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Section 2: Concrete Task

1. Sabrina, non-member user, are not joining a membership but she keeps accessing the
health web application. In case, she is not the member, she unable to get the specific
health consultation. She only can do some overview in the application. She also
cannot do some function in this web page that specialize for member only. If she
wants to do so, she need register as a member.
This is frequently task and not important. Many user accessing this web application,
but do not want to be part of member. They only want to search and read the article in
the web application and gain some information for their health.

Hakimi, a user who want to register to be member. He opens his browser and
accessing the web application. He clicks on the sign-up button to be a new member.
He need to fill in the personal details and aware that membership is free. After
completing the form, he submits the application through submit button. Hakimi will
get the notification that he already success registered as a member.
This is a complex task that contains many situations that while less routine, are still
important. In particular, it contains some elements of the Health Care Application
policy (e.g. agree conditions and term of health application). Some workarounds (e.g.
creating an account and fill us the personal details), and some less routine situations
(e.g. delete their account) that are rare but still important.

3. Encik Johan, an administrator can view all the details of registered member and also
approved the request for registration of new member. Besides that, he also can be
modifying the record by adding, deleting, and updating the account of member. He
also can update and give a newsletter to member.
Discussion: This is fairly routine task, as validated by Encik Johan. The web pages
received a request from those users who want to be a member. It also illustrates some

working practises. For example, most member waiting for an administrator to update
and give the newsletter to them. Encik John is also a typical system user, and those
members are typical client.

Hakimi is the user member. He login into the application because want to know the
current health condition status. He enters the detail about his age, height, weight,
sugar level and also blood pressure. Based on his BMI level, Blood Pressure level and
also sugar level, then he will get the specific information about eating healthy diet,
engaged regular physical activity and less overtaking the food.
This is a fairly routine task, as validated by Hakimi. The client can access the
application. It also illustrates some working practices. For example, client can enter
their health information and an admin sent the result for the lifestyle changes. Admin
is also a typical system user, while Hakimi is a typical client.


Hakimi, active user member. He wants to know the history of his health record. He
can view his health history by using user ID. System will generate one chart that will
shows the health improvement user from the start he become a member and current
member onwards.
This task identifies a specific activity that is frequency and most important. It also
indicates that member may be doing this task. Hakimi need to check his history health
record by entering his user ID. So, the system take action in generate the r esult.

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