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Province of East Kent


Province of East Kent

11 Boorman Way, Estuary View Business Park,
Whitstable, Kent CT5 3SE
Telephone: 01227 272804

The purpose of this revised handbook is to offer additional guidance and recommendations to
both the experienced and new lodge Directors of Ceremonies. New sections covering
Salutations, Protocol and the various queries that arise in respect of these issues are now
included. The ceremonial procedures that have been adopted and are now used throughout the
Province of East Kent are also included in greater detail and new sections covering White
Tables and their Festive Boards have been added.
Pages 3-15
The Lodge Director of Ceremonies
Dress Code
Lodge Customs and Traditions
Meeting Start Times
Protocol and Salutations
Active Provincial Officers
Regular Lodge Meetings and Ceremonies Generally
Calling Off and Calling On
Initiation, Passing and Raising Ceremonies
Installation Meetings Generally
Long Service Certificates Generally
Banner Dedications / Centenary Warrants Generally
White Tables Meetings Generally
Festive Boards, Wine Taking, Toasts and Raffles
Pages 16-24
General Information re Ceremonial Procedures
Pages 16-17
Receiving an Official Visit from
at Regular and Installation Meetings
Pages 17-21
Receiving an Official Visit from a Representative of
at an Installation Meeting
Pages 21-22
Long Service Certificate Procedure when
attend a Regular Meeting
Pages 22-23
Recommended Installation Procedure
when a Worshipful Master Continues in Office
Pages 24-25



Pages 25-29
(When Non-Masonic Guests are Present)
White Table Meetings in the Presence of
Pages 25-26
White Table Long Service Certificate Presentations
Page 26
White Table Banner Dedication Ceremonies
Page 27
White Table Centenary Warrant Presentation
Page 27
White Table Outgoing Processions in the Presence of
The RWPGM / VWDPGM / W.Bro. APGMs and Executive Members
Page 27
White Table Festive Boards / Wine Taking / Toasts in the Presence of
and the Provincial Executive
Pages 28-29



Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master (Present and Past)

Very Worshipful Deputy Provincial Grand Master (Present and Past)
Worshipful Brother Assistant Provincial Grand Master (Present and Past)
Distinguished Visitor (to include all the above).
Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies
Provincial Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies
Provincial Director of Ceremonies (including any of the Provincial
Escorting DC team)
Worshipful Master
Lodge Director and Assistant Director of Ceremonies
Past Master
Active Provincial Officer
Long Service Certificates


The role of the lodge DC is an important office within any lodge and he should ideally be a Past
Master of the lodge, be well versed in the ritual, lodge bylaws and should see his prime role as
one of ensuring continued compliance with the accepted Grand Lodge and Provincial Grand
Lodge ritual and established workings. He should ensure the meeting, lodge of instruction
(LoI), ceremonies and festive boards are carried out with dignity, decorum, and expedition. If
he is not the preceptor of the LoI, he needs to ensure that ceremonial and ritual are not
compromised. His knowledge of protocol, both within the lodge and at the festive board, is
also of equal importance.
He should possess the trait of diplomacy, particularly when dealing with the other Officers of
the lodge, be a good communicator and man-manager, able to recognise the strengths and
weaknesses of Officers, assisting where necessary to maximise their potential to the benefit of
the lodge. An example of this is the judicious placing of competent Past Masters next to the
Wardens or working Stewards to assist with quiet prompts if necessary.
He should also be able to act as a mentor to the younger members of the lodge offering advice,
support and encouragement to attend meetings and LoIs and, when the situation prevails, offer
them the opportunity of becoming actively involved in ceremonies by presenting the Working
Tools and participating in sections of lectures etc, when the occasion arises. It is important to
remember that often the first time a new member becomes actively involved in freemasonry is
when he starts attending LoIs. If, unfortunately, he should witness an acrimonious LoI, the
impact on him of that situation might well affect his future attendances and possible future
involvement in wishing to take his first steps on the Officers ladder.
Above all, the right approach to the DCs Office can make the difference between wellattended lodge meetings and LoIs. The DC who is unapproachable, dogmatic and inflexible
can often do more harm than good to the lodge and its members and the appointment to the
DCs Office of such a person is ill advised.
Situations often occur within a lodge at the last minute and the DC who remains level headed
and is not thrown into a panic is a great asset! There really is no such thing as a problem, just a
solution which, if dealt with in a quiet and controlled manner, can make the difference to the
meeting being a great success or a failure.
Any brother appointed to the DC/ADC Office ought to be smart in appearance and bearing,
setting a good example to other lodge members of the standards of dress required. For the
general information of the lodge members, the RWPGM, whilst aware that Grand Lodge have
stated the craft tie may be worn on all masonic occasions, is pleased to confirm that with the
introduction of the new East Kent Provincial tie, all Freemasons who are members of a Lodge
or Chapter in the Province may wear the new tie to all Masonic Functions in the Province,
including Regular Lodge Meetings or Chapter Convocations as an alternative to the black or
craft tie if they so wish. All Brethren of whatever Rank are entitled to wear this tie. This
statement does not preclude the wearing of school or regimental ties in those lodges where
special dispensation has been granted.
The DC ought also to be aware of the recent trend of some lodge members wearing a number of
lapel badges on their jackets to meetings. Whilst it has been conceded that little can be done to
regulate this practice, short of mildly scorning it, the DC is recommended to advise lodge
members who follow this practice that, ideally, just the RWPGMs Merit Award and Centenary

Badges may well be permitted, and in fact encouraged, and the wearing of other lapel badges
should be discouraged.
On the subject of waistcoats, it has been noted a small but notable number of fancy
waistcoats have been making their appearance by being worn by some lodge members at their
meetings. For general guidance it is reiterated that, in accordance with the current dress code in
Grand Lodge, waistcoats should match the jacket being worn and be of the same material. If
necessary, this may need to be printed on the agenda.
It has long been the advice of the Province that brethren who have attained Provincial Grand
Rank should wear only two Jewels and clarification has been requested on which of those two
Jewels should be worn. The advice to Past Masters of lodges remains that their PMs Jewel
should ideally be returned to the lodge for recycling upon appointment to Provincial Grand
Rank. However, the number of Provincial Officers going through the chair of their mother
lodge, or indeed other lodges, is on the increase and the advice on the wearing of Jewels has
therefore been amended as follows:
Following the Provincial Executive meeting in June 2006, the two Jewels permitted to be worn
by Provincial Grand Lodge Officers are:
- If the Past Master of a lodge, not yet a Provincial Officer, the regulation Chapter Jewel (if
qualified) and not the PZ Jewel, plus the Past Masters Jewel while attending that lodge.
- If a lodge Founder, the regulation Chapter Jewel (if qualified), plus the Founders Jewel
whilst attending that lodge. When visiting other lodges, the Chapter Jewel (if qualified) plus
the appropriate Craft Jewel if a Past Master.
- On other occasions, especially formal masonic occasions, it would be advisable to follow the
Provincial Executive example and wear the Chapter Jewel only.
- During the period of a Festival many lodge members will qualify to wear a Festival Jewel and
it is accepted that for the Festival period this Jewel may additionally be worn. Most Festival
Jewels are declared permanent Jewels and whilst it is appreciated they may continue to be worn
after the Festival year has finished, it is suggested this practice is unnecessary and certainly not
once a subsequent Festival has been officially launched.
- If two or more Jewels are worn, the Chapter Jewel is always worn to the right of all other
Jewels, (i.e. closest to the centre).
It is always good practice for the DC to check before the meeting opens that the temple has
been laid out correctly and all the elements required for the particular meeting or ceremony are
in place. Do not rely on another member to have necessarily got this right. By way of
example; lighting the candles, Warrant, By-laws, Working Tools, Book of Constitutions,
candidate questions and answers, collar stand for Installation, etc, etc, the list is not exhaustive.
It is recommended, in the light of the latest legislation in respect of a fire or mishap occurring
within our meeting places, that the lodge committee should consider delegating the
responsibility of a fire warden, ideally to a suitably qualified member. The appointed person
should ensure that before the meeting commences the attendance book has been signed by all
present and the brethren advised of the fire exits, muster points and evacuation procedures in
the event of a fire within the building. It is further recommended that all lodges should now
have such a procedure in place should an event or mishap occur within the building.
Generally, if at any time a situation occurs or if foreseen is likely to occur within a lodge and
the answer is not apparent, please do not hesitate to contact either the Provincial Office, or if on

