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Oct/Nov/Dec 2016 Focus

The Official Publication of Drive-In Ministries

Volume 32/ No. 4

In This Issue

Directors Cut by Mike Jones

The Greatness of (Financial) Giving
I can still faintly re-

others), sacrifice, selflessness, service,

member, as a young

helps, and much more.

boy of five, six, or sev-

It is also an act of faith based on promises

en years old, getting

and principles from Scripture. It is a guaran-



teed earthly and heavenly investment, with

my mother before the

interest. 2 Corinthians 8-9 show us that giv-

Sunday service to put in the offering plate

ing is encouraged by God, supported by God,

as it passed by. I didnt know it then but my

and even funded by God. It is to be done

parents were teaching me to honor and serve

cheerfully and according to our hearts de-

the Lord through giving. When I began do-

sire, not compulsion or obligation, not even

ing chores and receiving an allowance, I was

according to our bank account. Our heavenly

taught that 10% belonged to God as a thank

Father so loves a right heart and attitude to-

you for blessing me and to help His work

ward giving that if we want to give more than

through the church. I cant help but smile now

we have, we need but to ask and He will make

to think that ten cents out of my dollar may

it possible (9:8-11).

have seemed like a real sacrifice for me at the

As a missions director, I see some of the

time (while virtually having no impact on the

Greatness of giving from both sides;

financial standing of the church), but it was

giving and receiving. Giving is answering

teaching me to honor the Lord with my first

prayers, blessing others, giving hope, en-

fruits and part of a long process of learning

couragement, help in time of need, build-

spiritual financial responsibility, opportunity

ing relationships, fellowship, love, faithful-

and privilege.

ness, providing, serving, and much more.

Even now, after parenting my own children

When God says, Give and it shall be given

through the process, pastoring churches

unto you, Luke 6:38, He means it. We

through the process, and presiding over a

never lose when we give to honor the Lord.

faith-based mission organization, the Lord

When God says,

continues to enhance His principles, expand


my responsibilities, enlarge my opportuni-

blessed to give

ties, and excite my privileges of giving.

than to receive.

If you havent thought about the Greatness

Acts 20:35,

of giving recently, let me refresh your thinking

He means it. The

briefly from some Scripture and testimony.

personal blessings of giving are amazing.

Giving is an act of worship seen all through

When you think about it, we need to give, as

the Scriptures, from Cain and Abel, to Noah

much as others need to receive. May the Lord

to Abraham and on and on. As an act of wor-

encourage you as you read this FOCUS and

ship, it becomes an act of love (for God and

give your year end gifts.

Directors Cut

- The Greatness of

(Financial) Giving

Ministry Newsreel
U.S. Report
- Property Update
- Allen Nye

International Report
- India
- Nigeria

Ministry Spotlight

Haiti - Urgent Request

Haiti (continued)
End-of-Year Giving
Tax Deductable Gifts
P.O. Box 680250
Prattville, AL 36068
O 334.361.1660
F 334.361.9578




Ministry Newsreel
U.S. Reports

cost for this is $40-50,000.00. We need your help!

International Reports

Property Update
The work at the Prattville property is slowly but steadily coming along. The pavilion pads are
poured, the bathroom walls are going up, the holes for the roof posts
are being dug. The well is to be put
in this week (before you receive this
FOCUS), then the soccer field irrigation will go in followed by the
9000 sq. yds. of sod. It is exciting to see the progress taking
Many of you have prayed with us for several years along with
many giving toward the building fund. We rejoice to see the
progress, and know in a couple
of months we will be able to begin some events and activities
that will provide opportunities to share the gospel and bring
people to Christ. We can have athletic events on the soccer field
as well as use our Mobile Units on the field to present gospel
Through your continued prayers, gifts, and support, and by
Gods grace and provision, we hope to continue building until

Hello from Romania! Our summer ministry is over, finished

Sept 13. We had 43 nights of ministry this summer and many
hundreds of people heard the Gospel. God gave us a very good
team. We will be choosing who will be on the team in 2017
during this winter.
In September I met a new young man on
the Internet, his name is Philip and he is
21, and a Military Policeman in the Russian
Army. When I was sharing with him about
Jesus he said you sound like my grandmother! Philip prayed and gave his life to
Jesus! Im very thankful for him. He is
way in the east in Russia, seven hours ahead of us in Romania!
He is in the city of Ussurlysk. Please ask the Lord to protect him
and help him to grow Spiritually.
I will return to the states early this year, arriving in Chicago November 17. I want to be with my dad and sister for Thanksgiving since its the first one without mom. I also have the wedding
of a Romanian young man to attend that weekend. Thanks so
much for your prayers and giving this year!

the whole facility is up and running to full potential, and people


are coming to Christ every week through the ministries offered.

