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and its


Adar I, 5687. Times were daring.

The Communist regime was in full swing and Yiddishkeit was
being tormented from all sides. With each passing day the
situation worsened. Mikvaos were closed and stuffed with
cement, Shuls were confiscated and transformed to clubs, and
dozens of Rabbonim, Melamdim, and Shochtim were arrested.
In this article we will discover a Maamer that was penned
by the Frierdiker Rebbe during these harsh times,
and the chain that it started.

ADAR I 5774 |


Now, just as at any distressful moment, I am reminded of my fathers terrifying, holy words to me, said about the
newly-rising government and its three
leading figures, just three weeks before
his histalkus:
Dark clouds are descending upon Russia In the end, Hashem will destroy the
Jewish youngsters who hunt down Yiddishkeit. But until then, we will suffer
from their wickedness and their libels
I was overtaken with fear when hearing these holy words I can still picture
the scene in my mind that Friday, 8
Adar, 5680, when my father told me
those terrifying, holy words, including
his statement, Yosef Yitzchak: you must
have mesirus nefesh to spread Torah in
the spirit of yiras shomayim not only
potential mesirus nefesh, but actually so
(!)" ;
These were the thoughts going through
the Frierdiker Rebbes mind while riding
the train for a fateful visit to Moscow;
Adar I, 5687. Times were daring. The
Communist regime was in full swing and
Yiddishkeit was being tormented from all
Although the Communist party promised freedom of religion for all faiths, the
young members of the Yevsektzia
(Jewish section of the Communist party)
were determined to eradicate any sign of
Jewish practice from the face of the
USSR, especially Jewish education.
With each passing day the situation
worsened. Mikvaos were closed and
stuffed with cement, Shuls were confiscated and transformed into clubs, and
dozens of Rabbonim, Melamdim, and
Shochtim were arrested.
From his home in Leningrad, the
Frierdiker Rebbe oversaw a massive network which was set on strengthening
Yiddishkeit in any manner possible, particularly by educating Jewish youth in the
ways of Torah. In addition to this, the
Frierdiker Rebbe coordinated a major


throughout the region with means of
livelihood. Various equipment and tools
were sent to families so they would be
able to sustain themselves without working on Shabbos.
With such dangerous activities being
his primary occupation, the Frierdiker
Rebbe knew that the members of the
Yevsektzia had him under their constant
watch, and he attempted to evade their
surveillance to the best possible extent.
Traveling far distances was preferably
But now, it became clear that the

I emphasized this
point greatly,
without caring
that 'the walls
had ears...'




In honor of Yud Shevat HaGadol 5730, many guests arrived from Eretz Yisroel to spend this special
time with the Rebbe, and before their departure, the Rebbe held a farbrengen.
Seeing the anxiety on the faces of the departing Chassidim as they awaited their flight, the Rebbe told
the following story about the Frierdiker Rebbe, presumably referring to his 5687 trip to Moscow:

It happened during the height of Soviet persecution

and oppression. The Frierdiker Rebbe was in Leningrad
and was slated to travel by train that evening to Moscow.
At the time, the secret police knew that even while the
Frierdiker Rebbe was sitting in his room, he was
continuously working to strengthen Yiddishkeit, and
they were therefore watching his every move.
When the Frierdiker Rebbe would travel their
surveillance was intensified, because it was clear to them
that if the Frierdiker Rebbe felt it important enough to
travel, his motives were to work towards strengthening
Yiddishkeit. In these instances, they would follow him
In this instance, this was all magnified because the
Frierdiker Rebbes destination was Moscow, the Soviet
capital at the time.
Reports had been heard, that the authorities were
becoming very irritated with the Frierdiker Rebbes
activities to the point of total intolerance. It seemed that
they were on the verge of taking action. Nevertheless, the
Frierdiker Rebbe continued to
spread Yiddishkeit with ever
growing intensity.
In this period, such a journey
was perilous. By all means it was
a very tense moment.
The Rebbe described the
A short while before my
father-in-law was scheduled to
go from his residence on 22
Machavoye to the station, and
board the train for Moscow, I
entered his room. I saw that
he was sitting immersed in
whatever it was he was
doing, completely calm as if
in middle of an ordinary
In Tanya, the Alter

