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###Tettenhook - Copyright SilverDeath and rawc0de 2013 Version 1.0.

Tettenhook Version 1.0.6:
-Headshot only Trigger
-Entity Esp
How to run:
1. Run CS:S
2. Run HolzigTo Injector
3. Tick autoinject
4. Join a game
Known bugs:
-Asus cant be deactivated after activating it once
#Wont fix it since we are too lazy.
Q: Is this ESL/Wire proof?
A: Nope.
Q: Is this undetected?
A: Use at own risk.
Q: 0MFG!11 it h4z v1ruz!11
A: Yep, its a manual virus, please delete your system32 folder in order to run i
Q: Why is it called "Tettenhook"?
A: We asked /b/ for a name...
Settings Tutorial:
The Config.ini contains 7 Sections, "Default", "Insert", "Delete", "Home", "End"
, "PgUp", "PgDn".
The Default Section should define all of the follwing Keys:

The names are self explainable.
A value of "1" represents an activated state, "0" means the feature is deactivat
The Sections "Insert", "Delete", "Home", "End", "PgUp", "PgDn" contain the Setti
ngs for the 6 Hotkeys.
You dont need to define all Keys in them, undefined Keys will have no affect on
the current config.
You may change the Config.ini while the Game and the Hack are running!
Just save the new config, it'll be automatically be reloaded when you press a ho
The Default Config comes with a Rage-Config on default load.
"Insert": A perfect Headshot only Trigger, nospread, this doesnt shake or anythi
ng - however, the trigger is quite good and will look suspicious...
"Delete": This is the Default Legit Setting, no aimbot, no trigger, no nospread,
no norecoil, no noflash/nosmoke, only esp, visual removals, autopistol, bhop et
c. - as long as you dont aim through walls, nobody will see that youre hacking.
"Home": Contains the default Full-Rage setting, this will give you alot of kills
- but also a free serverban if an admin is on the server or voteban is enabled
"End": This setting is pretty legit, normal trigger and visual removals. The Nos
pread is not visible for spectators.
"PgUp": Enables the Esp - and keeps all other settings.
"PgDn": Disables the Esp - and keeps all other settings.
-Source SDK by AlliedModders
-Gabe Newell
V. 1.0.6 (26.06.13)

-Updated Offsets
-Changed Randomize Pattern
V. 1.0.5 R2 (22.05.13)
-Fixed FarESP bug
-Changed Randomize Pattern
V. 1.0.5

Randomize Pattern
Speedhack (Due speedhack was patched)

V. 1.0.4 (03.05.13)
-Updated Offsets
-Changed Randomize Pattern
V. 1.0.3 (18.04.13)
-Updated Offsets
-Changed Randomize Pattern
V. 1.0.2 (21.03.13)
-CS:S Update like 10 hrs after release - fu valve
-Updated NoSky Offsets
-Changed Randomize Pattern
V. 1.0.1 (20.03.13)
-Public Release
V. 1.0.0 (18.03.13)
-Closed beta

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