matters of ritual or ceremonial, the PrGDC, both of whom will always be pleased to offer their
support and advice accordingly.
Many of the older lodges in the Province of East Kent have customs and traditions that may
appear unusual to visitors and the RWPGM desires that such established customs continue and
should not be altered unless they are deemed contrary to the rules and regulations laid down by
the United Grand Lodge of England.
This advice is generally applicable to all sections of this handbook with the exception, on some
occasions, when a Provincial Director of Ceremonies (PrDC) appointed to accompany a
Distinguished Visitor (DV) to the lodge meeting might suggest the need to make a slight
modification to that tradition for reasons of expediency. The most common modification being
when the lodge DC/ADC and Deacons form the initial head of the outgoing procession and
more particularly when the lodge tradition is to sing the National Anthem after the Closing
Ode, when some adjustment to the timing and placing of the Wardens may be required.
The RWPGM is anxious that, to suit members, due consideration should be given to the
meeting start times for those lodges which normally meet on a weekday. Where possible,
adjustments might be made such as to allow the working members of the lodge sufficient time
to have left their workplace to attend the meeting rather than have to take time off work, which
might mean some members having to take annual holiday leave, thus impacting on their home
and family life. Whilst it is acknowledged that each lodge will have its own preference for start
times, it is suggested, by way of guidance, that meetings should ideally start no earlier than
5.30pm and, if at all possible, preferably slightly later on a weekday. At Installation meetings it
is accepted that meeting may well have to commence earlier due to the nature of the ceremony.
Similarly, it is also suggested that lodges give due consideration to concluding their festive
boards such that, ideally, members are able to return home at a reasonable hour rather than very
late. It is appreciated that at the Installation meeting this may not always be possible and again
this suggestion is only intended as guidance for lodges. Bringing the meal forward and
reducing the time spent between the meeting and the festive board can often be used to great
effect for this purpose.
The most common queries to arise within lodges relate to protocol and salutations.
Generally queries relating to protocol can be dealt with under the following headings:

An official visit to the lodge of the RWPGM, the VWDPGM or one of the W.Bro.
APGMs, including Installations, regular ceremonies and special meetings when
members of the Provincial Executive might also be present.

Whenever a DV from within the Province of East Kent, being the RWPGM, VWDPGM or an
APGM, is due to officially attend a lodge meeting accompanied by Active Provincial Officers,
including on occasions the Installation meeting, he will always be escorted by either the
PrGDC, one of the PrDGDCs or one of the PrDC team members. On such occasions the lodge
DC will generally not have to concern himself with salutations other than those to the Grand
Officers and Provincial Officers and in all instances the salutations will always be given
immediately after the DV has been welcomed into the lodge and before any further business
takes place within the lodge.

The DV should always be seated to the immediate right of the WM.


An official visit to the lodge of the RWPGMs Representative at Installation


For an Installation meeting, when the RWPGM has appointed a Grand Officer, the Provincial
Senior Grand Warden or the Provincial Junior Grand Warden as his Representative, there are
some basic rules in respect of salutations and protocol, which should always be followed.
- An official Representative of the RWPGM, unless the VWDPGM or a W.Bro. APGM,
should not be offered the gavel when the WM welcomes him at the meeting.
- The official Representative should always be seated to the immediate right of the WM, even if
there are other brethren present who are of a higher rank, who should be seated to the
immediate right of the official Representative.
- It is usual to invite the official Representative to close the VSL at the end of the meeting,
assisted by the lodge DC.
- The official Representative may be invited, in advance, by the lodge Secretary to present a
Grand Lodge Certificate to one of the members following the Installation ceremony, but he
should not be asked to do any other work within the lodge meeting.
- When an official Representative of the RWPGM attends an Installation meeting he will
always be placed immediately behind the Wardens in the outgoing procession, even if there are
brethren of a higher rank present at the meeting. Those present with ranks above that of the
official Representative would then be placed immediately behind the official Representative
according to their rank and seniority, including the lodge Chaplain if it is the lodge tradition
that he is brought out in the outgoing procession. For other general details regarding the visit
of an official Representative see the ceremonials section in this handbook.

The attendance at a meeting of a present or past RW, VW or W.Bro. APGM from

within the Province of East Kent as well as from outside the Province.

Whenever a meeting occurs that is not one of an official notification and it is attended by a
present or past RW, VW or a W.Bro. APGM, an Officer of the Provincial Executive, or past
Executive Officer of the Provincial Grand Lodge of East Kent, or a visitor of similar rank from
another Province or District, they should be escorted into the lodge by the DC before the WM
enters and be suitably seated.
In all instances, when one or more of the above brethren is in attendance, he should always be
afforded the correct salutations according to the seniority of his rank as set out in the following
Whenever salutations are given they should be expedited according to the rank and order of
seniority of the visitor present. i.e. if no RW brethren are present but VW brethren are, the
lodge DC should call upon all those below the rank of a VW brother to rise and then proceed to
instruct the brethren on the correct method of salutation using the visitors full title, name and
ranks. If several brethren of equivalent rank are present then the senior brother, determined
from his rank or year of appointment, will respond on behalf of all those of equivalent rank and
he should be named using his full title, name and rank accordingly when announcing the

Salutations to the remaining visitors/brethren should then follow in a similar format in

descending order according to seniority of title or rank until the salutations are complete,
irrespective of whether they are of present or past ranks.
By way of general guidance the following list of salutations may be of assistance to lodge DCs
and apply to brethren of both present and past ranks.
Salutations to a Grand Master
Salutations to a Pro Grand Master
Salutations to a Deputy Grand Master
Salutations to an Assistant Grand Master


On arrival of any of the above being announced, all officers of Grand Lodge, Provincial and
District Grand Lodges of all Provinces or Districts, and London Grand Ranks, should retire to
escort him into the lodge and the salutations should always be given in the 3rd degree.
Salutations to a RW Brother
Salutations to a VW Brother
Salutations to an Assistant Provincial Grand Master
Salutations to a Grand Officer
Salutations to a Provincial Grand Officer


The only possible exception is when one of the above attends a lodge of which he is a member
and has specifically requested that salutations are not given to him. If, however, there are other
brethren present of such rank that the lodge will afford them salutations in accord with the
above, then no brother, albeit a member of the lodge should then be specifically left out of the
salutations just because he wishes the lodge should do so.
Any brother attending an Installation meeting of a rank higher than the official Representative
and being a RW, VW, W.Bro. APGM, or a Grand Officer (if the official Representative is a
Provincial Officer), irrespective of whether they are of present or past ranks, should always
receive salutations before the official Representative in the order of the highest ranks first and
subsequently in descending order. There is no exception to this protocol.
Please refer to the latest edition of the Freemasons Manual for East Kent, (blue book issued
following the summer recess in any year), for the current titles, honorifics and ranks of those
entitled to the various salutations as listed above. In the event of a promotion or appointment to
a new Office of any of the above following the issue of the last edition of the East Kent
Manual, the lodge Secretary will have received such updated information on any particular
brother from the Provincial Office at the time the promotion or appointment is officially
announced. It is therefore advised that the DC contacts the lodge Secretary for the latest
information, or the Provincial Office if the Secretary is unsure.
For general guidance, whenever one of the above is present at a meeting, the DC should call the
brethren to order at the time the salutations are given for each respective rank in order of
seniority using the following.
All below the rank of a [MW / RW / VW Brother ] | (if an APGM) APGM (or Grand Officer
or Provincial Grand Officer) will rise.
The DC should then proceed to announce and give the salutations as previously described.


