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Campolindo Choir Handbook 2018-2019

Hello Campolindo Choirs of 2018-2019! I am so excited to have all of you in this program that
has a long history of success! Your enthusiasm, passion, talent and attitude have brought you to
this program and I look forward to sharing memorable musical experiences with you this year!
Singing in choir is a wonderful opportunity for personal and interpersonal growth. Ensembles
thrive on teamwork, responsibility, and discipline. Individually you will learn musical skills of
theory, vocal production, musicality, history and various performance practices.
This choral program aims to make every student the best musician he or she can be.
Understanding music is one thing, but creating music is another. We are very lucky here at
Campolindo to have such a collaborative effort from teachers, parents, students, and community
to create musical excellence.
This handbook has all the information you will need throughout the year. Information includes
concert attire, classroom procedures/ expectations and grading. The choral classroom is meant to
be a safe and nurturing learning environment in which students should feel free to express and
develop various musical abilities. All policies are intended to maintain this safe environment and
students in violation will be dealt with appropriately.
Parents: Thank you for the support you show for not only your own student, but all the students
in this program. Your children will enjoy a multitude of opportunities for growth within these
musical experiences. Please be aware of the following ways in which you can be involved:
support your child by attending performances and concerts
keep up to date with the website and calendar (found on our website)- Please DO NOT
schedule family trips, doctor or dentist appointments during any rehearsal, dress
rehearsal, performance or concert unless it is an absolute emergency! (Rehearsals and
performances are required and your students grade will be lowered accordingly should
they miss any of the above!)
Sign up for our weekly newsletter to receive updates and changes to any scheduling
volunteer for many things through the countys music education fund!
After reading this handbook, (your child has already gone over it in class), please complete the
receipt of understanding and any permission slips. These are very important and are by Friday,
September 7th, 2018.
I have an open door policy. If any student or parent wishes to speak to me about anything, please
do not hesitate to contact me at or call at 925-280-3751.
I look forward to a fantastic school year!
Amy R. Chin
Director of Choral Activities

2018-2019 Campo Choir Schedule

Period 1- Chamber Singers
Period 2- Chorale (Male and Female)
Period 3- Prep
Period 4- Bella Voce
Period 5- Concert Choir
Period 6- Bel Canto
Period 7- Prep

Table of Contents
Choirs offered at Campolindo High School. page 3
Bella Voce
Concert Choir
Bel Canto
Chamber Singers
Performance Attire page 6
All women
Concert Choir/ Chamber Singers Men
Chorale Men
Classroom Expectations page 8
Rehearsal Expectations
Rehearsal Conduct
Travel Expectations and Conduct
Grading Policy page 11
Attendance Policy
Written Requirements
Rehearsal Requirements
Grading Scale
How Do I get an A??
Receipt of Understanding page 15


Ensemble Progression Chart

All beginning singers (non auditioned)

Bella Voce

Intermediate auditioned women

Concert Choir

Advanced large co-ed choir

by audition

Bel Canto

Chamber Singers

Advanced auditioned women Advanced auditioned small co-ed choir

**both require concurrent enrollment

Chorale is open to all new singers at Campolindo, regardless of experience. All students will
learn the basics of vocal production, different styles of choral music, and rehearsal and
performance practices. Music theory will be emphasized including the study of sight-singing,
notation, phrasing, rhythm, harmony, and musical terminology. Students in these classes must
attend all rehearsals, performances, festival, and concerts as indicated by the calendar. Rehearsal
expectations and conduct, attendance, and knowledge of music will all be calculated when going
to festivals.
After a year in the beginning ensemble, all students are encouraged to audition for Chamber
Singers, Concert Choir or Bel Canto. Participation in all three will be at the discretion of the
Campo Choir choral staff.

Bella Voce:
Bella Voce is for intermediate womens voices. Membership in this choir is open at the
discretion of choral staff. Here, students will continue to emphasize music theory and develop
vocal technique, posture, and rehearsal/ performance procedures with the expectation of outside
of classroom practice. Students must attend all rehearsals, performances, festivals, and concerts
as indicated by the calendar. All performances are required. Rehearsal expectations and conduct,

attendance, and knowledge of music will be calculated at festivals and performances.

Performance apparel is mandatory.
All students in this ensemble are encouraged to audition for Chamber Singers and Concert Choir.
Participation in said ensembles will be at the discretion of the director and choral staff.

