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Squence 0: Me, Myself and I

Warm Up: Anticipate.
A. Picture from Bridges, p. 19

CERCL Monologue suivi Niveau A2

Peut dcrire les gens, lieux et choses en termes simples

people (physical appearance and attitude)
if you know where the picture comes from, say what you know about the movie

The scene takes place in a flat, in the living-room. There are 8 young people 3 girls and 5 boys. They are
comfortably sitting in the sofa or standign behind it. They look relax. They look like friends: they are all the same
age and are looking at each other in a friendly way. It may be a party or maybe they are sharing an apartment all
This is a shot from the famous movie by Cedric Klapish entitled L'Auberge Espagnole (The Spanish Flat in
English). It's about a French student named Xavier who leaves France to spend a year in Barcelona with the
Erasmus exchange program. He shares a flat with students fro all over Europe for the whole year and the
experience is changing him forever.
B. Final task
CERCL: interaction orale gnrale/ interviewer et tre interview Niveau A2
Peut interagir avec une aisance raisonnable dans des situations bien structures et de courtes conversations
condition que l'interlocuteur apporte de l'aide le cas chant. Peut faire face des changes courants
simples sans effort excessif; peut poser des questions, rpondre des questions et changer des ides et des
renseignements sur des sujets familiers dans des situations familires prvisibles de la vie quotidienne.
Peut tablir un contact social: salutations et congs, prsentations, remerciements/
Peut se faire comprendre dans un entretien et communiquer des ides et de l'information sur des sujets
familiers condition de pouvoir faire clarifier l'occasion et d'tre aid(e) pour exprimer ce qu'il/ elle veut.
You have been selected to participate to the Erasmus exchange program in the city of your choice. You are
applying to be a room-mate in an apartment shared by sudents from all over Europe. Introduce yourself,
explain who you are, your likes and dislikes and why you want to share this apartment in this particular
city. You may also ask questions as to organization in the flat.
C. Needs?




simple present
describing oneself (personality, personal history)
likes and dislikes
European countries and the Erasmus program
European cities (possibly English speaking)
social exchanges: saying hello, taking leave...
speaking loud and clearly
conducting an interview/ being interviewed

II. Get ready.

A. Warm Up: Meeting Points 2ndes p 14
CERCL Comprhension gnrale de l'oral Niveau A2
Peut comprendre des expressions et des mots porteurs de sens relatifs des domaines de priorit
immdiate (par exemple: informations personnelle et familiale de base, achats, gographie locale,
1. Observe and listen.

Have a look at the two passports

Listen to the four interviews
- on the first listening you must be able to identify the two interviews corresponding to the two
passports and the names of the other people.
- 2nd listening: identify the elements of information the four people all mention, then make a grid to
help you with your third listening

Full name
Date of birth
Place of birth
Job/ occupation
Date the passport
was issued
Date the passport
will expire
- 3rd listening: complete the grid
2. Recap.
CERCL monologue suivi Niveau A2
Peut dcrire les gens, les lieux et les choses en termes simples.
Speaking from your notes, you must be able to present one of the four students we have heard.
HMK: write an account of all the people you have heard of
CERCL: production crite gnrale Niveau A2
Peut crire une srie d'expressions et de phrases simples relies par des connecteurs simples tels que
'et', 'mais' et 'parce que'.

B. Interviewing
1. Observe and listen (salle multimedia)
CERCL Comprhension orale gnrale/ Comprendre des intsructions orales Niveau A2
Peut comprendre des expressions et des mots porteurs de sens relatifs des domaines de priorit
immdiate (par exemple information personnelle et familiale de base, emploi)/ Peut saisir le point
essentiel d'une annonce ou d'un message brefs, simples et clairs.

extract from L'auberge espagnole: youtube: l'auberge espagnole Xavier's new flat
- nationalities present
- reasons for roomsharing and concerns (rent/ nationalities)
- questions (2 categories: what are you studying; how do you see yourself in 5 years/ do you like music,
do you like horse-riding/ What kind of music do yu listen to)
- say how it illustrates the difficulties of finding a roommate
- personal opinion on the questions asked

youtube: RoommateRobot How to conduct a roommate interview

- identify the various steps
- note down the questions/ subjects mentioned in the questions
- possible difficulties of living with a 'bad' roommate
- personal opinion on the inteview and questions

From your notes recap what you have understood and remember
CERCL monologue suivi niveau A2
Peut faire une description brve et lmentaire d'un vnement ou d'une activit. Peut dcrire quelque
chose par une simple liste de points.