The RWPGM has expressed a wish that Active Provincial Officers (APOs), during their year of
appointment, should be encouraged to visit lodges and accompany the DV on the occasion of
an official visit.
When this occurs it is intended the lodge DC will be informed in advance of the meeting by the
PrDC, the names, ranks and number of APOs who have indicated their wish to accompany the
DV to the meeting. It is the APOs responsibility to contact the lodge Secretary in advance of
the meeting to confirm his attendance and if dining, he will also be responsible for his dining
fee. Should an APO have confirmed his wish to attend and dine and should not, for whatever
reason, he will still be liable to the lodge for paying his dining fee, unless of course he has
subsequently given sufficient prior notice to enable the dining list to be adjusted accordingly to
prevent the dining fee being incurred.
All APOs present at the meeting will remain outside the lodge with the DV whilst it is opened
in the appropriate degree and will form part of the deputation when he is admitted. It is advised
that sufficient seats are reserved within the lodge in advance of the meeting being opened to
enable the APOs to be instructed where they are to be seated by the PrDC. It is suggested the
APOs reserved seats should be forward of the centre of the lodge and readily accessible to
enable them to
move easily to and from their seats when the incoming deputation is dispersed, or the exit
procession is formed, by the PrDC when he indicates to them to move.
On those occasions which are not the official visit of a DV and when APOs are present, the DC
will place both the Active and Past Provincial Officers behind the Grand Officers according to
their Provincial Rank in the exit procession. The APOs should not be given preference on these
occasions and will only precede a Past Provincial Officer should his rank merit it.
At the festive board the APOs should ideally not be seated together but spread amongst the
members at the various tables.
Similarly, should the occasion also have the VWDPGM, APGMs and members of the
Provincial Executive present, the VWDPGM should always be seated on the top table to the
immediate right of the RWPGM or, if the RWPGM is not present, the WM. The APGMs,
together with the members of the Provincial Executive and Active Officers may be seated
within the body of the lodge amongst the members.
Generally these meetings should be very familiar territory for the DC and it is therefore deemed
unnecessary to offer any particular advice on how a lodge should prepare for them, as it will
often have its own format for their conduct.
The exception to this is when a Regular lodge meeting is to receive an official visit from the
RWPGM, the VWDPGM or one of the W.Bro. APGMs. For such an event the lodge will have
had advance notice of the impending visit from the Provincial Office and further general
guidance is contained in the appropriate section of this handbook to cover these occasions.
Should the lodge be about to receive an official visit from the RWPGM, VWDPGM or one of
the W.Bro. APGMs to a Regular meeting, IT IS PROTOCOL for Grand Officers and Provincial
Grand Lodge Officers and holders of London, District and Overseas Grand Rank (if present), to
wear FULL DRESS REGALIA on these occasions and it is advised the lodge Summons should
make specific reference to this for the sake of clarity.

It is suggested that lodges give consideration to circulating the Minutes of the previous
meetings as a means of ensuring all lodge members are kept informed of lodge business. This
action might also enable the meeting start time to commence a little later for the convenience of
working members, as previously mentioned.
With the more common use of the internet, and emails in particular, providing the lodge has
obtained the members permission to do so, it is also suggested that lodges consider
distributing, by way of an attachment to an email, a copy of the previous meetings Minutes,
Summons and other various documents as may be required from time to time, which can prove
to be most effective, with the added bonus of saving on lodge expenditure and postage during
the course of the year.
It is suggested that whenever a ballot takes place within a lodge, either the WM or those
responsible for conducting the ballot should, for the sake of the new members who may be
present and may not have balloted before, explain the correct method of balloting within the
lodge. It is also suggested the members be reminded of the number of black balls that would
cause an exclusion and the lodge DC should therefore be familiar with the lodge by-laws
regarding the number of black balls required to cause such an cause an exclusion. If those
conducting the ballot are of the opinion a ball might have mistakenly been placed in the nay
box, it is better the ballot is re-run to confirm the result, or prove, as had been thought, that a
mistake had occurred. It goes without saying that prior to a ballot being taken, the lodge should
have carefully followed the usual procedures by way of making such general enquiries of any
proposed joining member as well as additionally conducting interviews of any prospective
candidates. If this procedure has been followed correctly then the likelihood of a ballot
returning a black ball result should be minimised.
Where a lodge wishes to present the working ritual of a visiting demonstration team, lodges
should be aware that the ritual of a recognised Grand Lodge, which works in English, may be
demonstrated at a meeting of a private lodge providing:
- Only Master Masons are present.
- The lodge has been closed or Called Off for the duration of the demonstration and the lodge
room remains fully Tyled throughout.
Where a lodge wishes to rehearse or demonstrate its normal ritual at one of its meetings
(because it has no candidate), present a lecture, or have a debate, there is no objection to the
presence of Entered Apprentices or Fellow Crafts, who have already received the degree for the
demonstration ritual, lecture or debate being presented, there is no need for the lodge to be
Called Off.
Whenever a DV is present on an official visit and has witnessed an Initiation, Passing or
Raising ceremony, the lodge DC should ensure the Deacon escorting the candidate immediately
takes the candidate to the DV to enable him to personally offer his congratulations, once the
WM has done so.
If the RWPGM is present on an official visit, it is now becoming commonplace for him to
personally welcome all Initiates and Fellow Crafts present at the meeting into freemasonry.
They will usually be escorted to the RWPGM by the PrDC for the RWPGM to welcome them


at the end of the second rising and the DC should ensure any present are suitable located,
preferably on the front seats, to enable this to happen.
Without exception, whenever an Initiation ceremony occurs on the occasion of an official visit
by the RWPGM, VWDPGM or a W.Bro. APGM, the Initiate will always take precedence when
being seated at the festive board and will be seated to the immediate right of the WM with the
DV then seated to the immediate right of the Initiate. The Initiate will also be brought into the
festive board immediately behind the WM when the PrDC announces the WM, Initiate and DV.
The Installation meeting is generally considered to be the highlight and often the showpiece of
any lodge year and as such the DC should be particularly mindful of the occasion and the work
he has to do. By way of guidance he should have prepared the brethren and himself for the
occasion well in advance by ensuring sufficient LoIs have been undertaken to enable the
meeting to flow smoothly. It is important to both encourage and ensure all those involved in
the ceremony are well rehearsed, including those visiting WMs who are invited to participate, if
they are available. Special attention to detail may be needed to ensure the newly invested
Officers are aware of their duties, and particularly the new Officers involved in closing the
meeting and the formation of the outgoing procession.
For the festive board ensure all those involved in proposing the toasts are properly briefed in
the correct preamble to be used when a DV or the official Representative of the RWPGM will
be present. If the Masters song is traditionally sung at the festive board, remember also to
instruct both the SW and JW on the toasting procedure required during the song, as well as the
method of approaching the newly Installed WM.
Following the last round of lodge DC/ADC seminars within the Province the following points
were raised, which lodges might wish to consider to enable Installation meeting ceremonies to
proceed expeditiously.
During the Inner Working:
- Consider not Calling Off and Calling On again if at all possible.
- Consider allowing the DV or official Representative to congratulate the new Master on behalf
of all present.
Following the Inner Working:
- Consider resuming into the other degrees to deliver the proclamations, salutations and
working tools, which must be presented in each of the three degrees. (If it is the lodge practice
only to close in the various degrees at Installation meetings, consider closing during the year
when working that degree; it will then involve lodge Wardens and not visiting Masters.) [If a
Master is continuing in office see specific guidance in this handbook.]
- Consider briefly presenting, but not fully explaining the Working Tools. (A Past Master
going into the chair will have had them presented to him previously and will undoubtedly have
presented them himself. It is not logical for a lodge Steward to present the tools to an incoming
Past Master and it is often embarrassing when senior Past Masters are called upon to do it!)
When a WM has been installed and during the investiture of Officers, all Officers should at the
appropriate time always be invested in the usual manner by the incoming WM. On those
occasions, where a WM might continue in office for a second term, consider only investing
newly appointed Officers. The Chaplain, Treasurer, Secretary, DC, Almoner, Charity Steward,
ADC, Organist and those Stewards, if remaining in Office, could retain their collars and merely
stand and court bow when called upon.

