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10 Badass Core Strength Exercises Using

Chiseled abs are one of the most desired results of following a strict regime of intense
exercises and restrictive diet. But tness crunches are the most effective exercises that can
help you achieve your dream gure and perfectly at abs. Crunches are the ideal exercise for
toning, de ning and strengthening the core muscles[1] more speci cally the rectus
abdominis and the transverse abdominis. Crunches also work the obliques and helps in
improving balance and posture. In this article, we have mentioned the 10 most effective
crunch exercises for a ripped abdomen.

Bene ts of a Strong Core

A strong core is the basis of physical strength that not only increases exibility, but also
reduces the risk of injuries. Some the basic bene ts of core workouts are as follows:

Enhanced Sports Performance Intense sports such as tennis, football, soccer and
baseball require powerful limbs that can exert force. And this force can be generated only
we a person and a powerful and stabilized core. A strong core also enhances performance
while running, jumping and other activities that require quick reaction.
Improves Posture Prolonged sitting in front of the computer and television damages
our posture. Core training exercises[2] helps in correcting the posture by strengthening
the abdominal wall and lower back and opening up the hip exors.
A Lean Waistline Core strength exercises helps in toning the waistline so that you can
achieve perfectly at abs and develop the ripped six pack abs.
Prevent back Pain Core muscles exercises increases mobility and strengthens the hips,
glutes, thighs and the back which helps in relieving back pain and aches.
Treat Breathing Problems Core training exercises helps in better breathing by
developing the breathing muscles such as the diaphragm and intercostals.

10 Intense Fitness Crunches for an Iron Core

A strong core is the basis of all other exercises. It helps in enhancing athletic performance
and daily activities. And the best thing is core training does not require any equipment.

Weighted Stability Ball Crunch

There are various bene ts of incorporating a stability ball in core strength exercises such as
crunches because working on a stability ball boost the activation and

exing of the

abdominal muscles by almost 38% compared to crunches done without a stability ball. The
Weighted stability Ball Crunches enhances the activity of the upper abdomen, lower
abdomen and obliques. In addition, this exercise also engages the smaller core muscles that
are usually neglected by traditional core strengthening workouts[3]. Position your back on a
stability ball such that your lower back is pressed against the surface of the ball and your feet
are bend at the knee and placed rmly on the oor. Now, hold two dumbbells in the hands
that are crossed on the top of your chest and lower your torso to a stretching position
keeping the neck xed. Now, contract your abdomen and bring your torso upwards by curling
your shoulders and trunk. Stay in this contracted position for a few moments and return to
the stretched position while inhaling.

Slow Sit Ups

Slow Sit Ups are the best exercises to strengthen core muscles[4] in an effective manner. Slow
sit ups require a lot of controlled movement and the lack of momentum makes the exercise
even more dif cult. This emphasis is required to build endurance and stronger abs. Lie down

on a mat with your knees bend and feet placed at on the oor. Place your hands under our
head and slowly raise your torso off the oor while contracting your core muscles. Take 5 to
6 seconds to come up entirely, wait for a few moments and then again take 5 or 6 seconds to
lower your torso down to the starting position. You can also add some resistance to this
exercise by holding some weight in your hands.

Windshield Wiper
The Windshield Wiper is the perfect strong core workout that helps in increasing core
strength and stability and also aids in developing a strong upper back. This exercise works
the obliques and rectus abdominus muscle and promotes muscle activation of the gluteal
muscles which in turn helps in stabilizing the hips. Lie down on the mat with your arms
stretched on the sides and legs raised up perpendicular from the oor. Keep your legs joined
and slowly lower them to the right side till they are just two inches above the oor. Raise the
legs back to the center and again lower them to the left side and return to the center.