Write down what you feel are the important aspects to mention in a roommate interview on both sides
Hmk: you must be able to say what you feel is essential when going through a job interview and why.

2. Interviewing/ being interviewed: practice

a) Basics (transparent)

Find the questions using the prompts.

rappel des deux types de questions et des pronoms interrogatifs
b) Speak about yourself.

Work on your own: you have two minutes to fill in the grid with information about yourself. You will use
these elements to answer your friend's questions in the interview. Use the blank spaces to add some
information you need in important/ interesting/ funny in a selective interview.
c) Interview/ Be interviewed.
CERCL Interaction orale gnrale niveau A2
Peut interagir avec une aisance raisonnable dans des situations bien structures et de courtes
conversations condition que l'interlocuteur apporte de l'aide le cas chant. Peut faire face des
changes courants simples sans effort excessif; peut poser des questions, rpondre des questions et
changer des rensiegnements sur des sujets familiers dans des situations familires prvisibles de la vie
Ask your friend about himself/ herself and fill in the grid with the information given. Then present him/ her
to the class. Take notes on what you hear. Ask questions when you don't understand
Hmk: Your other roommate is asking you about the people you have seen during the day: Be able to give
a short account on them so that he/ she can give his/ her opinion about the choice you will have to make.
CERCL: monologue suivi niveau A2
Peut dcrire les gens, les lieux et les choses en termes simples.
(+ rappel de la 3e personne du singulier)

3. Convincing.
As Xavier in the Spanish flat, you will have to convince the interviewer that you're worth being selected. And just like
in the RoommateRobot ad, you have to make sure you will find someone youcan live with.
a) Community living

Lexical Fields

Put the following words in the grid according to the category they belong to:
shopping bathroom chores guests phone parties - rent fridge cleaning kitchen noise bills livingroom girl/boy friends cooking


Community rules

Find 5 rules that you think are essential for harmonious living. You can use the following structures:

people must/ mustn't ... + BV

roommates have to ...+ BV
It's essential/ important/ vital that... + prop
Don't...+ BV
b) Personality

Lexical fields: organize the vocabulary according to whether they are qualities or defects.

Easy-going lazy selfish bossy sociable helpful reliable open-minded funny - independent serious
quiet dirty bad-tempered talkative generous curious messy organized respectful dishonest noisy
responsible fussy Qualities


Choose two qualities that are essential for you in a roommate and two defects that are just not acceptable. Explain
your choice.

CERCL Monologue suivi/ Discussion Niveau A2

Peut expliquer en quoi une chose lui plat ou lui dplat/ Peut changer des informations pertinentes et donner
son opinion sur des problmes pratiques si on le/ la sollicite directement condition d'tre aide(e) pour formuler
et de pouvoir faire rpter les points importants le cas chant.
You may use structures like
I dislike/ hate/ detest/ can't stand/ can't bear ... + Noun/ V-ING
I like/ am keen on/ am fond of... + Noun/ V-ING
Discuss it with the rest of the class. You may use structures like
I agree/ I disagree with
To me/ I believe/ I think/ I'm convinced...

HMK: You must be able to explain what qualities you have that make you a better roommate as well as the qualities
you expect to find in a future rooomate.

III. Steady: What's Erasmus?

A. Start from what you know.

using the movie or what you have heard about this program, say what it consist in.
Imagine what can be the positive/ negative aspects of such an experience.
Positive aspects

* you learn a foreign language

* you learn about another culture
* you meet lots of different people
* you become more open-minded, more sociable
* you become more independent and more mature
* it may be a good point for future employers

Negative aspects
* you may miss your family and friends/ feel

A personal experience: ask Cyril about his experience of living in a foreign environment: the students
ask him questions.
B. Get into more details: text Bridges p 19

CERCL: Comprhension gnrale de l'crit Niiveau A2/B1

Peut comprendre de courts textes simples sur des sujets concrets courants avec une frquence leve
de a=langue quotidienne ou relative au travail. Peut identifier l'information pertinente sur la plupart
des crits simples rencontrs tels que lettres, brochures et courts articles de journaux dcrivant des
faits./ Peut lire des textes factuels directs sur des sujets relatifs son domaine et ses intrts avec un
niveau satisfaisant de comprhension.
1. Read it once

identify the arguments that have been found in class.

say what other elements you have understood.
2. 2nd reading

Underline all the countries that are mentioned in the text.

statistics: say what these figures correspond to:

one million (students who have benefited from the Erasmus exchange program)
2000 (institutions that collaborate to the program)
31 (countries where the Erasmus program is available)
9% (the increase in the number of students who partcipated to the program between 2002-3 and 2003-4)
1,500 (the grant you receive from the European Commission)

Conditions for applying to the programme

Speaking from your notes, recap all that you have understood about the Exchange programme (what is is, its
advantages and disadvantages)
HMK: Write a short account on that subject. Explain which country you would like to live in and why.