A Grand Officer or an Active Provincial Warden will always be present at the Installation
meeting as the official Representative of the RWPGM and further general guidance is
contained in the appropriate section of this handbook to cover these occasions.
The RWPGM requires that all visits to a lodge by a brother appointed to represent him should
normally be one of encouragement and goodwill and never of criticism.
In all cases the Provincial Grand Secretary will have sent details of the official Representative
to the lodge Secretary well in advance of the Installation meeting together with his CV.
Occasionally the appointed official Representative to the Installation meeting might be the
VWDPGM or one of the W.Bro. APGMs and as well as the DVs details and CV being sent to
the lodge Secretary, the letter from the Provincial Office will have additionally included the
contact details of his escorting PrDC. Further general guidance is contained in the appropriate
section of this handbook to also cover these occasions. On these occasions the DV will always
be offered the Gavel with warm words of welcome by the WM when he first arrives at the
WMs pedestal and once completed, the WM will then sit as the prompt to the DV to also sit.
(The DV will not sit until the WM does).
If the Representative of the RWPGM is the VWDPGM or one of the W.Bro. APGMs, the
Secretary DOES NOT read the letter of appointment and the DV is not welcomed again during
the meeting, this having already been done formally on his arrival at the WM pedestal.
The letter appointing the Representative of the RWPGM who IS NOT A DISTINGUISHED
VISITOR SHOULD ALWAYS BE READ by the lodge Secretary immediately after the lodge
Minutes of the previous meeting have been confirmed and the WM will then stand and formally
welcome the RWPGMs Representative, WITHOUT OFFERING THE GAVEL, at this point
as previously mentioned.
In all instances IT IS ALSO PROTOCOL for Grand Officers and Provincial Grand Lodge
Officers to wear FULL DRESS REGALIA at Installation meetings and it is advised the lodge
Summons should make specific reference to this for the sake of clarity.
It is also now becoming common practice for lodges to receive a visit from the RWPGM, the
VWDPGM or one of the W.Bro. APGMs to present a Long Service Certificate (LSC) as a mark
of recognition for the faithful service the recipient has given to freemasonry during the period
of his membership of the craft.
The LSC will have been sent to the lodge Secretary in advance of the meeting, which should
immediately be checked for accuracy against the lodge book of Declarations. The PrDC will
require confirmation the lodge has received it when the lodge DC contacts him.
The usual letter of welcome, sent in advance of the meeting from the lodge Secretary to the DV
and the PrDC, together with a copy of the Summons for the meeting, should additionally
include a CV setting out both the life and masonic career of the recipient. (It will be of
assistance if the PrDC can also be sent a copy to enable him to further brief the DV before the
meeting). The CV will be used by the DV at the time he addresses the recipient during the
presentation of the LSC.
The recipient should always be seated on these occasions to the immediate right of the DV
before the meeting commences and if a White Table meeting, the recipients wife (or partner)
should be seated next to him when the ladies are brought into the lodge.


The ceremonial used for the actual presentation of the LSC is identical, irrespective of whether
it is a Regular meeting or a White Table meeting. The main differences between the two being
on the formation of the exit procession. At a Regular meeting the PrDC will form a full exit
procession whereas at a White Table meeting the exit procession will be restricted to just a few.
These special events, which might be held at Regular, Extraordinary or White Table meetings,
will require forward planning. As such, discussions with the Provincial Grand Secretary and
the PrGDC for this specific type of meeting, when DVs and members of the Provincial
Executive will also be present, is essential and should be held well in advance of the meeting to
enable the correct arrangements, ceremonial proceedings and an understanding of the overall
format for the event to be agreed.
It would be of assistance at the preliminary discussions to bring a layout of the temple showing
the maximum available seating, an indication of any special guests who might be also present,
i.e. past DVs and whether the lodge intends making any special presentations.
In all instances the Provincial Office will have previously been in communication with Grand
Lodge to ensure any specific formalities required for the event have been complied with.
As these special events can follow different formats, no ceremonial procedures are offered in
this handbook as these will be finalised and personalised for each event as and when they
As well as at Regular lodge meetings, it is also becoming increasingly common and is now
actively encouraged by the RWPGM for non-masonic guests, such as wives, partners and
family members, to be invited to share in proceedings such as LSC presentations, Banner
Dedications and even Centenary celebrations. When these occur on what would have normally
been a Regular meeting, further ceremonial guidance, where applicable, is now offered in the
appropriate section of this handbook to assist DCs on the procedures to be followed when a
White Table meeting is conducted with non-masons present.
On all White Table occasions it is usual to invite the ladies, families and friends of lodge
members to present themselves for reception in the bar or dining area while the formal lodge
meeting proceedings are in progress. It may also be considered desirable to nominate one or
two Stewards to entertain them while the formal meeting proceedings are being conducted.
On those occasions when a DV is not present and the non-masons are later invited into the
lodge to witness a talk or presentation, they should ideally always be escorted into the lodge by
the DC/ADC and seated, either with their partners or on the front seats, which should be
vacated following the formal meeting closure. On completion of the non-masonic work it is
left to the lodge to determine if an outgoing procession is to be formed and if so it is
recommended that the procession should be of an informal nature with just the DCs, Deacons
and the WM and his lady/partner forming up, rather than following the usual format. Many
lodges choose not to form an outgoing procession and simply retire from the lodge with their
partners to the White Table festive board.
Whilst not strictly PROTOCOL for such an event at which a DV is not present, it is suggested
the Grand Officers and Provincial Grand Lodge Officers wear FULL DRESS REGALIA on
these occasions to highlight the splendour of the meeting and our temples.


It is also now becoming common practice for lodges to receive a visit from the RWPGM, the
VWDPGM or one of the W.Bro. APGMs for a White Table meeting involving a LSC
presentation and further ceremonial guidance is now offered in the appropriate section of this
handbook for these occasions, as previously mentioned
When Banner Dedications or Centenary celebrations are conducted in the form of a White
Table meeting with ladies and non-masons present, discussions with the Provincial Grand
Secretary and the PrGDC, when DVs and members of the Provincial Executive will also be
present, are essential and should be held well in advance of the meeting to enable the correct
arrangements, proceedings and format for the event to be agreed.
On the occasion of a visit to a White Table or a special meeting by a DV and when members of
the Provincial Executive may also be present, IT IS PROTOCOL for Grand Officers and
Provincial Grand Lodge Officers and holders of London, District and Overseas Grand Rank (if
present) to wear FULL DRESS REGALIA on these occasions.
Whilst the festive board is a time to generally relax and enjoy the company of those present
after the lodge meeting business has concluded, they should always be conducted with the same
decorum and protocol maintained during the festivities as is expected during the actual lodge
meeting. The gavel, when used for wine taking and formal toasts, should always be respected
by all present. Clean, witty and clever jokes or stories can often enhance the after-dinner
speeches, but the telling of smutty jokes, swearing or blasphemy is not considered to be
appropriate and those proposing or responding to formal toasts should be advised accordingly.
Whilst it is common practice for a lodge to announce wine takings during the course of the
meal, it is recommended that WINE TAKING SHOULD BE KEPT TO A MINIMUM at any
festive board for the convenience of all present. It is now increasingly felt it is unnecessary to
take wine with anyone to whom there will later be a specific toast; thus it is considered
unnecessary to take wine with Grand Officers, Provincial Grand Lodge Officers, or lodge
Officers. On those occasions when a DV, RWPGM Representative, Initiate or recipient of a
Long Service Certificate (LSC) is present the WM may additionally wish to take wine with
them. Most lodges now tend to take wine as follows:
WM with his Wardens,
WM with all present, (including GLOs & PrGLOs present who later receive a formal toast)
WM with Masters of other lodges
WM with the Companions of Holy Royal Arch.*
(*It has been observed that when taking wine with the Companions of Holy Royal Arch, some
Companions have been heard to make untoward remarks to brethren who are not companions
and this practice is to be deprecated and those who do so should be advised this practice must
cease. Just because a lodge member or visitor is not a member of the Holy Royal Arch, for
whatever reason, he and often visitors to the lodge, hearing such comments, should not be made
to feel embarrassed by the untoward comments of another brother or companion).
The above information in respect of wine takings is intended to be by way of guidance only and
DCs will not be challenged should a lodge wish to elongate the wine takings for any reason.