Concert Choir:
Concert Choir is the largest ensemble and the heart of this choral program. It is an auditioned
group of sophomores, juniors and seniors who will rehearse and perform various styles of choral
music, composed specifically for advanced large choral ensembles. Student achievement will
involve the development of vocal technique, posture, rehearsal procedures and music theory.
These skills will be reinforced and practiced daily to ensure good vocal technique, productive
rehearsals and the development of personal musicianship. Performances will include competing
at state and local competitions, choral festivals, and local concerts. Students in this class must
attend all rehearsals, performances, festivals, and concerts (see calendar). Rehearsal expectations
and conduct, attendance, and knowledge of music will be calculated at the various performing
events we attend. Performance apparel is required.

Chamber Singers:
Chamber Singers is a co-ed small auditioned ensemble for sophomores, juniors and seniors in the
program. Students will study and perform advanced levels of choral literature. Student
achievement will involve the development of vocal technique, posture, rehearsal procedures, and
music theory, though prior knowledge and skill is expected and required. Students must attend
all rehearsals, performances, festivals, and concerts as indicated by the calendar. All
performances are required. Rehearsal expectations and conduct, attendance, and knowledge of
music will be calculated at festivals and performances. Performance apparel is mandatory.
There are also additional requirements for this ensemble that include but are not limited to, extra
rehearsals, retreats, the a Cappella showcase, and local performances. Due to its small size, it is
extremely difficult for this ensemble to perform without all members. The level of commitment
in this ensemble is extremely high, and everyone must be willing to commit to all rehearsals and
performances, as well as any outside responsibilities.

Bel Canto:
Bel Canto is a small auditioned ensemble for sophomore, junior, and senior women in the choral
program. Students in this ensemble will study and perform advanced levels of choral literature
composed specifically for small female choral ensembles. Student achievement will involve the
development of vocal technique, posture, rehearsal procedures and music theory. These skills

will be reinforced and practiced daily to ensure good vocal technique, productive rehearsals and
the development of personal musicianship. Performances will include competing at state and
local competitions, choral festivals, and local concerts. Students in this class must attend all
rehearsals, performances, festivals, and concerts (see calendar). Rehearsal expectations and
conduct, attendance, and knowledge of music will be calculated at the various performing events
we attend. Performance apparel is required.
There are additional requirements for participants in this ensemble that include but are not
limited to extra rehearsals, retreats, tours, and community performances. Rehearsal expectations
and conduct, attendance, and knowledge of music will all be calculated when going to festivals.
It is extremely difficult for this ensemble to perform without all members everyone in this
group must be willing to commit to all of its rehearsals and performances in addition to all
outside responsibilities.

The purpose of performance attire is for everyone to look uniform. It is not to stifle your
individual style. We want to sing and perform as a unified group. Any individual not in uniform
may distract the audience from the musical performance.
Students are expected to arrive BEFORE call time, FULLY DRESSED (no ties untied,
performance shoes on, hair tamed). Any student who shows up to call time not fully dressed in
concert attire will not perform unless otherwise instructed by the director.
do not wear cologne, perfume or any strong smelling hairspray, or hair gel
DO bathe and wear deodorant
do not wear sparkles or glitter anywhere on your person
black choir dresses ($85) are to be purchased from the choral department
black nylons/ pantyhose and black character shoes (mary jane style) can be purchased at
dance stores or department stores
no open toed shoes (NO EXCEPTIONS)
wear a small and appropriate amount of makeup
nail color should be neutral
hair should be styled up and away from face and neck
Accessories: neutral colors (black, tan, silver, gold, or clear)
one ring on each hand
small necklace is acceptable
stud earrings or small hoops only


Black notch lapel tuxedo, black bow tie (silver tie for Chamber Singer men provided),
black socks and black dress shoes
no casual shoes (no exceptions!)
hair should be styled up and away from face and neck
facial hair is to be neatly trimmed or nonexistent
Accessories- neutral colors (black, tan, silver, gold, or clear)
a watch is acceptable as long as it is one of the colors above
one ring on each hand
any visible piercings must be studs of a neutral color
Pure white long sleeve button down dress shirt (no designs, wording, or symbols), solid
black tie (no bow ties), charcoal or black pants, black belt, black socks and black dress
no casual shoes (NO EXCEPTIONS!)
black socks will be checked and enforced
be careful of what shirt you wear under your dress shirt (make sure it is also pure
white with no designs or wording)
Hair should be styled up and away from face, neck and eyes
facial hair should be neatly trimmed or nonexistent
Accessories- neutral colors (black, tan, silver, gold or clear)
a watch is acceptable as long as it is one of the colors above
one ring on each hand
any visible piercings must be studs of a neutral color

Rehearsal Expectations
You CANNOT leave the rehearsal facility without the pass (wooden treble clef) or the
permission of the director, vocal coach, or accompanist (in that order). All students must remain
inside the facility that is being considered the classroom of the day (our classroom, the
multipurpose room or otherwise). There are no exceptions to this rule. If you choose to leave the
classroom without permission or a pass and get caught:
1st time: A warning. Your parents will receive a call from the director saying that you
have broken a class procedure. No referral will be given, but your name will be forwarded to the
appropriate Vice Principal. You will also lose all participation points for that day.
2nd time: A referral to go up to the Vice Principals office which will result in either
Saturday school or detention. You will also lose all participation points for that day.