C. Personal experience: C/O (Bridges)

CERCL Comprendre des enregistrements Niveau A2/ B1
Peut comprendre et extraire l'information essentielle de courts passages enregistrs ayant trait un
sujet courant prvisible, si le dbit est lent et la langue clairement articule/ Peut comprendre
l'information contenue dans la plupart des documents enregistrs ou radiodiffuss dont le sujet est
d'intrt personnel et la langue standard clairement articule.
1. Anticipate
You are going to hear the following words. Circle the syllable which you think will be stressed. Then listen
to these words and check you answers.
1. Europe
2. Erasmus
3. programme
4. experiences

5. University
6. Birmingham
7. European
8. benefit

9. improve
10. personal
11. advantages
12. interesting

13. environment
14. organize
15. opportunity
16. recommend

17. interviewee
18. memorable
19. beneficial
20. atmosphere

2. Listen to the document once.

identify the type of document

the number of people speaking, their names, sex, origin, occupation and the subject of their conversation
3. 3rd and 4th listenings.

Concentrate on the questions: that will help you understand the answers
Identify the positive/ negative words in the answers.
Organize the positive and negative into two different categories (cf: social/ professional)
4. Recap.

Speaking from your notes, give an account of the two students' experience orally.
Hmk: Write an account on the Erasmus experience the two students have lived.
Be able to explain if you would like to live such an experience and why.
CERCL essais et rapports Niveau B1
Peut rsumer avec une certaine assurance une source d'informations factuelles sur des sujets familiers
courants et non courants dans son domaine, en faire le rapport et donner son opinion.

IV. Go: your final task

You have been selected to take part to the Erasmus exchange program in the city of your choice. To find a place
to live, you have to go through an interview to become a room-mate in a flat shared by students from all over the
world. You will have to introduce yourself, say why you want to live in this particular place, ask questions about
the general organization and convince the others that you are worth being chosen.
The interviewers will have to take notes and ask questions to the applicant after they have determined what sort of
person they are looking for.

Prep work (10 mn + 5mn)

For your presentation you must think to include:

key information about yourself (name, age...)

what you like/ dislike/ hobbies
your qualities/ defects (think about precise vocabulary)
ask questions as to the organization of community life in the flat
explain why you can be a good point in this community
You must speak frmon notes: Don't write any sentence

During your presentation:

remember to say hello and politely take leave

speak clearly, loud and slowly
use gap-fillers when you hesitate
look at the people your are talking to, smile a lot
Don't hesitate to ask them if they understand you
pay attention to the acentuation of the words, the sentences (particulaly the questions). Remember what you have
heard in the various audio documents seen in class

It's mainly the people who are being interviewed that will be evaluated, but you can have a bonus on your mark by
being a good interviewee (taking notes, asking interesting questions, listening respectfully, introducing some personal
comments...). Moreover, you will have to write a written account explaining which candidate you would choose as a
room mate and justify your choice, that's why you have to pay attention.
Critres d'valuation de la prise de parole en continu



1) Prise en compte de l'auditoire

a) a regard l'auditoire en s'adressant lui
b) a parl sans lire ses notes
c) a parl distinctement et assez fort pour qu'on l'entende



2) Qualit du discours
a) A essay de garder la parole en limitant les pauses et les faux dmarrages
b) a fait un expos prcis, complet et clair
c) a enchan plusieurs phrases la suite avec des liens logiques
d) a donn son point de vue
e) a utilis des gap-fillers en cas d'hsitation



3) Langue orale employe

a) a fait attention accentuer les mots porteurs de sens
b) a respect les groupes de souffle (pauses dans la phrase)
c) a respect l'intonation des phrases
d) a pris garde prononcer correctement



4) Lexique et grammaire
a) a utilis un lexique appropri et prcis
b) a eu recours des priphrases pour compenser le lexique inconnu
c) a limit ses erreurs, qui ne gnent pas la comprhension
d) a t capable de s'auto-corriger



b) Personality

Lexical fields: organize the vocabulary according to whether they are qualities or defects.

Easy-going lazy selfish bossy sociable helpful reliable open-minded funny - independent serious
quiet dirty bad-tempered talkative generous curious messy organized respectful dishonest noisy
responsible fussy Qualities


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