From time to time the Provincial Office will issue the official formal toast list to lodge
Secretaries, and this will be always be amended accordingly following changes to either Grand
and Provincial Officers ranks and titles during the course of a masonic year.
Before commencing the formal toasts the lodge should ideally be Tyled in order that masonic
fire may be given following the toast. Should a festive board have catering staff or nonmasonic persons present, no fire will be given after any toast until the room has been cleared
of non-masons and properly Tyled under any circumstances.
The distributed formal toast list is mandatory and should be used in all lodges at both Regular
and Installation meetings and the running order should not be deviated from for any reason. It
is also unnecessary for the ranks to be announced for any of the mentioned brethren on the
formal toast list and brethren nominated to propose a toast should be advised accordingly.
During the proposers preamble to the toasts, on all occasions a DVs full title is to be used at all
times, i.e. Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master, Very Worshipful Brother Deputy
Provincial Grand Master, or Worshipful Brother Assistant Provincial Grand Master. If an
Installation meeting and the Representative of the RWPGM is the VWDPGM or a W.Bro.
APGM, it is not etiquette to refer to him as the Representative (only the PrDC does so during
the salutations).
A common query beginning to arise relates to whether brethren should remain standing
between the various toasts. For general guidance it has been recommended by the Provincial
Executive that the Loyal toast can immediately be followed by the toast to the Grand Master,
with the brethren remaining standing. However, the brethren should then ALWAYS sit
following the toast to the Grand Master and every other toast thereafter. Should a brother be
unable to stand due to disability or other circumstances, it is quite acceptable for him to remain
seated during all of the toasts rather than cause difficulties.
When taking the Loyal toast it has often been asked if masonic fire should be given. Generally
if the lodge is Tyled then fire can be given. The formal toast list clearly lists the Loyal toast as
being The Queen and the Craft, but it is suggested that on those occasions when the lodge is
not Tyled or there are non-masons present then the toast might just be proposed as The
ABSENT BRETHREN, REGARDLESS OF THE TIME, until after Grace, the Loyal toast, and
that to the Grand Master. If, however, a DV is present the toast to Absent brethren should not
be given until after the DV has responded to his toast.
[If it is the lodge custom to remember Absent brethren at a particular time and this arrives
before the toast to the Grand Master, then the brethren may stand and remember Absent
brethren, but no toast is to be offered and no masonic fire given.]
The formal toast list should never be shortened or abbreviated at any time unless it is the
occasion of a White Table or a special meeting in the presence of non-masons, when further
guidance is given in the ceremonial section of this handbook.
THERE IS NO RESTRICTION on the drawing of a raffle or similar fund-raising efforts, (with
the possible exception of a White Table and other special meetings), which may proceed at any
convenient time after the tickets have been sold. Consideration might be given, however, to
reducing the number of prizes to a manageable few in order not to prolong the event beyond a

few minutes. It is suggested that if the RWPGM, VWDPGM, W.Bro. APGM or the
Representative of the RWPGM are present and have purchased tickets, consideration be given
to drawing the raffle prior to the commencement of the formal toasts, possibly when the tables
are being cleared by the catering staff.
For special meetings such as Centenary and Banner Dedications, including White Table
meetings when the RWPGM, VWDPGM and APGMs are likely to be present, it is
recommended raffles are not held on these occasions and as such mention might be made of
this at the time the Alms are usually collected in the temple to enable brethren to give

On the occasion of an official visit by a DV and once the lodge Secretary has received
notification, it is vital the lodge DC contacts the nominated PrDC by telephone as soon as
possible, who will advise on protocol and procedures. The PrDC may attend a LoI if
particularly requested to do so, but normally a conversation conducted with the PrDC having
used this document as a guide will suffice.
The escorting PrDC will need to know:
- If any other DVs or if Grand Officers will be present and an indication of numbers
- If there are any particular traditions pertinent to the lodge
- If Fidelity is spoken or sung.
- If the National Anthem is sung and if so, it is recommended it is best sung immediately after
the initial head of the exit procession has been formed by the DC/ADC/Deacons and before
the PrDC forms the final exit procession. (Unless it is normally sung at the festive board)
- If the lodge Chaplain is normally brought out into the exit procession.
The PrDC and DV should be met on arrival by the DC, who should facilitate introductions to
the WM and Wardens. If an Installation meeting, the DV or official Representative, who may
be a Grand Officer or an Active Provincial Officer, should additionally be introduced to the
Master Elect, senior lodge members, Almoner and Charity Steward by the DC.
In all instances of an official visit by a DV, being the RWPGM, the VWDPGM, or a W.Bro
APGM, the following procedures are now commonplace.
Depending on the ceremony being worked the DV will be admitted with a deputation only once
the lodge has been opened to the appropriate degree according to the following table:




1 or 2 Degree
Banner, Certificate, or Lecture
3rd, Installation (or full Executive Attendance)

1 Degree
1st Degree
3rd Degree

1st Degree
1st Degree
3rd Degree

If any Executive Officers, Active Provincial Officers, or past Executive Officers of the
Province of East Kent are present, they do not enter the lodge before the DV as they will
usually be invited to accompany him.
Brethren of similar senior rank in another Province or District will enter the lodge before the
WM and be suitably seated.


If the RWPGM, the VWDPGM, or a W.Bro APGM honours the lodge by an official visit, he
will wear full dress regalia and his Chain of Office and will be accompanied by the PrGDC,
one of his Deputies, or a nominated escorting PrDC.
The following notes refer to the requirements of the escorting PrDC when accompanying a DV.
On occasions when the escorting PrDC is the PrGDC or one of his Deputies, their titles and
ranks are used in full when announcing their report, and the word escorting is not used.
A seat and wand stand should be reserved for the PrDC immediately to the left of the Senior
Deacon, or as previously agreed with the PrDC where this is not feasible. If a Third degree, an
Installation ceremony or Officers of the Provincial Executive are in attendance, then two more
wand stands will be required, one to the north of the Senior Wardens pedestal and one in the
centre of the lodge on the north side, usually in front of the Secretarys table.
It would greatly enhance the ceremony if the lodge DC is able to arrange a seating plan for the
brethren who are to form the deputation, thus enabling them to form up and disperse in an
orderly fashion and as has previously been mentioned, this should also include the APOs in the
deputation, if present.
In all instances, the following ceremonial procedures should be read in conjunction with the
general notes and advice offered as described in the earlier sections of this handbook.
The lodge Minutes will not be read, nor will any other lodge business be conducted until the
DV has entered the lodge, salutations given, and the lodge has been resumed, if appropriate, in
the First degree.
Once the lodge has been opened in the degree appropriate to the work being conducted during
the meeting (see table), the Tyler will, on a report, announce the PrDC using his full name, rank
and title. The Inner Guard will report likewise as appropriate.

Worshipful Master, Worshipful Brother.., (full name and ranks), the

Provincial (Grand / Deputy Grand / Escorting) Director of Ceremonies seeks


Admit him, Brother Inner Guard.

The PrDC will enter the lodge and salute, inform the WM the DV, accompanied by other
brethren, as appropriate, demands admission.
The WM should respond as follows

We shall receive him with great pleasure, Worshipful Brother Provincial (Grand
/ Deputy Grand / Escorting) Director of Ceremonies.

The PrDC will request the WMs permission to form a deputation.

The WM should respond as follows:

You have my permission to do so with pleasure.