Rebbe speaks on the importance of Moach Shalit Al

Halev - the mind ruling over the heart, and even
supports this idea with quotes from the Zohar and Raya
Mehemna. But nevertheless, to such a degree?!...
I could not contain myself and expressed my surprise.
In response, my father-in-law related to me what he
had heard from his father: The Rebbe Rashab, in the
name of the Rebbe Maharash, concerning the concept of
hatzlacha bzman successful time management.
This means that although one cannot add hours to the
clock, nevertheless he could and must maximize
productivity by utilizing the time that he has to the
absolute fullest.
That was the explanation my father-in-law gave me at
the time, but here we have a group of people who are
scheduled to fly out in an hour and a quarter from now.
Yet, its difficult to convince them that at the present
moment the El-Al airplane doesnt exist! Theyre busy
looking at the clock to see how much time remains until
their flight. So, we will try to be brief
(Sichos Kodesh 5730 vol. 1 p. 469)

ADAR I 5774 |


Frierdiker Rebbe would need to be in

Moscow for some important meetings.
On Motzoei Shabbos Parshas Tetzaveh,
10 Adar I, he boarded the express train
for Moscow, while feelings of anxiety
overtook his entire household. (See sidebar).

In his yoman, the Frierdiker Rebbe

describes the difficulties he faced on a

daily basis throughout his visit as he
moved from one hotel to another, in
attempt to dodge the Yevsektzias constant harassment. Nevertheless, he accepted an invitation from representatives
of the local Tiferes Bachurim1 program, to farbreng on the afternoon of
Purim Katan in the Marina Roscha Shul.
The Frierdiker Rebbe records in his

On Wednesday, 12 Adar I
5744, the Rebbe was
visited by the Oskover
Rebbe along with his
Shamash. He began by
telling the Rebbe about
the wonderful activities
coordinated by the
Chabad Chassidim in
Beer Sheva, adding
that he often takes
part in them in person,
or offers his assistance.

diaries how he spoke passionately of the

need to stay true to Torah and Yiddishkeit without being intimidated by the
members of the Yevsektzia, despite the
fact that he knew of their presence in the
room at the time.
Many people mistakenly think that
the Yevsektzia founded the current government, or has any governmental power. They are merely a small group of maniacs who wish to terrorize and harass
Yiddishkeit The leaders of the
Yevsektzia are the scum of society; liars,
cheaters, and barbarians. Their true colors are bound to surface soon But for
the time being, we must establish that the
Yevsektzia do not represent the government at all and their demands need not
be respected2
The Frierdiker Rebbe concludes his
diary that his emotional words inspired
all those present, who requested of him
that he also say a Maamor, and he promised that the following day he would.


The Oskover Rebbe

requested that the Rebbe convey some words of encouragement to take back
with him to the Chassidim in Beer Sheva. The Rebbe replied, that as we
approach Purim Katan, we are reminded of the story of the Frierdiker Rebbe on
Purim Katan, 5687. The Frierdiker Rebbe had then traveled to Moscow for
communal affairs. Although he knew very well that the Yevsektzia was
following his every move, keeping a watchful eye behind each of his steps, he
nonetheless chose to recite a Maamor at the large Chabad Shul in the city.
The Maamor began with the Possuk VeKibel HaYehudim from the Megila,
calling fervently upon the listeners to remain strong in the observance of Torah
and Mitzvos, and particularly in ensuring a proper Jewish education for their
children. The Frierdiker Rebbe spoke in this manner, even while he knew that
spies had been implanted within the crowd, to report to the government of all
that they were hearing.
Indeed, when the Frierdiker Rebbe was actually arrested in Sivan of that year,
his interrogators made mention of the Purim Katan episode.
The Rebbe concluded, If you wish to bring anyone some words of
encouragement (Ah Gut vort) the best words are those mentioned above


Indeed, on Thursday evening, Shushan

Purim Katan, a large crowd gathered
again at the shul to hear the Maamor.
In the spirit of Purim, the Maamor
began with the Posuk from the Megilla,
Vkibel Hayehudim explaining, based
on what Chazal say, that at the time of
Purim, the Yidden reached a very high
level, resulting in their recommitment to
the acceptance of the Torah. This was
only possible due to the mesirus nefesh
they performed, which was aroused within each one of them by their Moshe
Rabbeinu Mordechai.
Furthermore, Hamans initial decree
specifically targeted the Jewish children.
Nevertheless, Mordechai gathered tens of
thousands of children and taught them
Torah openly, leading the way for true
mesirus nefesh.
The Frierdiker Rebbes words were an
explicit reference to the situation in Russia at the time, calling upon the Yidden
to once again step up with mesirus
nefesh, especially with regards to educating Jewish children in the path of Torah.
Constantly on the watch, members of

the Yevsektzia implanted themselves

amongst the crowd and heard every
word spoken against their scheme. In a
letter written by the Frierdiker Rebbe ten
years later, he describes what went on at
that moment:
I recited the Maamor Vkibel Hayehudim which discusses mesirus nefesh
for keeping Torah and Mitzvos. I emphasized this point greatly, without caring
that the walls had ears I wished to

day I met the acquaintance again and

asked him, did the Rebbe leave yet? His
cold response indicated that my advice
had not been followed and I was quite
On Thursday evening I was strolling
about with my friends, and we noticed
that the Lubavitcher Shul was illuminated brightly and full from end to end with
a huge crowd, including an overflow in
the lobby and on the steps outside. When

give in to the proposal of Achashveirosh

to assimilate into his own nation. The
source of their strength to withstand this
test, was from the twenty-two thousand
Jewish children, Mordechais students,
who stood up during a time of decree
against Torah study and proclaimed: We
are with you Mordechai, in life as in
They, the youngsters, defeated the
strongest of Ministers, Haman HoRasha.
This spiritual war lives on in each genera-