Absolutely NO gum, hats, food, soda, coffee, or anything of this nature is to be in any rehearsal.
Water and cough drops are acceptable. There is a trashcan at the choir room entrance and any
perishables can be thrown away as soon as you enter the choral room. Violations of these rules
are subject to disciplinary action including referral to the appropriate Vice Principal. Beanies are
allowed as long as there is no bill. You may eat food during brunch or lunch in the choral room,
but please throw away all trash. If there is a problem with trash, this privilege will be taken
away. All backpacks should be towards the back of the room and not in choral positions. We
may be moving a lot during rehearsal, so keeping the bags to the back of the room will keep your
positions flexible. Cell phones MUST be kept in backpacks. If you are found answering your
phone, text-messaging, or your phone rings during rehearsal, it may be taken from you until the
end of the school day and you will lose all participation points for the day. When the bell rings,
you must be in your seats or positions with your black choir folder and pencil - ready to sing. If
you need to use the restroom before the class starts, either be back before the class begins or wait
until roll has been taken. When class begins, you must have your black folder and pencil at all
times. Please assume that you are to bring your folders everyday until you are told otherwise.
During the course of the year, there will be random folder checks, which are the equivalent of
pop quizzes. If you are found without your folder and its contents, you will lose participation
points for the day. If you are absent and a folder check occurs, you will lose half points for the
day. If you are to leave the class for an appointment of any kind, the pass must be shown to the
director at the beginning of class, NOT when you are ready to leave. One person is allowed to go
to the restroom at a time. You must ask permission to go to the restroom and have the pass
(wooden treble clef) in hand. You have 5 minutes to go to the restroom. Absence for over five
minutes will result in a call to the attendance office and to the campus monitors. The ending of
the period bell is for the teachers attention, NOT for the students dismissal. Be aware of your
accommodations in the choir room. There is a table that will be accessible to students for little
needs such as stapling and hole-punching papers, extra pens and pencils, collection boxes, etc.
There is also a lost and found area in the back of the room that will hold belongings that have
been left in the rehearsal room. If there are personal needs, problems, disagreements, or conflicts
please see the director during break, during brunch or lunch, or before or after school.
Rehearsal Conduct
Because classes are so large, the adult in charge of the class cannot tolerate misbehavior. This
can be classified as, but not limited to: talking when the adult is talking, inappropriate gestures or
reactions, physical violence, etc. There are five points that will be absolutely enforced:
1. There is an ABSOLUTE no drug or alcohol policy within this program. THERE IS NO
EXCEPTION TO THIS RULE. If you are found with drugs, alcohol, being high or
intoxicated, or involved with any activity that has drugs or alcohol during anytime of a choral
activity (which includes but is not limited to class time rehearsals, performances,
competitions/festivals), strict disciplinary action will be taken that could result in removal from