The PrDC will call upon the lodge DC to take post; the lodge DC will take post in the

The PrDC will call upon the lodge ADC and the Deacons to take post.
The ADC, if situated in the southeast, rises, faces west, takes two paces forward, halts and
awaits the arrival of the Deacons. The Junior Deacon moves to the east, where he falls in to the
left of the Senior Deacon. Both then move to the south, falling in behind the ADC. All three
then proceed to the southwest to fall in alongside the lodge DC to complete the head of the
The PrDC will call upon the nominated Officers of the Province of East Kent (if required) and
invite the Grand Officers present to form the deputation, senior ranks leading.
When the deputation has been formed the PrDC will inform the rest of the brethren of the
procedure for receiving the DV, viz:

Brethren, it is customary in the Province of East Kent to receive the (Right

Worshipful Provincial / Very Worshipful Deputy Provincial / Assistant Provincial)
Grand Master in silence until after he has completed his salutes, you should then
welcome him with hearty applause as he makes his way to the east, however,
your applause should cease once he reaches the Worshipful Masters pedestal.
(Hearty applause does not mean the typical slow Kentish handclap).

Lodge members forming the deputation should also be made aware they do not join in the
welcoming applause when the DV steps off following his salutes.
The PrDC will then instruct the deputation to proceed out of the lodge, led by the DC/ADC.
The Deacons remain within the lodge; changing places, such that the senior is on the right after
the PrDC has passed, ready to fall in behind the lodge DC and ADC on their return to the lodge.
The temple doors should be closed while the PrDC re-forms the deputation.
It is the responsibility of the lodge DC to introduce the members of the deputation to the DV.
The deputation having met the DV outside the temple, the PrDC will call upon them to re-form
in two columns in reverse order, with junior ranks leading. He will then open the temple door,
call the brethren to order and indicate with a court bow to the DC/ADC to lead the deputation
back into the temple.
The DC/ADC will re-enter the temple leading the two columns, the Deacons falling in
immediately behind the lodge DC/ADC as they pass. The DC/ADC will continue forward until
the two columns arrive at the eastern end of the temple about two metres apart. The final
positions should be on the north side of the temple if space is limited and centrally if there is
room available, when the DC/ADC will halt the two columns three paces clear of the east and
after a pause, to allow the deputation to close up, all turn inwards.
The PrDC will announce the DV and lead him into the Lodge.
The DV will salute the WM in the full signs appropriate to the degree he has been received in.
As he proceeds to the east the brethren (other than those in the deputation) will render hearty
applause, which will cease as the DV arrives alongside the WM. The Deacons raise and cross
their wands as the DV steps off and recover them immediately he has passed under.
On arrival at the WMs pedestal, the DV is to be offered the gavel and warmly welcomed with
several appropriate words by the WM. The DV will respond and usually return the gavel, after
which only the WM should sit, followed by the DV. All other brethren remain standing.
The PrDC will lead other DVs or the Grand Officers to their places, who will remain standing.


The PrDC will return to the western end of the deputation to indicate with a court bow for the
Provincial Officers to next, in turn, resume their places, which they should do by passing in
pairs through the columns towards the east before returning to their seats and remain standing.
The PrDC will finally indicate to the Deacons and lodge DCs to resume their places. Once the
deputation has been dispersed the PrDC will instruct the brethren to be seated.
Having taken the DVs book and documents to him, the PrDC will then call the brethren to
order, announce and conduct the salutations to the DV appropriate to the degree.
Once the DV has acknowledged the salutation, the PrDC will court bow to the WM and DV
and take his seat. (If there are other DVs present, being RW / VW or APGMs of present or past
ranks, the PrDC will call the brethren to order and carry out salutations to them at this stage
before resuming his seat).
The lodge DC or ADC will, on behalf of the WM, conduct salutations to the Grand Officers
and Provincial Grand Lodge Officers separately, as appropriate.
On completion of the salutations the WM will, if necessary, resume the lodge to the First
degree and the lodge business will follow, normally consisting of the reading, or if as is now
becoming the preferred practice, confirming and approving the circulated Minutes of the
previous meeting.
However, if a lodge member has died it is appropriate, before proceeding to the confirmation of
the Minutes, to present a short obituary and call the brethren to stand in silence to his departed
If attending an Installation meeting, the DV should be invited by the Installing Master to
congratulate the WM once the Board of Installed Masters has been closed. [Usually the DV
will request the Installing Master to congratulate the WM first, but should he forget, the DV
should be invited to offer his congratulations before any other brethren.]
At the closing of the lodge, the DV will close the VSL with the assistance of the PrDC. The
lodge DC should have advised the PrDC in advance of the meeting whether the words
Fidelity are spoken or sung.
During the Closing Ode the lodge DC/ADC and Deacons will form the initial exit procession in
the manner traditional to the lodge. The PrDC should have previously been advised if the
Chaplain usually joins in the procession and if the National Anthem is sung before retiring.
The PrDC will complete the formation of the exit procession, indicating by a court bow to each
in turn respectively, the WM, who should take his place behind the Deacons, the Wardens, who
next take their place behind the WM.
The PrDC will then court bow to the DV and lead him to a position to the right of and
alongside the WM.
The PrDC will then court bow respectively to the Grand Officers, who will join the procession
immediately behind the Wardens and next the APOs.
The exit procession having been formed, the PrDC will announce:

The Brethren of the ..Lodge, No, will remain standing while the
Worshipful Master, together with his Wardens, accompanying the (full title of
the DV), accompanied by Grand Officers, Active Provincial Officers (by rank),
Officers of Provincial Grand Lodge and other Provinces (if present), Holders of


London, (District and Overseas)* Grand Rank, Masters of other lodges, Past
Masters, Guests and Visitors retire. Forward Brethren
*Only to be used if Officers of District or Overseas Grand Rank are present the designation
Senior London Grand Rank is not used in the Province as London Grand Rank covers
If an Installation meeting and it is customary for the WM to take a drink with the Past Masters
and Wardens before proceeding to the festive board, it is the duty of the lodge DC to propose
the health of the WM and the Wardens. Following which the PrDC will propose the health of
the DV. The lodge DC will then propose the health of the Installing Master.
The DV is to be seated to the immediate right of the WM, unless an Initiation ceremony has
been conducted, when the Initiate will sit to the right of the WM, with the DV on his right. The
DV may also, at his discretion, allow any brother to take precedence at a special event, e.g. a
celebration of a fifty/sixty years service LSC.
The brethren having taken their places at the festive board, the lodge DC, on a signal from the
PrDC, will sound the gavel to bring the brethren to order.
The PrDC will announce the WM, accompanying the DV (and Initiate if appropriate), then lead
them to their respective seats. On their approach, brethren standing on the outside of the Senior
Wardens table as well as the occupants of the top table are to step back, to allow the incoming
party to pass between them and the tables, thus ensuring that the WM and the DV are greeted
face to face.
The lodge DC (or Immediate Past Master) will call for Grace from the lodge Chaplain.
The WM will take wine with the brethren and next, if the lodge custom, his Wardens.
The PrDC will next announce the WM wishes to take wine with the DV, following which the
DV will take wine with the brethren.
At a convenient time the PrDC will announce the WM will take wine with the companions of
the Holy Royal Arch and if the RWPGM is present he will be invited to join the WM as the
Most Excellent Grand Superintendent.
It is now recommended the WM should request the brethren remain standing between the toasts
to The Queen and the Grand Master, following which everyone should then sit.
There will be no response to the toast to Grand Officers, which should be formal.
The brother proposing the toast to the DV should be well briefed, with a current CV respecting
the masonic career of the DV. The CV is also available from the Provincial Office and on the
web site - and will have usually been provided in advance with
the letter advising the lodge Secretary of the impending visit. The formal toast must be read in
full (omitting Grand Ranks) before the toast to the DV is given. The speech should not be
lengthy, nor should his CV be quoted verbatim. When the speech has been delivered and the
fire presented, the brother proposing the toast should sit down.


The PrDC will announce the response by the DV.