"Since tonight is
Purim Katan we
will distribute
this Ma'amor
after Maariv."

awaken the hearts [of my listeners];

something so crucial at the time.3
[In another letter, the Frierdiker Rebbe
mentions that correspondents from the
Emes (or better put: Sheker) newspaper were also present.]4

A detailed description of the events of

that Purim Katan are also articulated in a
letter by one of the Rabbonim of the
USSR, who happened to be visiting Moscow at the time. He tells a story how he
was randomly questioned one day by the
GPU all about the Lubavitcher Rebbe,
after which he realized that the Frierdiker
Rebbe was under a serious threat. In his
own words:
I summoned one of the Rebbes close
acquaintances and suggested that the
Rebbe must leave the city and return
home immediately, that night. The next

we asked what was going on, they explained that the Lubavitcher Rebbe was
addressing everyone from the bima, and
being that today is Purim Katan, following the drosha there will be a seuda as
Upon hearing this, a shudder passed
through my entire body. I realized right
then that as a true grandson, he must
have inherited the strength of character
from his grandfather [the Rebbe Maharash], who endangered his life, standing
fearlessly in front of the wicked noblemen of the old government on behalf of
the Jewish people.
[My friend] Mr. Wendel and I entered
[the shul] to hear the drosha, and I saw
the Rebbe sitting on the bima, speaking
in his booming voice.
The content of his discourse explained
the miracle of Purim which was brought
about by the Jews determination not to

tion and in every place. Only with the

Torah study of the very young, can we
stand strong in its face, as it say
I cannot deny that the content of the
discourse, and especially the passion of
the orator, clearly undeterred by the
great danger potentially posed by his
words, as well as the attention he received from his audience, all left a mighty
impression upon me. I would have
wished to hear more, but I suddenly noticed a few suspicious individuals whom
I thought might be spies, so we left the
It should be noted: the Frierdiker Rebbe records in his yoman that while on the
train to Moscow, he was writing the
Maamor VAta Tetzave. Eventually,
this Maamor was published as a part of
the Maamor VKibel HaYehudim, and
is not a Maamer for itself.
ADAR I 5774 |



hroughout the years, the Rebbe

constantly spoke of this special
Maamor and its timeless message, especially around the time of Purim and Purim Katan.

. .

In 5727, forty years from when the
Maamor was delivered, the Rebbe
had it reprinted in a special kuntres
and disseminated around the
world, along with a michtav kloliproti in which the Rebbe encouraged
everyone to study the Maamor and
apply its message to our lives today.
To one particular educator who had
complained to the Rebbe of her
difficulties in teaching her very
young pupils, the Rebbe added the
following line:

[ ][ ]
,' ][ ][

[ ].'
It would be worthwhile that you
contemplate upon the Maamors
words on the Posuk Mipi ollelim,
and draw the conclusion about the
importance of educating them
[your students]; as well as the great
zchus, fortune, and riches of those
with whom the Heavenly
providence entrusted it.

(- -)

In the earlier years after the Rebbes

arrival in America, the Rebbe, as editorin-chief of Kehos, would publish a
Maamor from the Frierdiker Rebbe in
time for each Yom Tov. For Purim 5711,
it was VKibel HaYehudim. (The
Maamor was also published previously in
HaTomim, in honor of the ten-year
anniversary of the Frierdiker Rebbes
Chag Hageulah Yud Beis Tammuz,
At the Purim farbrengen, the Rebbe
recited a Maamor based on the Frierdiker Rebbes VKibel HaYehudim, beginning also with the same dibur hamaschil.
Listening to the audio recording of the
Maamor, one can notice that the Rebbe
begins the first sentence and breaks into
tears, and then begins again from the
The Rebbe also transcribed the beginning of the Maamor in his own holy
handwriting (see Ksav Yad Kodesh).