Bicycle Crunch
The Bicycle Crunch is one of the most effective core exercises for men and women that target
the main abdominal muscles. It is an intense abdominal exercise that works the upper,
middle and lower abdominal muscles along with the hamstrings and quads. Lie down on the
oor with your hands placed below the head and your neck supported by your ngers. Tuck
in your abs and push your back against the oor while lifting your knees towards your chest
and raising your shoulder blades off the oor. Twist towards the right to bring your right
knee and left elbow together, return to the middle, twist towards the left to bring your left
knee and right elbow together. The movement should be smooth and swift, as if you are
pedaling a bicycle.

Hanging Leg Raise

The Hanging Leg Raise is one of the complicated core body exercises that require a lot of
training and strength to perform correctly. This exercise works the major muscles of the
abdomen rectus abdominus and external obliques along with the auxiliary muscles such as
iliopsoas and pectineus muscles. Grab a chin-up bar with both hands such that the hands are
placed shoulder width apart, legs straight and the pelvis pushed slightly backward. Now,
raise your legs up to your torso so that it forms a 90-degree angle with the legs. Hold the
contraction for a few seconds and lower your legs to the starting position.

V-Sit Ups

V-Sit Ups is yet another effective tness crunches exercise to achieve a stronger core. It is an
intermediate level abdominal workout that requires balancing the torso and legs in the air.
This exercise targets the rectus abdominis which is the at muscle present on the top of the
abdomen. It is important to work this muscle in order to develop a at stomach. In addition,
it also activates the deep-seated transversus abdominis muscle. Lie down on the mat with
your lower back pushes hard on the oor, abs engaged and shoulder blades pushed back.
Keep your arms extended overhead. Now, lift your arms and legs off the oor as high as you
can at the same time and try to touch your toes with your ngers. Wait for a few moments
and return back to the starting position.

Vertical Leg Crunch

The Vertical Leg Crunch is the ideal exercise to build iron core

tness. This exercise

strengthens all the muscles[5] of the upper and lower abdomen. It tones the abdomen and
increases the muscle density of the abdominal muscles and also boosts metabolism. The
activated core muscles support the spine, which in turn improves balance and posture. Lie
down on the mat with your hands placed under your head and ankles crossed. Now, lift your
legs up in this joined position by keeping your abdomen tight and raise the shoulder blades
off the oor. Lower your head down to the oor. Repeat the upward movement with your

Long Arm Crunch

The Long Arm Crunch is one of the most effective core muscles exercises that work better
that traditional oor crunches. This exercise not only tones the abdominal muscles[6], but
also strengthens the back. The extended arms add extra lever to the move and increases the
level of dif culty to make it more challenging. This exercise also works the upper portion of
the abs. Lie down on the oor with your arms joined and stretched above your head. Now,
curl you back to raise your upper body while keeping your feet at on the oor. Wait for a few
moments in the raised stance and then slowly get back to the initial position. Make sure that
your arms are straight at all times.

Reverse Crunch
Reverse crunches are one of the best exercises for core that tones and tightens the lower abs.
But unlike basic crunch, it does not put much pressure on the neck and back. This exercise
concentrates on the lower abdominal muscles and helps in developing a atter stomach. Lie
down on the oor with your hands resting at your sides, palms facing down and your knees
bend slightly. Now, lift your head and hips off the oor at the same time by raising your legs
upward while keeping your core muscles engaged. Pause for a few moments with your legs
pointing up and then lower your legs to the starting position.

Crunch Twist
The Crunch Twist is one of the complete exercises for core strength that works the major
muscles[7] of the abdomen including the rectus abdominus, transversus abdominus, internal
obliques and external obliques. It is the perfect exercise to achieve a leaner and muscular
abdomen. Lie down on the oor with your knees bend and your feet placed at on the oor.
Keep your hands under your head and come up for a crunch. Try to bring your elbow close to
your opposite knee while doing the crunch and slowly get back to the starting position. Do
right and left twists alternately.

Get attractive washboard abs this summer with these power-packed

aunt your six packs to the world.

tness crunches and


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