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Tonsillitis is an infection and swelling of the tonsils, which are oval-shaped masses of
lymph gland tissue located on both sides of the back of the throat. Tonsillitis can
occur at any age and is a common childhood ailment. It is most often diagnosed in
children from preschool age through their mid teens. Symptoms include a sore
throat, swollen tonsils, and fever.
Various tonsillitis, according to Imam Megantara (2006)
1. Acute tonsillitis
Caused by streptococcus






streptococcus piogynes, can also be caused by a virus.

2. Tonsillitis falikularis
Tonsils swollen and hyperemia, its surface covered with exudate covered with
white spots that fill kipti tonsils called detritus. This detritus are leukocytes,
epithelial apart due to inflammation and the remnants of the jam.
3. Tonsillitis Lakunaris
When spotting the adjacent band together and fill the lacuna (curves) surface of
the tonsils.
4. Tonsillitis Membranous (septic Sore Throat)
When exudate covering the surface of the tonsils swollen membrane resembles.
These membranes are usually easily removed or disposed of and colored
yellowish white.
5. Chronic Tonsillitis
Tonsillitis berluang, predisposing factors: chronic stimulation (non food) the effects
of weather, the treatment of acute inflammation of inadequate and poor oral
Tonsillitis is caused by viruses or bacteria that cause the tonsils to swell and become
inflamed. Tonsillitis is most often caused by common viruses, but bacterial infections
can also be the cause. The most common bacterium causing tonsillitis is
Streptococcus pyogenes (group A streptococcus), the bacterium that causes strep
throat. Other strains of strep and other bacteria also may cause tonsillitis.

A mild or severe sore throat is one of the first symptoms of tonsillitis. Symptoms can
also include fever, chills, tiredness, muscle aches, earache, pain or discomfort when
swallowing, and swollen glands in the neck. Very young children may be fussy and
stop eating. When a doctor or nurse looks into the mouth with a flashlight, the tonsils
may appear swollen and red. Sometimes, the tonsils will have white or yellow spots
or flecks or a thin coating. Symptoms usually last four to six days.
Complications may rarely include dehydration and kidney failure due to difficulty
swallowing, blocked airways due to inflammation, and pharyngitis due to the spread
of infection.
Tonsillitis is highly contagious. To decrease your odds of getting tonsillitis, stay away
from people who have active infections. Wash your hands often, especially after
coming into contact with someone who has a sore throat, is coughing, or is sneezing.
If you have tonsillitis, do your best to stay away from others until you are no longer
Treatments for more severe cases of tonsillitis may include:

Antibiotics: Antibiotics will be prescribed to fight a bacterial infection. It is

important that you complete the full course of antibiotics. Your doctor may
want you to schedule a follow-up visit to ensure that the medication was

Tonsillectomy: Surgery to remove the tonsils is called a tonsillectomy. This

was once a very common procedure. However, tonsillectomies today are only
recommended for people who experience repeated tonsillitis, tonsillitis that
does not respond to other treatment, or tonsillitis that causes complications.

Is Tonsillitis Contagious in Adults?

A person with tonsillitis caused by strep bacteria is contagious early on and, without
treatment, can remain so for up to 2 weeks. Antibiotics shorten the contagious
period, and an infected person is no longer contagious about 24 to 48 hours after
beginning antibiotic therapy.
How to handle the tonsillitis with non farmacology therapy?

Is the tonsil can become tonsillitis for second time, although the person who
get tonsillitis ever get tonsillectomy?
When the tonsils had surgery, then it will not recur because the tonsils had been
removed. However, if complaints arise after the surgery, we recommended to consult
directly to the ENT specialist for physical inspection immediately.

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