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Movement Four: Viparta Inversions

Part I Transition to Yoga from World Getting into the Present Moment
1. Legs up wall Viparta Karani Modified Wall Hang

Breathing Education

In: Prna-Apna Ex: Apna-Prna

2. Opening Chants

Part II - Warm Up Bmhana (Heating, Expanding, and Nourishing)

Warm-up : Preparing for Inversions through warming up neck, shoulders, upper back and lower back;
Strengthening core muscles Twists and Back arches
1. Tdkamudr , rdhva Prasrta Pdsana, Dvipda Ptham, and Apnsana
Intro to conscious breathing coordinated with movement and basic warm up/strengthening for
the legs, hips, lower back, upper back, etc.
Tdkamudr for legs, knees and ankles blocks under thighs

2. Counter with Apnsana

Maggie Reagh


3. Dvipada Pitham Variation for Neck and Shoulders Repeat 6T; then stay

4. Urdhva Prasrita Padsana- Variations To strengthen core muscles need for inversions 6T

5. Apansana

6. Jathra Parivtti Variations

Maggie Reagh


Note: Sun dial opposite arm/neck to legs Inhale up and Exhale down
7. Urdhva Prasita Pdsana- Variations Mini Inversion


Legs up wall with Deep Breathing

8. Cakravksana with Lunges - Transition to Standing Poses

Do Cat Stretch before and after lunges

Part III: Standing Poses Main Practice

Tadsana at Wall - Experience the twist on exhale with wall and bent knees

9. Vrabhadrsana Warrior with Shoulder Openers

Maggie Reagh


10. Forward Fold Uttansana at wall for support

11. Utthita Trikonsana Parivrtti - Rotated Triangle with and without a bent supporting knee/bent
upper arm; Look down or on the horizontal if there is neck pain use chair and blocks as needed

12. Modified Chair Uttansana as a Forward Bend (instead of Utkatasana) and Shoulder Opener Prep
for Shoulder Stand
6T Each

Maggie Reagh


13. Dvipda Ptham Stay 6 BRS Modify by Holding Belt/Arms to the Side

14. Urdhva Prasita Pdsana - 6T

Maggie Reagh


15. Vipartakarani/Serenity Pose

16. Coming Out of Vipartakarani/Serenity Pose

Maggie Reagh


17. Vipartakarani Restorative Version Good substitute for 11-12

Have pelvis slightly off the edge of the blocks; blocks are slightly away from the wall so butt can
hang off slightly; pelvis is as close to the wall as the hamstrings/back allow
18. Cakravksana 6T Counter for Back

19. Bhujangsana 6T Counter for neck and shoulders

20. Big Chest Opener Modification of Fish Matsysana If time allows

21. Apnsana: Lower abdominal vital air posture

22. avsana - Modify by putting a bolster under the thighs or legs up on a chair for Lower Back Pain
(LBP). If upper back is sore, bring arms more to side, bend elbows, and tuck shoulder blades

23. Closing Chant Seated on floor or chair

Maggie Reagh


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