On Sunday, 12 Adar I 5752, at 8:00

p.m. the Maamor of VAtah Tetzaveh
was brought to the Rebbe for editing, in
order that it be distributed for Purim
Katan.6 Outside the Rebbes room was a
small table where the Mazkirim would
put important papers and faxes that were
received throughout the night. Every so
often, the Rebbe came out of his room
and left the written answers on the table
so they could be passed on.
On Monday morning at 2:15 a.m. the
Rebbe came out of his room to drop off
the edited version of the Maamor on the
table. Immediately, Rabbi Chaim Shaul
Brook was called, and he rushed to 770 in
order to re-edit the Maamer. Hastily he
fixed all the corrections in their proper
places, as per the Rebbes instructions.
The Maamor was then printed and faxed
to hundreds of locations around the
At 5:50 a.m. the printed version of the
Maamor was on the table, and alongside
it was a written report listing all the locations where it had already been sent to.
Ten minutes later the Rebbe came out

again, took the Maamor, and wrote an

encouraging response on the report:

" .( May it be his will
to bring about a positive effect; as it is
also an auspicious time... I shall mention
it at the Ohel.)
When the Rebbe was leaving 770 to the
Mikva on Monday morning Erev Purim
Katan, he was carrying the new Maamor
in his hand. The Rebbe turned to his secretary and said, Since tonight is Purim
Katan we will distribute this Maamor
after Maariv. The Rebbe continued a few
more steps towards his car, then turned
again and said, With a dollar. The Rebbe took a few more steps and said, With
Lekach also.7
On that night, upon the Rebbes return
from the Ohel, thousands of Chassidim;
men, women and children, passed by the
Rebbe to receive the Maamor Veata
Tetzaveh as it appeared in the Kuntres
Purim Katan 5752.

The Maamor itself is based on the

Frierdiker Rebbes Maamor of Vkibel
Hayehudim. (As mentioned, the
Frierdiker Rebbe had written a Maamor

VAta Tetzaveh while on the train and

later incorporated it within the Mamor
Vekibel Hayehudim).
It expounds at length about the charge
of Moshe Rabbeinu to connect all the
Jewish people with their Creator, and
how this in turn brings Moshe Rabbeinu
himself to attain greater heights. And just
as Moshe Rabbeinu did so with the Yidden in his time, the same is true about
the Moshe Rabbeinu of each generation
up until -and including- our Moshe
Rabbeinu the [Frierdiker] Rebbe.
It speaks of two forms of self-sacrifice
that are expected of a Jew during two
sorts of time-periods. The first is when
the Jewish people are in troubling times,
as was the case at the time when the
Frierdiker Rebbe said his Maamor.
The power that the Yidden have to
practice this mesiras nefesh is generated
by the Moshe Rabbeinu in each generation, as Chazal say Mordechai bdoiroi
kMoshe bdoiroi
The second time-period that the
Maamor discusses is under comfortable
circumstances, when the Jews are not
being persecuted and are free to practice
the observance of Torah. However, the
mere fact that they find themselves in
exile, when G-dliness is not visible
throughout the world, must shake them

As it turned out this Maamor was the last one that we were privileged to have
received from the Rebbes holy hands. Less than two weeks later, on Chof
Zayin Adar Rishon, while at the Ohel, the Rebbe had a stroke and was not
magia Maamorim afterwards.
Regarding the last Maamor given by the Frierdiker Rebbe, Basi Lgani 5710,
the Rebbe said that one can find answers to the difficulties that arise, since
Dortn hut er altz Bavornt (I.e. in the Maamor, the Rebbe hinted to our
present situation and implanted answers within its words see Toras Menachem vol. 1 p. 20).
While we anticipate a new Maamor from the Rebbe, Chassidim look towards
the last Maamor of Veata Tetzaveh as a source of direction. May it be Teikef
Umiyad Mamosh!

to the core (as the Posuk says about the

preparation of the oil for the Menorah in
the Beis Hamikdash kasis pressed)
and give them no rest until they succeed
in bringing about the final Geulah.
1. Tiferes Bachurim provided after-hours Torah
shiurim for young students who were either engaged
in vocational work or secular studies and did not
attend a Yeshivah. See Toldos Chabad BRussiya
HaSovietis p. 51.
2. Sefer Hasichos 5687 p. 154
3. Igros Kodesh vol. 4 p. 16
4. Ibid. vol. 1 p. 631

5. The letter appeared originally in HaTomim (vol. 2

p. 712); reprinted in Sefer HaMaamorim 5687 p. 288
6. In honor of each Yom Tov beginning from Shavuos, 5746, the Rebbe edited a Maamor that was
said in an earlier year regarding that particular Yom
Tov, in order to be published.
7. Although the Rebbe distributed a Maamor for
each Yom Tov, it was unusual that he should personally hand it out to each one.

KATAN 5752.
ADAR I 5774 |


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