the trip/concert, cancellation of trips and performances, suspension, or removal from the
program. It is at the discretion of the director and the schools administration to decide what
disciplinary action will be taken. Students who violate this rule are showing pure disobedience to
authority and ultimate disrespect towards the choir, its members, the director, the choral staff,
Campolindo High School and themselves.
2. You CANNOT leave the choral room without the pass (wooden treble clef) and/or the adult in
charge of the class permission. All students must remain inside the facility that is being
considered the classroom of the day. There are no exceptions to this rule.
3. There is to be no horseplay or physical violence within the classroom. The choral rehearsal
space is to be a safe environment and its safety will not be compromised.
4. Constant talking with friends and neighbors during stops in the rehearsals will not be tolerated.
It becomes a distraction during rehearsal and could possibly make a rehearsal longer or
necessitate an additional rehearsal. Being disrespectful to other students and/or to the adult(s) in
the room will not be tolerated. This includes but is not limited to giving spiteful or vindictive
looks, blurting out or muttering inappropriate comments, using foul language, or being
argumentative. If there is a question, do not hesitate to ask it but in a polite and civilized
manner. A referral may be issued if your behavior can be applied to one of these points. It is at
the discretion of the director and the choral staff to determine if you deserve a referral. If you
receive 3 referrals in one semester, you will be dropped from the class.
Travel Expectations and conduct
When going off campus, you have all of the expectations of the classroom. Each student will
receive a separate info sheet for the event with more instructions. These will be explained in
class and will be available online. No matter where you are, remember - Students are
representing the ensemble, the school, and themselves. Please be respectful of the other choirs
while they are singing and represent Campolindo with the appropriate attitude. At competitions
and festivals, it is important to maintain a gracious attitude and good sportsmanship. If you did
not place or do not do as well as you would have liked, please wait until you get home to make
comments. If it is found that there was inappropriate behavior, privileges may be taken away.
This includes but is not limited to referrals, a grade drop, suspension from performances, a call to
the parent or guardian, or removal from the program.
Attendance Policy
All rehearsals and performances are mandatory. The learning and experience that happens in
rehearsals and performances cannot be made-up in an assignment. Choir performances are
seen as tests and finals for the quarter or semester. Missing them is not an option. Unexcused
absence from a performance or dress rehearsal will result in the lowering of a students grade by
three letters. If for some reason one is not able to make a performance because of an extremely

valid reason, a make-up assignment may be issued. Things such as I had work, I have a
wedding to go to, I couldnt get a ride, I was grounded, I have another performance or
rehearsal, my family decided to go on vacation that day, or I was sick are not considered
valid reasons. If the student knows that they will be missing a performance, the director should
be notified at least a month in advance. If the director is not given this time-frame, a make-up
will not be issued and the students grade will be affected. If there is a funeral to attend to or a
death in the family, please bring in a bulletin from the funeral or an obituary from the newspaper
with a letter of explanation from a parent or guardian.
A.Written Assignments Each student is required to attend:
* ONE professional concert per academic year
* TWO peer concerts, one per semester
* ONE reflection (details listed under #3 below) For each of these requirements, the
student will need to write a specific assignment explained below and include a ticket stub or
program when applicable.
1. One Professional Concert - The student will complete a professional concert critique.
Concerts will be defined as any concert with vocal music present this includes but is not
limited to an opera, voice recital, performances with vocal soloists or professional choirs, or a
Broadway musical. Popular artists are exempt from this activity. In addition, you must provide
either a ticket stub or a program - there are no exceptions to this expectation. No ticket stub or
program will result in half-credit for the assignment.
2. Two Peer Review Concerts - Each student will complete a concert critique for each
peer concert attended:
Fall Semester: Students are required to attend the Concert Choir and Chamber Singers
Fall District Festival or Wassail. There are no exceptions or make-ups for this requirement.
Spring Semester: Students are required to attend either the Chamber Singers Showcase Dessert
Show, Big Spring Pops, or the musical. There are no exceptions or make-ups for this
requirement. OR support local high schools and attend any high school choral performance/
Fall Semester: Students are required to attend the Fall District Festival for Womens
Ensemble or one of the two Winter Concerts. There are no exceptions or makeups for this
Spring Semester: Students are required to attend either the Chamber Singers Showcase
Dessert Show, or the musical. There are no exceptions or make-ups for this requirement. OR
support local high schools and attend any high school choral performance/ musical.

3. Reflection Paper Opportunities - Choose one of the following and write a 2 page
reflection: a) Participate in Campolindo's Broadway Musical; cast or crew b) Study voice
privately (must have minimum of 5 lessons per semester a signed letter from your teacher is
required verifying that you have studied with them); c) Participate in CMEA or ACDA Regional/
State /National Honor Choir and/or Solo Festival; d) Participate in a church or synagogue choir
(with a letter signed by choir leader verifying your participation); e) Participate in a local teen
musical theatre production during summer before or during current school year (with a letter
signed by director verifying your participation) f) Complete another two-page professional
concert critique in the same format as the required critique.
Assignment Requirements and Format
All assignments should be completed on the concert critique sheet available on SchoolLoop or
turned in to the director into the appropriate box (in classroom). The appropriate ticket
stub/program MUST be attached. Each assignment is worth 25 points. Reviews are due ONE
WEEK after you view your performance. Additional information can be found in the Choir
Information link of
B.Classroom Requirements
1. Behavior - The student will participate in daily rehearsals adhering to the REHEARSAL
EXPECTATIONS AND CONDUCT (2 points daily). Misbehavior or lack of participation in
class (sitting in the sick corner) will result in a deduction of points.
2. Supplies - All students must have a complete folder: a CampoChoir issued folder, which is
ONLY to be used for choir, a pencil, and sheet music. During the course of the year, there will
be random folder checks, which are the equivalent of pop quizzes. If you are found without your
folder and its contents, you will lose all participation points for the day. If you are absent and a
folder check occurs, you will lose half points for the day. All music distributed is the property of
CampoChoir and any music not returned must be reimbursed. Additionally, loss or damage to
CampoChoir issued folders will result in a replacement charge of $25.00.
3. Concert and Dress Rehearsal Requirement - The student will participate in Concerts and Dress
Rehearsals adhering to the proper concert etiquette and professionalism:
Concert/Dress Rehearsal Absence = automatic 3 letter grade reduction for Participation portion
of grade unless a make-up is given meeting previous requirements
Concert/Dress Rehearsal Tardy = automatic 1 letter grade reduction from Participation portion of
Grading Scale Participation
All concerts are worth 25 participation points. For every rehearsal 2 participation points are
possible. If a student is present and on task full points will be earned. Points will be deducted for
misbehavior, tardiness, or absence (excused or unexcused). There will be one VAPA department
participation makeup offered at the end of each semester. Grade Deductions Every referral will

