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Audience Segmentation: analysis of 3 magazines.

By Amy Hannah

Publication genre: Film and Moving Image.

Audience profile
For this magazine, the demographics would be the ages 16-late 30s. This being because
the content within the magazine will be reviews of recent films and also classic films of
all time. Therefore the use of language register would be formal - therefore difficult for
some younger ages to understand. The primary gender for this magazine would be
predominantly male, however, still some female audience members which would be the
secondary audience for the publication. The reason why it wouldn't appeal to an older
audience would be because people outside of this age group would perhaps be more
interested in other content opposed to print magazines. The occupation of this type of
audience would be perhaps those who work within the film industry, middle class workers
etc. In addition to this, the occupation of the audience could be film students, whom
would live in towns and cities.The race would be predominantly English/American to
understand the language use within the magazine. For the geo-demographics, the
audience would most likely live within an urban geographical location, this being due to
the fact that it is mainly within this type of location these films are produced and
processed alongside the fact the audience would have access to the cinema. However,
the secondary geographical location for the audience would be perhaps suburban
locations, with audiences who are aspirers or explorers. In regards to socio-economic

groupings, the main social class the audience would fit into would be socio-economic
group B, the secondary groups would be C1 and C2. This is because the magazine genre
fits into the film genre, which can be an interest for a diverse range of people. The
psychographics of the audience for this type of publication would be to live a very high
tech and multi-cultured lifestyle. They would be defined as succeeders in society, for
their passion for the industry and their interest for films. Their secondary classified
psychographic would be Aspirers, as they can be portrayed as materialistic and this type
of magazine may attract the youth of today.
Codes and conventions/analysis:
On the front cover of this magazine, the skyline convention has been used to include the
phrase OUR BEST PREVIEW ISSUE EVER. This has been done to intrigue the reader and
to get them to believe that this preview issue is going to be the best theyve seen from
Empire. This adds attraction for the reader. Here, also, there has been a particular
typography being used, using a bold and sharp font which gives the connotations that
this magazine will be full of bold, exciting information on new upcoming films. Alongside
this, there has been a use of yellow within the phrase for Preview Issue. Having used
this, it signifies the feeling of excitement, the new and also magic. This being because it
links with the dominant image on the front cover of the magazine which is of actor Daniel
Radcliffe who plays Harry in Harry Potter. Also on the cover of the magazine, there has
been a use of anchorage text to go with the image, which informs the reader that there
will be content on the release of the 7th Harry Potter film. There have been other images
used on the cover of the magazine which shows other characters from the film - fitting
with the edited graphics that have been used on the cover of the magazine which
appears to be shattered glass used for effect. Having edited the graphics this way, this
signifies the connotations that the review on the film will show how it will be devastating
for its viewers and so on. Also, there is a use of a cover line that supports the graphics
used on the cover friendships shatter: evil unites. The skyline on the cover of the
magazine is clear and formative with the slogan our best preview issue ever!. The
overall colour scheme here has been used for effect, creating the connotations of
darkness and mystery to fit with the leading content that will be inside the magazine: an
article that features content on Harry Potters Deathly Hallows part 1. Purples and blacks
in the background of the dominant image, with uses of white for the cover lines and
yellows for the texts that aim to draw the audience's attention to a particular line or
phrase. The masthead is clear and is edited in beneath the image. This is because the
magazine is national so audiences will be familiar with the magazine. The typography
font used for the masthead is distinct to the brand as it appears professional yet relative
to the genre of magazine. The overall purpose of the magazine of this genre would be to
entertain. Empires purpose is to bring enjoyment for its readers and to keep them
updated with whats hot and fresh within the panoramic world of film. The overall
graphology of the front cover of the magazine is laid out clearly and accurately so the
audiences eyes can follow each element of the magazine carefully and clearly.

Publication genre: Travel magazine.

Audience profile:
The demographics for this magazine would be aged 19 to early 30s. This is because the
magazine would be for an audience whom has a good disposable income and for an
audience who has an understanding of/liking towards multicultural activities involved
with travel. The primary gender for this magazine would be about 60% female 40% male.
This being because this genre of magazine is open to either gender, however, it is
females who may gain more enjoyment from this genre of magazine. Other
demographics to be considered here would be their nationality: the audience for this
magazine may have a range of nationalities, due to the genre being travel orientated.
However, the magazine is written in English language primarily - therefore the readers
most predominant race would be British or those with their first language as British. The
audience may have their individual religion - as it is not specifically targeted towards a
certain religion . With the magazine genre being exclusively travel - theyre considering a
range of cultures and ethnic groups. Therefore there is no target religion for the
magazine. The audiences employment status would be of the middle class job roles,
having a decent to a generous income in order to plan to visit the locations shown within
the magazines articles etc. The geo-demographics for the type of audience that would
read this magazine would be those living in both urban and suburban areas, this being
because those who are surrounded by higher populated areas would have more of an
incline to read this genre magazine. The primary socio-economic group for this type of