Should the DV wish to retire before the Tylers toast, (usually following the WMs response to
his toast, or if an Initiation when he might wish to retire following the Initiates response), the
PrDC will call upon the brethren to stand as the DV leaves the festive board. It is requested
that as the DV retires, those brethren standing on the outgoing route stand back from the table
to allow the PrDC and the DV to pass between them and the tables, to enable the DV to take his
leave of the brethren.
As the DV retires from the festive board, the lodge Secretary and DC should follow to enquire
if they can be of further service before he leaves the premises.
The Provincial Grand Secretary will have furnished details to the lodge Secretary well in
advance of the Installation meeting of the official Representative of the RWPGM, usually being
a Grand Lodge Officer or the Provincial Senior or Junior Warden.
The Representative should be escorted into the lodge by the DC before the WMs entry
procession and should be seated to the immediate right of the WM.
If an Officer of the Provincial Executive, a past Executive Officer of the Provincial Grand
Lodge of East Kent, or a visitor of similar rank from another Province or District is present,
they should also enter the lodge before the WM and be suitably seated.
The WM will formally welcome the Representative only after the letter of notification of his
visit has been read by the lodge Secretary immediately after the Minutes. The gavel should
NOT be offered to the Representative.
If a VW or above in rank in the United Grand Lodge of England or another Grand Lodge,
District or Province, or a present or past W.Bro APGM of the Province of East Kent is also
expected to attend, contact the PrGDC who will be pleased to advise on the salutations,
protocol and procedures.
The Representative is to be saluted with other Grand Lodge or Provincial Grand Lodge Officers
as appropriate to his rank. Regardless of the rank of others present, only the Representative
will respond on behalf of Grand Lodge if a Grand Officer, or the Province if a Provincial Grand
Lodge Officer.
It is customary for the Representative to be invited to close the VSL with the DCs assistance
and the DC should advise him in advance of the meeting whether the words Fidelity are
spoken or sung.
The Representative should be positioned in the outgoing procession immediately behind the
Wardens and never to the right of the Worshipful Master unless the VWDPGM or a W.Bro.
Having left the temple, if it is customary for the Past Masters and Wardens to take a drink with
the WM before proceeding to the festive board, this should be conducted by the lodge DC, who
should first call upon the brethren to drink to the health of the WM, then his Wardens (if
customary). He should then invite the brethren to drink to the health of the Representative,
followed by that of the Installing Master.


It is protocol for only the official Representative to accompany the WM into the festive board,
following an announcement from the lodge DC and the Representative must always be seated
to the immediate right of the WM.
Having previously given guidance on wine taking earlier in the handbook, it is suggested that
on Installation nights, lodges might also additionally consider the WM take wine with the
Representative of the RWPGM at an appropriate time.
There will be no response to the toast to Grand Officers, which will be formal.
The official Representative of the RWPGM is authorised to respond to the toast to Provincial
Grand Lodge.
The DC, in consultation with the lodge Secretary, should ensure that the brother proposing the
toast to the Provincial Grand Lodge of East Kent is provided with the official Representatives
CV. It is not sufficient to simply read out the formal toast to Provincial Grand Lodge Officers
(although this is mandatory) and conclude with coupling the name of... Neither is it
considered protocol to simply read the CV verbatim.
At the conclusion of the festive board the lodge Secretary and DC should accompany the
official Representative to the door to bid him farewell.
The PrDC will, on arrival, tie a ribbon around the Long Service Certificate (LSC).
The recipient of the LSC will, before the Regular meeting opens, be seated to the immediate
right of the DV, irrespective of the recipients rank on these occasions.
The lodge will be opened to the appropriate degree according to the work scheduled on the
Summons and the DV received in accord with the previously described ceremonial procedure.
The lodge will carry out the work as scheduled on the Summons in the usual manner.
When the presentation of the LSC is announced by the WM, the DV and PrDC will rise. The
DV will ask the PrDC or the Provincial Grand Secretary (if present) to read the certificate and
then resume his seat. The PrDC will collect the certificate from the lodge Secretary, remove
the ribbon and move to a convenient position in the lodge, (or deliver the certificate to the
Provincial Grand Secretary if present).
The PrDC will announce:



Brethren, with the exception of the (RWPGM / VWDPGM/ APGM) and W.Bro. /
Bro. (the recipients full names), will all rise.

The PrDC, (or the Provincial Grand Secretary if present), will proceed to read the certificate,
after which the PrDC will announce:

Be seated Brethren

The PrDC returns to the Secretarys table, replaces the ribbon around the LSC and delivers it to
the DV, who rises, accepts it and continues to make suitable comments in respect of the
recipient, afterwards inviting him to receive the certificate.
The recipient will rise at this point and receive the certificate from the DV. This completed, the
recipient thanks the DV and resumes his seat alongside the DV; the PrDC court bows to the DV
and both sit.
At this point the WM or another lodge member may wish to make a presentation to the brother,
who will be given a short period to respond.
The presentation finished, the lodge continues with the other scheduled items on the summons
and the lodge is closed in accordance with the regular ceremonial procedure described earlier.
The lodge having been closed, the DC/ADC/Deacons will form the head of the exit procession
in accordance with the ceremonial procedure.
The PrDC will form the outgoing procession in the previously described manner, except on this
occasion he will indicate, with a court bow, for the recipient of the LSC to join the exit
procession immediately behind the Wardens and before the Grand Officers.
At the festive board, the recipient should be seated to the immediate right of the WM on these
occasions and the DV to the immediate right of the recipient.
The WM might additionally wish to take wine with the recipient, following which the WM
might also wish everyone take wine with the recipient.
The formal toasts are followed in accordance with the current toast list, the DV responding at
the appropriate time accordingly, i.e. if the RWPGM is present he will respond to his toast and
if the VWDPGM or a W.Bro. APGM is present, he will respond to the toast to the Provincial
Grand Officers.
Following the WMs response to his toast, the WM might additionally wish to propose a toast
to the recipient of the LSC, who will have the right to respond should he wish to do so.



This ceremonial procedure is applicable only when a Master continues in office for a second
term and is not to be used for a Past Master who is elected to the Chair. This procedure should
be conducted with the lodge opened only in the First degree.
There is no Board of Installed Masters.
There is no Investiture of an Immediate Past Master.
There is no Address to the Master.
None of the Working Tools, the Warrant, the Book of Constitutions, or by-laws are presented.
No Past Masters Jewel is presented to the WM; this is only done when his successor is
The Representative of the RWPGM will be escorted into the lodge by the DC and take his seat.
He will be formally welcomed at the appropriate time.
If the lodge is to receive a DV (i.e. the RWPGM, his Deputy or an APGM) the lodge will be
opened as usual and he will be received and welcomed in the traditional manner, but in the First
degree only on this occasion
Salutations to Grand Officers and Provincial Grand Lodge Officers should be given only after
the letter from the PrGSecretary is read. (Unless the PrDC has already given them earlier when
a DV attends).
At the appropriate time on the Summons the WM will address the brethren:

Brethren item on the agenda. (with no reference to an Installation)

The WM then requests those brethren selected to assist him to occupy the Wardens and Inner
Guard chairs and the lodge DC escorts them to their appropriate positions.
Should the WM wish to thank his Officers personally it should be done at this stage when they
may line up and approach him. Those progressing in Office will have their collars collected
and all will be seated in seniority in the northeast if progressing in Office.
The lodge DC stands and addresses the brethren.

Brethren, Worshipful Brother . having been re-elected as Worshipful

Master of this Lodge I now proclaim that he will continue as Master of the
. Lodge, No.. on the Register of the United Grand Lodge of England,
until the next regular period of election within this lodge, and until a successor
shall have been duly elected and Installed in his stead, and I call upon you to
greet him with three taking the time with me.

The lodge DC leads the brethren in the salutations using the Entered Apprentice sign, three
times and afterwards instructs them to be seated.
The WM rises and acknowledges the salutations and afterwards sits.

Brethren, I thank you for your Masonic salutations.

The lodge DC rises, moves to the centre of the lodge and addresses the WM:

Worshipful Master, will you be pleased to appoint and invest your officers.


The WM then appoints and invests his Officers in the traditional manner, however, those
Officers continuing in Office may simply court bow on their name being announced, if the
lodge so desires.
When completed the lodge DC addresses the WM.
Worshipful Master that completes the appointment and investiture of your
The Address to the Wardens is given.
The Address to the Brethren is given.
The Master then continues with the agenda of the lodge meeting.


