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Semester Project: Library Management System

Submission Deadline: Thursday 11 Dec 2014 11:55 p.m.

Instruction Regarding Project:
Follow following instruction strictly in making your projects

Create every module as a function.

Use arrays to store lists created in projects.
For Quit, you should use exit(0); and for each new output screen, you may use clrscr();
Your project output should be properly formatted. Make use of escape sequences for
appropriate spacing in the output text.
For Multiple options (Menus), Use Switch statement.
Any plagiarism found would result in cancellation of projects of all the students involved +
negative marking.
Online Link will be created on course site for the submission.
If you have any query regarding project, you can mail me.
You can consult me if you need help in some matter for project, I will be more than
happy to help you but do the project yourself to learn something.

Best of luck!!!

Project Problem Statement

The project is helpful for librarian and is comprised of three parts. You have to attempt each part.
2. Make the flowchart diagram of the system showing different modules
3. Write pseudo code for each module
4. Implement the system in C++
The system simply maintains information about library members and books. A reader can register
his/her name for membership and can issue a book from available list and return it.
Note: UI stands for the User Interface.
Main screen of the project should look like:
Librarian Name:
Press q to quit.
Librarian name should be giki and select a password of your own choice. The length of the password
should be at least 5 characters (giki1) and at most 6 characters (giki12). If the password is incorrect the
system prompts a message such as Log In failed due to incorrect password or librarian name.
Log In failed due to incorrect password or librarian name
Librarian Name:
Press q to quit.
After successful log in, the system displays the following three options (UI-3):
1=> Member Management
2=> Book Management
3=> Quit
After choosing Member Management from UI-3, the following appears:
1=> add member
2=> display list of members
3=>Return Back

If add member is selected, the system inquires for member id and member name. Member id must
not be duplicated while member name can be duplicated. Member id must be integer. The system must
prompt an error message for any other data type.
Member id: 3
Member Name: hamid
After pressing enter button, the system displays a message like, member is added and returns back to
UI-4 as shown in UI-6. If the member id is duplicated then a message like, member already exists is
displayed and the system returns to UI-4 just like UI-6.
member is added
1=> add member
2=> display list of members
3=>Return Back
If display list of members is chosen from UI-4, the system displays all of its registered members. By
pressing r the system returns to UI-4.
Member id

Member name

Press r to return back

If Return Back is selected from UI-4 or UI-6, the system returns to UI-3.
If Book Management is chosen from UI-3. The system displays the following options:
1=>Issue a book
2=> Return a book
3=>Add a book
3=>List of Books
4=>List of available books
5=>List of issued books
6=> Return Back

If Issue a book is selected, the system inquires for book id and title and also member id and removes
the book from the list of available books. If the book is issued a message like the book is issued by
member id and the system returns to UI-8 and the book is added to the list of issued books. If the book
is not in the library, the system displays message This book is not available in our library and the
system returns to UI-8. If the member id is wrong or the member does not exist, the message will be
displayed as Sorry you cant issue this book, because you are not member of our library and the
system returns to UI-8.
If Return a book is selected, the system asks for book id and title and also member id. The book is
removed from the list of issued books and is added to the list of available books. Here, the system again
checks the book id and member id and display appropriate messages in case of any wrong entry.
If any of List of Books, List of available books, and List of issued books is selected, the
corresponding list should be displayed, for example for issued books, list like UI-9 is displayed.
Book Id

C++ How to Program
Data Structure

Issued by

Press r to return back.


For the list of books and list of available books, issued by is not required. Here, list of books
means all books in the library while available books means currently available books in the library
not issued by any one. if r is pressed the system returns to UI-8. If Return Back is selected the
system returns back to UI-3.

******************************** Happy Coding **************************************

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