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My Philosophy on Education

I believe that each child is unique and wonderfully made and a gift from God.
Each child deserves to have a secure, caring, and encouraging place to develop to the best
of their abilities. As an educator, I need to help provide this environment regardless if the
child is with disabilities or not. Each child deserves the chance to make a difference in
society in his or her own way. The ways of ensuring a child can achieve these goals can
be developed through educators guidance, a child expressing individualism, and
promoting an environment that teaches respect and dignity.
An educators role is to be a guide and support in a students academic and social
journey. Providing students with knowledge that is challenging and relevant to their
goals. I believe that allowing a student to learn through hands-on activities and
reinforcing with other materials to gain knowledge. Each student should be able to
express his or her opinions and beliefs in a respectful way. Each student should be taught
to be creative and in a purposeful manner. The educators role is to provide each student
with the academic and socially appropriate learning environment. The educator needs to
be that guide which provides the caring and encouragement for each individual, so he or
she can reach their potential in life.
I believe that each child should be taught how to develop as an individual and as a
vital part of the society. Each child, even a child with disabilities, can be given support to
show his or her individualism. Expressing this through interacting with peers and
providing an environment, which lets a child develop lasting relationships. Developing a
curriculum allows the student to gain knowledge and social skills are an important part of
the educational experience and growth as an individual.
Promoting an environment that teaches respect and dignity needs to be present
throughout a childs learning journey. I believe if a child is taught how to be respectful to
others and themselves will provide a child with a key to the gateway of life. An educator
needs to model how to gain and uphold respect and dignity in all aspects of learning. I
believe discipline is crucial part of learning respect. Each child needs to understand the
rules of the classroom and what rewards and consequences can occur when the rules are
upheld or broken. An educator and the child need to develop a trusting relationship in
order to show respect for each other.
I believe in assisting the students in their academic and social goals is important
for them to be a functional part of the classroom, school, home, and community. Giving
students the chance to make a difference, big or small, in their world around them.

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