The lodge will be opened in the usual manner, (with only masons present) and the RWPGM /
VWDPGM / W.Bro. APGM will be received in due form in accordance with current protocol,
immediately after the lodge has been opened and before the Minutes are read or approved or
any other lodge business conducted. The DV will be received either in the First or Third
degree depending on the nature of the business to be conducted. (If a number of Provincial
Executive Officers attend for a special occasion, they will wear tailcoats and the lodge will
always be opened in the Third degree before they enter).
If the meeting is an emergency/extraordinary meeting, requiring dispensation, this should be
read immediately after the lodge is opened and no other Minutes will be read or confirmed.
Following the Salutations to the DV, Grand and Provincial Officers, the lodge will be resumed
in the First degree.
If a Regular meeting, the Minutes of the previous meeting will be read and/or confirmed if
The Regular lodge business will be conducted.
The lodge will be closed.
The VSL having been closed by the DV, the normal exit procession will not be formed.
The singing of the Closing Ode may be postponed until the end of the proceedings involving
the non-masonic guests, although it is suggested this is either done immediately following the
Closing or not at all, as the non-masonic guests will not know the words of the Closing Ode.
[Brethren remain in the lodge, wearing regalia].
It may be necessary to adjust seating in the lodge to allow the ladies to sit next to their
husbands or partners and this adjustment should be made while the DCs are outside arranging
the guests procession. Alternatively, brethren should just vacate seats in the front row/s to
provide sufficient space for the ladies and guests to sit on entry.
[If a LSC presentation, the recipient will be seated next to the DV at this point].

The escorting PrDC will request the lodge DC/ADC to take post and all the DCs will retire to
escort the guests into the lodge. The escorting PrDC will escort the DVs lady and those of any
Executive Officers present, who generally should be seated close to their respective
husbands/partners; the lodge DC will escort the remaining guests to their seats.
When the guests are ready to enter the lodge, the lodge ADC (from the door) will announce:

Please be upstanding Brethren, to receive our guests

When the guests have been received and have sat down, the WM will complete any agreed nonmasonic business and at the appropriate time announce the LSC Presentation / Banner
Dedication / Centenary celebration and call upon the DV to conduct it.
The Presentation / Dedication / Celebration will be conducted in accordance with the Provincial
Ceremonial Manual, except that no masonic signs or salutations will be given, and the words
So mote it be following prayers and hymns (if applicable) will be replaced by Amen.
The PrDC will, on arrival, tie a ribbon around the Long Service Certificate (LSC).
The LSC presentation having been announced by the WM, the DV and PrDC will rise. The DV
will ask the PrDC or the Provincial Grand Secretary (if present) to read the certificate and then
resume his seat. The PrDC will collect the LSC from the lodge Secretary (removing the
ribbon) and move to a convenient position in the lodge, (or deliver the certificate to the
Provincial Grand Secretary if present).
The PrDC will announce:

The Brethren of the Lodge, No. .., with the exception of W.Bro / Bro. (the
recipients full name), will rise.

The PrDC, (or the Provincial Grand Secretary if present), will proceed to read the certificate,
after which the PrDC will announce:

Be seated Brethren

The PrDC returns to the Secretarys table, (replaces the ribbon around the LSC) and delivers it
to the DV, who rises, accepts it, and continues to make suitable comments in respect of the
recipient, afterwards inviting him to receive the certificate. The recipient will rise at this point,
and having received the LSC, thank the DV and return to his seat in the lodge and sit: the PrDC
court bows to the DV and both sit.
At this point the WM or another lodge member may wish to make a presentation to the brother,
who will be given a short period to respond.
On completion of the presentation, the PrDC will stand, take up a position in the centre of the
lodge and form the outgoing procession. Having called all present to rise and, if required,
announced the National Anthem, the PrDC will call on the lodge DC/ADC to take post,
indicate with a court bow for the WM and his lady, the DV and recipient of the LSC, and their
ladies, each in turn, to fall in behind the DC/ADC and when assembled will instruct the
DC/ADC to lead the procession out of the temple.



When all the non-masons are seated and at the appropriate time when the item has been
announced, the Banner Dedication ceremony will take place in the usual manner as described in
the Provincial Ceremonial Manual.
As previously mentioned, discussions with the Provincial Grand Secretary and the PrGDC for
this specific type of meeting, when DVs and members of the Provincial Executive will also be
present, is essential and should be held well in advance of the meeting to enable the correct
arrangements, ceremonial proceedings and format for the event to be agreed.
When all the non-masons are seated and at the appropriate time when the item has been
announced, the Centenary Warrant presentation ceremony will take place in the usual manner
as described in the Provincial Ceremonial Manual.
As previously mentioned, discussions with the Provincial Grand Secretary and the PrGDC for
this specific type of meeting, when DVs and members of the Provincial Executive will also be
present, is essential and should be held well in advance of the meeting to enable the correct
arrangements, ceremonial proceedings and format for the event to be agreed.
On completion of a Centenary Warrant presentation, Banner Dedication or LSC presentation,
the PrDC will move to the centre of the temple and invite those assembled to rise. The
National Anthem, if required, may be announced at this point.
The PrDC will either court bow or call out the lodge DC/ADC, who leave their places, form
up, and take post in the southwest corner of the Lodge.
The PrDC will either court bow or call out the WM, who, with his lady, will fall in behind the
The PrDC will either court bow or call out the DV, who, with his lady (if in attendance), fall in
behind the WM and his lady.
The PrDC will then either court bow or call out the members of the Provincial Executive (if
present), who, with their ladies, will form up in the procession.
If a LSC presentation the escorting PrDC will then either court bow or call out the recipient,
who, with his lady will form up behind the Provincial Executive.
The PrDC will announce the outgoing procession and then instruct the DC/ADC to lead on out
of the temple.



The festive board seating plan should be prepared as previously described.
All the festive board proceedings and announcements will be directed by the PrDC.
The WM and DV, together with their ladies, on the occasion of a White Table will be
announced and received in the usual manner previously described.
Grace will be given before and after the meal (using Amen), with a limited wine taking list
during the meal.
The formal toast list is not followed and being a restricted toast list with non-masons present
the toasts will always be without fire on these occasions.
Should be reduced to a minimum, be directed by the escorting PrDC, and should include:
WM and his lady who will take wine with everyone, who remain seated
WM and his lady who will take wine with his Wardens and their ladies
WM and his lady would be honoured if the DV and his lady would take wine with them
DV and his lady to take wine with everyone, who will remain seated
WM and his lady take wine with the recipient of the LSC and his lady. **
(**The WM may additionally request that everyone take wine with the recipient of the LSC
and his lady)
WM and DV (and their ladies) take wine with Holy Royal Arch companions and their ladies



The Queen and the Craft
(or The Queen)
Proposed by WM
(WM remains standing to immediately propose the next toast)
The MW The Grand Master
(Using the MW GMs full titles as per the current toast list)
Proposed by WM
(WM and everyone present now sit)
The RW Provincial Grand Master *
(Using the RWPGMs full names as per the current toast list)
Proposed by WM
*(Toast to the RWPGM will be formal unless he is present, when he will respond)
(If a Centenary, the RWPGM will then propose a toast to the lodge as appropriate)
(Officers of Provincial Grand Lodge) **
(Using the current formal toast list)
Proposed by a PM
**(Toast to Province is only proposed if the RWPGM is not present,
and the VWDPGM or the W.Bro. APGM will briefly respond)
The Ladies and Visitors
Proposed by WM
(There is no response to this toast)
(NOTE: There is no Tylers toast on White Table occasions)
(The PrDC will call on everyone to rise while the DV and his lady retire from the festive


June 2009.
Since the revised Lodge DC handbook was distributed in December 2008 a number of minor
revisions have now been incorporated into the handbook as follows:
Revised layout.
Revised advice regarding the wearing of Festival Jewels.
Updated details regarding the wearing of ties in the Province with the introduction of the new
East Kent Provincial tie.
Installation meetings
- WM proclamations at Installation meetings defined for the Province of East Kent.
- Investiture of Officers further defined


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