Testimonies from two indivduals who accepted Christ!

Please continue to praise the Lord, pray and support this good

Thesikapuram Rajapalayam Tamil Nadu

I am aged 45, was born in a Hindu


family. I was a complete drunkard. I

Allen Nye
Allen is spearheading our newest U.S. ministry project, and
probably the future way we do film ministry here; a Mobile
Unit with an LED screen.
This MU will allow us to show movies during the daytime
and nighttime. You have seen the bright LED billboards,
well this is a smaller version 7 x 14, but just as bright and
mounted on a truck.
We have always had to wait until dark to show the movie.
As a result, many potential meetings are not scheduled
because of the late hours. The LED screen will radically
change this and the way we do film ministry in the U.S. The

have wife and two children. For many

years, I was a truth seeker. I wanted
to leave all bad habits such as drinking and smoking. The meeting held at Thesikapuram, gave me
much happiness. They showed a film called Karmam. They
introduced Jesus to me. I realized that I should repent of my
sins and receive Jesus as my Savior because He died for my
sins. Now I decided to accept Jesus and
desire to live a holy life.
- Guna Sekharan
I was born in a Hindu family in Thirukapuram of Rajaplayam of Tamil Nadu.

The van ministry team came to our village they distributed tracts. One of the pastors (Pr.H.Mano) shared gospel with me. In the
end the pastors prayed for me. Now I am released and I decided to live for Christ. -Moorthy

GOFAMINT (GOspelFAithMissionINTernational)
July 3rd 2016 - September 27th

Attendance .......................2,670
Altar call ..............................289
WATS (WestAfricaTheologicalSeminary)
After more than a year of working and waiting, West Africa Theological Seminary has a new Mobie Unit. Through the combined
efforts of WATS (to sell the old MU bus) New Beginnings International Church, Lagos and DIM
(including a very generous gift from Amelia Baptist Church, Fernandina Beach, FL, the new Toyota
Coaster Bus was recently purchased. The Seminary students and staff are very excited. In our 15
year partnership with WATS, they have faithfully worn out vehicles and equipment through extensive use, leading literally thousands of people to the Lord.
We rejoice as we help equip them for the years ahead. Thank you Amelia Baptist and others who have helped facilitate their ministry.

Ministry Spotlight

by Predestin Pierre Herard
I write you this letter to give you an idea about what happen in Haiti after the hurricane Matthew.
This hurricane affected six regions in Haiti. More than two thousand people died and two million
lost everything.
As Haiti is already a poor country, its become more complicated, especially with Cholera which continues to kill people.
Some people do mobilization to bring help to the people as food, water, shelter, sheet metal, wood, and so on. But even though
they have these kind of things, they will still be hungry and thirsty and no roof because they
do not have Jesus. The people really need to hear the Gospel at this moment. Its a moment
of great decision.
Give them food, they will be hungry again; give them water, they will be thirsty again; give
them shelter; they will still need roof over their head. But give them gospel; they will have
everything (Ps 23).
In this way, its really urgent to have tools to reach souls for the Lord and the Mobile Unit
will be this tool that will help us to reach people for Christ. We bless God for our journey
in the month of June, when we were able to organize five crusades, all glory be to God.

COMPLETE MOBILE UNIT = $40,000.00 Current Fund Balance = $3,250.00


Prattville, AL

P.O. Box 680250 | Prattville, AL 36068

Return Service Requested

Haiti (continued)

God is not limited to any amount of a gift, neither are we as His


by Mike Jones
Pastor Herard also reported that the 200+ children in their orphanage survived the hurricane, but clean water and food are
in short supply. He emphasized that now is the time to reach
thousands in Haiti for Christ.
Gifts small and large are needed to make this Mobile Unit a
reality quickly.

End-of-Year Giving
This FOCUS is the last for this year. As you can see, there are
needs and opportunities big and small. (And we didnt include
the General Fund, Missionary Fund, or the Building Fund).
We are trusting God for GREAT things that will reach thousands of people in many places with the Gospel, those whom
we havent been able to reach before. The cost is GREAT, but
God is GREATER and will provide through his children who

Haiti cant wait for money to trickle in; neither can the U.S. We
are in deep spiritual need in this country right now. These needs
are truly urgent.
God Bless You as you follow His leading to give!

Tax Deductable Gifts...

...can be given in several ways.
1. Money - by check, through the website, or set up anautomatic bank draft.
2. Memorials and Honorariums
3. Gifts-in-kind: any tangible item of value, i.e. trucks,
cars, boats, vans, etc.
4. Deferred Giving - designate DIM as a beneficiary to
funds available after your death.

desire to give.
If you would like to receive the Focus by email, or would like
to be removed from the Focus mailing list, please contact us by email or phone.

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