
cells contain protein filaments
of actin and myosin that slide past one
another, producing a contraction that changes
both the length and the shape of the cell.
Muscles function to produce force and motion.
They are primarily responsible for maintaining
and changing posture, locomotion, as well as
movement of internal organs, such as the
contraction of the heart and the movement of
food through the digestive system via

TYPES OF Muscles
Muscle tissue is a soft tissue, and is one of the
four fundamental types of tissue present in
animals. There are three types of muscle
tissue recognized in vertebrates:
Skeletal muscle or "voluntary muscle" is
anchored by tendons (or by neuroses at a
few places) to bone and is used to effect
skeletal movement such as locomotion and
in maintaining posture. Though this postural
control is generally maintained as an
unconscious reflex, the muscles responsible
react to conscious control like non-postural
muscles. An average adult male is made up
of 42% of skeletal muscle and an average
adult female is made up of 36% (as a
percentage of body mass).[5]
Smooth muscle or "involuntary muscle" is
found within the walls of organs and
structures such as
the esophagus, stomach, intestines,bronchi, u
terus, urethra, bladder, blood vessels, and

the arrestor in the skin (in which it controls

erection Cardiac muscle (myocardium), is
also an "involuntary muscle" but is more akin
in structure to skeletal muscle, and is found
only in the





are the pieces of hard whitish tissue
that make up the skeleton in our
body. There are a total of 206 bones
in the human body. There are five
types of bones in the skeleton: flat,
long, short, irregular, and sesamoid.

A joint or articulation (or
articular surface) is the
location at which bones
connect. They are
constructed to allow movement and
provide mechanical support, and are
classifies structurally and


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