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Digital Unit Plan Template

Unit Title: The Periodic Table and Trends

Name: Jun Chung

Content Area: Science - Chemistry

Grade Level: 9-12

CA Content Standard(s)/Common Core Standard(s):

Standards were taken from the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS):

HS-PS1-1: Use the periodic table as a model to predict the relative properties of elements based on the patterns of
electrons in the outermost energy level of atoms.
HS-PS1-2: Construct and revise an explanation for the outcome of a simple chemical reaction based on the
outermost electron states of atoms, trends in the periodic table, and knowledge of the patterns of chemical

Big Ideas/Unit Goals:

Students will understand the organization of the periodic table as well as its development. Students will be able to use the
periodic table as a reference for finding the total number of protons, neutrons, and electrons in a given isotope of an element.
Students will also be able to identify properties of each element based on this information. Students will be able to identify
periodic table trends of the elements on the periodic table.

Unit Summary:

Students will be learning about one of the most important tables in all of science: the periodic table. Students will listen to a
lecture presented by the teacher. Students will complete a Webquest to further their knowledge of subatomic particles. Students
will also complete a graphic organizer that helps them to identify periodic trends. At the end of the unit, students will
understand the origin of the periodic table, its patterns and structure, be able to define specific facts about the subatomic nature
of given elements and their isotopes, and identify trends of elements through the periodic table.

Assessment Plan:
Entry-Level: Quickwrite What is the
periodic table? List anything you know
about the table, its history, its
organization, its structure, etc.

Formative: Graphic Organizers Create a

visual for a periodic table demonstrating
the four main periodic trends, Timelines
Create a timeline of significant events
that led to the discovery of the modern
atom and periodic table, Quiz Online
quiz, Quickwrite - What is the periodic
table? List anything you know about the
table, its history, its organization, its
structure, etc.

Summative: Periodic Table Groups Project

Do research on a certain group of
elements from the periodic table and
display properties of the group on a
poster board, Unit Test End of unit test.

Lesson 1
Student Learning
Objective: Students
will understand the
general organization
and structure of the
periodic table.
Students will be able
to find the number of
protons, neutrons,
and electrons for a
given element or
Lesson 2

Acceptable Evidence
Students will be
informally assessed
by completing in-class
questions after the
respective lecture.
The teacher will walk
around inspecting
work and asking
challenging and
relevant questions.

Lesson Activities: A quickwrite will be administered asking what students know

about the periodic table. A lecture will be given using the software PowerPoint. A
video will be played from youtube that describes the history of the periodic table
and its development. After the lecture is completed, a list of questions will be posted
on the screen related to the topic of organization and structure of the periodic table.
Students will work in pairs to complete the questions in their notebooks.

Student Learning
Objective: Students
will understand the
history of the
discovery of the
modern atom.
Students will also be
able to describe
characteristics of
each subatomic

Acceptable Evidence:
Students will be
informally assessed
by the teacher who
will walk around
inspecting work and
asking challenging
and relevant

Lesson Activities: Students will work in pairs to complete the Webquest exercise of
the day. Students will be tasked with creating a timeline detailing the history of the
modern atom. If any students complete the assignment early, they can get a head
start on the online quiz provided by the teacher.

Acceptable Evidence:
Students will be
informally assessed
by the teacher who
will walk around
inspecting work and
asking challenging
and relevant

Lesson Activities: A lecture will be given using the software PowerPoint. After the
lecture is completed, students will be tasked with completing the graphic organizer
assignment in which they define the four main periodic trends and give visual
representations of each trend. A rubric will be provided for each periodic trend.
Students will be given the same quickwrite assignment as lesson 1 to assess their
learning of the subject matter. The Periodic Table Groups Project will be assigned by
the teacher.

Lesson 3
Student Learning
Objective: Students
will be able to define
periodic trends using
their periodic table.

Unit Resources:

Textbook: Chemistry: A Molecular Approach (3rd Edition) by Niva Tro - Website where teacher lectures may be posted. - Website where online quizzes may be posted. Students may also use this as a resource to create study resources, such as online
flashcards. This video is provided in our lecture in Lesson 1 and details the history of the modern periodic table.

Useful Websites: - A useful study

resource for supplementing instruction on periodic trends. - Printable periodic tables. - Website where you can see each periodic table element found in nature. - Resource where students can test their knowledge of the elements and their placement on the periodic
table. - Miscellaneous information about each element can be found on this website. - Helpful website with an interactive periodic table for learning about the elements. Supplemental instructional video on the periodic table. Khan Academy provides further instruction on atomic radii trends. Khan Academy provides further instruction on ionization energy trends. Khan Academy provides further instruction on electronegativity trends. Khan Academy provides further instruction on other miscellaneous periodic trends.

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