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1. Ques1- Program to calculate electricity bill.

2. Ques2- Program to input cost and compute the payable
amount after availing the discount.
3. Ques3- Program to display the grades according to
marks obtained.
4. Oues4- Program to compute amount according to
discount offered by State Bank.
5. Ques5- Program to accept a number and find the sum of
its digit.
6. Ques6- Program to determine the roots of the
coefficients of the equation.
7. Ques7- Program to calculate charge on the parcels
according to their weight.
8. Ques8- Program to accept the radius of the circle and
find its area and circumference.
9. Ques9- Program to accept a number and display its
10. Ques10- Program to check a triangle is possible or not
by accepting its sides.
11. Ques11- Program to find sum of
1+a+a*a.10th power.
12. Ques12- Program to print Fibonacci series.
13. Ques13- Program to find sum of- 1-1/2+1/3.1/10.

14. Ques14- Program to find sum of- 1+(1*2)+(1*2*3)+

10 terms.
15. Ques15- Program to display- 1,11,111
16 Ques16- Program to find sum of- 2+5+10..n terms.
17 Ques17- Program to find sum of- (1*2)/(1+2)+(2*3)/
(2+3)..n terms.
18. Ques18- Program to check a number is perfect or not.
19. Ques19- Program to check a number is neon or not.
20. Ques20- Program to check a number is automorphic or
21. Ques21- Program to check a number is prime or not.
22. Ques22- Program to check a number is Armstrong or
23. Ques23- Program to check a number is palindrome or
24. Ques24- Program to check numbers are twin prime or
25. Ques25- Program to remove all 0 from the number.
26. Ques26- Program to check a number is special or not.
27. Ques27- Program to convert the digits of the number
in ascending order.
28. Ques28- Program to sort the number by using
selection sort.
29. Ques29- Program to sort the number by using bubble
30. Ques30- Program to search a number by linear search.

31. Ques31- Program to display the capital of the state.

32. Ques32- Program to check array is symmetric or not.
33. Ques33- Program to find the sum of left and right
diagonal of a DDA.
34. Ques34- Program to count the number of vowels in a
35. Ques35- Program to find number of uppercase,
lowercase, special character and digits in a string.
36. Ques36- Program to find capital of state.
37. Ques37- Program to find number of blank spaces,
words and alphabets in a string.
38. Ques38- Program to find the frequency of the in a
39. Ques39- Program to check a character is in uppercase,
lowercase, digit or special character.
40. Ques40- Program to check a word is palindrome or
41. Ques41- Program to convert a string in piglatin form.
42. Ques42- Program to find number of a and A in a
43. Ques43- Program to combine two string of same
44. Ques44- Program to find number of punctuations a
45. Ques45- Program to convert the string in alphabetical

46. Ques46- Program to accept a name and display its

initials along with surname.
47. Ques47- Program to accept a name and print in this
48. Ques48- Program to find H.C.F. and L.C.M. by using
49. Ques49- Program to find H.C.F.
50. Ques50- Program to check a number is palindrome or
not by using function.

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