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——————EEE— er __ REV BEDFORD, Sept. Li--37. __ Epcecation Convention. Agree?e ble to public no- liee this Convenlion met on Monday last m the Worth Congregational Chareh in this town, und was called to order by Thomas A.Greene. It was decided that the proteedings should be conducted under the supervision of the Bristol County Asso- eration fur the improvement of Common Schools. The following gentlemen were appointed a Commut- tee to prepare business for the session Rev. E. Maliby of Taunton, Joba F, Emerson of New Bes- ford, James Ford of Fall River, Rev. Mr Saaturd of Raynonam, N.C. Brownell of Westport. All ersons fzendly to the cause of Education were by ‘vote invited to 1ake part in the deliberations of the: Convention. 7 | Atthe suggestion of the Commutiee on business, | the meeting was opened with prayer by the Rev. Mr Mudge of New Bedford. | The following resolution, presented by the busi-' ness Commiuee, was then discussed and passed: Resolced, That in the opinion of uns Convention, the act to provide for the betier usstrucuon of youth enployed 12 | maoufaciunng estabhsbhments, sa lngbly important and | salutary law; and that our duty to the children thus em- | ployed, no Jess than the paramount duty we one to the | Commonwealth, calls upon us to see iat in the various | towns of the County 2ud of the State, ihe law shall be car- | yied into full eect. | The law referred to in this resolution was then read bythe Chairman. ‘The subtance of the law zs, that Do youth under fifteen years of age shall be empioyed im any manufacturing ¢_tablishment, with- out having attended school at lean three months of the twelve months next preceding the year in which suck youth shall be so employed. ‘The penahy im- posed for the violation of ths law by any owner or ageat, is fifty dollars fur every offence. This law touk effect April Ist, 1837. The following geatle- men addressed the Convention in support of this resolutioa :—Aon. H. Mana, Rev. Mr Sanford, Mr. Ford, Rev. Mr Mahby, and Mr Whlbous of Fall: River. The intormation elicited from these ad-| dresses, showed quite conclusively that this Jaw, so- wise, salutary, and humane in its provisions, is gen- era'ly regarded im the manufacturing towns in this part of the State. Ail concurred in its importance, | and the consequent obligation on every well- disposed member of the community to sustain and! entorce it. 3t was stated tbat there are a thousand ehildren under fifieen years of age in the town of Fall River, employed more or less of their time in, the factories; and that in general the law so far as they are concerned, regarded. A laudable anxi- ely was reprecented as being felt by the owners and , agents that the children should be competently 1n-; structed. | The #Nowing resolution from the Committee on pusiness was next discussed, and 1m the afiernoon sesstan passed: ' Kesoired, Thal in the edueation of our youth, while it is highly aportant that the best possible selection of School | Books should he made, it 1s no Tess smportant tat a sufi- cient supply of well selected books should be furnished them for the employ ment of therr lerure hours in reading 5 and the Schoo! Committees and others mterested im the } cause of Education m our scxeral lowns are eammestly re-; «quested to devote aa increasing portion of their altention to this important subject. | This resolution was sustained by the Chairman, Tho. A- Greene, Dr Robbins, J. B. Congdon, Rev. Bir Mudge, ead Hon. H. Mann. ‘The following officers for the ensuing year were slected: Tnowsas A. Greexe, President. i E, Maursy, ! J Foxrp, Vice Presidents. | J. B. Conspon, J. F. Emeason, Cor. Secretary. } Stowey WittiaMs, Rec. Scerelary- | In the aflernoon session, theandience were highly } miatified and instructed by the eloquent and elabo-} rate address af the Secretary of the Board of Edu- calion. The following gentlemen were appointed a Com- suiliee to report at the next annuai meeting, the number of children employed in manufacturing es- tblishments in Bristol County, therr ages, and sex, and the time each child shall have attended school jn the year:—Ezra Bassett of New Bedford, E. Clark, ir. of Taunton, John A. Gifford of Westport, Thos. Witbour of Fall River, J.C. Starkweather of Pawiuchet. The follouinz resolution was presented and sup- ported by Dr Robbins: . i Resolved, That the mterests of Common Schools require the primary attention of the Friends of Education through- patibrs Commorw eal. Voted, That the thanks of this Convention be presented to the Hon. Horace Senn, for bis able and miteresting address on this occasion. Voted, That the thauhs of this Convention be presented to the prapnetors of this house, for it» use on ahis occa- £107. The Convention then adjoursed,

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