bring down the total quarter grade by 1/3. A student who receives 3 referrals will be dismissed
from the program.

Grading Scale
50% Participation
25% Assignments
25% Tests and Quizzes (includes concerts, part tests, music theory exams, folder checks, etc.)
Student must show up to every performance on time, do assignments that earn an A, and
participate in every rehearsal with no misbehavior (i.e. referrals). It may seem like a lot to do, but
it is not difficult!
performance is required to demonstrate why you were chosen to be a part of the Chamber
Singers. There will be a short recital at the end of the year where the students of Chamber
Singers will perform a solo piece in front of the other Chamber Singers during class. This will
also include peer-reviews and a paper for the director. This solo piece will be of a classical
nature an art song in English or a foreign language or an aria will be acceptable. No Broadway
pieces or Vaccai exercises will be allowed. This piece must be approved at least a week before
the performance by the director. Please make sure you have a copy of your music for our
accompanists and for the director. Examples of papers will be handed out in the month of April.
Failure to perform a piece or turn in your papers will result in the loss of points at the discretion
of the director.
Donation Opportunities
Sponsorship Levels/Ticket Benefits Friend: $45 donation (covers requested lab fee). The Choral
Music Department requests a minimum donation/lab fee of $45.00 from each student. This fee is
very important, as it helps to pay for necessary educational supplies and sheet music.
Supporter: $150 donation 2 tickets to Winter or Wassail Concert Sponsor: $275 donation 2
tickets to the Winter or Wassail Concert 2 tickets to the Spring Concert - choice of one night per
concert series 2 tickets to Chamber Showcase
Grand Sponsor: $425 donation 2 tickets to the Winter or Wassail Concert 2 tickets to the Spring
Concert - choice of one night per concert series 2 tickets to Chamber Showcase Priority Ordering
for Spring Musical!

Gold Sponsor: $1000 donation 4 tickets to the Winter or Wassail Concert

4 tickets to the Spring Concert - choice of one night per concert series
4 tickets to Chamber Showcase Priority Ordering for Spring Musical!
All donations are Tax deductible and employer matching gifts are greatly appreciated! Tax
Identification Number 99-0099523 Log on to; go to Donations on the left
side, click on Choral Music Education Fund for donation form.
Tickets for concerts will be available for purchase through the Campolindo webstore. Advance
purchase is recommended as some of our concerts do sell out. Seating for concerts is first come,
first served. Musical tickets are handled separately. For more information, check the choral dept.
website or ask any CCMEF board member.
All Women: $75 to cover cost of performance dress Bought through the department
$30-50 for black standard character shoes (Mary-Jane style, not t-strap) To be purchased at
any dance apparel store by individual
For Men's Chamber Singers and Concert Choir only: Approx. $250 to cover cost of complete
Tuxedo package purchase. (or you may borrow from past choral members)
CC and CS Members will be required to purchase a Campo Choir Polo for $18
*Scholarship opportunities are available on the basis of need for these expenses. Please do not
hesitate to let the choral staff know if you are in need. (any and all fundraising opportunities will
be sent out via email as the opportunities show up)
* Payments must be made by the deadlines.
* Must have more than a week's notice for a refund.
After reading this handbook, please log onto SCHOOL LOOP and complete your receipt of
understanding. Return the following documents to Ms. Chin:
- Receipt of understanding with signatures
- CCMEF Donation (if not yet completed)
Please complete and turn in these forms by Friday, September 7th. Thank you!


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