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COLD WAR: the permanent state of tension between the United States and the Soviet Union against a possible confrontation with nuclear weapons.
IRON CURTAIN: describe the situation of a divided Europe, threatened by communism and required the unit to face British and Americans.
TRUMAN DOCTRINE: raised the American duty to support free peoples and to prevent Soviet expansionism through military and economic blockade
against any movement of the superpower.
NATO PURPOSE: The goal was to create an alliance for the defense of the North Atlantic.
WARSAW PACT: The purpose was the defense against any aggression N.A.T.O..
PROJECT OF THE STRATEGIC DEFENSE INITIATIVE: consisted of placing in outer space offensive and defensive nuclear weapons, to protect the northern
hemisphere of a possible Communist attack.
DECOLONIZATION: the recognition of territorial sovereignty, integration into the international community, control over economic resources and the
rescue of values, customs and affected cultural practices for dominance and Western practices.
ASPECTS OF INTERNATIONAL ORDER: The first crisis of European hegemony after World War I ended; the various forms of resistance against European
domination experienced in colonial territories in Asia and Africa; the emergence of nationalist movements in the colonies.
THIRD WORLD COUNTRIES: they are characterized by having been subject at different times to domination by the powers and because they have suffered
the consequences of the economic order imposed by capitalism.
POLITICAL PROBLEMS: choosing the kind of government and assist clashes for power between their ruling classes.
DEMOGRAPHIC PROBLEMS: shortages of food and drinking water, overcrowding, poor coverage of public services, constant famine, and high mortality
rates in most cases by virus HIV AIDS.
FOREIGN DEBT: Most of these countries have very high amounts of money to international financial institutions.
SCIENTIFIC DEVELOPMENT: Neo-Darwinism; biochemistry research of enzymes and vitamins, X-ray; penicillin; theories in psychiatry; alpha, beta and
gamma rays; theory of Relativity; introduce the idea of mutation.
TECHNOLOGIC DEVELOPMENT: improvement of weapons and war materials; machine guns and tanks, radar and nuclear; concrete.
VITALISM: The most important exponents were Henry Bergson, Wilhelm Dilthey and Oswald Spengler. The experience, intuitive and reality were the main
sources explaining human actions.
PHENOMENOLOGY: The German Edmund Husserl, understood as the study of phenomena from the description of the structures of human consciousness
involved in it, the philosophy of the phenomenon and this as a result of a sensory experience. It based on the observation method, the analysis and
explanation of each of its components.

EXISTENTIALISM: The Danish Soren Kierkegaard, German Karl Jaspers and Martin Heidegger and the French Jean Paul Sartre presented the existentialist
doctrine, aimed at explaining the great human problems: life, death, guilt, worries or anxieties; the existence as an unavoidable condition of every human
being and whose importance is that through it we can all recognize, wonder that surrounds us, attain truth and freedom.
FRANKFURT SCHOOL: Founded in 1923 as the Institute for Social Research. Most important representatives were Max Horkheimer, Theodor Adorno,
Herbert Marcuse and Walter Benjamin; the interest came from the need to construct a theory capable of analyzing society, drawing on the contributions
made by various disciplines and critical capacity, collecting elements of Marxism and psychoanalysis.
EXPRESSIONISM: Formed by artists such as Ernst L. Kirchner and Otto Muller, representations of man deformed and exaggerated manner, criticizing the
effects of industrialization and individualism.
FAUVISM: Proclaimed freedom of expression, the use of pure colors and exaggeration of the drawing. Exponent was Henry Matisse.
CUBISM: Movement that sought to show, through the paintings, objects that could be viewed from different angles, bearing in mind the figure of the
cube. Important artists Pablo Picasso and George Braque, manifest impressionism and would open way to abstract art.
FUTURISM: Extolled the urban demonstrations and industrial development. Exponent was F. T. Marinetti.
OBJECTIVE OF THE GANDHISM: the refusal to obey the laws, unjust sanctions and substantiated all his actions and protests on the principle of
nonviolence. Gandhi defended three essential ideas rooted in deep moral and religious convictions: truth, non-violence and chastity.
THE SATYAGRAJA, in the political field, consisted of a peaceful but persistent civil disobedience, which expressed as work with the system, participate in
boycotts and leave the workplace. Civil disobedience was also to oppose laws considered unjust, even to the rebellion, all this taken consciously and
OBJECTIVE OF THE NATIONALISM: the Chinese Communist leaders like Mao and Ho Chin Minh, gave priority to social issues, redistribution of wealth, land
tenure, the guerrilla struggle and looked to the Soviet Union as a model to follow.
OBJECTIVE OF THE ARAB NATIONALISM: had as its point of attachment and identity of language, the idea of race, culture and common history;. inspired
in belonging to the homeland and the nation, and the other based on the principles of civilization, which advocated based on religious principles Arab
unity of Islam.
OBJECTIVE OF THE KEMALISM: Kemalism were the ideas and principles of Kemal Atatrk, who constituted the official ideology of the Turkish Republic.
Kemalism claimed that Turkey became a modern country western, independent style, where the state and Islam were separated.
a . Secularism: Understood as the Westernization of Islamic society, sought the separation of public and religious power, and introduced changes in
Turkey, such as banning the form of oriental dress, suppression of Islamic law and the abolition of the caliphate.
b . Populism: consisted in opposition to the privileges of the classes that ruled the Turkish Empire.
c . Statism: Insisted that the State was constituted as a catalyst for the economy.

OBJECTIVE OF THE PANASIATISM: The panasiatism proposal was to create the 'East Co-Prosperity Sphere', under the leadership of Japan. Since this was
thriving, some Asian leaders saw it as an Asian model of anti-colonialism. The Japanese posed that countries in the Far East, especially China and Japan,
should govern themselves; also they announced its military intervention in the event that foreign powers would benefit through the countries of the
IMPERIALISM: mperialism occurs when a strong nation takes over a weaker nation or region and dominates its economic, political, and cultural life.

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