magazine would be group B. The reason it would be this group is due to the fact this type
of group generate a good source of income to go and explore the locations shown in the
magazine. However, with this, socio-economic group C1 could still be considered as with
savings, this group would be able to access the locations shown in the magazine. The
psychographics for this type of audience would be those who perhaps enjoy speaking
different languages, engaging in different cultured activities, exploring different elements
of different countries. They would predominantly be explorers, succeeders and aspirers.
This being because these psychographic groups all are very goal orientated, the
audiences would engage in perhaps arts orientated activities.
Codes and conventions/analysis:
This magazine has used a diverse use of elements for the front cover in order to appeal
to its intended audience immediately. In the top right hand corner of the front cover,
there has been a puff used to entice the readers. Stating Win! A photo comission to
Western Australia, See page 4. This would grab the reader's attention immediately as it
offers them something for nothing in a sense - which any traveller would dream of
opportunities such as these. In terms of typography - for the masthead there has been a
stylistic personal font used, this font fits suitably with the genre for this magazine as it
looks almost relaxed yet signifies fun for those who aspire to travel. For the cover lines there has been a similar theme of fonts used so the audiences can read them right away.
Aside from one cover line which reads go wild! in which the font does seem to appear
as being wild in itself. The font used appears a little worn and torn which can signify
wildlife and animals in the wild. The dominant image fits the front cover page
appropriately as it is centre to the cover and allows the audience to meet with the
subject directly - using a portrait medium shot to establish the view. The anchorage text
CUBA is bold and dominant for the image. The colour of the text being purely white to
read clear for the audience. The overall colour scheme of this front cover consists of
mustard yellow, black, white and a darkened blue. The these all combine well together as
they each give the connotations of travel and adventure which ties in with the genre of
the magazine. The yellow for example: signifies sunshine, sand and setting off the coast
to try somewhere new. The blue specifically also represents travel for it could signify
clear skies, seas and rivers. The graphology for the front cover is well presented in that
the eyes can follow each element clearly. None of the text is covering the subject within
the main image which is crucial not to with a front cover of a magazine. The overall
purpose of this magazine is to persuade and entertain. For this type of genre, the
magazine is advertising and discussing the various places of travel in a variety of
locations of the world. Therefore it is slightly informative also, however it is ideally there
to entertain its readers in making them aspired to visit the places shown within the

Publication genre: Broadsheet newspaper.

Audience Profile:
The demographics for this publication would be an age range of late 20s to early 50s,
this being due to the main content of the paper in which the content is mostly related to
current world affairs and politics. The reason why the age range would not expand to an
elder age group would be because it would not appeal to them in that they may not be
frequent newspaper readers and would resort to other types of mass media to retain
current affairs information. In terms of gender, the ratio for this newspaper would be 60%
male and 40% female. This being because although the content within the paper does
not target towards a specific gender, it would be predominantly male consumers. In
addition to this, males have high end careers with a more disposable income.In terms of
occupation, the audience would have well paid, efficient and high standard careers.
These types of consumers would have a better understanding of the content being set as
theyd find it relatable to their own culture/ways of living. The target nationality would be
typically British citizens as this newspaper is published within the UK. Their first language
would be English to again understand the content being written within the articles. For
the geo-demographics, the audience would live in predominantly urban locations as it is
usually the high classed whom live in these areas therefore would relate to the content
written. Perhaps in locations such as London, which is centred on business and high
aimed careers. The readers of this newspaper would fit within the socio economic
groupings A and B, this is because these types of consumers would be more likely to
select a certain newspaper like this one. The content within the paper is relevant to them

as includes leading topics such as politics and current affairs. For the psychographics, the
primary psychographic group the audience would fit into would be succeeders group as
the readers of this newspaper would seek control, would obtain confidence and are
typically higher management and professionals. The secondary psychographic group the
audience would fit into would be perhaps the woof psychographic group. This is because
they have a disposable type of income and would like to read on rich and high culture
events and affairs.
Codes and conventions/analysis:
The front page of this newspaper consists of various elements that attract its intended
audience directly. Firstly, there has been a use of a promotional panel located at the top
of the page of the newspaper. Here it states there is a free gift inside - the science of
sport. This is intriguing for its audience as it gives them something for nothing within the
newspaper and would divert their attention to that immediately. Alongside this - the
panel is promoting the Eureka Ipad app for audiences of interest for magazines. This
hints that the psychographic group for the audience of this publication may be silver
surfers. Again, this would interest the audience as it is providing them with interesting
information for no good reason. Other than to promote the app and gain interest of the
audience. For the promotional panel, a colour scheme has been used. Using what
appears as a lightish blue and the typography to support the images shown within the
panel in a bold font using yellow and white to bring it to the attention of the readers.
Yellow signifies/gives the connotations of excitement and enjoyment which may be the
reason the editor has chosen to use these colours in this particular section of text. The
Masthead for this magazine is bold and striking using a simple but noticeable font for
typography choices. As the newspaper is of the broadsheet genre - its important for the
typography to be of a professional/readable appearance for the audiences to read. With
the masthead comes the newspaper branding logo which is significant/personal to the
newspaper itself. The graphology of the newspaper is well presented and is set out in a
formal layout for the audiences eyes to meet with each section clearly and easily. Which
follows the standard codes of the front cover of a newspaper. The copy is written in three
columns which allows the reader to follow what has been written carefully and accurately.
In terms of language register: the language being used for the newspaper is of a formal
register for its audiences. Relating to the intended audience as it will be predominantly
middle-upper class readership for this type of newspaper, therefore the audience of this
publication would have a higher level of education.

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